Tetromino space-filling: need to check if it's possible - algorithm

I'm writing a program that needs to quickly check whether a contiguous region of space is fillable by tetrominoes (any type, any orientation). My first attempt was to simply check if the number of squares was divisible by 4. However, situations like this can still come up:
As you can see, even though these regions have 8 squares each, they are impossible to tile with tetrominoes.
I've been thinking for a bit and I'm not sure how to proceed. It seems to me that the "hub" squares, or squares that lead to more than two "tunnels", are the key to this. It's easy in the above examples, since you can quickly count the spaces in each such tunnel — 3, 1, and 3 in the first example, and 3, 1, 1, and 2 in the second — and determine that it's impossible to proceed due to the fact that each tunnel needs to connect to the hub square to fit a tetromino, which can't happen for all of them. However, you can have more complicated examples like this:
...where a simple counting technique just doesn't work. (At least, as far as I can tell.) And that's to say nothing of more open spaces with a very small number of hub squares. Plus, I don't have any proof that hub squares are the only trick here. For all I know, there may be tons of other impossible cases.
Is some sort of search algorithm (A*?) the best option for solving this? I'm very concerned about performance with hundreds, or even thousands, of squares. The algorithm needs to be very efficient, since it'll be used for real-time tiling (more or less), and in a browser at that.

Perfect matching on a perfect matching
[EDIT 28/10/2014: As noticed by pix, this approach never tries to use T-tetrominoes, so it is even more likely to give an incorrect "No" answer than I thought...]
This will not guarantee a solution on an arbitrary shape, but it will work quickly and well most of the time.
Imagine a graph in which there is a vertex for each white square, and an edge between two vertices if and only if their corresponding white squares are adjacent. (Each vertex can therefore touch at most 4 edges.) A perfect matching in this graph is a subset of edges such that every vertex touches exactly one edge in the subset. In other words, it is a way of pairing up adjacent vertices -- or in yet other words, a domino tiling of the white squares. Later I'll explain how to find a nicely random-looking perfect matching; for now, let's just assume that it can be done.
Then, starting from this domino tiling, we can just repeat the matching process, gluing dominos together into tetrominos! The only differences the second time around are that instead of having a vertex per white square, we have a vertex per domino; and because we must add an edge whenever two dominos are adjacent, a vertex can now have as many as 6 edges.
The first step (domino tiling) step cannot fail: if a domino tiling for the given shape exists, then one will be found. However, it is possible for the second step (gluing dominos together into tetrominos) to fail, because it has to work with the already-decided domino tiling, and this may limit its options. Here is an example showing how different domino tilings of the same shape can enable or spoil the tetromino tiling:
AABCDD --> XXXYYY Success :)
AABBDD --> Failure.
Solving the maximum matching problems
In order to generate a random pattern of dominos, the edges in the graph can be given random weights, and the maximum weighted matching problem can be solved. The weights should be in the range [1, V/(V-2)), to guarantee that it is never possible to achieve a higher score by leaving some vertices unpaired. The graph is in fact bipartite as it contains no odd-length cycles, meaning that the faster O(V^2*E) algorithm for the maximum weighted bipartite matching problem can be used for this step. (This is not true for the second matching problem: one domino can touch two other dominos that touch each other.)
If the second step fails to find a complete set of tetrominos, then either no solution is possible*, or a solution is possible using a different set of dominos. You can try randomly reweighting the graph used to find the domino tiling, and then rerunning the first step. Alternatively, instead of completely reweighting it from scratch, you could just increase the weights for the problematic dominos, and try again.
* For a plain square with even side lengths, we know that a solution is always possible: just fill it with 2x2 square tetrominos.


