Jasmine 2.0 rc* waits is not defined - jasmine

Just upgraded to jasmine 2.0 rc5 from 1.3 and now all my tests that used waits() are broken because the waits() and waitsFor() function are undefined. I can't seem to find any reference to that anywhere online, is anyone aware of what is the new API to replace wait() ?

Well, the usage syntax for asynchronous calls changed.
You can easily see the differences between the two versions in its documentations:
Jasmine 1.3 Asynchronous support uses waitsFor() and run() functions.
According to Jasmine 2.0 Asynchronous support, these functions has been wiped out from the library. However, Jasmine 2.0 adds async support to the primitive beforeEach(), afterEach() and it() functions. The callback functions passed to these functions now can take an argument that indicates if the spec can or can't run.
Then, when you reach the necessary conditions to run your test (whenever your async job is complete), you simply call done(). And all the magic happens ;)
From the documentation:
describe("Asynchronous specs", function() {
var value;
beforeEach(function(done) {
setTimeout(function() {
value = 0;
}, 1);
it("should support async execution of test preparation and expectations", function(done) {
The it() spec above will run only after the setTimeout() call, because done() is called there. Note the it() callback takes an argument (done).

Please refer the below URL for Jasmine Documentation...
Section is "Asynchronous Support" in the documentation.


Cypress command vs JS function

The Cypress documentation suggests that commands are the right way to reuse fragments of code, e.g.
Cypress.Commands.add("logout", () => {
For simple cases like this, why would I use a command over a plain JS function (and all the nice IDE assistance that comes with it). What are the drawbacks of rewriting the above snippet as
export function logout(){
// and now somewhere in a test
Based on my experience with Cypress (one year project and several hundred test cases), I can say that a plan JS function is great for grouping cy commands.
From my point of view, a custom cy command may be really useful only if it is incorporated into the chain processing (utilizes the subject parameter or returns a Chainable to be used further in the chain). Otherwise, a plain JS function is preferable due to it simplicity and full IDE support (unless you're using an additional plugin).
If you for any reason need to do something inside the cypress loop, you can always wrap you code by cy.then() in a plain JS function:
function myFunction() {
cy.then(() => {
console.log(("I'm inside the Cypress event loop"))
Commands are for behavior that is needed across all tests. For example, cy.setup or cy.login. Otherwise, use functions.
See official docs: https://docs.cypress.io/api/cypress-api/custom-commands#1-Don-t-make-everything-a-custom-command

Protractor, do I have to use then() after protractor calls?

Is it ok to write:
or should I write:
getFieldX().clear().then( () => sendKeys('abc));
I'm totally confused about the Promise handling in protractor. clear() returns a promise, so I should use .then() afterwards, shouldn't I?
But I found examples with .then and some without.
Protractor itself has an example without .then():
Does Protractor has its own mechanism and resolves one after the other promise so there is no need for using .then() after a protractor call that returns a Promise?
And is the control flow of protractor only active in a spec?
When using .sendKeys() in a normal function I have to use .sendKeys().then(...) ?
This all depends on if you are using SELENIUM_PROMISE_MANAGER or not. As this is (has?) becoming deprecated, I would not use it. It should be set to false by default, but if you want to be sure you can add SELENIUM_PROMISE_MANAGER = false; to your conf file. The way that protractor has been moving is to use async/await, so your sendKeys function would look like:
let field = element(by.css('CSS.Selector'));
await field.clear();
await field.sendKeys('abc');
Because these are async functions, you will need to define your function properly, so a basic spec would look like:
describe('Demonstrating async/await',function(){
it('Should send some keys', async function(){
let field = element(by.css('CSS.Selector'));
await field.clear();
await field.sendKeys('abc');
The important difference there is that a function needs to be defined as async function(). As far as reading the code goes, await simply can be read as "Wait until promise resolved to move on". It does get a bit tedious and you feel like you write await before every line of code (you basically do), but I find it significantly better than .then() trees.

