HBase Aggregation - hadoop

I'm having some trouble doing aggregation on a particular column in HBase.
This is the snippet of code I tried:
Configuration config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
AggregationClient aggregationClient = new AggregationClient(config);
Scan scan = new Scan();
scan.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("drs"), Bytes.toBytes("count"));
ColumnInterpreter<Long, Long> ci = new LongColumnInterpreter();
Long sum = aggregationClient.sum(Bytes.toBytes("DEMO_CALCULATIONS"), ci , scan);
sum returns a value of null.
The aggregationClient API works fine if I do a rowcount.
I was trying to follow the directions in http://michaelmorello.blogspot.in/2012/01/row-count-hbase-aggregation-example.html
Could there be a problem with me using a LongColumnInterpreter when the 'count' field was an int? What am I missing in here?

You can only use long(8bytes) to do sum with default setting.
Cause in the code of AggregateImplementation's getSum method, it handle all the returned KeyValue as long.
List<KeyValue> results = new ArrayList<KeyValue>();
try {
boolean hasMoreRows = false;
do {
hasMoreRows = scanner.next(results);
for (KeyValue kv : results) {
temp = ci.getValue(colFamily, qualifier, kv);
if (temp != null)
sumVal = ci.add(sumVal, ci.castToReturnType(temp));
} while (hasMoreRows);
} finally {
and in LongColumnInterpreter
public Long getValue(byte[] colFamily, byte[] colQualifier, KeyValue kv)
throws IOException {
if (kv == null || kv.getValueLength() != Bytes.SIZEOF_LONG)
return null;
return Bytes.toLong(kv.getBuffer(), kv.getValueOffset());


Return ldap entries on paginated form in springboot

I have a ldap method that returns all users that are in it (almost 1300 users) and I want to return them by page, similar to what PagingAndSortingRepository does in Springboot:
If I have this endpoint ( users/?page=0&size=1 )and I wnat to return on page 0 just 1 entry.
Is there any way to do that?
Currently I have this but it doesn´t work:
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest(ldapConfig.getBaseDn(), SearchScope.SUB,
Filter.createEqualityFilter("objectClass", "person"));
ASN1OctetString resumeCookie = null;
while (true) {
searchRequest.setControls(new SimplePagedResultsControl(pageable.getPageSize(), resumeCookie));
SearchResult searchResult = ldapConnection.search(searchRequest);
totalEntriesReturned += searchResult.getEntryCount();
for (SearchResultEntry e : searchResult.getSearchEntries()) {
String[] completeDN = UaaUtils.searchCnInDn(e.getDN());
String[] username = completeDN[0].split("=");
UserEntity u = new UserEntity(username[1]);
SimplePagedResultsControl responseControl = SimplePagedResultsControl.get(searchResult);
if (responseControl.moreResultsToReturn()) {
// The resume cookie can be included in the simple paged results
// control included in the next search to get the next page of results.
System.out.println("Antes "+resumeCookie);
resumeCookie = responseControl.getCookie();
System.out.println("Depois "+resumeCookie);
} else {
Page<UserEntity> newPage = new PageImpl<>(list, pageable, totalEntriesReturned);
System.out.println("content " + newPage.getContent());
System.out.println("total elements " + newPage.getTotalElements());
I'm unsure if this is the proper way, but here's how I went about it:
public PaginatedLookup getAll(String page, String perPage) {
PagedResultsCookie cookie = null;
List<LdapUser> results;
try {
if ( page != null ) {
cookie = new PagedResultsCookie(Hex.decode(page));
} // end if
Integer pageSize = perPage != null ? Integer.parseInt(perPage) : PROCESSOR_PAGE_SIZE;
PagedResultsDirContextProcessor processor = new PagedResultsDirContextProcessor(pageSize, cookie);
LdapName base = LdapUtils.emptyLdapName();
SearchControls sc = new SearchControls();
sc.setReturningAttributes(new String[]{"cn", "title"});
results = ldapTemplate.search(base, filter.encode(), sc, new PersonAttributesMapper(), processor);
cookie = processor.getCookie();
} catch ( Exception e ) {
return null;
} // end try-catch
String nextPage = null;
if ( cookie != null && cookie.getCookie() != null ) {
nextPage = new String(Hex.encode(cookie.getCookie()));
} // end if
return new PaginatedLookup(nextPage, results);
The main issue I kept on hitting was trying to get the cookie as something that could be sent to the client, which is where my Hex.decode and Hex.encode came in handy.