Mapping 2D points to a fixed grid

I have any number of points on an imaginary 2D surface. I also have a grid on the same surface with points at regular intervals along the X and Y access. My task is to map each point to the nearest grid point.
The code is straight forward enough until there are a shortage of grid points. The code I've been developing finds the closest grid point, displaying an already mapped point if the distance will be shorter for the current point.
I then added a second step that compares each mapped point to another and, if swapping the mapping with another point produces a smaller sum of the total mapped distance of both points, I swap them.
This last step seems important as it reduces the number crossed map lines. (This would be used to map points on a plate to a grid on another plate, with pins connecting the two, and lines that don't cross seem to have a higher chance that the pins would not make contact.)
Can anyone comment on my thinking that if the image above were truly optimized, (that is, the mapped points--overall--would have the smallest total distance), then none of the lines were cross?
And has anyone seen any existing algorithms to help with this. I've searched but came up with nothing.
The problem could be approached as a variation of the Assignment Problem, with the "agents" being the grid squares and the points being the "tasks", (or vice versa) with the distance between them being the "cost" for that agent-task combination. You could solve with the Hungarian algorithm.
To handle the fact that there are more grid squares than points, find a bounding box for the possible grid squares you want to consider and add dummy points that have a cost of 0 associated with all grid squares.
The Hungarian algorithm is O(n3), perhaps your approach is already good enough.
See also:
How to find the optimal mapping between two sets?
How to optimize assignment of tasks to agents with these constraints?
If I understand your main concern correctly, minimising total length of line segments, the algorithm you used does not find the best mapping and it is clear in your image. e.g. when two line segments cross each other, simple mathematic says that if you rearrange their endpoints such that they do not cross, it provides a better total sum. You can use this simple approach (rearranging crossed items) to get better approximation to the optimum, you should apply swapping for more somehow many iterations.
In the following picture you can see why crossing has longer length than non crossing (first question) and also why by swapping once there still exists crossing edges (second question and w.r.t. Comments), I just drew one sample, in fact one may need many iterations of swapping to get non crossed result.
This is a heuristic algorithm certainly not optimum but I expect to be very good and efficient and simple to implement.

