Is CodeIgniter 3 Complete? - codeigniter

I know some people are using it (PyroCMS) but is CodeIgniter 3.0 complete and ready to be used in production?
I have been using CodeIgniter for many years and although I know it seems to be languishing at the moment it is just so easy to use.
UPDATE: The title of this question used to be "Is CodeIgniter 3 finished?". By this, I meant, is CodeIgniter complete and ready to use in production (not is it dead).

Version 3 completed on March 30, 2015. See CodeIgniter - Change Log
Original Reply:
No, it's not finished. When it is - you'll see the release announcement on the EllisLab website.
Contrary to what is said in the comments though, this doesn't depend on the issues pending on github and it's not dead either.

Codeigniter is now owned by the British Columbia Institute of Technology.
As of January 26, 2015, the Codeigniter 3.0rc release candidate, its documentation, and relevant changelogs are availble here.

Codeigniter 3.0.1 is now fully compeleted.
you can see changelog here:
and Codeigniter 3.1 is in development!!!

Codeigniter has now released 3.0 Candidate version
CodeIgniter 3.x is the branch under active development.
A few issues remain to be resolved, and it will not be released until those are put to bed. Version 3 is almost ready for prime time, and many sites are actually using it in production already.
angularjs routing is enabled.


How to upgrade a liferay theme from 7.0 to 7.4?

I'm following the official tutorial to update a theme from 7.0 to 7.2, the process is successful but I need to update to liferay 7.4 and I can't find official documentation or information on how to continue from here, I try to deploy the war on my local server with 7.4 but it says which is not compatible with this version of Liferay. Can someone guide me?
There are 5 years between Liferay 7.0 and 7.4 - and a lot has changed in the frontend world. I'd suggest you either just create a new theme, or (better) check if just using a stylebook with a stock theme is sufficient. A stylebook should be a lot easier to migrate to future versions than a full theme.
I believe that it's technically possible to upgrade a theme, but wouldn't bother doing so. As you have an existing theme, it should be relatively quick to get to where you need to be - plus you'll have the opportunity to make those little adjustments that you likely had an eye on for the past couple of years.

Use Magento 2 in production

Hello Stack Overflow Community,
i want to use a multiple store infra structure and i decided to use Magento. i looked for a composer installation and i found one. So i installed Magento. the problem is that i used Magento 2 in version 0.74.0-beta16.
My question: Can use this version for production instead of Magento 1. The release plan ( says, that at the beginning 2016 Magento 2 to will be officially release. And the functionality is tested by Unit Tests, so the already existing functionality must be guranteed expect some special cases.
You cannot use Magento 2 in production at this time because payment doesn't work. The release is scheduled for November and you should be able to use it then.

Does Magento support downgrade / rollback scripts for modules?

I noticed in the Magento Certified Developer Study Guide, under the Database section one of the items mentioned is "Write downgrade (rollback) scripts".
I've done some searching to see whether downgrade scripts are supported and it seems they are not. I found this thread from earlier this year in which it seems they concluded that downgrade scripts weren't supported at that time.
Also, did some searching on google and found this article discussing what appears to be some initial support for rollback scripts in the core.
I also searched under app/code/core/Mage for "rollback" and "downgrade" and pretty much most of what I found was code related to DB transaction rollbacks.
Why would the study guide be talking about this if it's not supported? I must be missing something.
Current versions of Magento have no implementation for rollback database migration scripts, where rollback means identifying that a module version number has decreased and running an appropriate script.
Remember through, you're looking at a study guide, not a manual.
While there's no support for formal rollbacks in the current version of Magento, as a Magento developer you may need to rollback database changes made in a previous module upgrade. I'd be ready for questions that describe that scenario, with answers that test your knowledge of existing Magento functionality.
It's here:
Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Setup::applyUpdates() Available, at least, from Magento 1.3.

Need help with CodeIgniter v2.0.2

I'm new to CI. Anyone could help to the latest version of CI. most of the Tutorial is for last version and it didn't work for the latest version. please help.
You can still get started using what's availabe for 1.7, if you pay attention to how file structure changed between the two versions (ie the System and Application directories are now separate). To that, many of the tuts you'll find are applicable - bearing in mind that the paths may differ, and you'll want to verify that the functions are still supported in 2.0 by use of the User's Guide).
If you walked through the tut in your link, using the Models, Views, Controllers directories inside Application, you'd get a "Hello World" page.
The User's Guide is a great tool, as are the Community Forums.
Best of luck to you.
I recently migrated a site using CodeIgniter from 1.7 to 2.0. - I found the following link to be very useful:

CodeIgniter version 2.0 is stable enough to use?

i want to port my application to CodeIgniter but i am wondering whether i should use their v2.0 or v1.72 (then when they release 2.0, upgrade it).
i have never used a framework before so i don't exactly know what implies when upgrading a framework: what does it mean practically - i just move the folders and it will work? or do i have to change a lot of settings, file structure etc? could someone enlighten me about the upgrade process.
and what would you use: v.1.72 or v2.0?
if i'm using the latest version, is there a good documentation for it somewhere so you can read about how to use the new features: packages, drivers and so on.
You can read about some of the changes in 2.0 here.
I would image the upgrade process should be straightforward as long as you do not use any features that are different/removed such as plugins. Just take your models, controllers, etc and drop them into the 2.0 framework. Then regression test you whole app, fixing any problems as you see them...
If you are selling this app or making something mission critical then of course v1.7.2 is the best choice. That said I have PyroCMS running on v2.0 and since some of my bug-fixes were merged it seems stable enough.
One should consider time frames for deployment:
If it is one week, then stick to v1.7.2
If it is three months, go with v2
Assuming three months is approximately to time for a release to stabilise?