PersonAttributesMapper is a private mapper that I have to make the fields more human readable, and PaginatedLookup is a custom class I use for API responses.

ElasticsearchTemplate retrieve big data sets

I am new to ElasticsearchTemplate. I want to get 1000 documents from Elasticsearch based on my query.
I have used QueryBuilder to create my query , and it is working perfectly.
I have gone through the following links , which states that it is possible to achieve big data sets using scan and scroll.
link one
link two
I am trying to implement this functionality in the following section of code, which I have copy pasted from one of the link , mentioned above.
But I am getting following error :
The type ResultsMapper is not generic; it cannot be parameterized with arguments <myInputDto>.
MyInputDto is a class with #Document annotation in my project.
End of the day , I just want to retrieve 1000 documents from Elasticsearch.
I tried to find size parameter but I think it is not supported.
String scrollId = esTemplate.scan(searchQuery, 1000, false);
List<MyInputDto> sampleEntities = new ArrayList<MyInputDto>();
boolean hasRecords = true;
while (hasRecords) {
Page<MyInputDto> page = esTemplate.scroll(scrollId, 5000L,
new ResultsMapper<MyInputDto>() {
public Page<MyInputDto> mapResults(SearchResponse response) {
List<MyInputDto> chunk = new ArrayList<MyInputDto>();
for (SearchHit searchHit : response.getHits()) {
if (response.getHits().getHits().length <= 0) {
return null;
MyInputDto user = new MyInputDto();
user.setMessage((String) searchHit.getSource().get("message"));
return new PageImpl<MyInputDto>(chunk);
if (page != null) {
hasRecords = page.hasNextPage();
} else {
hasRecords = false;
What is the issue here ?
Is there any other alternative to achieve this?
I will be thankful if somebody could tell me how this ( code ) is working in the back end.
Solution 1
If you want to use ElasticsearchTemplate, it would be much simpler and readable to use CriteriaQuery, as it allows to set the page size with setPageable method. With scrolling, you can get next sets of data:
CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery = new CriteriaQuery(Criteria.where("productName").is("something"));
criteriaQuery.setPageable(PageRequest.of(0, 1000));
ScrolledPage<TestDto> scroll = (ScrolledPage<TestDto>) esTemplate.startScroll(3000, criteriaQuery, TestDto.class);
while (scroll.hasContent()) {
LOG.info("Next page with 1000 elem: " + scroll.getContent());
scroll = (ScrolledPage<TestDto>) esTemplate.continueScroll(scroll.getScrollId(), 3000, TestDto.class);
Solution 2
If you'd like to use org.elasticsearch.client.Client instead of ElasticsearchTemplate, then SearchResponse allows to set the number of search hits to return:
QueryBuilder prodBuilder = ...;
SearchResponse scrollResp = client.
.setScroll(new TimeValue(60000))
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
List<TestDto> products = new ArrayList<>();
try {
do {
for (SearchHit hit : scrollResp.getHits().getHits()) {
products.add(mapper.readValue(hit.getSourceAsString(), TestDto.class));
LOG.info("Next page with 1000 elem: " + products);
scrollResp = client.prepareSearchScroll(scrollResp.getScrollId())
.setScroll(new TimeValue(60000))
} while (scrollResp.getHits().getHits().length != 0);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Exception while executing query {}", e);

QueryBuilders array Elastic search 2.4

QueryBuilder missingFiletr = QueryHelper.andQuery(incCatsEmptyFilter, excCatsEmptyFilter, incEmptyFilter, excEmptyFilter);
I am calling andQuery method and all the parameters of andFilterBuilders()
are going to filterBuilders array nad now I am extracting this into filterBuilder as i want to and all the queryBuilders. Is it correct format
public static QueryBuilder andQuery(QueryBuilder... filterBuilders) {
QueryBuilder filterBuilder = null;
if (filterBuilders != null && filterBuilders.length > 0) {
for(int i = 0 ; i < filterBuilders.length ; i++){
filterBuilder = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().filter(filterBuilders[i]);
return filterBuilder;
No, you are creating a new bool/filter query on each iteration and reassigning it to the same variable, that won't work. You need to do it like this instead:
public static QueryBuilder andQuery(QueryBuilder... filterBuilders) {
BoolQueryBuilder filterBuilder = null;
if (filterBuilders != null && filterBuilders.length > 0) {
// create the bool query here
filterBuilder = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
for(QueryBuilder filter : filterBuilders){
// add each filter to the bool query here
return filterBuilder;

NEST Elasticsearch Reindex examples

my objective is to reindex an index with 10 million shards for the purposes of changing field mappings to facilitate significant terms analysis.
