How do I use completion by "Ctrl-n" with XVim? - xcode

I use XVim, a nice product. I want to use code completion like Ctrl+n on Vim, but it is not working in XVim.
So, how can I use completion like that with XVim?

According to its FeatureList, this isn't implemented (yet). Why don't you raise this on the forum, or open an issue?!


Using shortcuts in mac for debugging

I read the following doc and when I use for example the f10
for stepping to the next line /function it doesn't work when I use the
ctrl+ ' this is working but I want to use the Fn... buttons ,there is a way to configure it that the F buttons will work in debugging like in windows?
Have you tried Fn + f10? On Mac that generally makes the function keys act as normal, rather than changing the brightness/volume etc.

Highlight debug functions

I use PhpStorm for a while now, and it's code inspection and syntax highlighting is great! To further extend this feature, I am looking for a way to alert myself of 'debug functions'. I frequently use functions like var_dump(), exit() or echo '<pre>',print($var),'</pre>'. Unfortunately, I also frequently forget these when deploying some code.
Is it possible to add custom highlighting in PhpStorm for some defined functions with the Inspection-feature, so I am visually notified that some debugging-code is still present? Or a plugin or other feature to accomplish something like that?
Install and use Php Inspections (EA Extended) plugin
Once installed -- Settings/Preferences | Editor | Inspections
One of the inspections this plugin provides called Forgotten debug statements -- find it there (hint: there is a search field -- use it)
This inspection will highlight some standard debug related functions + you can add your own function names.
This inspection works with PHP functions only -- it will not find constructions like echo '<pre>',print($var),'</pre>'.
BTW -- why don't you try Xdebug/Zend Debugger for a proper debug experience?

How to write a new Alt+Tab task switcher for Windows?

I am told, that the program that handles the ALT+TAB input is called task switcher. But I am not happy with the task switcher that is provided from stock.
Could anyone give me a push to the right direction so I get an idea how I could write one on my own and replace the old with the new one?
It's not that I have no programming experiance, I just don't know where to begin on this special one. :D
Thank you!
There are three essential ingredients for writing a replacement switcher in Windows (these were tested under Windows 7):
Capture Alt+Tab: For this I would use SetWindowsHookEx and a low-level keyboard hook (WH_KEYBOARD_LL).
Enumerate the windows you could switch between: Two options for this are EnumWindows or the UI Automation Framework (managed code can use System.Windows.Automation).
Perform the switching: You can use SwitchToThisWindow or SetForegroundWindow, but in either case you will need to set uiAccess=true in your manifest. This will additionally require you to sign your executable and install it in Program Files. You do not need to call AttachThreadInput or perform other such shenanigans.
For a more thorough discussion, see this blog post.
We have answered your question in this link:
How to focus on last activated program?
By using this code instead of that one you can have the list of open windows,
string name = GetWindowTextRaw((IntPtr)hwnd);
if (name.Length > 0)
Now you can use the following code to switch between windows:

PhpStorm configuration for automatic creation of the class namespace use statement like in ZendStudio

I like ZendStudio feature when after typing class name and pressing "Enter" it automatically adds namespace use statement into the head of the script file.
Is it possible to do the same in the PhpStorm IDE?
Not sure if this has been there all the time, or if it a new addition but it can be done already.
On my case, you get on top of the class that you want the use imported and you press alt+Enter. A popup allowing you to select which namespace you want to import pops up.
You can see a more graphical explanation here:
PHP Storm Tricks: Add your USE Statements Automatically!
I just wanted to disable it (it's native and enabled by default now) and found this SO thread.
For people like me, here's where the setting:
Editor > Auto-import > PHP - Enable auto-import in namespace scope
Please vote
In PHPStorm 6.0.3 on Mac (and presumably other platforms) you should follow the advice given by #Savageman. It worked for me.
Go to "Settings" (Ctrl+Alt+S) > "Code Style > PHP" (I'm assuming you're using PS 3.0)

How do you stop the XCode debugger from autocompleting without options?

The debugger is really (de)bugging me. Every time I try to type a po ... command, it autocompletes (without giving me any options) and I end up typing stuff like po [selfelf and so on until I go mad. Is there any way of stopping this, or of always giving me the autocomplete popup like in the standard editor?
This answer applied to the GDB debugger which is no longer the standard debugger used with Xcode
This is achieved by adding the following line to the "readline init file" (which, by default, I think does not exist). I created the file ~/.inputrc and put the following text in it:
set disable-completions 'On'
Hmm, the accepted answer is kind of overkill.
How about the answer provided to this question:
The closest I've come to solving this incredibly annoying problem is
to turn off automatic code completion in general (Preferences > Text
Editing > Suggest Completions While Typing) and then hit esc whenever
I actually do want code completion.