Algorithm for solving Flow Free Game

I recently started playing Flow Free Game.
Connect matching colors with pipe to create a flow. Pair all colors, and cover the entire board to solve each puzzle in Flow Free. But watch out, pipes will break if they cross or overlap!
I realized it is just path finding game between given pair of points with conditions that no two paths overlap. I was interested in writing a solution for the game but don't know where to start. I thought of using backtracking but for very large board sizes it will have high time complexity.
Is there any suitable algorithm to solve the game efficiently. Can using heuristics to solve the problem help? Just give me a hint on where to start, I will take it from there.
I observed in most of the boards that usually
For furthest points, you need to follow path along edge.
For point nearest to each other, follow direct path if there is one.
Is this correct observation and can it be used to solve it efficiently?
Reduction to SAT
Basic idea
Reduce the problem to SAT
Use a modern SAT solver to solve the problem
The problem is obviously in NP: If you guess a board constellation, it is easy (poly-time) to check whether it solves the problem.
Whether it is NP-hard (meaning as hard as every other problem in NP, e.g. SAT), is not clear. Surely modern SAT solvers will not care and solve large instances in a breeze anyway (I guess up to 100x100).
Literature on Number Link
Here I just copy Nuclearman's comment to the OP:
Searching for "SAT formulation of numberlink" and "NP-completeness of numberlink" leads to a couple references. Unsurprisingly, the two most interesting ones are in Japanese. The first is the actual paper proof of NP-completeness. The second describes how to solve NumberLink using the SAT solver, Sugar. –
Hint for reduction to SAT
There are several possibilities to encode the problem. I'll give one that I could make up quickly.
j_random_hacker noted that free-standing cycles are not allowed. The following encoding does allow them. This problem makes the SAT encoding a bit less attractive. The simplest method I could think of to forbid free-standing loops would introduce O(n^2) new variables, where n is the number of tiles on the board (count distance from next sink for each tile) unless one uses log encoding for this, which would bring it down to O(n*log n), possible making the problem harder for the solver.
One variable per tile, piece type and color. Example if some variable X-Y-T-C is true it encodes that the tile at position X/Y is of type T and has color C. You don't need the empty tile type since this cannot happen in a solution.
Set initial variables
Set the variables for the sink/sources and say no other tile can be sink/source.
For every position, exactly one color/piece combination is true (cardinality constraint).
For every variable (position, type, color), the four adjacent tiles have to be compatible (if the color matches).
I might have missed something. But it should be easily fixed.
I suspect that no polynomial-time algorithm is guaranteed to solve every instance of this problem. But since one of the requirements is that every square must be covered by pipe, a similar approach to what both people and computers use for solving Sudoku should work well here:
For every empty square, form a set of possible colours for that square, and then repeatedly perform logical deductions at each square to shrink the allowed set of colours for that square.
Whenever a square's set of possible colours shrinks to size 1, the colour for that square is determined.
If we reach a state where no more logical deductions can be performed and the puzzle is not completely solved yet (i.e. there is at least one square with more than one possible colour), pick one of these undecided squares and recurse on it, trying each of the possible colours in turn. Each try will either lead to a solution, or a contradiction; the latter eliminates that colour as a possibility for that square.
When picking a square to branch on, it's generally a good idea to pick a square with as few allowed colours as possible.
[EDIT: It's important to avoid the possibility of forming invalid "loops" of pipe. One way to do this is by maintaining, for each allowed colour i of each square x, 2 bits of information: whether the square x is connected by a path of definite i-coloured tiles to the first i-coloured endpoint, and the same thing for the second i-coloured endpoint. Then when recursing, don't ever pick a square that has two neighbours with the same bit set (or with neither bit set) for any allowed colour.]
You actually don't need to use any logical deductions at all, but the more and better deductions you use, the faster the program will run as they will (possibly dramatically) reduce the amount of recursion. Some useful deductions include:
If a square is the only possible way to extend the path for some particular colour, then it must be assigned that colour.
If a square has colour i in its set of allowed colours, but it does not have at least 2 neighbouring squares that also have colour i in their sets of allowed colours, then it can't be "reached" by any path of colour i, and colour i can be eliminated as a possibility.
More advanced deductions based on path connectivity might help further -- e.g. if you can determine that every path connecting some pair of connectors must pass through a particular square, you can immediately assign that colour to the square.
This simple approach infers a complete solution without any recursion in your 5x5 example: the squares at (5, 2), (5, 3), (4, 3) and (4, 4) are forced to be orange; (4, 5) is forced to be green; (5, 5) is also forced to be green by virtue of the fact that no other colour could get to this square and then back again; now the orange path ending at (4, 4) has nowhere to go except to complete the orange path at (3, 4). Also (3, 1) is forced to be red; (3, 2) is forced to be yellow, which in turn forces (2, 1) and then (2, 2) to be red, which finally forces the yellow path to finish at (3, 3). The red pipe at (2, 2) forces (1, 2) to be blue, and the red and blue paths wind up being completely determined, "forcing each other" as they go.
I found a blog post on Needlessly Complex that completely explains how to use SAT to solve this problem.
The code is open-source as well, so you can look at it (and understand it) in action.
I'll provide a quote from it here that describes the rules you need to implement in SAT:
Every cell is assigned a single color.
The color of every endpoint cell is known and specified.
Every endpoint cell has exactly one neighbor which matches its color.
The flow through every non-endpoint cell matches exactly one of the six direction types.
The neighbors of a cell specified by its direction type must match its color.
The neighbors of a cell not specified by its direction type must not match its color.
Thank you #Matt Zucker for creating this!
I like solutions that are similar to human thinking. You can (pretty easily) get the answer of a Sudoku by brute force, but it's more useful to get a path you could have followed to solve the puzzle.
I observed in most of the boards that usually
1.For furthest points, you need to follow path along edge.
2.For point nearest to each other, follow direct path if there is one.
Is this correct observation and can it be used to solve it efficiently?
These are true "most of the times", but not always.
I would replace your first rule by this one : if both sinks are along edge, you need to follow path along edge. (You could build a counter-example, but it's true most of the times). After you make a path along the edge, the blocks along the edge should be considered part of the edge, so your algorithm will try to follow the new edge made by the previous pipe. I hope this sentence makes sense...
Of course, before using those "most of the times" rules, you need to follow absolutes rules (see the two deductions from j_random_hacker's post).
Another thing is to try to eliminate boards that can't lead to a solution. Let's call an unfinished pipe (one that starts from a sink but does not yet reach the other sink) a snake, and the last square of the unfinished pipe will be called the snake's head. If you can't find a path of blank squares between the two heads of the same color, it means your board can't lead to a solution and should be discarded (or you need to backtrack, depending of your implementation).
The free flow game (and other similar games) accept as a valid solution a board where there are two lines of the same color side-by-side, but I believe that there always exists a solution without side-by-side lines. That would mean that any square that is not a sink would have exactly two neighbors of the same color, and sinks would have exactly one. If the rule happens to be always true (I believe it is, but can't prove it), that would be an additional constraint to decrease your number of possibilities. I solved some of Free Flow's puzzles using side-by-side lines, but most of the times I found another solution without them. I haven't seen side-by-side lines on Free Flow's solutions web site.
A few rules that lead to a sort of algorithm to solve levels in flow, based on the IOS vertions by Big Duck Games, this company seems to produce the canonical versions. The rest of this answer assumes no walls, bridges or warps.
Even if your uncannily good, the huge 15x18 square boards are a good example of how just going at it in ways that seem likely get you stuck just before the end over and over again and practically having to start again from scratch. This is probably to do with the already mentioned exponential time complexity in the general case. But this doesn’t mean that a simple stratergy isn’t overwhelmingly effective for most boards.
Blocks are never left empty, therefore orphaned blocks mean you’ve done something wrong.
Cardinally neighbouring cells of the same colour must be connected. This rules out 2x2 blocks of the same colour and on the hexagonal grid triangles of 3 neighbouring cells.
You can often make perminent progress by establishing that a color goes or is excluded from a certain square.
Due to points 1 and 2, on the hexagonal grid on boards that are hexagonal in shape a pipe going along an edge is usually stuck going along it all the way round to the exit, effectively moving the outer edge in and making the board smaller so the process can be repeated. It is predictable what sorts of neighbouring conditions guarantee and what sorts can break this cycle for both sorts of grid.
Most if not all 3rd party variants I’ve found lack 1 to 4, but given these restraints generating valid boards may be a difficult task.
Point 3 suggests a value be stored for each cell that is able to be either a colour, or a set of false/indeterminate values there being one for each colour.
A solver could repeatedly use points 1 and 2 along with the data stored for point 3 on small neighbourhoods of paths around the ends of pipes to increasingly set colours or set the indeterminate values to false.
A few of us have spent quite a bit of time thinking about this. I summarised our work in a Medium article here: https://towardsdatascience.com/deep-learning-vs-puzzle-games-e996feb76162
Spoiler: so far, good old SAT seems to beat fancy AI algorithms!