My problem is that I am having trouble using the NEST library to perform a re-index, and the documentation is (very) limited. If possible I need an example of the following in use:
NEST provides a nice Reindex method you can use, although the documentation is lacking. I've used it in a very rough-and-ready fashion with this ad-hoc WinForms code.
private ElasticClient client;
private double count;
private void reindex_Completed()
private void reindex_Next(IReindexResponse<object> obj)
count += obj.BulkResponse.Items.Count();
var progress = 100 * count / (double)obj.SearchResponse.Total;
progressBar1.Value = (int)progress;
private void reindex_Error(Exception ex)
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
count = 0;
var reindex = client.Reindex<object>(r => r.FromIndex(fromIndex.Text).NewIndexName(toIndex.Text).Scroll("10s"));
var o = new ReindexObserver<object>(onError: reindex_Error, onNext: reindex_Next, completed: reindex_Completed);
And I've just found the blog post that showed me how to do it: http://thomasardal.com/elasticsearch-migrations-with-c-and-nest/
Unfortunately the NEST implementation is not quite what I expected. In my opinion it's a bit over-engineered for possibly the most common use case.
Alot of people just want to update their mappings with zero downtime...
In my case - I had already taken care of creating the index with all its settings and mappings, but NEST insists that it must create a new index when reindexing. That among many other things. Too many other things.
I found it much less complicated to just implement directly - since NEST already has Search, Scroll, and Bulk methods. (this is adopted from NEST's implementation):
// Assuming you have already created and setup the index yourself
public void Reindex(ElasticClient client, string aliasName, string currentIndexName, string nextIndexName)
Console.WriteLine("Reindexing documents to new index...");
var searchResult = client.Search<object>(s => s.Index(currentIndexName).AllTypes().From(0).Size(100).Query(q => q.MatchAll()).SearchType(SearchType.Scan).Scroll("2m"));
if (searchResult.Total <= 0)
Console.WriteLine("Existing index has no documents, nothing to reindex.");
var page = 0;
IBulkResponse bulkResponse = null;
var result = searchResult;
searchResult = client.Scroll<object>(s => s.Scroll("2m").ScrollId(result.ScrollId));
if (searchResult.Documents != null && searchResult.Documents.Any())
searchResult.ThrowOnError("reindex scroll " + page);
bulkResponse = client.Bulk(b =>
foreach (var hit in searchResult.Hits)
b.Index<object>(bi => bi.Document(hit.Source).Type(hit.Type).Index(nextIndexName).Id(hit.Id));
return b;
}).ThrowOnError("reindex page " + page);
Console.WriteLine("Reindexing progress: " + (page + 1) * 100);
while (searchResult.IsValid && bulkResponse != null && bulkResponse.IsValid && searchResult.Documents != null && searchResult.Documents.Any());
Console.WriteLine("Reindexing complete!");
Console.WriteLine("Updating alias to point to new index...");
client.Alias(a => a
.Add(aa => aa.Alias(aliasName).Index(nextIndexName))
.Remove(aa => aa.Alias(aliasName).Index(currentIndexName)));
// TODO: Don't forget to delete the old index if you want
And the ThrowOnError extension method in case you want it:
public static T ThrowOnError<T>(this T response, string actionDescription = null) where T : IResponse
if (!response.IsValid)
throw new CustomExceptionOfYourChoice(actionDescription == null ? string.Empty : "Failed to " + actionDescription + ": " + response.ServerError.Error);
return response;
I second Ben Wilde's answer above. Better to have full control over index creation and the re-index process.