Custom matcher not asserting in Astrolabe/Protractor + Jasmine test

I'm writing some page-object driven tests using Protractor and Astrolabe.
Jasmine is being used to implement describe/it style specs.
Adding custom matchers won't work using this.addMatchers (TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'toContainLowered'), so I used this guide to implement them.
It seems to be working, until I look closely at the output of my test run:
$> grunt test:func
Running "test:func" (test) task
Running "shell:protractor" (shell) task
Using the selenium server at http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
Finished in 6.727 seconds
2 tests, 1 assertion, 0 failures
Here is my code:
var loginPage = require('./../pages/loginPage');
describe('Login page', function () {
var ptor = loginPage.driver;
beforeEach(function () {
jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toContainLowered = function (expected) {
return this.actual.toLowerCase().indexOf(expected) > -1;
it('should display login page', function () {
it('should display an error when the username or password is incorrect', function() {
loginPage.login('bad', 'credentials');
expect(loginPage.lblError.getText()).toContainLowered('invalid username and/or password');
// expect(loginPage.lblError.getText()).toContain('Invalid Username and/or Password');
If I uncomment the last line and remove the toContainLowered matcher, I get the proper output:
2 tests, 2 assertions, 0 failures
I'm having a really difficult time debugging this promise-based code, and any efforts to put a console.log(this.actual.toLowerCase().indexOf(expected) > -1); will print false, which is confusing.
I even tried replacing the entire function definition with just return false;. Which still does not do anything. Finally, I tried passing no argument to the matcher, which should have thrown an Invalid Argument Error or something.
How do I define my own matchers in Jasmine when using Protractor/Astrolabe tests?
I've had similar problems with matchers, in particular with the .not matchers, which all seem to not work. I hypothesise that protractor is extending the Jasmine matchers to deal with the promises, and that that extension hasn't been applied to the .not, or to the custom matchers.
In my case, I wanted a .not.toMatch, and so I just wrote a convoluted regex that gave me what I wanted, with the not embedded in the regex.
I note that your matcher is called "toContainLowered", so perhaps you're looking for lowercase, and therefore you could instead do this with a regex by using .toMatch?
The issue I raised on this on the protractor github is here: https://github.com/angular/protractor/issues/266
I also see, in this code file: https://github.com/angular/protractor/blob/master/jasminewd/spec/adapterSpec.js, that the last commit is marked as "patched matcher should understand not". That might either fix the custom matchers for you, or provide an indication of what needs to be done to fix that custom matcher.
EDIT: now looking further into that issue thread, I see you've already been there. Which makes my answer somewhat superfluous. :-)

modernizr todataurljpeg is asynchronous, how to use?

Modernizr's test for canvas-todataurl-type has a comment:
// This test is asynchronous. Watch out.
So.. what is the best practice for knowing when it is safe to use this test. I see it loads in an image, but the library does not look like it offers any callbacks for when to test.
#jedierikb - I think you know the answer, as you helped us with this! But for the sake of others...
In Modernizr 2.x, it takes a little bit of manual work. Async detects will be undefined until they complete, so...:
<script src="path/to/modernizr.js"></script>
(function withDataURL () {
if (typeof Modernizr.todataurljpeg !== 'undefined') {
// Do things with `Modernizr.todataurljpeg`
else {
setTimeout(withDataURL, 100);
Alternatively, use a watch library/shim/plugin, e.g. https://gist.github.com/eligrey/384583
In Modernizr 3.0, we're making 2 relevant changes:
Canvas todataurl detects are all synchronous (thanks to #jedierikb)
Other synchronous detects will have first-class support, probably with callbacks (we're still working out the finer details of this)

Declare "pending" specs/tests in jasmine or mocha

I would like to describe specifications that should be in the code, but implementation of them would be added later. In test results I would like to see them neither passed nor failed, but "are waiting" for implementation instead.
I'm interested if it is possible to do out of the box in mocha or jasmine.
You can declare disabled functions in both mocha and jasmine using xit (instead of it), and xdescribe (instead of describe).
If you want the tests to appear as pending, in mocha you can just leave the second parameter blank in the call to the it() function. For example:
describe('Something', function () {
it('Should be pending')
xit('Should be disabled, i.e not appear on the list')
Update: The behaviour for xit/xdescribe is might change in Mocha if this merge happens: https://github.com/visionmedia/mocha/pull/510
Starting with Jasmine 2.0, writing xit() instead of it() for a spec marks it as pending (as already said in a comment of the accepted answer).
Aditionally, there is a pending() function you can call anywhere inside a spec to mark it as pending:
it("can be declared by calling 'pending' in the spec body", function() {
See also the documentation on pending specs in Jasmine 2.0.
In mocha, you can also use skip:
describe('my module', function() {
it.skip('works', function() {
// nothing yet
You can also do describe.skip to skip whole sections.
