Is the set of all context free grammars with exactly the terminals {0,1,2} and exactly the non-terminals {S,T,R} countable or uncountable? Is it infinite?
As Zack answered in the comments above it is a set of all Turing Machines therefore it can not be any more than countably infinite.
Consider the language
Consider the language
Aabb = {< M > | M is a TM, and M accepts abb}
a) What is the computational problem that is represented by Aabb?
b) Show that Aabb is undecidable.
I tried proving it but didn't know what to do.
You can use Rice's theorem directly and correctly prove the claim by noting that some TMs accept aab, some don't, and acceptance of abb is a semantic property of languages (it has to do only with the strings accepted, not the manner of accepting them). Rice guarantees this language is undecidable.
If you want another kind of proof, consider the following. There's nothing special about the string abb. If this problem is decidable, we'd expect the problem to be decidable for any arbitrary string. If it were decidable for any arbitrary string, we could use dovetailing to decide whether the language of the TM were empty. If we could decide whether the language of a TM were empty, we could take any TM, change all instances of halt-reject to halt-accept, and then decide whether the TM halts on at least one input. Etc. Etc. Basically, you can construct a chain of implications as long as you want but you quickly find known undecidable problems you can reduce to.
We know set A is countable if A is finite or in a one-to-one mapping to natural numbers.
Suppose ALPH be an arbitrary finite alphabet.
I summarize my inference:
a) Each arbitrary Language on ALPH is Countable. (I think this is True)
b) the set of all language from ALPH is Countable.(I think this is False)
c) for Each arbitrary Language on ALPH we have a generative formal grammar. (I think this is False)
d) Each arbitrary Language on ALPH that can be generated by formal grammar, is recursive. (I think this is True)
anyone could help me, and maybe correct me?
Without loss of generality, we can assume that ALPH is merely the set {0,1}. (Any other finite language can of course be encoded using the set {0,1}). Assuming that by a language L that you intend some arbitrary subset of ALPH*, we can assume that L is an arbitrary subset of {0,1}*.
Let S = {0,1}*.
a) The set S is countable. Since L is a subset of S, L is countable.
b) The set of all languages over S then is the powerset of S, which can be put into 1-1 correspondence with the Real numbers. Hence, not countable.
c) I believe that this is false, agreeing with your supposition. However, it depends on your definition of a 'generative formal grammar'. If you allow for formal grammars where individual rules of the grammar are undecidable, and/or allow for infinite generation rules, this becomes less clear. For any particular definition for 'generative formal grammar', where the collection of 'generative formal grammars' is enumerable, then of course, the answer is false.
d) In general, I believe that the answer to this is false. If you restrict yourself to formal grammars corresponding to context-free languages, then of course, your answer is true. However, consider The problem is undecidable, yet the generation rules are pretty clear.
What is an example of a language over the alphabet {1}* which is recognizable but not decidable?
I have troubles finding an example of this. After a long search, I am still curious for the answer though.
A hint would be very welcome.
Since the universe of strings over any finite alphabet is countable, every language can be mapped to a subset of the natural numbers. So you just have to take a Recursively enumerable language wich is not decidable and map it into a subset of {1}*.
For example, in the classic version of the halting problem we enumerate every turing machine into a binary string; you can now sort all the turing machines and define a map f : TM -> N from Turing machines to integers where f(TM) = n if TM is the nth turing machine in the ordered list of all TM.
Now, the halting problem for turing machines coded as unary numbers is r.e. but not decidable.
Imagine a machine that given two machines whose alphabets are {1}*, accepts if the first can generate all strings that the second can generate.
Our machine halts if it accepts. But for strings not in the language (the first given machine cannot generate all the strings the second one can), our machine may halt and reject, or may never halt. This means that our Turing Machine is Recognizable, but it is not decidable.
See the Encyclopedia of Mathematics for more on recognizable and undecidable languages (specifically page 56).
The only subset that is not decidable in {1}* is the empty set.
We can define a Language over {1}* in terms of a TM:
L = { < M > | M is a TM and L(M) = empty }
So we can show that L is not decidable, because a TM U that receive L as a input need to test all elements over {1}* and then decide to accept in case of M rejected all of them, so it will never halt and it means that L is not decidable, implies that the empty Language is not decidable
In Chomsky's hierarchy, the set of recursive languages is not defined. I know that recursive languages are a subset of recursively enumerable languages and that all recursive languages are decidable.
What I'm curious about is how recursive languages compare to context-sensitive languages. Can I assume that context-sensitive languages are a strict subset of recursive languages, and therefore all context-sensitive languages are decidable?
To recognize a recursive language you need a kind of automaton named Decider . It is exactly a Turing Machine tricked by a limited control flow, that is, to ensure it will always halt.
Concerning context-sensitive languages, they are indeed a proper subset of recursive ones. It's trivial giving that the minimal automaton to recognize a context-sensitive language, a Linear bounded automaton is strictly less powerful than a decider. I guess that it would also be possible to demonstrate based on grammar restriction rules.
If your question is only if every context sensitive language is in the set of all recursive languages, you should try to prove it the classical way through formal automata. Ask yourself what formal automaton can simulate generation of context sensitive language and what is used to generate recursive language. Then just try to simulate one using the other. Once you look up the right automata in your textbook, you will sure be able to prove what you want.
set of context sensitive languages are a proper subset of recursive languages.
You dont have to assume this, refer to Peter Linz's book for proof.
According to Papadimitriou's book (3.4.2 (e)), context-sensitive grammars are equivalent to NSPACE(n), which is a proper subset of recursive languages. So, yes, your assumption is correct.
As per my references , I would also say that Context Sensitive Languages are a proper subset of a set of all Recursive Languages.You can find this proof in any Standard Textbook like
> An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata (Edition 5) by Peter Linz
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I'm reading about an algorithm (it's a path-finding algorithm based on A*), and it contains a mathematical symbol I'm unfamiliar with: ∀
Here is the context:
v(s) ≥ g(s) = mins'∈pred(s)(v(s') + c(s', s)) ∀s ≠ sstart
Can someone explain the meaning of ∀?
That's the "forall" (for all) symbol, as seen in Wikipedia's table of mathematical symbols or the Unicode forall character (\u2200, ∀).
The upside-down A symbol is the universal quantifier from predicate logic. (Also see the more complete discussion of the first-order predicate calculus.) As others noted, it means that the stated assertions holds "for all instances" of the given variable (here, s). You'll soon run into its sibling, the backwards capital E, which is the existential quantifier, meaning "there exists at least one" of the given variable conforming to the related assertion.
If you're interested in logic, you might enjoy the book Logic and Databases: The Roots of Relational Theory by C.J. Date. There are several chapters covering these quantifiers and their logical implications. You don't have to be working with databases to benefit from this book's coverage of logic.
In math, ∀ means FOR ALL.
Unicode character (\u2200, ∀).
Can be read, "For all s such that s does not equal s[start]"
yes, these are the well-known quantifiers used in math. Another example is ∃ which reads as "exists".