Connect points from set in the line segments

I have been given a task where I have to connects all the points in the 2D plane.
There are four conditions to to be met:
Length of the all segments joined together has to be minimal.
One point can be a part of only one line segment.
Line segments cannot intersect
All points have to be used(one can't be left alone but only if it cannot be avoided)
Image to visualize the problem:
The wrong image connected points correctly, although the total length is bigger that the the one in on the left.
At first I thought about sorting the points and doing it with a sweeping line and building a tree of all possibilities, although it does seem like a way to complicated solution with huge complexity. Therefore I search better approaches. I would appreciate some hints what to do, or how could I approach the problem.
I would start with a Delaunay triangulation of the point set. This should already give you the nearest neighbor connections of each point without any intersections. In the next step I'd look at the triangles that result from the triangulation - the convenient property here is that based on your ruleset you can pick exactly one side from each triangle and remove the remaining two from the selection.
The problem that remains now is to pick those edges that give you the smallest total sum which of course will not always be the smallest side since that one might already have been blocked by a neighboring triangle. I'd start with a greedy approach, always picking the smallest remaining edge that has not been blocked by neighboring triangles yet.
Edit: In the next step you retrieve a list of all the edges in that triangulation and sort them by length. You also make another list in which you count the amount of connections each point has. Now you iterate through the edge list going from the longest edge to the shortest one and check the two points it connects in the connection count list: if each of the points has still more than 1 connection left, you can discard the edge and decrement the connection count for the two points involved. If at least one of the points has only one connection left, you have got yourself one of the edges you are looking for. You repeat the process until there are no edges left and this should hopefully give you the smallest possible edge sum.
If I am not mistaken this problem is loosely related to the knapsack problem which is NP-Hard so I am not sure if this solution really gives you the best possible one.
I'd say this is an extension to the well-known travelling salesman problem.
A good technique (if a little old-fashioned) is to use a simulated annealing optimisation technique.
You'll need to make adjustments to the cost (a.k.a. objective) function to miss out sections of the path. But given a candidate continuous path, it's reasonably trivial to decide which sections to miss out to minimise its length. (You'd first remove the longer of any intersecting lines).
Wow, that's a tricky one. That's a lot of conditions to meet.
I think from a programming standpoint, the "simplest" solution might actually be to just loop through, find all the possibilities that satisfy the last 3 conditions, and record the total length as you loop through, and just choose the one with the shortest length in the end - brute force, guess-and-check. I think this is what you were referring to in your OP when you mentioned a "sweeping line and building a tree of all possibilities". This approach is very computationally expensive, but if the code is written right, it should always work in the end.
If you want the "best" solution, where you want to just solve for the single final answer right away, I'm afraid my math skills aren't strong enough for that - I'm not even sure if there is any single analytical solution to that problem for any arbitrary collection of points. Maybe try checking with the people over at MathOverflow. If someone over there can explain you with the math behind that calculation, and you then you still need help to convert that math into code in a certain programming language, update your question here (maybe with a link to the answer they provide you) and I'm sure someone will be able to help you out from that point.
One of the possible solutions is to use graph theory.
Construct a bipartite graph G, such that each point has its copy in both parts. Now put the edges between the points i and j with the weight = i == j ? infinity : distance[i][j]. The minimal weight maximum matching in the graph will be your desired configuration.
Notice that since this is on a euclidean 2D plane, the resulting "edges" of the matching will not intersect. Let's say that edges AB and XY intersect for points A, B, X, Y. Then the matching is not of the minimum weight, because either AX, BY or AY, BX will produce a smaller total weight without an intersection (this comes from triangle inequality a+b > c)

