HDFS for Teradata - hadoop

As per my understanding, HDFS is useful for the data that is unstructured and large in quantity. I wanted to know, is it possible to use HDFS with Teradata, as Teradata is RDBMS and hence not so Unstructured?
Also, how does HDFS come into picture with the database anyway. Is it that the File System contains data or , how exactly does it work in simple terms? Thanks

With Teradata DB itself - no.
However:), Teradata is providing so-called UDA (Unified Data Architecture), where Teradata, Aster DB and Hadoop(HDFS) are interconnected and can work together almost seamlessly :).
In general, if you want to work with unstructured data only, choose Aster. Which is product of Teradata and you can be connect with HDFS directly. HDFS is used here as a cheap and fast data storage.
Even more interesting solution will come up with the new Aster version (6), where AFS (Aster File system) is going to be implemented. ASR is a distributed filesystem similar to HDFS. I'm looking forward to give a try as well ;)

To add some more details to the answer of xhudik.
To connect Teradata with Hadoop, you need a connector. One is called Teradata QueryGrid for Hadoop. It is an addon to Teradata DWH and connects to HCatalog. And HCatalog connects to HDFS.
You can also use the Teradata Connector for Hadoop, which is a SQOOP extension and so you can connect to Teradata from Hadoop.


Purpose of using HBase in Hadoop instead of Hive [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
What is the difference between hbase and hive? (Hadoop)
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
In my project, we are using Hadoop 2, Spark, Scala. Scala is the programming language and Spark is using here for analysing. we are using Hive and HBase both. I can access all details like file etc. of HDFS using Hive.
But my confusions are -
When I can able to performed all jobs using Hive, Then why HBase is required to store the data. Is it not an overhead?
What are the functionality of HIVE and HBase?
If we only used Hive, Then what should be the problem?
Can anyone please let me know.
When I can able to performed all jobs using Hive, Then why HBASE is required to store the data. Is it not a overhead?
What are the functionality of Hive and Hbase
HBase is No Sql database which stores the data in key value pair. Hive has integration with Hbase.Hbase HIve Integration
Advantage :- Hive queries over HBase. Think joins and a easy way to do aggregates and simple operations on your Hbase data.
Hbase gives you a scalable storage infrastructure that keeps data online. StumbleUpon uses Hbase for their live website. Hive is not a real-time query engine, so its data store could not be used for similar purposes. Hive over HBase gives you the benefit of both worlds.
If we only used Hive, Then what should be the problem?
If we will use Hive There is no problem . But in project there so many scenarios we have to consider .
Stability of used technology
Compatibility (Hive ware house is easily accessible for most of the Tools in Hadoop)
When I can able to performed all jobs using Hive, Then why HBase is
required to store the data. Is it not an overhead?
I can't say it's overhead or not. But HBase responds to requests in real-time as its database when it comes to Hive it runs jobs on MapReduce/Spark/Tez engines.
What are the functionality of Hive and HBase?
It's a SQL-like language that gets translated into MapReduce/Spark/Tez jobs. it only runs batch processes on Hadoop. for more check this how Hive queries run on MapReduce engine
It's key/value store database which runs on top of HDFS/S3(on AWS). It does real-time operations for requests.
If we only used Hive, Then what should be the problem?
As discussed If the query needs to process in real-time then HBase is the choice over Hive.

Oracle Hadoop Connectors vs Sqoop

I have used Sqoop to ingest data from Oracle to Hadoop and it worked well. It took only 4 mins to bring 86 million records from Oracle to Hive table without using partitions on Sqoop. Can anyone give some details about Oracle Hadoop connectors, Will it perform better than Sqoop?
Most of connectors would have the performance close to same as you'll have have a set of MapReduce jobs on the very end of your workflow and this would play the main role in your overall performance.
Oracle provides a set of different connectors for accessing the Hive and you could check a nice overview about standard solutions but I doubt that on the very end you will expect significant performance differences other then you see in Sqoop:
Sqoop is a generic tool for working with the relational databases from Hadoop realm, and it is not limited by Oracle only. Besides it has an integration with other Hadoop solutions like Oozie for making complicated workflows, which makes it a good candidate over other types of connectors.
Personally myself I prefer Sqoop for Hadoop-driven import-export operations and connector approach for querying the data in Hadoop.
Sqoop will leverage a standard JDBC connection. Oracles connector will work with a fastloader/fastexport class integrated into the sqoop connection. It should be faster that Sqoop.

Does Hive depend on/require Hadoop?

Hive installation guide says that Hive can be applied to RDBMS, my question is, sounds like Hive can exist without Hadoop, right? It's an independent HQL engineer that could work with any data source?
You can run Hive in local mode to use it without Hadoop for debugging purposes. See below url
Hive provided JDBC driver to query hive like JDBC, however if you are planning to run Hive queries on production system, you need Hadoop infrastructure to be available. Hive queries eventually converts into map-reduce jobs and HDFS is used as data storage for Hive tables.

Is there a way to use a JDBC as a input resource for Hadoop's MapReduce?

I have data in a PostgreSQL DB and I'd like to get it, treat it and save it to a HBase DB. Is it possible to distribute somehow the JDBC operation in a Map operation?
Yes you can do that by DBInputFormat:
DBInputFormat uses JDBC to connect to data sources. Because JDBC is widely implemented, DBInputFormat can work with MySQL, PostgreSQL, and several other database systems. Individual database vendors provide JDBC drivers to allow third-party applications (like Hadoop) to connect to their databases.
The DBInputFormat is an InputFormat class that allows you to read data from a database. An InputFormat is Hadoop’s formalization of a data source; it can mean files formatted in a particular way, data read from a database, etc. DBInputFormat provides a simple method of scanning entire tables from a database, as well as the means to read from arbitrary SQL queries performed against the database.
I think you're looking for Sqoop, which is designed to import from SQL servers to HDFS stack technologies. It puts the data it gets from a JDBC connection into HDFS, thereby splitting it across your Hadoop NameNodes. I believe this is what you are looking for.
SQl to hadOOP = SQOOP, get it?
Sqoop can import into HBase. See this link.

SQOOP export command VS DB2 LOAD CLIENT

I have a scenario where I have copy data from hive to db2. There are two ways I can implement this. One is using sqoop export command and another is db2 load client. I need to know which is best approach with respect to performance. Please give me suggestion.
Sqoop can be used to transfer large sized data file in HDFS concurrently (using mappers) to db2. I have no idea about db2 load client.
Depends.. If using DB2 LUW, with the sqoop connector it can be faster depending on how many clusters you have available (mappers). DB2 Load (at least in the z world) can do parrallel loading so depending on how many cp's on the database system, that could be faster. So I guess it depends on your environment (the database system vs the hadoop cluster).
