Kendo line chart notes aren't shown - kendo-ui

I use kendo dataviz chart and want to add notes. This is the code I've written
dataSource: resultsDataSource,
title: {
text: "Results"
legend: {
position: "bottom"
chartArea: {
background: ""
seriesDefaults: {
type: "line"
series: [{
field: "Points",
name: "Points",
noteTextField: "EventName",
notes: {
label: {
position: "outside"
position: "bottom"
valueAxis: {
labels: {
format: "{0}"
line: {
visible: false
axisCrossingValue: -10
categoryAxis: {
field: "EventDate",
majorGridLines: {
visible: false
tooltip: {
visible: true,
format: "{0}%",
template: "#= #: #= value #"
Everything is working as needed, i.e. chart is drawn with appropriate data, but notes aren't shown.
Please help me find out why notes aren't shown, if there's data in "EventName" property(I've checked). I want to mention that I am using kendo ui 2013.1.514 version.
Thank you in advance.

In your series definition, you have noteTextField: "EventName", which means you must have the property EventName defined for each item in your DataSource, as #ccsakuweb alluded to.
This means that in your DataSource, the data items should look something like this:
var data = [
{ Id: 1, Name: "Result #1", EventName: "Note 1" },
{ Id: 2, Name: "Result #2", EventName: "Note 2" }
Kendo's documentation about the Notes feature is located at .


Kendo chart label color

Is there any way I can show a portion of the kendo label text in a different color?
Kindly find the chart implementation here
legend: {
visible: false
dataSource: {
data: data
} ,
seriesDefaults: {
type: "bar",
stack: true
series: [{
name: "AA",
field: "AA",
color: "#32CD32",
}, {
name: "BB",
field: "BB",
color: "#0000FF",
visible: true,
template: "#: dataItem.AA # (#: dataItem.BB #)"
valueAxis: {
max: 180,
line: {
visible: false
minorGridLines: {
visible: true
labels: {
rotation: "auto",
visible: true
categoryAxis: {
field: "Category",
majorGridLines: {
visible: false
chartArea: {
width: 500,
height: 255
tooltip: {
visible: true,
template: "#= #: #= value #"
the highlighted portion of the label in red and bold.
Your help is very much appreciated
This is a bit hard since we can't just use the template, I tried to play with visual and done some tweaking here and there. There result aren't perfect but please check it here on jsFiddle
I will try to explain what i have done there
i use the labels.visual configuration
e.text basically contains your label string, but i did some looping on dataSource for full data (but there is weakness in this since there may duplicate text on e.text)
make use of new kendo.drawing.Group(); specifically the drawDOM function + kendo template
make use of new kendo.drawing.Layout() to append the drawed DOM on the correct place , i followed this some of the tips here
And do take note in your fiddle the kendo version is 2013, well i used the 2018.1.221

KendoChart with stripes bars

I am trying to create a KendoChart, then I wanted to have the bars to be on a stripes format. How to do that? I think I need to add "style" in "seriesDefaults" section or in the "series" section.
I have the code snippets below:
title: {
text: "Sample"
seriesDefaults: {
type: "column"
series: [{
name: "India",
data: [3.907, 7.943, 7.848]
name: "World",
data: [1.988, 2.733, 3.994]
valueAxis: {
labels: {
format: "{0}%"
line: {
visible: false
axisCrossingValue: -10
categoryAxis: {
categories: [2002, 2003, 2004],
majorGridLines: {
visible: false
labels: {
rotation: "auto"
tooltip: {
visible: true,
format: "{0}%",
template: "#= #: #= value #"

Kendo Barchart custom tooltip

Is it possible to use a custom tooltip text from datasource?
i have a datasource schema like this:
schema: {
data: "d",
model: {
fields: {
text: { type: "string" },
value: { type: "number" },
desc: { type: "string " }
and I want to use text for base bar values, and desc for tooltip so I have this configuration:
series: [{
field: "value",
categoryField: "desc"
categoryAxis: [{
field: "text"
and in the tooltip configuration:
tooltip: {
visible: true,
template: "#= category # : #= value # minutes"
this configuration does not seem to work. Is there any way I can use desc field only for tooltip?
Just use dataItem object in kendo template:
tooltip: {
visible: true,
template: "#= dataItem.desc # minutes"
Here is dojo example:

How to solve incorrect grouped bar chart in Chrome?

I'm creating a grouped bar chart like this:
dataSource: {
data: rawdata,
group: { field: "Serie" },
legend: {
position: "top"
plotArea: {
background: "white",
seriesDefaults: {
type: "column",
style: "smooth",
stack: true
series: [
field: 'Valor1',
labels: {
visible: true,
background: '',
format: 'p1',
color: 'white',
position: 'center'
valueAxis: {
max: 1,
labels: {
format: "p2"
line: {
visible: false
axisCrossingValue: -10,
categoryAxis: {
field: "Segmento",
majorGridLines: {
visible: false
tooltip: {
visible: true,
template: "#= # <br /> " +
"Valor = #= kendo.format('{0:p2}', value) # <br/> " +
"Tooltip = #= dataItem.Tooltip # ",
My data has four properties: Serie, Segmento, Valor1, Tooltip. Example of one data point:
"Serie": "S1",
"Segmento": "C1",
"Valor1": 0.31500380634422465,
"Tooltip": 20,
The values of the stack bar are incorrect in chrome but in firefox and ie it's fine.
Correct graph in firefox and ie:
Incorrect graph in chrome:
Here is a live demo:
How can i solve this?
This is a problem with Chrome's implementation of Array.sort; see this discussion.
You can fix it by sorting the data source explicitly:
dataSource: {
data: rawdata,
group: { field: "Serie" },
sort: [{ field: "Serie", dir: "asc"}, { field: "Segmento", dir: "asc"} ]
(updated demo)

cant add notes to categoryAxis with kendo charts

Is there a possibility to add notes on the categoryAxis in a Kendo Chart.
As seen in the documentation it should be possible, but even after setting every single option i dont see any notes. I couldn't find any example of somebody doing that. Has anybody managed or used this feature?
my try on jsFiddle
categoryAxis: {
field: "age",
justified: true,
majorGridLines: {
visible: false
minorGridLines: {
visible: false
min: 10,
max: 30,
labels: {
step: 5
notes: {
data: [{
value: { age: 15 },
position: "top",
icon: {
visible: true,
size: 16,
type: "circle",
background: "#585858",
border: {
color: "#FFFFFF"
line: {
length: 16
label: {
visible: false,
text: " "
Thank you
The value property for notes on the categoryAxis appears to represent each category value.
Here's an example notes configuration:
notes: {
label: {
template: "Value: #: value #"
icon: {
visible: true,
size: 16,
type: "circle",
background: "#585858",
border: {
color: "#FFFFFF"
line: {
length: 16
data: [{ value: 1}, { value: 5 },{ value: 10 }, { value: 15 }, { value: 20 }]
Check out this updated fiddle.