What's missing from Ben's code is support for parent/child relationship. Here is my code to fix that:
Replace the following lines:
foreach (var hit in searchResult.Hits)
b.Index<object>(bi => bi.Document(hit.Source).Type(hit.Type).Index(nextIndexName).Id(hit.Id));
With this:
foreach (var hit in searchResult.Hits)
var jo = hit.Source as JObject;
JToken jt;
if(jo != null && jo.TryGetValue("parentId", out jt))
// Document is child-document => add parent reference
string parentId = (string)jt;
b.Index<object>(bi => bi.Document(hit.Source).Type(hit.Type).Index(nextIndexName).Id(hit.Id).Parent(parentId));
b.Index<object>(bi => bi.Document(hit.Source).Type(hit.Type).Index(nextIndexName).Id(hit.Id));

Custom Plugin Does Not Execute -- Need Assistance With Some Basic Understanding

I am new to CRM and I have created a new AutoNumber plugin (actually modified an existing plugin).
I am having issues getting this plugin to work on the CRM side.
I have created the plugin, and I have created a CREATE step. I am confused with the IMAGE creation, and how I need to go about doing this.
Also, I am using the localContext.Trace and I am not sure where to view this information.
Can anyone help me with understanding the exact steps I need to follow to implement this plugin. I will include my code here in case I am doing something wrong. Again, this was a working plugin and I just modified it. I tried to follow the pattern used by the previous developer.
FYI -- I have purchased the CRM Solution Manager utility to help with the deployment process, but still not having any luck.
Thanks in advance for your time.
Here is the code..
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using IccPlugin.ProxyClasses;
using IccPlugin.ProxyClasses.ProxyClasses;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;
namespace IccPlugin {
public class ProgramReportAutoNumber : PluginBase {
private readonly string imageAlias = "ProgramReport";
private new_programreport preImage { get; set; }
private new_programreport postImage { get; set; }
private new_programreport targetEntity { get; set; }
private readonly string imageAlias_program = "Program";
private new_program preImage_program { get; set; }
private new_program postImage_program { get; set; }
private new_program targetEntity_program { get; set; }
public ProgramReportAutoNumber(string unsecure, string secure)
: base(typeof(ProgramReportAutoNumber), unsecure, secure) {
base.RegisteredEvents.Add(new Tuple<int, string, string, Action<LocalPluginContext>>((int)CrmPluginStepStage.PreOperation, "Create", "new_programreport", new Action<LocalPluginContext>(Execute)));
//base.RegisteredEvents.Add(new Tuple<int, string, string, Action<LocalPluginContext>>((int)CrmPluginStepStage.PostOperation, "Update", "new_programreport", new Action<LocalPluginContext>(Execute)));
//base.RegisteredEvents.Add(new Tuple<int, string, string, Action<LocalPluginContext>>((int)CrmPluginStepStage.PostOperation, "Delete", "new_programreport", new Action<LocalPluginContext>(Execute)));
protected void Execute(LocalPluginContext localContext) {
if (localContext == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("localContext");
IPluginExecutionContext context = localContext.PluginExecutionContext;
if (context.PreEntityImages.Contains(imageAlias) && (context.PreEntityImages[imageAlias] is Entity)) {
preImage = new new_programreport((Entity)context.PreEntityImages[imageAlias]);
if (context.PostEntityImages.Contains(imageAlias) && (context.PostEntityImages[imageAlias] is Entity)) {
postImage = new new_programreport((Entity)context.PostEntityImages[imageAlias]);
if (context.PreEntityImages.Contains(imageAlias_program) && (context.PreEntityImages[imageAlias_program] is Entity)) {
preImage_program = new new_program((Entity)context.PreEntityImages[imageAlias_program]);
if (context.PostEntityImages.Contains(imageAlias_program) && (context.PostEntityImages[imageAlias_program] is Entity)) {
postImage_program = new new_program((Entity)context.PostEntityImages[imageAlias_program]);
if (context.InputParameters.Contains("Target") && (context.InputParameters["Target"] is Entity)) {
targetEntity = new new_programreport((Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"]);
switch (context.MessageName) {
case "Create":
case "Update":
case "Delete":
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Message Name: " + context.MessageName);
private void HandleDelete(LocalPluginContext localContext) {
localContext.Trace("START - IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleDelete");
try {
if (preImage == null) {
throw new Exception("IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleDelete: preImage is null, unable to process the delete message.");
// TODO: Add code here to implement delete message.
