R windows GUI halt execution when error - windows

One of my users is running a script in his R GUI in Windows. He takes the script itself and copy-paste it into the R console. If the user sets some incompatible parameters the script has errors but the rest of it executes giving the impression that everything has gone well. Is there some way such that the R session is terminated if an error is encountered? or any other way to stop execution without terminating the session as soon as any error is spotted?

Just rewrite your script as calls to one or more functions. If this is too much work, you can also just wrap lines of code in a {...} block. Execution will stop at the first encountered error.

halt = function() q('no')
will do the job


How to Start and Stop a server with command line tool in golang

I have a grpc server(golang) which I want to start and stop via command line tool, after stopping the server it should perform some housekeeping tasks and exit the process.
I can do this by keeping a loop waiting for user input. Ex -
func main() {
for {
var input string
//parse input
// if 'start' execute - go start()
// if 'stop' execute - stop() and housekeepingTask() and break
There can be different approaches. Is there any better idea or approach which can be used ?
I am looking for something similar how kafka/any db start and stop works.
Any pointer to an existing solution or approach would be helpful.
I got one of the correct approaches which was commented/answered by #Mehran also. But let me take a moment and answer it in detail -
This can be solved by Inter-Process-Communication. We can have a bash file that sends user signals to the program (if already running) and based on its process can act on it. (even we can have stdin file which process can read and act upon)
Some useful links -
- https://blog.mbassem.com/2016/05/15/handling-user-defined-signals-in-go/
- Send command to a background process
- How to signal an application without killing it in Linux?
I will try to add a working go program.

Python3 How to gracefully shutdown a multiprocess application

I am trying to fix a python3 application where multiple proceess and threads are created controlled by various queues and pipes. I am trying to make a form of controlled exit when someone tries to break the program with ctrl-c. However no mather what I do it always hangs just at the end.
I've tried to used Keyboard-interrupt exception and signal catch
The below code is part of the multi process code.
from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe, JoinableQueue as Queue, Event
class TaskExecutor(Process):
def __init__(....)
def signal_handler(self, sig, frame):
print('TaskExecutor closing')
def run
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signal_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.signal_handler)
while True:
# Get the Task Groupe name from the Task queue.
ExecCmd = self._in_p.recv() # type: TaskExecCmd
except Exceptions as e:
if ExecCmd.Kill:
self._log.info('{:30} : Kill Command received'.format(self.name))
{other code executing here}
I'm getting the above print that its closing.
but im still getting a lot of different exceptions which i try to catch but it will not.
I'm am looking for some documentation on how to and in which order to shut down multiprocess and its main process.
I know it's very general question however its a very large application so if there are any question or thing i could test i could narrow it down.
So after investigating this issue further I found that in situation where I had a pipe thread, Queue thread and 4 multiprocesses running. # of these processes could end up hanging when terminating the application with ctrl-c. The Pipe and Queue process where already shut down.
In the multiprocessing documentation there are a warning.
Warning If this method is used when the associated process is using a
pipe or queue then the pipe or queue is liable to become corrupted and
may become unusable by other process. Similarly, if the process has
acquired a lock or semaphore etc. then terminating it is liable to
cause other processes to deadlock.
And I think this is what's happening.
I also found that even though I have a shutdown mechanism in my multi-process class the threads still running would of cause be considered alive (reading is_alive()) even though I know that the run() method have return IE som internal was hanging.
Now of the solution. My multiprocesses was for a design view not a Deamon because I wanted to control the shot down of them. However I changed them to Deamon so they would always be killed regardless. I first added that anyone kill signal would raise and ProgramKilled exception throughout my entire program.
def signal_handler(signum, frame):
raise ProgramKilled('Task Executor killed')
I then changed my shut down mechanism in my multi process class to
while True:
# Get the Task Groupe name from the Task queue.
# Reading from pipe
ExecCmd = self._in_p.recv() # type: TaskExecCmd
# If fatal error just close it all
except BrokenPipe:
# This can occure close the pipe and break the loop
except EOFError:
# Exception for when a kill signal is detected
# Set the multiprocess as killed (just waiting for the kill command from main)
except ProgramKilled:
self._log.info('{:30} : Died'.format(self.name))
self._KilledStatus = True
# kill command from main recieved
# Shut down all we can. Ignore exceptions
if ExecCmd.Kill:
self._log.info('{:30} : Kill Command received'.format(self.name))
except Exception:
self._log.info('{:30} : Kill Command executed'.format(self.name))
else if (not self._KilledStatus):
{Execute code}
# When out of the loop set killed event
And in my main thread I have added the following clean up process.
#loop though all my resources
for ThreadInterfaces in ResourceThreadDict.values():
# test each process in each resource
for ThreadIf in ThreadInterfaces:
# Wait for its event to be set
# When event have been recevied see if its hanging
# We know at this point every thing have been closed and all data have been purged correctly so if its still alive terminate it.
if ThreadIf['Thread'].is_alive():
except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, AttributeError):
Af a lot of testing I know its really hard to control a termination of and app with multiple processes because you simply do not know in which order all of your processes receive this signal.
I've tried to in someway to save most of my data when its killed. Some would argue what I need that data for when manually terminating the app. But in this case this app runs a lot of external scripts and other application and any of those can lock the application and then you need to manually kill it but still retain the information for what have already been executed.
So this is my solution to my current problem with my current knowledge.
Any input or more in depth knowledge on what happening is welcome.
Please note that this app runs both on linux and windows.

