XEvent Handling in animation - animation

I'm having some understanding problem of event-handling with Xlib functions.
My question would be - how do i press a key during an animation, without disturbing the animation.
My setup so far, is that i have some animation in a while loop and want to achieve a KeyPress event which modifies a parameter.
It looks something like this
XNextEvent(dis, &report);
switch (report.type) {
case KeyPress:
if (XLookupKeysym(&report.xkey, 0) == XK_space){
//...modify parameter a..//}}
//...Some animation where parameter a is used to modify animation...//}
Now, the problem is that i have to press the key consistently to get the animation on my screen, otherwise nothing appears. I've tried some multiple code-modifications, with KeyRelease etc. but i don't have clou, really.
Trivially said - i need to hook a key during animation without the XNextEvent process, waiting for any event. But without the XNextEvent statement in my code, conditional statements for KeyPress event checking aren't working.
I guess formally this would mean:
if(report.type==KeyPress) {
if (XLookupKeysym(&report.xkey, 0) == XK_space){
//...modify parameter a..//}}
//...Some animation where parameter a is used to modify animation...//}

Use XPending() to check for XEvents before getting them with XNextEvent().
XPending() returns then number of events in the event queue so modify your loop:
if (XPending(dis) > 0) {
XNextEvent(dis, &report);
switch (report.type) {
case KeyPress:
if (XLookupKeysym(&report.xkey, 0) == XK_space){
//...modify parameter a..//
//...Some animation where parameter a is used to modify animation...//


OpenGL/ How can I stop glutTimerFunc?

I want to make my human figure walk when I press '0', and stop when I press '0' again.
I managed to make it walk as I want, but I do not know the way to stop glutTimerFunc.
Is there any OpenGL function that makes glutTimerFunc stop?
And here is my code.
if (key == '0') {
if (!walk_working_flag) {//when walk does not working
walk_working_flag = true;
else {
//stop walking
glutTimerFunc(100, stop_animation , 0);
in stop_animation function, no rotation occurs.
Thank you.
As stated in the API docs:
There is no support for canceling a registered callback. Instead,
ignore a callback based on its value parameter when it is triggered.

Controlling animations in an animator via parameters, in sequences

So I am animating an avatar, and this avatar has its own animator with states and such.
When interacting with props, the props itself has an animator with states in it. In both case, I transition to some animations through parameters in the animator (bool type).
For example, for a door, the character will have "isOpeningDoor", while the door will have "isOpen".
Now the question: when I change the value on an animator on GO1, and then change the bool on GO2; do the first animation finish and then the second start? Because in my case, it does not happen; they start almost at the same time.
void OnTriggerEnter (collider door)
if (door.gameObject.tag=="door")
GOAnimator1.SetBool("isOpeningDoor", true);
GOAnimator2.SetBool("isOpen", true);
I believe that I am doing it wrong, since I change the parameter on the animator, but I do not check for the animation to end; is this even possible or am I doing something not kosher?
I really think it might be doable!
As you have it in your code now, the animations on GO1 and GO2 start at almost the same time because that's how it's written. The OnTriggerEnter() function will complete the execution in the frame it is called, and return the control to Unity.
What I think that might help you are coroutines and sendMessage between gameobjects:
The idea is to:
Create a coroutine in GO2 that waits an amount of time until it sets the GOAnimator2 variable to activate the door animation.
Create a function in GO2 that calls the aforementioned coroutine
From the OnTriggerEnter() send a message to GO2 to execute the newly created function
It reads complicated, but it's fairly simple. The execution would be like this:
1.Code for the coroutine:
function GO2coroutine(){
float timeToWait = 0.5f; //Tweak this
for ( float t = 0f; t < timeToWait; t+=time.deltaTime)
Code for the function calling it:
function callCoroutine() {
And the code modification for your OnTriggerEnter():
void OnTriggerEnter (collider door)
if (door.gameObject.tag=="door")
GOAnimator1.SetBool("isOpeningDoor", true);
I didn't have a chance to test the code, so please don't copy paste it, there might be slight changes to do.
There is another way, but I don't like it much. That is making the animation longer with an idle status to wait for the first game object animation to end... but it will be a hassle in case you shorten the animation because you have to, or have any other models or events.
Anyway, I think the way to go is with the coroutine! Good Luck!

GTK+ - How to listen to an event from within a method?

