Correctness of Bellman-Ford Algorithm, can we still do better? - algorithm

I learned that the Bellman-Ford Algorithm has a running time of O(|E|*|V|), in which the E is the number of edges and V the number of vertices. Assume the graph does not have any negative weighted cycles.
My first question is that how do we prove that within (|V|-1) iterations (every iteration checks every edge in E), it updates the shortest path to every possible node, given a particular start node? Is it possible that we have iterated (|V|-1) times but still not ending up with shortest paths to every node?
Assume the correctness of the algorithm, can we actually do better than that? It occurs to me that not all edges are negatively weighted in a particular graph. The Bellman-Ford Algorithm seems expensive, as every iteration it goes through every edges.

The longest possible path from the source to any vertice would involve at most all the other vertices in the graph. In other words - you won't have a path that goes through the same vertice more than once, since that would necessarily increase the weights (this is true only thanks to the fact there are no negative cycles).
On each iteration you would update the shortest path weight on the next vertice in this path, until after |V|-1 iterations your updates would have to reach the end of that path. After that there won't be any vertices with non-tight values, since your update has covered all shortest paths up to that length.
This complexity is tight (at least for BF), think of a long line of connected vertices. Pick the leftmost as the source - your updating process would have to work its way from there to the other side once vertice at a time. Now you might argue that you don't have to check each edge that way, so let's throw in a few random edges with a very large weight (N > |V|*max-weight) - they can't help you, but your algorithm can't know that for sure, so if has to go through the process of updating the vertices with these weights (they're still better than the initial infinity).


Dijkstra with Parallel edges and self-loop

If I have a weighted undirected Graph with no negative weights, but can contain multiple edges between vertex and self-loops, Can I run Dijkstra algorithm without problem to find the minimum path between a source and a destination or exists a counterexample?
My guess is that there is not problem, but I want to be sure.
If you're going to run Dijkstra's algorithm without making any changes to he graph, there's a chance that you'll not get the shortest path between source and destination.
For example, consider S and O. Now, finding the shortest path really depends on which edge is being being traversed when you want to push O to the queue. If your code picks edge with weight 1, you're fine. But if your code picks the edge with weight 8, then your algorithm is going to give you the wrong answer.
This means that the algorithm's correctness is now dependent on the order of edges entered in the adjacency list of the source node.
You can trivially transform your graph to one without single-edge loops and parallel edges.
With single-edge loops you need to check whether their weight is negative or non-negative. If the weight is negative, there obviously is no shortest path, as you can keep spinning in place and reduce your path length beyond any limit. If however the weight is positive, you can throw that edge away, as no shortest path can go through that edge.
A zero-weight edge would create a similar problem than any zero-weight loop: there will be not one but an infinite number of shortest paths, going through the same loop over and over again. In these cases the sensible thing is again to remove the edge from the graph.
Out of the parallel edges you can throw away all but the one with the lowest weight. The reasoning for this is equally simple: if there was a shortest path going through an edge A that has a parallel edge B with lower weight, you could construct an even shorter path by simply replacing A with B. Therefore no shortest path can go through A.
It just needs a minor variation. If there are multiple edges directed from u to v and each edge has a different weight, you can either:
Pick the weight with least edge for relaxation; or
Run relaxation for each edge.
Both of the above will have the same complexity although the constant factors in #2 will have higher values.
In any case you'll need to make sure that you evaluate all edges between u and v before moving to the next adjacent node of u.
I don't think it will create any kind of problem.As the dijkstra algorithm will use priority queue ,so offcourse minimum value will get update first.

Find the lowest-cost shortest path from one node to another?

