psql doesn't accept any command on windows - cmd

I have set the PATH environment and then run psql on command prompt and then whatever command I write nothing happens, it doesn't throw any error message too.
even very basic commands as;
psql -l
pg_dump -U {user-name} {source_db} -f {dumpfilename.sql}
Do you have any idea?

You have to finish each command with a semicolon (;). Until you do so, psql thinks you're still writing the same (multi-line) command.
Also, psql -l and pg_dump -U {user-name} {source_db} -f {dumpfilename.sql} are not psql commands. These should be ran from your shell (without the semicolons), not from the psql terminal.


Bash script, remote psql command over ssh, pipe sql file, password fails

I have a bash script. I want to run a postgres command with ssh that pipes a local file. The problem is the psql command prompts for a password, and my sql file gets piped into that. How do I write a command that pipes after I type in the password?
ssh server "psql -W -h db_host -p 5432 -U db_user -d postgres" < staging.sql
I suggest to break it down into multiple steps:
# Transfer the sql file to the server
scp staging.sql server
# Excute the queries in that file with psql over ssh
# Notes:
# - ssh -t enforces terminal allocation. You may try it without this option and see if it still works.
# - psql -f FILENAME reads commands from file
ssh -t server \
'psql -W -h db_host -U db_user -d postgres -f staging.sql; rm staging.sql'

Bash script for running postgres docker image failing on linux

The command which on line 4 on the script below seems to have an issue, intellij says
which is non-standard. Use builtin 'command -v' instead
Since which psql seems like it is not working it automatically affects line 12 and 13.
While investigating i removed line 4 then the script executed line 6 to 10 which succefully created a docker file(pg-docker) however i also need the schema.sql (line 12) and data.sql (13) to be executed. Is there an alternative command for which command(line 4)
Below is my bash Script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
which psql > /dev/null || (echo "Please ensure that postgres client is in your PATH" && exit 1)
mkdir -p $HOME/docker/volumes/postgres
rm -rf $HOME/docker/volumes/postgres/data
docker run --rm --name pg-docker -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=dev -d -p 432:5432 -v $HOME/docker/volumes/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql postgres
sleep 3
export PGPASSWORD=postgres
psql -U postgres -d dev -h localhost -f schema.sql
psql -U postgres -d dev -h localhost -f data.sql
I get the below on the problems on Intellij
line 4 complains about which command
line 6,7 and 9 complains about $HOME
line 11 complains about PGPASSWORD
which is used to find and show the full path of a command (in your script it is only used to make sure the command psql is there).
IntelliJ or probably better the defined linter for (bash) scripts suggest not to rely on an separate whichcommand but just use the builtin bash-function command -v so the line 4 would read
command -v psql > /dev/null || (echo "Please ensure that postgres client is in your PATH" && exit 1)
That said - it's most likely not your real problem. You need the PostgreSQL Client psql installed and in your PATH variable to run the commands in line 12 and 13. Exactly that's what you're checking in line 4 - regardless of using which or command -v.
How to install the psql command depends on your OS.

How to check if command exists for a user?

I install Pip for a user (not system wide) and I would like to check that pip is installed for that user in my script that I run with sudo: sudo ./
I know to check for a command with command -v pip3 and that works when I enter it in the shell as the user.
But how can I check it in my script?
command -v pip3 exit code is 1 because I am root (because of sudo).
su -c "command -v pip3" "$SUDO_USER" has exit code 1.
sudo -u "$SUDO_USER" command -v pip3 says "command: command not found"
The simplest is
sudo -u "$SUDO_USER" -i command -v pip3
The -i option causes sudo to pass the supplied command line to the user's configured shell using its -c option, instead of trying to execute the command directly. That's necessary because command is a shell built-in; it doesn't exist as a stand-alone executable. (The -i options runs a "login" shell. There is also the -s option which runs a non-login shell. See below.)
If you want to specify a shell explicitly you could do so instead:
sudo -u "$SUDO_USER" /bin/sh -lc "command -v pip3"
Again, a login shell is forced, here by using the -l option.
As a safety feature, sudo normally resets the $PATH to a "safe" value before executing the shell (or the single command). That value will not have any of the modifications made in the /etc/profile and ~/.profile startup scripts, and without those modifications -- which add one or more user-specific directories to the path -- the shell will not find software such as pip3 which has been installed for individual users.
use following command by replacing $USER with the specific user name.
sudo -H -u $USER bash -c 'command -v pip3'
similarly, you can run any command as another user
syntax : sudo -H -u $USER bash -c 'INSERT_COMMAND_HERE'

Run Postgres File from Command Line (Without actually printing out code)

I can successfully run SQL (Postgres) files from command line following instructions here:
Run a PostgreSQL .sql file using command line arguments
In particular, I use something like
Problem is that this (and specifically, I believe the -a) prints the sql code out to the terminal. This is annoying because I am running a lot of files in sequence within a Python script using subprocess, and I would rather not have the SQL code print out in terminal. Is there a way to not print the SQL code out to terminal?
EDIT: I've tried adding the -q option like people said, but the code in the SQL file is still being printed out to terminal.
What I tried was
psql -q -d DBPASSWORD -a -f FILENAME
psql -d DBPASSWORD -q -a -f FILENAME
psql -d DBPASSWORD -a -q -f FILENAME
psql -d DBPASSWORD -a -f FILENAME -q
And in each of those cases, the code in FILENAME is being printed to terminal
You may want to redirect STDOUT, STDERR or both to a log file.
Something like one of these
psql ... > out.log
psql ... 2> err.log
psql ... &> out_and_err.log

superuser pass switch to shell script

I need to run a shell script as another user while logged in as root. Something along the lines of
su <user> ./scriptname -d
where the -d bit is the switch to be passed to scriptname.
However, when I attempt to execute the command as shown above su complains that -d is not a valid option and presents me with a list of valid options. How do I get it to understand that the -d is meant for consumption by the script not itself?
su <user> -c './scriptname -d'