} catch (Exception ex) {
localContext.Trace(String.Format("IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleDelete: Exception while processing the delete message, Error Message: {0}", ex.Message), ex);
throw ex;
} finally {
localContext.Trace("END - IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleDelete");
private void HandleUpdate(LocalPluginContext localContext) {
localContext.Trace("START - IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleUpdate");
if (preImage == null) {
string msg = "IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleUpdate : The Update step is not registered correctly. Unable to retrieve the pre-operation image using alias" + imageAlias;
throw new Exception(msg);
if (postImage == null) {
string msg = "IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleUpdate : The Update step is not registered correctly. Unable to retrieve the post-operation image using alias" + imageAlias;
throw new Exception(msg);
if (preImage_program == null) {
string msg = "IccPlugin.Program.AutoNumber.HandleUpdate : The Update step is not registered correctly. Unable to retrieve the pre-operation image using alias" + imageAlias_program;
throw new Exception(msg);
if (postImage_program == null) {
string msg = "IccPlugin.Program.AutoNumber.HandleUpdate : The Update step is not registered correctly. Unable to retrieve the post-operation image using alias" + imageAlias_program;
throw new Exception(msg);
try {
// TODO: Add code here to implement update message.
} catch (Exception ex) {
localContext.Trace(String.Format("IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleUpdate: Exception while processing the update message, Error Message: {0}", ex.Message), ex);
throw ex;
} finally {
localContext.Trace("END - IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleUpdate");
private void HandleCreate(LocalPluginContext localContext) {
localContext.Trace("START - IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleCreate");
if (targetEntity == null) {
string msg = "IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleCreate : The Create step is not registered correctly. Unable to retrieve the target entity using alias Target.";
throw new Exception(msg);
try {
// if the target entity does not have the new_filenumber attribute set we will set it now.
if (targetEntity.new_filenumber != null && targetEntity.new_filenumber != "") {
// log a warning message and do not change this value.
localContext.Trace("The Program Report being created already has a value for File Number, skipping the auto number assignment for this field.");
} else {
if (targetEntity.new_name != null && targetEntity.new_name != "") {
localContext.Trace("The Program Report being created already has a value for Report Number, skipping the auto number assignment for this field.");
} else {
} catch (Exception ex) {
localContext.Trace(String.Format("IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleCreate: Exception while processing the create message, Error Message: {0}", ex.Message), ex);
throw ex;
} finally {
localContext.Trace("END - IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.HandleCreate");
private void SetFileNumber(LocalPluginContext localContext) {
localContext.Trace("START - IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.SetFileNumber");
string s_new_filenumberformat = string.Empty;
string s_new_reportnumberprefix = string.Empty;
string s_new_filenumbercode = string.Empty;
try {
IOrganizationService service = localContext.OrganizationService;
string fileNumberValue = "";
emds_autonumbersequence fileNumberSequence = null;
// ##################################################################################################
// 05/02/2013 -- BEP -- Code added for the following change to the auto-number for file numbering
// ##################################################################################################
// 1 - Year/Month/Sequence
// [Year]-[Month]-[Sequence] = [Year] is the current year / [Month] is the current month / [Sequence] is a number series for each Year & Month and resets to 1 when the Month changes
// 2 - Year/PMG/Sequence - PMG
// [Year]-[PMGProductType][Sequence] = [Year] is the current year / [PMGProductType] is 1st letter from the PMG Product Type on the Program Report / [Sequence] is a single number series for this Format
// 3 - Year/Letter/Sequence - ESL,VAR
// [Year]-[FileCode][Sequence] = [Year] is the current year / [FileCode] is from a new field on the Program entity / [Sequence] is a number series for each Format & File Code
// ##################################################################################################
localContext.Trace("Look at the File Number Format to determine which format to use for the Auto-Number, will default to 1 if not set");