How to debug MPI program before bad termination?

I am currently developing a program written in C++ with the MPI+pthread paradigm.
I add some functionality to my program, however I have a bad termination message from one MPI process, like this:
= PID 37805 RUNNING AT node165
[proxy:0:0#node162] HYD_pmcd_pmip_control_cmd_cb (pm/pmiserv/pmip_cb.c:887): assert (!closed) failed
[proxy:0:0#node162] HYDT_dmxu_poll_wait_for_event (tools/demux/demux_poll.c:76): callback returned error status
[proxy:0:2#node166] HYD_pmcd_pmip_control_cmd_cb (pm/pmiserv/pmip_cb.c:887): assert (!closed) failed
[proxy:0:2#node166] HYDT_dmxu_poll_wait_for_event (tools/demux/demux_poll.c:76): callback returned error status
[proxy:0:2#node166] main (pm/pmiserv/pmip.c:202): demux engine error waiting for event
srun: error: node162: task 0: Exited with exit code 7
[proxy:0:0#node162] main (pm/pmiserv/pmip.c:202): demux engine error waiting for event
srun: error: node166: task 2: Exited with exit code 7
[mpiexec#node162] HYDT_bscu_wait_for_completion (tools/bootstrap/utils/bscu_wait.c:76): one of the processes terminated badly; aborting
[mpiexec#node162] HYDT_bsci_wait_for_completion (tools/bootstrap/src/bsci_wait.c:23): launcher returned error waiting for completion
[mpiexec#node162] HYD_pmci_wait_for_completion (pm/pmiserv/pmiserv_pmci.c:218): launcher returned error waiting for completion
[mpiexec#node162] main (ui/mpich/mpiexec.c:340): process manager error waiting for completion
My problem is such that I have no idea about why I have this kind of message, and thus how to correct it.
I use only some basic functions from MPI, and ensure that there is no threads which uses MPI calls (only my "master process" is allowed to call such functions).
I also checked that one process does not send message to itself, and that the process destination exist before sending a message.
My question is quite simple: how to know where the problem comes from to then debug my application ?
Thank you a lot.
one of your processes has had a segmentation fault. This means reading from or writing to an area of memory that it is not permitted to.
That's the cause and MPI functions often are difficult to get right the first time - for example it could be MPI send and receive functions with incorrect sizes or locations.
The best solution is to fire up a parallel debugger so that you can watch all the processes. It looks like you are using a proper HPC system so there is a chance that there is one installed on the system -- ddt or totalview are the most popular.
Take a look at How to debug an MPI program
My experience with this problem when writing in C++ and using MPI is that this frequently occurred when I did not set MPI_Finalze(); before every return statement.

Using JRI to simulate R console

I need to build an application with JRI that works similarly to the R console. The issue is that sometimes the console will respond displaying a line (for example, after entering x below) and sometimes it doesn't (for example, after entering x = 1)
I tried to analyze eng.parseAndEval(statement) (where statement is the command entered on the console) but cannot tell when to display the response on the console, and when not. Any ideas?
What you are seeing is the visibility flag maintained by R which tells the regular event loop when to print and when not. See withVisible in R for details. However, you really don't want to get into re-implementing the R event loop. Instead, JRI allows you to have R do all the work for you - you just implement the console callbacks RMainLoopCallbacks to handle all your console I/O and then start the event loop. You may want to have a look at JGR - it is a Java console implemented using JRI.

Can methods of objects be called from ABAP debugger script?

I'm just discovering the new (to my system) ABAP Debugger Script.
Say this is my program:
* Assume i have the class LCL_SMTH with public methods INCREMENT and REFRESH
DATA: lo_smth TYPE REF TO lcl_smth.
lo_smth->increment( ).
WRITE 'Nothing hapenned'.
Could i get my script to call the REFRESH method after it exits INCREMENT?
I set the script to execute on calling of the INCREMENT method, and it does so. Next I know I have to STEP OUT (F7) -> which I also do - i just don't know how to invoke the REFRESH method.
Debugger script can do exactly what you could do manually. So you can't ... unless you could manually. Since you can jump manually in the debugger, debugger script can as well. So if there is a suitable call to REFRESH somewhere in the code, then you can jump there and back as well.