I have a weighted graph G and a pair of nodes s and t. I want to find, of all the paths from s to t with the fewest number of edges, the one that has the lowest total cost. I'm not sure how to do this. Here are my thoughts:
I am thinking of finding the shortest path and if there are more than one path then i should compare the number of steps of these paths.
I think I can find the number of steps by setting the weights of all edges to 1 and calculate the distance.
A reasonable first guess for a place to start here is Dijkstra's algorithm, which can solve each individual piece of this problem (minimize number of edges, or minimize total length). The challenge is getting it to do both at the same time.
Normally, when talking about shortest paths, we think of paths as having a single cost. However, you could imagine assigning paths two different costs: one cost based purely on the number of edges, and one cost based purely on the weights of those edges. You could then represent the cost of a path as a pair (length, weight), where length is the number of edges in the path and weight is the total weight of all of those edges.
Imagine running Dijkstra's algorithm on a graph with the following modifications. First, instead of tracking a candidate distance to each node in the graph, you track a pair of candidate distances to each node: a candidate length and a candidate weight. Second, whenever you need to fetch the lowest-code node, pick the node that has the shortest length (not weight). If there's a tie between multiple nodes with the same length, break the tie by choosing the one with the lowest weight. (If you've heard about lexicographical orderings, you could consider this as taking the node whose (length, weight) is lexicographically first). Finally, whenever you update a distance by extending a path by one edge, update both the candidate length and the candidate weight to that node. You can show that this process will compute the best path to each node, where "best" means "of all the paths with the minimum number of edges, the one with the lowest cost."
You could alternatively implement the above technique by modifying all the costs of the edges in the graph. Suppose that the maximum-cost edge in the graph has cost U. Then do the following: Add U+1 to all the costs in the graph, then run Dijkstra's algorithm on the result. The net effect of this is that the shortest path in this new graph will be the one that minimizes the number of edges used. Why? Well, every edge adds U+1 to the cost of the path, and U+1 is greater than the cost of any edge in the graph, so if one path is cheaper than another, it either uses at least one fewer edge, or it uses the same number of edges but has cheaper weights. In fact, you can prove that this approach is essentially identical to the one above using pairs of weights - it's a good exercise!
Overall, both of these approaches will run in the same time as a normal Dijkstra's algorithm (O(m + n log n) with a Fibonacci heap, O(m log n) with another type of heap), which is pretty cool!
One node to another would be a shortest-path-algorithm (e.g. Dijkstra).
It depends on your input whether you use a heuristic function to determine the total distance to the goal-node.
If you consider heuristics, you might want to choose A*-search instead. Here you just have to accumulate the weights to each node and add the heuristic value according to it.
If you want to get all paths from any node to any other node, you might consider Kruskal’s or Prim’s algorithm.
Both to basically the same, incl. pruning.

Can I use Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm in my graph?

I have a directed graph that has all non-negative edges except the edge(s) that leave the source (S). There are no edges from any other vertices to the source. To find the shortest distance from source (S) to a vertex (T) in the graph, can I use Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm even though the edges leaving the source is negative?
Assuming only source-adjecent edges can have negative weights and there is no path back to the source from any of the source-adjecent nodes (as mentioned in the comment), you can just add a constant C onto all edges leaving the source to make them all non-negative. Then subtract C from the final result.
On a more general note, Dijkstra can be used to solve shortest-path in any graph with negative edge weights (but no negative cycles) after applying Johnson's reweighting algorithm (which is essentially Bellman-Ford, but needs to be performed only once).
Yes, you can use Dijkstra on that type of directed graph.
If you use already finished alghoritm for Dijsktra and it cannot use negative values, it can be good practise to find the lowest negative edge and add that number to all starting edges, therefore there is no-negative number at all. You substract that number after finishing.
If you code it yourself (which is acutally pretty easy and I recommend it to you), you almost does not change anything, just start with lowest value (as usual for Dijkstra) and allow it, that lowest value can be negative. It will work in your case.
The reason you generally can't use Dijkstra's algorithm for (directed) graphs with negative links is that Dijkstra's algorithm is greedy. It assumes that once you pick a vertex with minimum distance, there is no way it can later be reached by a smaller paths.
In your particular graph, after the very first step, you traverse all possible negative edges and Dijkstra's assumption actually holds from now on. Regardless of the fact that those vertices directly connected to start now have negative values, once you identify which has the minimum distance, it can never be reached again with a smaller distance (since all edges you would traverse from this point on would have a positive distance).
If you think about the conditions that dijkstra's algorithm puts upon the edges for the algorithm to work it is only that they are never decreasing after initialisation.
Thus, it actually doesn't matter if the first step is negative as from those several points onwards the function is constantly increasing and thus the correct output will be found (provided there is no way to get back to the start square.).

Time complexity of creating a minimal spanning tree if the number of edges is known