if (targetEntity_program.new_filenumberformat.ToString() != "") {
localContext.Trace("A value was set for the new_filenumberformat field, so we will be using this value.");
s_new_filenumberformat = targetEntity_program.new_filenumberformat.ToString();
} else {
localContext.Trace("A value was NOT set for the new_filenumberformat field, so we will be using 1 as the default.");
s_new_filenumberformat = "1";
localContext.Trace("File Number Format Being Used = " + s_new_filenumberformat);
switch (s_new_filenumberformat) {
case "1":
#region File Format #1
fileNumberValue = String.Format("{0}-{1}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yy"), DateTime.Now.ToString("MM"));
localContext.Trace("Building QueryExpression to retrieve FileNumber Sequence record.");
QueryExpression qeFileNumberSequence_1 = new QueryExpression(BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<emds_autonumbersequence>());
qeFileNumberSequence_1.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true);
qeFileNumberSequence_1.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_entitylogicalname, ConditionOperator.Equal, BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<new_programreport>());
qeFileNumberSequence_1.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_attributelogicalname, ConditionOperator.Equal, new_programreport.Properties.new_filenumber);
qeFileNumberSequence_1.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_prefix, ConditionOperator.Equal, fileNumberValue);
localContext.Trace("Getting FileNumber sequence record.");
List<emds_autonumbersequence> lFileNumberSequences_1 = service.RetrieveProxies<emds_autonumbersequence>(qeFileNumberSequence_1);
if (lFileNumberSequences_1 == null || lFileNumberSequences_1.Count == 0) {
localContext.Trace("No FileNumber sequence record was returned, creatign a new one.");
// no matching sequence records. Lets start a new sequence index record for this month and year.
fileNumberSequence = new emds_autonumbersequence();
fileNumberSequence.emds_attributelogicalname = new_programreport.Properties.new_filenumber;
fileNumberSequence.emds_entitylogicalname = BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<new_programreport>();
fileNumberSequence.emds_index = 1;
fileNumberSequence.emds_prefix = fileNumberValue;
fileNumberSequence.emds_name = String.Format("File Number Sequence For: {0}", fileNumberValue);
} else {
localContext.Trace("A FileNumber sequence record was found, using it.");
// a file number sequence record was returned. Even if there happen to be multiple we are going to just use the first one returned.
fileNumberSequence = lFileNumberSequences_1[0];
// ###############################################################################
// 05/02/2013 -- BEP -- Changed the format from "###" to be "##" for seq number
// ###############################################################################
fileNumberValue = String.Format("{0}-{1:00}", fileNumberValue, fileNumberSequence.emds_index);
case "2":
#region File Format #2
if (targetEntity_program.new_reportnumberprefix != null && targetEntity_program.new_reportnumberprefix != "") {
localContext.Trace("A value was set for the new_reportnumberprefix field, so we will be using this value.");
s_new_reportnumberprefix = targetEntity_program.new_reportnumberprefix;
} else {
localContext.Trace("A value was NOT set for the new_reportnumberprefix field, so we will be using P as the default.");
s_new_reportnumberprefix = "P";
fileNumberValue = String.Format("{0}-{1}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yy"), s_new_reportnumberprefix);
localContext.Trace("Building QueryExpression to retrieve FileNumber Sequence record.");
QueryExpression qeFileNumberSequence_2 = new QueryExpression(BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<emds_autonumbersequence>());
qeFileNumberSequence_2.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true);
qeFileNumberSequence_2.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_entitylogicalname, ConditionOperator.Equal, BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<new_programreport>());
qeFileNumberSequence_2.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_attributelogicalname, ConditionOperator.Equal, new_programreport.Properties.new_filenumber);
qeFileNumberSequence_2.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_prefix, ConditionOperator.Equal, "PMG");
localContext.Trace("Getting FileNumber sequence record.");
List<emds_autonumbersequence> lFileNumberSequences_2 = service.RetrieveProxies<emds_autonumbersequence>(qeFileNumberSequence_2);
if (lFileNumberSequences_2 == null || lFileNumberSequences_2.Count == 0) {
localContext.Trace("No FileNumber sequence record was returned, creatign a new one.");
// no matching sequence records. Lets start a new sequence index record for this month and year.
