Boxen download archieves from S3-bucket - macos

I am attempting to download a file from a private S3-bucket, through Boxen puppet scripts. However, I haven't found any examples how to do so. All I found was readme's discussing the environment variables (which I set).
But how can I download an archive from S3 and install it locally? Any good examples? Is this done through homebrew or a puppet script?

puppet-minecraft does this with a publicly reachable AWS S3 bucket. Perhaps it can help you.
Check out the manifest init.pp >here<, where you'll find this snippet showing the URL that's grabbing the item from AWS S3.
package { 'Minecraft':
source => '',
provider => 'appdmg'
Mincraft isn't the only example. I found others in my repo by running on my Mac.:
mdfind -onlyin /opt/boxen/repo/shared s3 | grep manifest


Poetry `FileNotFoundError` when using cached venv in CI build

I'm trying to optimize our poetry build times by storing a tar.gz of the venv on the end of the build in an azure storage blob (an S3) with key generated by doing a md5sum of the poetry.lock and the pyproject.toml. (this works fine)
So, in the beginning of another build, I would hash those files and try to find if that blob exists in storage. If yes, download it and extract its contents to the .venv/ dir of the project.
This worked fine at the beginning but after a while I started getting builds that were throwing this error when trying to run a command through poetry: (any command)
+ poetry run reorder-python-imports --diff-only <SOME_FILES>
[Errno 2] No such file or directory
at /usr/local/lib/python3.8/ in _execvpe
587│ argrest = (args,)
588│ env = environ
590│ if path.dirname(file):
→ 591│ exec_func(file, *argrest)
592│ return
593│ saved_exc = None
594│ path_list = get_exec_path(env)
595│ if name != 'nt':
I have confirmed that there is no .venv folder already in the project dir and that the contents are exactly the same as if it were going to install it from the network.
If I just run poetry install on top of the cached venv, it says it has no more dependencies to install, but it throws the error above.
If I delete the venv and install everything again, commands work fine.
I have no more ideas on how to debug and solve this issue. Help would be very appreciated! :)
Ok, I think I've understood that virtualenvs have some hardcoded paths that are not easy to move around.
For what it says in this post Can I move a virtualenv? we should not move venvs as a good practice.
And there it goes my way of speeding up builds...

Why does terraformer not find plugin?

I am new to the world of terraform. I am trying to use terraformer on a GCP project, but keep getting plugin not found:
terraformer import google --resources=gcs,forwardingRules,httpHealthChecks --connect=true --
regions=europe-west1,europe-west4 --projects=myproj
2021/02/12 08:17:03 google importing project myproj region europe-west1
2021/02/12 08:17:04 google importing... gcs
2021/02/12 08:17:05 open \.terraform.d/plugins/windows_amd64: The system cannot find the path specified.
Prior to the above, installed terraformer thus: choco install terraformer I downloaded the Google provider, terraform-provider-google_v3.56.0_x5.exe, placed it in my terraform dir, and did terraform init. I checked %AppData\Roaming\terraform.d\plugins\windows_amd64 and the plugins\windows_amd64 did not exist, so I created it, dropped in the Google exe and redid the init.
My was:
provider "google" {
project = "{myproj"
region = "europe-west2"
zone = "europe-west2-a"
Could it be the chocolatey install causing this issue? I have never used it before but the alternative install looks daunting!
If you install from Chocolatey, it seems it looks for the provider files at C:\.terraform.d\plugins\windows_amd64. If you create those directories and drop the terraform-provider-xxx.exe file in there it will be picked up.
I would also suggest running it with the --verbose flag.
Remember to execute "terraform init"
Once you install the terraformer, check this
Create the file example
terraform {
required_providers {
google = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
required_version = ">= 0.13"
Execute terraform init
Start the import process, something like:
terraformer import aws --profile [my-aws-profile] --resources="*" --regions=eu-west-1
Where --resources="*" will get everything from aws, but you could specify route53 or other resources
terraformer import aws --profile [my-aws-profile] --resources="route53" --regions=eu-west-1
The daunting instructions worked!
Run git clone <terraformer repo>
Run go mod download
Run go build -v for all providers OR build with one provider go run build/main.go {google,aws,azure,kubernetes and etc}
Run terraform init against an file to install the plugins required for your platform. For example, if you need plugins for the google provider, should contain:
terraform {
required_providers {
google = {
source = "hashicorp/google"
required_version = ">= 0.13"
making sure to run that version and not the chocolatey one.
go mod download the flag -x will give output while that command runs, otherwise you might think nothing is happening.

