Matlab - strange characters on output - bash

I run my Matlab scripts from bash in the following way:
matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -nodisplay -r "matlabfun()" &> log
The resulting log file starts and ends with a strange character sequence that in less appears as: ESC[?1hESC=. Do you know what this is caused by?

I can reproduce your error. From this table I would assume, that Matlab forces the cursor to be in the application.
I have now idea where else it should be in a bash session, maybe it is a leftover from the graphical version or other platforms. You can just ignore it.

Do not have the chance to verify it myself, but this website suggests that it is because bash tries to help you.
The solution is to set the TERM to invalid entry:


copy paste code works but not as a script

I wrote a script with six if statements that looks like this:
if [ -n $var1 ]
for f in /path/*.fastq.gz
command [options] -i $f -o $temp${x##*/}
cp $temp${x##*/} $temp${q##*/}
echo "no $var1"
for f in /path/*.fastq.gz
cp $f $temp${q##*/}
The other five statements do a similar task for var2 to var6. When I run the script I get unexpected output (no errors no warnings), but when I copy paste each of the if statements to terminal I end up with the exact result I would expect. I've looked for hidden characters or syntax issues for hours now. Could this be a shell issue? Script written on OSX (default zsh) and execution on server (default bash). I have a feeling this issue is similar but I couldn't find an answer to my issue in the replies.
Any and all ideas are most welcome!
You should maybe look at the shebang. I think proper usage would be #!/usr/bin/env bash or #!/bin/bash.
thanks for the help, much appreciated. Shebang didn't seem to be the problem although thanks for pointing that out. reminded me to use
[[ ]]
for unquoted variables, but that didn't solve the problem either. Here's what went wrong and how I 'fixed' it:
for every variable the same command (tool) is used which relies on a support file (similar in format but different content). Originally, before every if statement I replaced the support file for the previous variable with the one needed for the current variable. For some reason (curious why, any thoughts are welcome) this didn't always happen correctly.
As a quick workaround I made six versions of the tool, all with a different support file and used PYTHONPATH=/path/to/version/:$PYTHONPATH before every if statement. Best practice would be to adapt the tool so it can use different support files or an option that deals with repetitive tasks but I don't have the time at the moment.
Have a nice day,

Bash: How to create a test mode that displays commands instead of executing them

I have a bash script that executes a series of commands, some involving redirection. See cyrus-mark-ham-spam.
I want the script to have a test mode, where all the commands run are printed instead of executing them. As you can see, I have tried to do that by just putting "echo" on the front of each command in test mode.
Unfortunately this doesn't deal with redirection - any redirections are still done, so the program leaves lots of temp files littered about the place when run in test mode.
I have tried various ways to get round this, like quoting the whole command and passing it to a function that either prints it or runs it, but either the redirections work in test mode, or they don't work in run mode.
I thought this must have come up before, and wonder if there is a known solution which does not involve every command being repeated with an if TEST round the pair?
Please note, this is NOT a duplicate of show commands without executing them because neither that question, nor its answers, covers redirection (which is the essence of this question).
I see that it is not a duplicate but there is not general solution to this. You need to look at each command separately.
As long as the command doesn't use arguments enclosed in spaces, like
cmd -a -b -c > filename
, you can quote it:
echo 'cmd -a -b -c > filename'
But real life code is more complex, sure.