fileNumberSequence = new emds_autonumbersequence();
fileNumberSequence.emds_attributelogicalname = new_programreport.Properties.new_filenumber;
fileNumberSequence.emds_entitylogicalname = BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<new_programreport>();
fileNumberSequence.emds_index = 1;
fileNumberSequence.emds_prefix = "PMG";
fileNumberSequence.emds_name = String.Format("File Number Sequence For: {0}", fileNumberValue);
} else {
localContext.Trace("A FileNumber sequence record was found, using it.");
// a file number sequence record was returned. Even if there happen to be multiple we are going to just use the first one returned.
fileNumberSequence = lFileNumberSequences_2[0];
fileNumberValue = String.Format("{0}-{1:0000}", fileNumberValue, fileNumberValue + fileNumberSequence.emds_index.ToString());
case "3":
#region File Format #3
if (targetEntity_program.new_filenumbercode != null && targetEntity_program.new_filenumbercode != "") {
localContext.Trace("A value was set for the new_filenumbercode field, so we will be using this value.");
s_new_filenumbercode = targetEntity_program.new_filenumbercode;
} else {
localContext.Trace("A value was NOT set for the new_filenumbercode field, so we will be using L as the default.");
s_new_filenumbercode = "l";
fileNumberValue = String.Format("{0}-{1}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yy"), s_new_filenumbercode);
localContext.Trace("Building QueryExpression to retrieve FileNumber Sequence record.");
QueryExpression qeFileNumberSequence_3 = new QueryExpression(BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<emds_autonumbersequence>());
qeFileNumberSequence_3.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true);
qeFileNumberSequence_3.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_entitylogicalname, ConditionOperator.Equal, BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<new_programreport>());
qeFileNumberSequence_3.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_attributelogicalname, ConditionOperator.Equal, new_programreport.Properties.new_filenumber);
qeFileNumberSequence_3.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_prefix, ConditionOperator.Equal, fileNumberValue);
localContext.Trace("Getting FileNumber sequence record.");
List<emds_autonumbersequence> lFileNumberSequences_3 = service.RetrieveProxies<emds_autonumbersequence>(qeFileNumberSequence_3);
if (lFileNumberSequences_3 == null || lFileNumberSequences_3.Count == 0) {
localContext.Trace("No FileNumber sequence record was returned, creatign a new one.");
// no matching sequence records. Lets start a new sequence index record for this month and year.
fileNumberSequence = new emds_autonumbersequence();
fileNumberSequence.emds_attributelogicalname = new_programreport.Properties.new_filenumber;
fileNumberSequence.emds_entitylogicalname = BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<new_programreport>();
fileNumberSequence.emds_index = 1;
fileNumberSequence.emds_prefix = fileNumberValue;
fileNumberSequence.emds_name = String.Format("File Number Sequence For: {0}", fileNumberValue);
} else {
localContext.Trace("A FileNumber sequence record was found, using it.");
// a file number sequence record was returned. Even if there happen to be multiple we are going to just use the first one returned.
fileNumberSequence = lFileNumberSequences_3[0];
fileNumberValue = String.Format("{0}-{1:0000}", fileNumberValue, fileNumberValue + fileNumberSequence.emds_index.ToString());
targetEntity.new_filenumber = fileNumberValue;
} catch (Exception ex) {
localContext.Trace(String.Format("IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.SetFileNumber: Exception while setting the File Number value, Error Message: {0}", ex.Message), ex);
throw ex;
} finally {
localContext.Trace("END - IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.SetFileNumber");
private void SetReportNumber(LocalPluginContext localContext) {
localContext.Trace("START - IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.SetReportNumber");
string s_new_reportnumberprefix = string.Empty;
try {
IOrganizationService service = localContext.OrganizationService;
string reportNumberValue = "";
emds_autonumbersequence reportNumberSequence = null;
// ##################################################################################################
// 05/02/2013 -- BEP -- Code added for the following change to the auto-number for file numbering
// ##################################################################################################
// Currently the plugin uses the GP Class Id as the prefix for the Report Number.
