How to execute a rake task using mina? - ruby

I want to run a rake task (migrate) contained in my Rakefile in my Sinatra app. I am using Mina to deploy. rake migrate works great if I run it on the server or on my development, but I cannot get Mina to execute the task.
My current deploy looks like this within config/deploy.rb
task :deploy => :environment do
deploy do
# Put things that will set up an empty directory into a fully set-up
# instance of your project.
invoke :'git:clone'
invoke :'deploy:link_shared_paths'
to :launch do
queue "sudo /opt/nginx/sbin/nginx -s reload"
I tried both queue "rake migrate" and queue "#{rake} migrate" within the deploy block and within the launch block but it always complains bash: command not found

in Mina, use ssh to execute rake not quite a smart move.
mina 'rake[rake_taks:taks_whatever_you_write]' on= environment
that is better.

Mina uses ssh to run remote commands. That means that the commands run in a different environment as when you log in. This is causing problems with rvm and rbenv as they are not initialised properly. Luckily, mina has rvm support, you just have to set it up:
require 'mina/rvm'
task :environment do
invoke :'rvm:use[ruby-1.9.3-p125#gemset_name]'
task :deploy => :environment do
You can do a similar thing for rbenv (documentation)


Running cron job on localhost using Whenever gem

Currently I have a Ruby and Sinatra project in which I am trying to automate a task. I have followed all the installation steps for the Whenever gem and written a function in my schedule.rb file that looks like this:
set :output, "./cron_log.log"
every 1.minutes do
command "ruby ./scripts/my_script.rb"
My project will eventually be deployed to a remote server, but I do not have access to that at the moment. Instead, I am testing it all by running it on my local machine using the command bundle exec shotgun -o -p 9393. When I run it, none of the functions in my schedule.rb file are run. I ran a test by putting require './scripts/my_script.rb' at the top of the schedule.rb file. Whenever I run bundle exec whenever, that outside function will execute, but not the function inside the every block. I figured maybe it only works on a live server, so I ran the bundle exec shotgun -o -p 9393 command to start my server on localhost but nothing in the schedule.rb file was called, including the outside function. I tried putting the command system("bundle exec whenever") in my authentication file, which gets activated every time a user loads the home page of my website, and the outside function in schedule.rb does get called, but the every function does not. Even if it did work like this, I don't want the file to get called every single time a user accesses the home page.
I also tried putting require './config/schedule' in the authentication file and that just completely breaks the website and gives this error message:
Boot Error
Something went wrong while loading
NoMethodError: undefined method `every' for main:Object
Here is part of the output when running the crontab -l command:
# Begin Whenever generated tasks for: /file_path_redacted/config/schedule.rb at: 2022-10-21 18:50:21 -0500
* * * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'ruby ./scripts/my_script.rb >> ./cron_log.log 2>&1'
# End Whenever generated tasks for: /file_path_redacted/config/schedule.rb at: 2022-10-21 18:50:21 -0500
So, my question is this: How and when is the schedule.rb file supposed to get called? And is it important that I deploy the project to the remote server for the cron job to work? Again, it is not possible for me to deploy it, as it must be fully working before being deployed. If it is possible to run on localhost, what am I doing wrong?

Have Heroku App Restart it self from Heroku

So, if I run the command heroku ps:restart event_machine.1 --app app-name I get what I want. However, I'm trying to automate our travis-ci deploy process. What needs to happen is the following:
We have a successful test run.
Next, we deploy the code
If we deploy the code successfully, we need to execute a few rake tasks that tell an external service to rebuild it self.
Once this is fired off, we need to restart the heroku app. In travis, ideally, this would be executed on the heroku machine via a deploy run command. This would be done in much the same way that we run bundle exec db:migrate.
Does anyone have any thoughts on how we we can restart a particular dyno(s) via a command that can be ran via heroku run something as that is what travis is executing in the deploy run.
So, to answer this we had a procfile that is executing a rake command to spin up event machine. We've modified this at the proc file level to first tell the external service to rebuild it self, before starting the event machine. This takes travis completely out of the deployment loop, which is better because it allows Heroku and Travis to each do what they should be responsible for.

Permanently switching user in Capistrano 3 (separate authorization & deploy)

We have following pattern in server management - all users do have their own user, but deploy is fully performed by special deploy user, without direct login possibility.
We used this method in Capistrano 2.x:
default_run_options[:shell] = "sudo -u deploy bash"
$ cap stage deploy -s user=thisisme
I'm aware that Capistrano 3.x has method to switch user directly:
task :install do
on roles(:all) do
as :deploy do
execute :whoami
But this code will fill all tasks, and default tasks will not inherit deploy user anyway. Is it ever possible to set up login user directly without dragging this code to each task?
Since I had received no proper answer and didn't got the idea myself, I decided to ask authors. Capistrano 3.x uses SSHKit to manage remote execution commands, and here's their answer:
You could try overriding the command map such that every command gets prefixed with the desired sudo string.
SSHKit.config.command_map = do |hash, command|
hash[command] = "<<sudo stuff goes here>> #{command}"
The documentation says "this may not be wise, but it would be possible". YMMV

How to run Capistrano task on failed deploy

Using Capistrano I'd like to run a cleanup/teardown task on failed deploy, such as when a shell command fails.
I couldn't find anything after a fairly extensive search.
Can anyone help? Thanks
Take a look on Capistrano source code:
It depends on how your task is. Basically, there are some snippets for rolling back thing:
task :my_task do
on_rollback { "rm -rf data_dir" }
exec "mkdir data_dir"
exec "some commands for preparaing data in data_dir"
after "deploy:create_symlink", :my_task
In above case, my_task should be run in a transaction. And yes, it's already in transaction because deploy:create_symlink is a subtask of deploy which creates a transaction.
If you want to run my_task standalone (not a subtask of cap deploy process). You should create another task like below, and run cap my_task_standalone from command line.
task :my_task_standalone do
transaction do

Heroku - how to start job worker (delayed job)?

I have some miniapp that use delayed_job. On my localhost everything works fine, but when I deploy my app to Heroku and click on the link that should be executed by delayed_job, so nothing happen, the "task" is just saved into the table delayed_job.
In this article on heroku blog is written, that the task from delayed_job table is executed, when is run this command rake jobs:work.
But how can I run this command? Where should be the command placed? In the code, or from terminal console?
If you are running the Cedar stack, run the following from the terminal console:
heroku run rake jobs:work
If you are running the older stacks (Bamboo, Aspen, etc.):
heroku rake jobs:work
According to the delayed_job documentation, you can also start a worker programmatically:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../config/environment'
You should use a Procfile to scpecify the commands for your dynos.
For example you would have something like this in your Procfile:
web: bundle exec rails server -p $PORT
worker: bundle exec rake jobs:work
To use this on your development machine, you should use Foreman, it's all explained at the docs.
In our case we're only running a delayed job once a month, so didn't want to have a worker dyno running constantly.
To solve this we queue up the job (with .delayed) and then use the Heroku platform API to spawn rake jobs:workoff in a one-off worker. The API call returns relatively quickly.
PlatformAPI.connect_oauth(ENV["YOUR_HEROKU_KEY"]).dyno.create(ENV["YOUR_HEROKU_APP_NAME"],{command: 'rake jobs:workoff'})