Ignore user-input when running a unix command from within Matlab

I have a Matlab program that runs different unix commands fairly often. For this question let's assume that what I'm doing is:
unix('ls test')
It happens to me quite frequently that I accidentally press a key(like enter or the arrow keys) f.e. when I'm waking up my display from standby. In theory this shouldn't interfere with the unix command. Though unfortunately, Matlab will take this input and forward it right into the execution of the command. The above command then becomes something like this:
unix('ls te^[0Ast')
(Side note: ^[0A is the hex representation of the linefeed character)
Obviously, this will produce an error.
Does anyone have an idea how to work around this issue?
I was thinking that there might be a way to start Matlab with my script in a way that doesn't forward any user input from within the unix shell.
matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -r "runMyScript();"
Can I somehow pipe the user-input somewhere else and isolate Matlab from any sort of input?
That is not very specific question, but let me try. I can see several options. I am assuming that matlab is text terminal application.
There is nohup(1) command. Since you use linux, chances are that there is non-posix version if it which says in it's man page: If standard input is a terminal, redirect it from /dev/null.
$ nohup matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -r "runMyScript();"
You can redirect /dev/null yourself
$ matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -r "runMyScript();" < /dev/null
But matlab can actually re-open it's stdin ignoring what you piped into it (for example ssh does that, you can't use echo password | ssh somewhere.
if you are running in graphics environment you may want to minimise the window, so that it does not receive any input. Probably not your case, you would figure out yourself :)
you may try to wake up by hitting "Ctrl", similar key or mouse
You may run matlab in screen(1) command disconnect from the screen or switch to different window. Screen is a program allowing you to create virtual terminals (similar to virtual desktops in GUI). If you haven't heard of screen, I suggest you to look at some tutorials. Googling for gnu screen tutorial seems to offer quite a few.

How can I call a Matlab function that takes text input from the command line?

I'm working on a medical robotics project that captures a series of images and then does some processing on them in MATLAB. Since a number of other things have to be done outside MATLAB, I'm using another language for the overall control, and using console commands to trigger other portions.
I have a single .m file with a single function that takes the filepath to the directory the images are in and does all the MATLAB processing. How can I call this from the command line? I've seen matlab -r "function(input)" discussed in some other answers here, but it doesn't work for me (I get a syntax error at the open paren). More specifically, I get: matlab: eval: line 1690: syntax error near unexpected token '('.
I've seen a few people saying this has to be done by calling a shell script (which I have no idea how to write), but a number of other people saying it's doable without that, can anyone clarify?
Additionally, assuming I've merely botched the matlab -r syntax, how does MATLAB know where to find the .m file? Does it need to be in whatever directory I'm running the command from?
I am guessing you are trying:
matlab -r test('hi')
and getting...
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
or something similar?
Answer: You need to use " " around the function(input), ie:
matlab -r "test('hi')"
This runs test.m in my current directory with the input string 'hi'.
To do this in a shell script named, in say bash, you can just open a file and write:
matlab -r "test('hi')"
and then execute this script from the command line by typing ./ Make sure the script has execute permissions before you try to run it ;)

How do I call Matlab in a script on Windows?

I'm working on a project that uses several languages:
SQL for querying a database
Perl/Ruby for quick-and-dirty processing of the data from the database and some other bookkeeping
Matlab for matrix-oriented computations
Various statistics languages (SAS/R/SPSS) for processing the Matlab output
Each language fits its niche well and we already have a fair amount of code in each. Right now, there's a lot of manual work to run all these steps that would be much better scripted. I've already done this on Linux, and it works relatively well.
On Linux:
matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -r "command"
echo "command" | matlab -nosplash -nodesktop
...opens Matlab in a "command line" mode. (That is, no windows are created -- it just reads from STDIN, executes, and outputs to STDOUT/STDERR.) My problem is that on Windows (XP and 7), this same code opens up a window and doesn't read from / write to the command line. It just stares me blankly in the face, totally ignoring STDIN and STDOUT.
How can I script running Matlab commands on Windows? I basically want something that will do:
ruby database_query.rb
ruby other_stuff.rb
matlab processing_step_1.m
matlab processing_step_2.m
# etc, etc.
I've found out that Matlab has an -automation flag on Windows to start an "automation server". That sounds like overkill for my purposes, and I'd like something that works on both platforms.
What options do I have for automating Matlab in this workflow?
matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -r "command"
works on Windows as well. Yes, it opens another window, but it's not a problem. I run it in a batch mode from Java wrapper on Tomcat server and there were no issues. Put all commands into a script file, don't forget to close the session with exit command, and use -r flag. Also you can find -noFigureWindows and -wait parameters useful. And it works on both Windows and Unix. You can use platform-specific flags, if some are not supported they will be ignored.
Start MATLAB program (Windows platforms)
There is also a way to hide matlab window with C library. See engSetVisible.
