Magento: How to replace all {{example var="something"}} with actual data? - magento

I’m working on custom feed generation.
All logic is in model. This Model called by cron by schedule.
The problem I’m facing is that in description content data like {{store url}}, {{config path="trans_email/ident_sales/email"}}, {{customVar code=phone}}, etc.
Could anyone tell how to properly replace these variables in model?
Thanks in advance!

Some variables are Magento variables, like store_url, but you can add your own to filter:
Mage::getModel('core/email_template_filter')->setVariables(array('custom_url' => Mage::getUrl('*/*/custom'), 'custom_var' => 100))->filter($description);


Bitrix CMS, how to get cached data based on GET parameter in template of standart component?

I'm working with a component bitrix:catalog (which is standard one) and faced an issue. I want to add some extra GET parameters to switch view mode. I think there is no need to rewrite whole component to make such switcher, so I added extra keys in result_modifier in a way similar to:
$this->__component->arResultCacheKeys = array_merge($this->__component->arResultCacheKeys, array('key1', "key2"));
Earlier in the same result_modifier I perform adding those extra keys in $arResult['key1'] etc. They seem to be correctly saved, but only for current inquiry such as ?view=list or view=card, that means only one variable value is saved and it does not react on changing of GET parameter. Is there simple and correct way to make that component to cache and to output data based on GET variable? The only idea which came to my mind is to rewrite component by adding extra parameter and checking of GET, but I think there must more simple and correct solution to make in via template. Human Readable Links are turned on. And I want to have auto-cash being turned on as well. If I turn it off it starts working as planned.
One of possible solutions is to rewrite it cache by SetTemplateCachedData but it still seems to me rough and incorrect way for such simple task.
Bitrix masters please help me to find correct solution, google can't help at the moment.
If you use standard bitrix:catalog component, you may be use standart bitrix:catalog.section. In that component.php used standart component cache.
That means you can describe additional parametr in you custom .parameters.php, and set it in bitrix:catalog.section params.
Standart component cache set cacheId based on arParams.
So you include component should look like this:
"IBLOCK_TYPE" => $arParams["IBLOCK_TYPE"],
"IBLOCK_ID" => $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"],
Of course better way somethink like
"NEW_ADDITIONAL_GET_PARAMS"=> (in_array($_GET['view'],array('list','card'))?$_GET['view']:'list')
But may be you need just set right catalog params: SEF_MODE SEF_FOLDER SEF_URL_TEMPLATES

Magento Dataflow (Advanced) Profile, default values

I want to create an import from a CSV but i can't modify the CSV file.
So i need to define default values for a couple required fields in Magento (like "type" ( > Simple Product ) etc.
I'm looking at to make a custom Adapter and that inject the missing required values in the array before saving.
But i already get an error that says:
Method "parse" not defined in adapter spaanproductions_basics/convert_adapter_product
So i can't even begin with my custom code.
Maybe someone has a beter idea how to create some default values, or how to fix this issue.
Magento version:
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
Not sure what the problem is, your code does seem to be valid. You could try . OR temporarily rename your app/code/local/Spaanproductions/Basics/Model/Covert/Adapter/Product.php to verify wetter the right class is actually being loaded although I highly doubt that's the problem
-- Edit (See comments) --
try changing spaanproductions_basics/convert_adapter_product to basics/convert_adapter_product your models are defined under basics, not under spaanproductions"
At the first you have to export products as a csv file to catch the structure and then modify that as you need.
Take a look at this answer, it could be useful:
Update Magento products with multiple images

How to add a new field to joomla register form?

I am trying to make a joomla plugin, but I have few questions that I haven't found any answer.
What the plugin has to do: add a new field in register form(let's say Cell Number), and on form submit insert that cell number in database.
My documentation is this tutorial.
How do you add a new field in register form? xml file is done, but I am not sure how to write the php code...(please help). What this code do?
$form->setFieldAttribute('something', 'required', $this->params->get('profile-require_something') == 2, 'profile5');
How do I get the cell number variable from that form? $jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input; ?
Pleas help me with few tips. Thanks!
Just copy the code that is there. What will happen is that the php will automatically loop through all the fields in your xml.
$form->setFieldAttribute('something', 'required', $this->params->get('profile-require_something') == 2, 'profile5');
Is taking the field with the name something and changing it to be required if the parameter called profile-require_something is set to 2 . profile5 is the name of the xml file and the php file for the example plugin. It's the actual name of the plugin. You can have many profile plugins if you want but each needs its own name.
To get the a value you would do something like
$jinput->getString('cell_number', '');

adding attributes to form_open_multipart

I was wondering how could we add attributes to file_upload in codeigniter
right now I am using form_open_multipart('controller');
but I want to add an id attribute to it.
Any help appreciated thanks!
From the User Guide:
This function is absolutely identical
to the form_open() tag above except
that it adds a multipart attribute,
which is necessary if you would like
to use the form to upload files with.
So, you would use it in the same way you use form_open(). Example:
form_open_multipart('controller', 'id="my_id"');
form_open_multipart('controller', array('id' => 'my_id'));

Sorting a view by dropdown

Hey, i've been looking around for a ajax dropdown sorter for my Views in Drupal.
Unfortunatly, i haven't found alot of usefull information about this subject.
Can anyone tell me if theres a solution already available or can help me started on a custom module by telling me which hooks i should use?
I had a similar issue. Unfortunately I wasn't able to sort the data from the database which is by far the best way. I was however able to take the data and sort it with PHP using a preprocessor function. Depending on the name of your view, setup a function similar to the following:
function templatename_preprocess_name_of__view(&$vars)
//Super sweet sorting code goes here
The name of your view needs to follow the name of the template file that it is driven by, if there isn't on you should create one. Make sure to change dashes to underscores in your function name. Hope this is helpful. If you find a way to do it from the DB I'm all ears because that would be super awesome.