// It now needs to use the Report Number Prefix field.
// ##################################################################################################
if (targetEntity_program.new_reportnumberprefix != null && targetEntity_program.new_reportnumberprefix != "") {
localContext.Trace("A value was set for the new_reportnumberprefix field, so we will be using this value.");
s_new_reportnumberprefix = targetEntity_program.new_reportnumberprefix;
} else {
localContext.Trace("A value was NOT set for the new_reportnumberprefix field, so we will be using P as the default.");
s_new_reportnumberprefix = "P";
localContext.Trace("Building QueryExpression to retrieve parent new_program record.");
// #################################################################################
// 05/02/2013 -- BEP -- The above code replaces the need to pull the GP Class ID
// #################################################################################
//new_program program = targetEntity.new_programid.RetrieveProxy<new_program>(service, new ColumnSet(true));
// going to assume that we were able to get the parent program record. If not an exception will be thrown.
// could add a check here and throw our own detailed exception if needed.
reportNumberValue = String.Format("{0}", s_new_reportnumberprefix); // using Trim just to be safe.
// now lets get the sequence record for this Report Number Prefix
QueryExpression qeReportNumberSequence = new QueryExpression(BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<emds_autonumbersequence>());
qeReportNumberSequence.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true);
qeReportNumberSequence.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_entitylogicalname, ConditionOperator.Equal, BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<new_programreport>());
qeReportNumberSequence.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_attributelogicalname, ConditionOperator.Equal, new_programreport.Properties.new_name);
qeReportNumberSequence.Criteria.AddCondition(emds_autonumbersequence.Properties.emds_prefix, ConditionOperator.Equal, reportNumberValue);
localContext.Trace("Getting Report Number sequence record.");
List<emds_autonumbersequence> lReportNumberSequences = service.RetrieveProxies<emds_autonumbersequence>(qeReportNumberSequence);
if (lReportNumberSequences == null || lReportNumberSequences.Count == 0) {
localContext.Trace("No Report Number sequence record was returned, creatign a new one.");
// no matching sequence records. Lets start a new sequence index record for this month and year.
reportNumberSequence = new emds_autonumbersequence();
reportNumberSequence.emds_attributelogicalname = new_programreport.Properties.new_name;
reportNumberSequence.emds_entitylogicalname = BaseProxyClass.GetLogicalName<new_programreport>();
reportNumberSequence.emds_index = 1;
reportNumberSequence.emds_prefix = reportNumberValue;
reportNumberSequence.emds_name = String.Format("Report Number Sequence For Report Number Prefix: {0}", reportNumberValue);
} else {
localContext.Trace("A Report Number sequence record was found, using it.");
// a file number sequence record was returned. Even if there happen to be multiple we are going to just use the first one returned.
reportNumberSequence = lReportNumberSequences[0];
reportNumberValue = String.Format("{0}-{1}", reportNumberValue, reportNumberSequence.emds_index);
targetEntity.new_name = reportNumberValue;
} catch (Exception ex) {
localContext.Trace(String.Format("IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.SetReportNumber: Exception while setting the File Number value, Error Message: {0}", ex.Message), ex);
throw ex;
} finally {
localContext.Trace("END - IccPlugin.ProgramReport.AutoNumber.SetReportNumber");
This is specifically to response to:
I am using the localContext.Trace and I am not sure where to view this
From the MSDN; Debug a Plug-In - Logging and Tracing
During execution and only when that plug-in passes an exception back
to the platform at run-time, tracing information is displayed to the
user. For a synchronous registered plug-in, the tracing information is
displayed in a dialog box of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM web
application. For an asynchronous registered plug-in, the tracing
information is shown in the Details area of the System Job form in the
web application.
