Spring request mapping wildcard exceptions - spring

Can I put /** wildcard in a middle of request mapping such as: "/some/resource/**/somthing"
In Spring 3 I can do this
to map
/some/resource/A -> ControllerMethod1
/some/resource/A/B -> ControllerMethod1
/some/resource/A/B/C/D/E/F -> ControllerMethod1
for any number of paths parts
However this mapping is too greedy and will not allow me to map a sub URL #RequestMapping("/some/resource/**/somthing") to another controller such as
/some/resource/A/somthing -> ControllerMethod2
/some/resource/A/B/somthing -> ControllerMethod2
/some/resource/A/B/C/D/E/F/somthing -> ControllerMethod2
How can i do this?

I thinks it's not possible to use that ant style in url mapping as you require, because it will stop on the next path separator character '/'.
I would suggest you to try URI Template Patterns with Regular Expressions in order to map just the last part of the request (haven't tried this approach yet).
Also you can match the rest of the request using PATH_WITHIN_HANDLER_MAPPING_ATTRIBUTE, and apply some expression there. Check this post.
Otherwise you should use request parameters to match that condition Request Parameters and Header Values.
You can narrow request matching through request parameter conditions such as "myParam", "!myParam", or "myParam=myValue". The first two test for request parameter presense/absence and the third for a specific parameter value. Here is an example with a request parameter value condition.
In this case you will map something like that using params
#RequestMapping(value = {"/some/resource/**"}, params="somthing")
or use the annotation request parameter with not required attribute in method signature:
public void test(#RequestParam(value = "somthing", required=false) String str) {


URI within endpoint

I have a URI string inside the request that I am supposed to make. How to extract it and write a proper controller.
markerURI = marker://markerType/markerValue
POST /books/123/markers/marker://big/yellow
I have written below rest controller for the above request:
public void assignMarker(
#PathVariable("id") String id,
#PathVariable("markerURI") String markerURI
but i'm not able to get markerURI=marker://big/yellow inside markerURI variable. The request show 404 Not found error. Is there any way to do this. It's a requirement so can't do any hacks.
markerURI can contain attributes like marker://markerType/markerValue?attr1=val1&attr2=val2
As per https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/reference/html/web.html#mvc-ann-requestmapping-uri-templates
You can have your url pattern in below pattern
"/resources/ima?e.png" - match one character in a path segment
"/resources/*.png" - match zero or more characters in a path segment
"/resources/**" - match multiple path segments
"/projects/{project}/versions" - match a path segment and capture it as a variable
"/projects/{project:[a-z]+}/versions" - match and capture a variable with a regex
but your url pattern is defined as a url inside a url, for that I suggest you to use below method and concatenate your result after fetching the values from uri as pathvariable.
public void assignMarker(#PathVariable("id") String id,#PathVariable("marker") String marker,
#PathVariable("markerType") String markerType,
#PathVariable("markerValue") String markerValue) {
String markerUri = "/"+marker+"://"+markerType+"/"+markerValue;

Is it possible to remove empty query string parameters in jMeter?

I want to test an endpoint using jmeter, that has a copule of query string parameters, one of which is optional, loading the values from a CSV file. The problem is, can I avoid sending the query string parameter if I don't have a value for it?
It is but it will require some Groovy coding
Add JSR223 PreProcessor as a child of the request which query string you want to modify (or according to JMeter Scoping Rules if you want to apply the approach to more than one request)
Put the following code into "Script" area:
def newData = new org.apache.jmeter.config.Arguments()
0.upto(sampler.getArguments().size() - 1, { idx ->
def arg = sampler.getArguments().getArgument(idx)
if (!arg.getValue().equals('')) {
That's it, the PreProcessor will be executed before the HTTP Request sampler and will remove all arguments which don't have their respective values

Spring boot request mapping

I have following request parameters.
Request can contain all the parameters or some of them. I am currently using regex /** to resolve this.
Is there any way to explicitly mention the request mapping instead ** and say it is optional. And any order also should match.
Both should match that mapping.
There is no way to achieve this via #PathVariable's. If you want the flexibility of random order & number of path variables. You can just do the following;
public void theEndpoint(HttpServletRequest request) {
String requestURI = request.getRequestURI();
You can put a .filter(StringUtils::isNotBlank) in case /myEndpoint/a///b/c
Will give you
when you call /myEndpoint/a/1/b/f2/d/x
when you call /myEndpoint/b/f2/1
Also, be aware that you'd need some anchor base in your endpoint, e.g. /myEndpoint. Otherwise all your other endpoints will be conflicted with this endpoint.
ps. Better to use request params for such inputs tbh, not sure your requirement here, but just FYI. It is not the best to have such a hacky structure really...
You can make a RequestParam optional by adding the required flag false.
#RequestParam(value = "a", required=false)
For PathVariables i would try to use the Optional type but i have never done this before.
#PathVariable Optional<String> a for /path/{a}

grape-api - Force empty string to set values to null

I am creating an API endpoint which contains a file upload field and a few string fields. My goal is to allow clients to clear values on those string fields, i.e. the DB should persist these values as null.
However, due to the fact that the request may contain files, the client should be setting the Content-type header to multipart/form-data. This implies that client cannot send a representation of "null", but can only send an empty string to indicate the intent of clearing the value for a given string field.
Is there a way for grape-api library to know that when it is receiving a multipart request it should be able to nullify blank string values in the params, or is there a better approach to what I am trying to achieve?
Grape.configure do |config|
config.param_builder = Grape::Extensions::Hashie::Mash::ParamBuilder
you can override the param builder. extend the default one and override the build_params method or monkey patch it.
params.transform_values {|v| v.eql?('') ? nil : v }

Spring mvc it, compare payload and header values

We have some intergation tests over #RestController with a common pattern to verify that an Xpath expression exists and that an Http header is set. But I would like to go further and verify that the XPath value is equald or contained into the header.
Is it something for that or should I create my own ResultMatcher ?
org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.xpath(xpathExpress, args) is what you want.
For example:
ResultActions resultActions = mvc.perform(..);
String location = resultActions.andReturn().getResponse().getHeader("Location");
resultActions.andExpect(MockMvcResultMatchers.xpath("Item/#id/", null)
If you need to compare by Node, XMLUnit for Java 2.x offers more usefule Matcher.
