How does 301 redirect works - url-rewriting

In a typical DNS like GoDaddy and Yahoo, can a 301 redirect do this: to
However it seems its not possible; Can the app in the otherdomain know the subfolder?
What I mean are those DNS redirects, specifically from naked domain to a www domain
I managed to forward the naked domain from to So can I get the requested subfolder through javascript in the index.html?
Or the re-direct loses the subfolder originally requested?

The HTTP 301 response is not handled by DNS. It's a response emitted by a web server to indicate to the browser that the requested resource has been moved permanently to a new location, and it includes a Location: header with the new URL
For example:
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
As you see, the location header can contain contain any valid URL, including a folder name.
Setting this up is server dependent, but Apache's mod_rewrite is certainly capable of rewriting URLs and including the requested folder name in the response.

If you are on a LAMP stack box, you can use .htaccess to redirect. You can redirect any page on site1 to any page on site2.
Redirect 301 /old-page-name
note, this is not a DNS solution, but I think you might not be looking for a strictly DNS-related answer.


How to fix automatically redirection in netlify page

The url has been refreshed on the netlify page. This will automatically redirect to the api server url, not the netlify url.
In the _redirects file, I changed the http status from 301 to something else, but the results were the same.
Below is my _redirects file.
/* 301
I want to solve the redirection problem quickly. Thanks for reading.
The redirects file must be in thebuild directory. And since it builds as a web page reflecting the build status, it needs to be put into the repository with the built state due to the nature of netlify.

How to rewrite different subdomains as folders within the same site using Netlify

As stated in Netlify seems to support this:
Our flexible rewrite rules also means you can even handle different
subdomains as folders within the same site.
But how should this be configured? Seems not documented anywhere.
I would like to store files in folder /developer and serve them from So for the user it looks he is browsing
You can define redirect rules to do this by defining them in a _redirects file
To serve content hosted on a subdomain to requests coming to the folder URL:
# proxy the request
/my/folder/path 200
# redirect the request
/my/folder/path 302
you can also use wildcards and splats
# proxy the request
/my/folder/path/* 200
More detailed docs on defining redirects on Netlify:

How to set up 301 redirect of specific pages after moving Magento Community to new domain

I moved my site domain from to There are links on the web from other peoples' pages (e.g., blogger) to specific product pages on my old domain (e.g.,
When I set up the URL Rewrite in Magento Community how do I point a specific URL from my old domain ( to my new domain (
I'm trying a Custom rewrite. I know the Target Path is relative. Is the Request Path relative too? If request path is relative than I can't do what I want.
I currently have a general 301 redirect for anything going to to go to I'm assuming that I need to disable this 301 redirect at the domain level for any URL rewrite to work. However the first question to answer is if I can use URL rewrite for redirecting from one domain to another. I haven't seen a clear answer for this in my research. Just that the Target Path is relative, which makes sense, but nothing redirecting from one domain to another.

404 redirect and keep extensionless URL?

I'm setting up custom 404 redirects (.htaccess is not an option as I'm on IIS6), is there a way to do this and still keep the 'fancy' url in the address bar?
There is not such thing as "404 redirects". 4xx range means error.
In any case -- you can use ISAPI_Rewrite 3 which will bring mod_rewrite support via .htaccess to your IIS6 server. It has Light version which is free.

How to use mod_rewrite to map to a different domain and preserve the original

For example: and are on the same server.
When I put in the address bar, I want it to serve the pages from, but still show as in the browser. So, if the old URL was:
the new url would be
You've got a couple options.
Write a proxy on that fetches the content from and displays it to the user.
As both sites are on the same server, point's document root to the same spot as
Use a frameset on with a 100% height frame of