Can I run stanza NER without downloading the language modules?

I need to run stanza ner in a platform without any access to external network. The code'en') fails. Running without the download function, gives me an exception
Exception: Resources file not found at: \home\stanza_resources\resources.json. Try to download the model again
Is there a way to download and cache all the required modules in a resource directory and point this directory to stanza pipeline?
It looks like both download and the Pipeline class take an argument for directory dir
So the below code works'en', dir='resources/', processors={ner_processor: package})
nlp_pipeline = stanza.Pipeline('en', dir='resources/', processors={ner_processor: package})

DevOps : AWS Lambda .zip with Terraform

I have written Terraform to create a Lambda function in AWS.
This includes specifying my python code zipped.
Running from Command Line into my tech box, all goes well.
The terraform apply action sees my zip moved into AWS and used to create the lambda.
Key section of code :
resource "aws_lambda_function" "meta_lambda" {
filename = ""
source_code_hash = filebase64sha256("")
Now, to get this into other environments, I have to push my Terraform via Azure DevOps.
However, when I try to build in DevOps, I get the following :
Error: Error in function call on line 140, in resource
"aws_lambda_function" "meta_lambda": 140: source_code_hash =
filebase64sha256("") Call to function
"filebase64sha256" failed: no file exists at
I have a feeling that I am missing a key concept here as I can see the .zip in the repo - so do not understand how it is not found by the build?
Any hints/clues as to what I am doing wrong, gratefully welcome.
Chaps, I'm afraid that I may have just been over my head here - new to terraform & DevOps !
I had a word with our (more) tech folks and they have sorted this.
The reason I think yours if failing is becuase the Tar Terraform step
needs to use a different command line so it gets the zip file included
into the artifacts. tar -cvpf terraform.tar .terraform .tf tfplan
tar --recursion -cvpf terraform.tar --exclude='/.git' --exclude='.gitignore' .
.. it that means anything to you !
Whatever they did, it works !
As there is a bounty on this, I still going to assign it as I am grateful for the input !
Sorry if this was a it of a newbie error.
You can try building your package with terraform AWS lambda build module. As it has been very useful for the processTerraform Lambda build module
According to the document example, in the source_code_hash argument, filebase64sha256 ("") needs to be enclosed in double quotes.
You can refer to this document for details.

Access current git commit number from within Heroku app

I know the slug compiler removes the .git directory when creating a heroku slug, but is there any way to configure Heroku so that I can access the currently running git commit number from within my scripts?
I'd like to be able to have a small link on my sinatra app (run within Heroku) which says "running version e72fb274a0" (or something similar). How can I retrieve this, or force the slug compiler to add it to an environment variable?
I reckon the best way to do this is to make a custom buildpack which writes the git commit version number to the heroku slug before the .git directory is deleted.
I've tried to do this (see my fork of the ruby buildpack) but the line I've added – line 23 – doesn't seem to be doing the job. Heroku sees & uses the new buildpack, but doesn't seem to write the file to the slug.
Anyone have any idea why my custom buildpack isn't working as expected?
A couple of options...
SOURCE_VERSION environment variable (build-time)
Since 1st April 2015, there's a SOURCE_VERSION environment variable available to builds running on Heroku. For git-pushed builds, this is the git commit SHA-1 of the source being built:
(thanks to #srtech for pointing that out!)
An example of me using that variable in a build - if you look at the HTML served by the deployed app, you'll see the commit id is coming though in an HTML comment near the very bottom:
/etc/heroku/dyno metadata file (run-time)
Heroku have beta functionality to write out a /etc/heroku/dyno metadata file onto your running dyno. If you email support you can probably get added to the beta. Here's a place where Heroku themselves are using it:
The contents look like this:
} release.commit is the field you're after. I used to use this method until the SOURCE_VERSION variable became available.
In 2018 this is what you want:
heroku labs:enable runtime-dyno-metadata -a <app name>
You can run a script before deploy that store this information (maybe on a YAML)
using these a = `ls` (note that is not ' "apostrophe" sign is ` "inverse accute" sign)
the a variable will have the result of this bash command,so you can do
git = `git log`
and then find the information you want it and store it.
So you will be able to retrieve it later.
Did this helped ?