Suppose that the number of edges of a connected graph is known and the weight of each edge is distinct, would it possible to create a minimal spanning tree in linear time?
To do this we must look at each edge; and during this loop there can contain no searches otherwise it would result in at least n log n time. I'm not sure how to do this without searching in the loop. It would mean that, somehow we must only look at each edge once, and decide rather to include it or not based on some "static" previous values that does not involve a growing data structure.
So.. let's say we keep the endpoints of the node in question, then look at the next node, if the next node has the same vertices as prev, then compare the weight of prev and current node and keep the lower one. If the current node's endpoints are not equal to prev, then it is in a different component .. now I am stuck because we cannot create a hash or array to keep track of the component nodes that are already added while look through each edge in linear time.
Another approach I thought of is to find the edge with the minimal weight; since the edge weights are distinct this edge will be part of any MST. Then.. I am stuck. Since we cannot do this for n - 1 edges in linear time.
Any hints?
What if we know the number of nodes, the number of edges and also that each edge weight is distinct? Say, for example, there are n nodes, n + 6 edges?
Then we would only have to find and remove the correct 7 edges correct?
To the best of my knowledge there is no way to compute an MST faster by knowing how many edges there are in the graph and that they are distinct. In the worst case, you would have to look at every edge in the graph before finding the minimum-cost edge (which must be in the MST), which takes Ω(m) time in the worst case. Therefore, I'll claim that any MST algorithm must take Ω(m) time in the worst case.
However, if we're already doing Ω(m) work in the worst-case, we could do the following preprocessing step on any MST algorithm:
Scan over the edges and count up how many there are.
Add an epsilon value to each edge weight to ensure the edges are unique.
This can be done in time Ω(m) as well. Consequently, if there were a way to speed up MST computation knowing the number of edges and that the edge costs are distinct, we would just do this preprocessing step on any current MST algorithm to try to get faster performance. Since to the best of my knowledge no MST algorithm actually tries to do this for performance reasons, I would suspect that there isn't a (known) way to get a faster MST algorithm based on this extra knowledge.
Hope this helps!
There's a famous randomised linear-time algorithm for minimum spanning trees whose complexity is linear in the number of edges. See "A randomized linear-time algorithm to find minimum spanning trees" by Karger, Klein, and Tarjan.
The key result in the paper is their "sampling lemma" -- that, if you independently randomly select a subset of the edges with probability p and find the minimum spanning tree of this subgraph, then there are only |V|/p edges that are better than the worst edge in the tree path connecting its ends.
As templatetypedef noted, you can't beat linear-time. That all edge weights are distinct is a common assumption that simplifies analysis; if anything, it makes MST algorithms run a little slower.
The fact that a number of edges (N) is known does not influence the complexity in any way. N is still a finite but unbounded variable, and each graph will have different N. If you place a upper bound on N, say, 1 million, then the complexity is O(1 million log 1 million) = O(1).
The fact that each edge has distinct weight does not influence the program either, because it does not say anything about the graph's structure. Therefore knowledge about current case cannot influence further processing, as we cannot predict how the graph's structure will look like in the next step.
If the number of edges is close to n, like in this case n-6 (after edit), we know that we only need to remove 7 edges as every spanning tree has only n-1 edges.
The Cycle Property shows that the most expensive edge in a cycle does not belong to any Minimum Spanning tree(assuming all edges are distinct) and thus, should be removed.
Now you can simply apply BFS or DFS to identify a cycle and remove the most expensive edge. So, overall, we need to run BFS 7 times. This takes 7*n time and gives us a time complexity of O(n). Again, this is only true if the number of edges is close to the number of nodes.

What modifications could you make to a graph to allow Dijkstra's algorithm to work on it?

So I've been thinking, without resorting to another algorithm, what modifications could you make to a graph to allow Dijkstra's algorithm to work on it, and still get the correct answer at the end of the day? If it's even possible at all?
I first thought of adding a constant equal to the most negative weight to all weights, but I found that that will mess up everthing and change the original single source path.
Then, I thought of traversing through the graph, putting all weights that are less than zero into an array or somwthing of the sort and then multiplying it by -1. I think his would work (disregarding running time constraints) but maybe I'm looking at the wrong way.
Another idea. How about permanently setting all negative weights to infinity. that way ensuring that they are ignored?
So I just want to hear some opinions on this; what do you guys think?
Seems you looking for something similar to Johnson's algorithm:
First, a new node q is added to the graph, connected by zero-weight edges to each of the other nodes.
Second, the Bellman–Ford algorithm is used, starting from the new vertex q, to find for each vertex v the minimum weight h(v) of a path
from q to v. If this step detects a negative cycle, the algorithm is
Next the edges of the original graph are reweighted using the values computed by the Bellman–Ford algorithm: an edge from u to v,
having length w(u,v), is given the new length w(u,v) + h(u) − h(v).
Finally, q is removed, and Dijkstra's algorithm is used to find the shortest paths from each node s to every other vertex in the
reweighted graph.
By any algorithm, you should check for negative cycles, and if there isn't negative cycle, find the shortest path.
In your case you need to run Dijkstra's algorithm one time. Also note that in Johnson's algorithm semi Bellman–Ford algorithm runs just for new added node. (not all vertices).