Algorithm for labeling edges of a triangular mesh

As part of a larger program (related to rendering of volumetric graphics), I have a small but tricky subproblem where an arbitrary (but finite) triangular 2D mesh needs to be labeled in a specific way. Already a while ago I wrote a solution (see below) which was good enough for the test meshes I had at the time, even though I realized that the approach will probably not work very well for every possible mesh that one could think of. Now I have finally encountered a mesh for which the present solution does not perform that well at all -- and it looks like I should come up with a totally different kind of an approach. Unfortunately, it seems that I am not really able to reset my lines of thinking, which is why I thought I'd ask here.
The problem
Consider the picture below. (The colors are not part of the problem; I just added them to improve (?) the visualization. Also the varying edge width is a totally irrelevant artifact.)
For every triangle (e.g., the orange ABC and the green ABD), each of the three edges needs to be given one of two labels, say "0" or "1". There are just two requirements:
Not all the edges of a triangle can have the same label. In other words, for every triangle there must be two "0"s and one "1", or two "1"s and one "0".
If an edge is shared by two triangles, it must have the same label for both. In other words, if the edge AB in the picture is labeled "0" for the triangle ABC, it must be labeled "0" for ABD, too.
The mesh is a genuine 2D one, and it is finite: i.e., it does not wrap, and it has a well-defined outer border. Obviously, on the border it is quite easy to satisfy the requirements -- but it gets more difficult inside.
Intuitively, it looks like at least one solution should always exist, even though I cannot prove it. (Usually there are several -- any one of them is enough.)
Current solution
My current solution is a really brute-force one (provided here just for completeness -- feel free to skip this section):
Maintain four sets of triangles -- one for each possible count (0..3) of edges remaining to be labeled. In the beginning, every triangle is in the set where three edges remain to be labeled.
For as long as there are triangles with non-labeled edges:Find the smallest non-zero number of unallocated edges for which there are still triangles left. In other words: at any given time, we try to minimize the number of triangles for which the labeling has been partially completed. The number of edges remaining will be anything between 1 and 3. Then, just pick one such triangle with this specific number of edges remaining to be allocated. For this triangle, do the following:
See if the labeling of any remaining edge is already imposed by the labeling of some other triangle. If so, assign the labels as implied by requirement #2 above.
If this results in a dead end (i.e., requirement #1 can no more be satisfied for the present triangle), then start over the whole process from the very beginning.
Allocate any remaining edges as follows:
If no edges have been labeled so far, assign the first one randomly.
When one edge already allocated, assign the second one so that it will have the opposite label.
When two edges allocated: if they have the same label, assign the third one to have the opposite label (obviously); if the two have different labels, assign the third one randomly.
Update the sets of triangles for the different counts of unallocated edges.
If we ever get here, then we have a solution -- hooray!
Usually this approach finds a solution within just a couple of iterations, but recently I encountered a mesh for which the algorithm tends to terminate only after one or two thousands of retries... Which obviously suggests that there may be meshes for which it never terminates.
Now, I would love to have a deterministic algorithm that is guaranteed to always find a solution. Computational complexity is not that big an issue, because the meshes are not very large and the labeling basically only has to be done when a new mesh is loaded, which does not happen all the time -- so an algorithm with (for example) exponential complexity ought to be fine, as long as it works. (But of course: the more efficient, the better.)
Thank you for reading this far. Now, any help would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: Results based on suggested solutions
Unfortunately, I cannot get the approach suggested by Dialecticus to work. Maybe I did not get it right... Anyway, consider the following mesh, with the start point indicated by a green dot:
Let's zoom in a little bit...
Now, let's start the algorithm. After the first step, the labeling looks like this (red = "starred paths", blue = "ringed paths"):
So far so good. After the second step:
And the third:
... fourth:
But now we have a problem! Let's do one more round - but please pay attention on the triangle plotted in magenta:
According to my current implementation, all the edges of the magenta triangle are on a ring path, so they should be blue -- which effectively makes this a counterexample. Now maybe I got it wrong somehow... But in any case the two edges that are nearest to the start node obviously cannot be red; and if the third one is labeled red, then it seems that the solution does not really fit the idea anymore.
Btw, here is the data used. Each row represents one edge, and the columns are to be interpreted as follows:
Index of first node
Index of second node
x coordinate of first node
y coordinate of first node
x coordinate of second node
y coordinate of second node
The start node is the one having index 1.
I guess that next I should try the method suggested by Rafał Dowgird... But perhaps I ought to do something completely different for a while :)
If you order the triangles so that for every triangle at most 2 of its neighbors precede it in the order, then you are set: just color them in this order. The condition guarantees that for each triangle being colored you will always have at least one uncolored edge whose color you can choose so that the condition is satisfied.
Such an order exists and can be constructed the following way:
Sort all of the vertices left-to-right, breaking ties by top-to-bottom order.
Sort the triangles by their last vertex in this order.
When several triangles share the same last vertex, break ties by sorting them clockwise.
Given any node in the mesh the mesh can be viewed as set of concentric rings around this node (like spider's web). Give all edges that are not in the ring (starred paths) a value of 0, and give all edges that are in the ring (ringed paths) a value of 1. I can't prove it, but I'm certain you will get the correct labeling. Every triangle will have exactly one edge that is part of some ring.

