EFProf (Entity Framework Profiler) with IdeaBlade - performance

Have anybody used EFProf (http://www.hibernatingrhinos.com/products/EFProf) with IdeaBlade?
I have problems with start working with that. There is the connection between apps (because I see name of the app in toolbar) but no queries are presented.
Any ideas?

In an n-tier or Silverlight application make sure that you call the EFProf initialization on the server. The application_start method in the global.asax is a good place for this.


NHibernate + ASP.NET Identity + Autofac cache issue

I'm building a profile page with update form. After submitting the form with new data and several page refreshes I see sometime new and sometimes old data. It depends on thread handling current request. One thread contains new data and another one old. NHibernate is configured using ThreadStaticSessionContext and NoCacheProvider. In Autofac UserStore, OwinContext.Authentication and UserManager are configured as InstancePerRequest.
I tried to change ThreadStaticSessionContext to CallSessionContext and it started working normally. So the question is: why it works(ThreadStaticSessionContext is preferable for multithread apps) and what negative effects can it bring?
ThreadStaticSessionContext is for long running processes such as windows services or windows apps. For web applications you want to be implementing Session Per Request. This is what the WebSessionContext is for.
I actually don't use any of the contexts and just wire it up myself. See my answer here for an example.

Testing ViewModels in MVVMCorss

I have just started working with MVVMCross for a cross platform app and I am having a hard time figuring out how to test my ViewModels. I tried following the testing done in TwitterSearch and ran into problems. Specifically in the MockSetup.cs I found that in the latest version of MvvmCross there no longer seems to be a IMvxViewDispatcherProvider but that is ok because I think its functionality has been rolled up into the IMvxViewDispatcher. However, when actually setting up the dipatcher for my test cases there is no RequestNavigate method for the dispatcher anymore and I can not find an implementation of MvxShowViewModelRequest. So I can not actually get any tests for my ViewModels to work.
I also tried to follow the testing here http://slodge.blogspot.com/2012/10/testing-viewmodels-in-mvvmcross.html but again ran into issues with missing MvxOpenNetCfServiceProviderSetup.
So in summary, my issue has been getting a MockSetup working so that I can test my ViewModels. If I could just be pointed in the right direction on the dispatcher, I think that would help.
It looks like you are trying to test an mvvmcross v3 application using mvvmcross vnext objects.
The updated twitter search test for v3 is at https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross-Tutorials/tree/master/Sample%20-%20TwitterSearch/TwitterSearch.Test
This test uses a single special mock object: https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross-Tutorials/blob/master/Sample%20-%20TwitterSearch/TwitterSearch.Test/Mocks/MockMvxViewDispatcher.cs
The role of this mock is just currently:
to provide a very simple main thread (it uses the current thread)
to provide simple storage for any navigation requests.
You can see it used in:

ASP.NET MVC3 HttpApplication doesn't fire events like BeginRequest, EndRequest, PostAcquireRequestState

ASP.NET MVC3 HttpApplication doesn't fire events like BeginRequest, EndRequest, PostAcquireRequestState etc. So it works fine but it doesn't fire events! I have tried to reinstall asp.net via aspnet_regiis - but there was no luck. Also i have tried to put events to Application_Start the same result.
I published web site via Web Deploy.
The interesting thing is - i have created new MVC project for testing purposes, deploy it and it works - HttpApplication events work perfectly.
WINDOWS 2008R2, IIS 7.5, ASP.NET MVC 3, all updates were installed.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Example of subscribtion to HttpApplication events:
public MvcApplication()
EndRequest += MvcApplication_EndRequest;
PostAcquireRequestState += MvcApplication_PostAcquireRequestState;
PostAuthenticateRequest += MvcApplication_PostAuthenticateRequest;
There is a pretty good article on this: http://forums.asp.net/p/1306960/2572147.aspx#2572147
It should be a better solution than turning on managing of all requests by managed handlers. The latter is not very interesting for performance.
As you saw from my comments i found a solution, but it's not complete solution, because it should work with runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="false", probably because i don't want, that static content will be involved in integrated pipeline - it's performance cost effective!
So i found real solution thanks to Kev: Prevent IIS from serving static files through ASP.NET pipeline

