Database update from Oracle 9g to Oracle 11i. What are the appropriate .dll’s for .net MVC 4.5 web application using Nhibernate? - oracle

Oracle Database is being updated where I work, and I need to know how this will affect .net Application that uses Nhibernation for Mapping to the database.
I basically need to know what appropriate Nhibernate dll files for update from Oracle 9g to Oracle 11i.
What changes would have to be made on the Web.config file?
What dll files are needed in the output directory?
The only online Document I found online was;
However this online example uses a Microsoft SQL Database.

unless you are going to start using the new features of 11g, then I'm pretty sure nothing needs to change.


Can't generate table from Oracle Designer 6i

a little background, I really don't know any technical terms from Oracle. My company have a pre built machine and I'm trying not having to go there backup my files and lose a day of job because I cant.
Recently I'm learning how to use Oracle Designer (6i) to build a diagram and later a table so I can request it to be created... While using the software it requested to install some file for the repository... after doing it, It screwed up every Oracle product I was using... I couldn't connect to PLSQL or even the designer...
After fixing some registry to point to the right TNSNAME and manually adjusting PLSQL, I managed to access both. The problem in hand is in oracle Designer at the "Designer Editor", when I right click a table and select generate, the message bellow shows up
CDD-23564: The file "C:\ORACLE\DSG6I\BIN\cds61.dll" could not be loaded or does not exist.
The specified file or one its dependent files could not be loaded.
This may be because a file has not been installed, or is not
correctly defined in the system registry.
As an example dependency, the Forms Generator files require the
Form Builder files installed as part of Developer.
Check the registry settings for the location of the required
file. Also check the product and any required dependencies
e.g.Developer have been installed correctly.
If necessary, try reinstalling.
The dll mentioned IS and EXISTS on the mentioned folder.
Considering I don't have the Oracle Developer 6i intaller, what can I do? What registry entry should I update?
Designer 6 is long out of support. Oracle has a free tool, SQL Developer Data Model, which does not break.
Even Designer 9i was flaky and would crash at random intervals and poke along with larger schemas. Anything over hundred tables could take days to edit. Ah, good times...
I managed to fix the problem by copying and replacing the whole ORACLE_HOME\DSG6I folder (in my case c:\Oracle\DSG6I, for those confused in terms like me) and the oracle system registry (regedit > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Oracle) from a coworker machine!

Visual Studio 2013 doesn't support MYSQL

i made an application in VS 2010 that ran on MYSQL, the client would download this program and it would create its own MYSQL database. Now that i'm using VS 2013 i can't seem to get this to work again. Unless i included all these Dll files: Microsoft tutorial
so my 3 questions are:
is it no longer supported?
is there a better local database type i could use instead, that doesn't require extra dll's?
will i have to send these dll's every time i update my application now?
MySql was never supported natively by the .net framework, you must install the mysql conector to get full access to mysql or you can use odbc but that's gonna be really slow.
If you want a compacto local db, then sqlite is much better for that Job.
And to send those dll's, it depends on how you do your update, if you have a system which remplaces your exe and leaves in place previous files, then it will work, but if you plan to use an installer, then the installer will have them.
is it no longer supported?
It is supported I am using it in my project.
is there a better local database type i could use instead, that doesn't require extra dll's?
MSSQL if you want.(I am not sure about others)
will i have to send these dll's every time i update my application now?
No, you need to deploy only once unless you are panning to change MySQL connector. You only need to ship the "MySql.Data.dll" along with your project

ODAC/Entity Framework Model Update Issues

We are looking to introduce odac into our application but I am running into a number of issues and I can't seem to find any solutions that fix our issues.
We are using an oracle database and trying to use ODAC 12c Release 1 ( with Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio.
In our model we would like to have multiple schemas so we can perform cross schema queries. The schemas which we select in the filter for the database connection appear when we are creating the model. However when we try to update our model from the database only the default schema is visible. Sometimes this can be fixed by opening the relevant part of the database in Server Explorer in Visual Studio but this doesn't always work. This fix never works after we add multiple connection strings for the same model (depending on the location of the user will depend on which database the user gets directed to).
The next issue we are having is that we can't the return types of stored procedures to be auto-generate. I have tried to retrieve the column information but it is never able to retrieve the metadata. I have seen a few suggestions of modifying the stored procedures then getting the column information and reverting the stored procedures but this is something we would like to avoid. Also the suggestions don't seem to work on oracle databases (but that could be me, I don't have much experience with databases).
The final issue (this is a minor issue) is that I cannot figure out how to get the generate code to omit underscores from the classes/methods generated. This isn't a huge issue it is purely to make it easier migrating the code we have.

VB 6 legacy app migration to Oracle 11g

I have a legacy VB (visual basic) 6 application that connects to Oracle 8 database. We have to migrate this to Oracle 11g. (Heads up: I have never worked on VB)
The application is shipped to 1000+ users as an EXE file. Here is what i need help on:
For Developers, I understand they will need to install new oracle client for the ODBC drivers and once they test their application on 11g. Once they are done they will publish a new EXE file.
Users, Will install this new EXE file but will this be sufficient ? or the users will need to install something extra other than the new application (like a oracle 11g client, DLL files etc) on their end as well ?
Can a VB 6 app be packaged in such a way that it copies all the DLL/dependencies along with it so that end users do not need to install anything else ?
-- Vivek
I can't believe the previous developers just copied the EXE file! I know that the run-time is installed on most recent versions of Windows, but that is ridiculous!
You can use VB6's "Package and Deployment Wizard". Why not try it out? It will pick up all components contained in the References and Components dialogues, and any DLLs referenced in a Declare statement. However, if those components have dependencies, you might have to add them manually.

Is it possible to update a sql database schema from an edmx in Visual Studio 2008?

So with LINQ-to-SQL I know you can update the database from the LINQ objects and update the LINQ objects from the SQL.
I am using LINQ's entity framework (a.k.a. LINQ-to-entities) and I can update the entities from the SQL database, but I can't update the database schema by changing the entities.
This is frustrating. Is there something I am missing? Am I doing something wrong? If this is not possible with Visual Studio 2008 is there a plug-in or other 3rd party application that will do this?
Right now the EF model can only be generated from the database. The database cannot be generated from the model.
Something that is talked about for future versions.
I have been working on extending the LINQ to SQL Database Sync(*) (csdb.exe) tool to work with edmx files. For now, I have got a preliminary, but working, version that can generate and update tables in your database. Relations are not working yet, and you will probably run into some other issues. The code is available on github, under the Ms-PL (as was the original csdb.exe).
Please note the database connection string and edmx filename are hardcoded for now. This is my prototyping version, not a release one ;)
(*) Please google the original tool. Stack Overflow does not allow me to post more than one link...