Calculate minimum moves to solve a puzzle

I'm in the process of creating a game where the user will be presented with 2 sets of colored tiles. In order to ensure that the puzzle is solvable, I start with one set, copy it to a second set, then swap tiles from one set to another. Currently, (and this is where my issue lies) the number of swaps is determined by the level the user is playing - 1 swap for level 1, 2 swaps for level 2, etc. This same number of swaps is used as a goal in the game. The user must complete the puzzle by swapping a tile from one set to the other to make the 2 sets match (by color). The order of the tiles in the (user) solved puzzle doesn't matter as long as the 2 sets match.
The problem I have is that as the number of swaps I used to generate the puzzle approaches the number of tiles in each set, the puzzle becomes easier to solve. Basically, you can just drag from one set in whatever order you need for the second set and solve the puzzle with plenty of moves left. What I am looking to do is after I finish building the puzzle, calculate the minimum number of moves required to solve the puzzle. Again, this is almost always less than the number of swaps used to create the puzzle, especially as the number of swaps approaches the number of tiles in each set.
My goal is to calculate the best case scenario and then give the user a "fudge factor" (i.e. 1.2 times the minimum number of moves). Solving the puzzle in under this number of moves will result in passing the level.
A little background as to how I currently have the game configured:
Levels 1 to 10: 9 tiles in each set. 5 different color tiles.
Levels 11 to 20: 12 tiles in each set. 7 different color tiles.
Levels 21 to 25: 15 tiles in each set. 10 different color tiles.
Swapping within a set is not allowed.
For each level, there will be at least 2 tiles of a given color (one for each set in the solved puzzle).
Is there any type of algorithm anyone could recommend to calculate the minimum number of moves to solve a given puzzle?
The minimum moves to solve a puzzle is essentially the shortest path from that unsolved state to a solved state. Your game implicitly defines a graph where the vertices are legal states, and there's an edge between two states if there's a legal move that enables that transition.
Depending on the size of your search space, a simple breadth-first search would be feasible, and would give you the minimum number of steps to reach any given state. In fact, you can generate the problems this way too: instead of making random moves to arrive at a state and checking its "distance" from the initial state, simply explore the search space in breadth-first/level-order, and pick a state at a given "distance" for your puzzle.
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IF the search space is too huge for BFS (and I'm not yet convinced that it is), you can use iterative deepening depth-first search instead. It's space-efficient like DFS, but (cummulatively) level-order like BFS. Even though nodes would be visited many times, it is still asymptotically identical to BFS, but requiring much leser space.
I didn't quite understand the puzzle from your description, but two general ideas often useful in solving that kind of puzzles are backtracking and branch and bound.
The A* search algorithm. The idea is that you have some measure of how close a position is to the solution. A* is then a "best first" search in the sense that at each step it considers moves from the best position found so far. It's up to you to come up with some kind of measure of how close you are to a solution. (It doesn't have to be accurate, it's just a heuristic to guide the search.) In practice it often performs much better than a pure breadth first search because it's always guided by your closeness scoring function. But without understanding your problem description, it's hard to say. (A rule of thumb is that if there's a sense of "making progress" while doing a puzzle, rather than it all suddenly coming together at the end, then A* is a good choice.)