What is the standard approach for setting up a Visual Studio 2010 solution for ASP.NET MVC 3 project

I am currently working on a ASP.NET MVC 3 project and I am setting up the solution file on VS2010.
I am not sure of what is the standard approach. I am using the following approach
Company.Dept.Data (contains the dbml file - Data Model)
Company.Dept.Business (Business logics)
Company.Dept.Web (contains ASP.NET MVC3 webapplication)
The first two are class libraries and the last one is MVC3 web application.
Anyother recommendations?
There is no single "standard" approach. It all depends on your project and what problems you are trying to solve with the software. Your proposed structure of having 2 class libraries and 1 web project is one way to go for sure.
If you are going to do any kind of Dependency Injection using an Inversion of Control container, you might also want to consider having an "API" project for interfaces and an "Impl(ementation)" project for concrete classes that fulfill the interface contracts.
To echo danludwig, there really is no standard. I prefer breaking up libraries and namespaces according to functionality. Company.Db is my library for interacting with the database, Company.Mail are my wrappers around the Postmark mail service, etc.
I then tend to group like libraries into single repositories. So the 'storage' repository in source control holds Company.Db, Company.Caching, Company.FileStorage, etc. I have another repository 'messaging' that holds Company.Mail and Company.SMS (for interacting with Twilio to send text messages). When I branch out with new apps or new services (maybe a WCF endpoint for mobile clients), I can just pull down the 'messaging' repository, and I have all my class libraries for communicating with the user.
An application then looks like
This way, whether someone registers via the site, or via the mobile app, Company.Mail.MailServices.SendWelcomeEmail() sends the exact same welcome email, and there's no code duplication.
Whether this works for you, or even makes sense, who knows. I've also changed this scheme a hundred times, trying to find a layout that works with my development style/workflow. I wouldn't worry or stress too much about it, because whatever you pick, you're going to find things you like about it, and you'll find things you hate about it. I sometimes fall into the trap of spending more time trying to make everything "perfect", than to just code and change things I don't like.

ASP.NET MVC 3, RavenDB, & Autofac Issue Plus 2 Other Autofac Questions

NOTE: There are 3 questions in here and I did not make separate questions since they are all somewhat related to the same code.
I have the following code that registers the connection to my RavenDB in the Application_Start once per the application's life cycle:
var store = new DocumentStore { Url = "http://localhost:8080" };
Now this works fine and this is something that should be created only once per the application's life cycle. Now I wanted to add in the DocumentSession to Autofac so I tried to add in this in the Application_Start:
var session = store.OpenSession();
In my UserRepository I have the following constructor:
public UserRepository(DocumentStore store, DocumentSession session)
When I try to run this, I get the follow runtime error:
Cannot resolve parameter 'Raven.Client.Document.DocumentSession Session' of constructor 'Void .ctor(Raven.Client.Document.DocumentStore, Raven.Client.Document.DocumentSession)'
That error to me sounds like Autofac does not think it has a DocumentSession however that is what store.OpenSession() returns so it should. Anyone know what would be causing this error? Am I not setting the session variable correctly (it is the same as the store variable which works fine)?
Another thing which may or may not be related to the above issue is how do I add an instance of an object to Autofac per request instead of per the applications life cycle? While the RavenDB DocumentStore object should only be created once be the life application cycle, the DocumentSession should be created once per the request (maybe creating it per application level is causing the error above).
One last question I will throw there about Autofac (mildly related to the code above) is about releasing the objects. If you take a look at this tutorial:
The last piece of code:
and the point of this code is to prevent leaking the sessions. Now is this something I also need to worry about for Autofac and if so, how would I do this in Autofac?
I'm guessing you want something like:
builder.Register(c => c.Resolve<DocumentStore>().OpenSession()).InstancePerLifetimeScope();
"The default ASP.NET and WCF integrations are set up so that InstancePerLifetimeScope() will attach a component to the current web request or service method call." - Autofac: InstanceScope
Basically, in a web app, InstancePerLifetimeScope handles the one per HTTP context aspect, and also disposes any types that implement IDisposable.
There was also the issue that OpenSession returns a IDocumentSession instead of a DocumentSession. Changing my class to look for a IDocumentSession along with doing what Jim suggested worked, thanks.