I'm writing an application that runs an algorithm, but allows you to 'step through' the algorithm by pressing a button - displaying what's happening at each step.
How do I listen for events while within a method?
eg, look at the code I've got.
static int proceed;
button1Event(GtkWidget *widget)
proceed = 0;
int i = 0;
for (i=0; i<15; i++) //this is our example 'algorithm'
while (proceed ==0) continue;
printf("the nunmber is %d\n", i);
proceed = 0;
button2Event(GtkWidget *widget)
proceed = 1;
This doesn't work because it's required to exit out of the button1 method before it can listen for button2 (or any other events).
I'm thinking something like in that while loop.
while(proceed == 0)
What method is that?
The "real" answer here (the one any experienced GTK+ programmer will give you) isn't one you will like perhaps: don't do this, your code is structured the wrong way.
The options include:
recommended: restructure the app to be event-driven instead; probably you need to keep track of your state (either a state machine or just a boolean flag) and ignore whichever button is not currently applicable.
you can run a recursive main loop, as in the other answer with gtk_main_iteration(); however this is quite dangerous because any UI event can happen in that loop, such as windows closing or other totally unrelated stuff. Not workable in most real apps of any size.
move the blocking logic to another thread and communicate via a GAsyncQueue or something along those lines (caution, this is hard-ish to get right and likely to be overkill).
I think you are going wrong here:
while(proceed == 0)
You don't want while loops like this; you just want the GTK+ main loop doing your blocking. When you get the button click, in the callback for it, then write whatever the code after this while loop would have been.
You could check for pending events & handle the events in while loop in the clicked callback. Something on these lines:
button1Event(GtkWidget *widget)
proceed = 0;
int i = 0;
for (i=0; i<15; i++) //this is our example 'algorithm'
while (proceed ==0)
/* Check for all pending events */
gtk_main_iteration(); /* Handle the events */
printf("the nunmber is %d\n", i);
proceed = 0;
This way when the events related click on the second button is added to the event queue to be handled, the check will see the events as pending and handle them & then proceed. This way your global value changes can be reflected & stepping should be possible.
Hope this helps!
If you want to do it like this, the only way that comes to my mind is to create a separate thread for your algorithm and use some synchronization methods to notify that thread from within button click handlers.
GTK+ (glib, to be more specific) has its own API for threads and synchronization. As far as I know Condition variables are a standard way to implement wait-notify logic.

Edit Control not updating with Spin Control MFC

I am trying to use an edit control along with a spin control using MFC visual studio .net 2003. I have carried out the basic settings for the spin control like setting the "AutoBuddy" property and "SetBuddyInteger" property to True so that the Spin control works in coordination with the edit control next to it. In my Spin control's event handler, I am facing a problem when I am trying to call my Invalidate() function. The float value in my edit control does not update and stays zero. If I remove the Invalidate(), then the value increments but my paint function is not updated obviously. A code of the following is given below:
void CMyDlg::OnSpinA(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
LPNMUPDOWN pNMUpDown = reinterpret_cast<LPNMUPDOWN>(pNMHDR);
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
m_A = m_ASpinCtrl.GetPos(); // m_A is my edit control float value variable
Invalidate(); // Invalidate is to be called to update my paint function to redraw the drawing
*pResult = 0;
I have carried out the tab order correctly as well for the two controls.
Any suggestions on where I am going wrong?
Thanks in advance.
If you just want to have a spinning integer, you don't have to override anything.
The spin control has to be right next to the edit control in the tab order. With AutoBuddy that's all you have to do.
m_A when getting the position back would do something weird and would not return you the correct value. Try using the pointer to get your position and value and then carry out the invalidate().
LPNMUPDOWN pNMUpDown = reinterpret_cast<LPNMUPDOWN>(pNMHDR);
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
CString tempStr;
m_A += pNMUpDown->iDelta;
m_ACtrl.SetWindowText(tempStr); // Like a CEdit m_ACtrl to display your string
*pResult = 0;
This should work perfectly well. Let me know if you still get any problems.

Is there a way to break out of event recursion in jQuery without using a global variable?

I have a form with 2 text inputs and 2 span controls. Normally, when textbox A is changed an event is fired to change span A, and when textbox B is changed, an event is fired to change span B.
However, in one particualar case I would like a change either textbox A or textbox B to update both span A and B. I tried wiring the events up to the corresponding controls in this case, but it didn't work because there is much state that is set up in the event building code (not to mention each event calls 'this', which would make the logic use the wrong control if it were fired from a different one than it was intended).
To make things easy, it would be best to pass a string (representing the other text input id) to the event handler at the time it is created, and then calling the change() event manually on the second control. However, this puts things in an infinite loop of recursion. I thought of a way to get around the recursion, but it reqires a global variable.
Is there a better way than this, preferably one that doesn't require a global variable?
ml_inEvent = false;
$ctlToVal.bind('keyup change', {feedbackCtl: ml_feedback, controlsToMonitor: ary, validationGroup: this.validationGroup, controlToFire: ctlToFire}, function(event) {
// Other processing happens here...
if (event.data.controlToFire != '') {
var $controlToFire = $('#' + event.data.controlToFire);
if ($controlToFire.length) {
// Use a global variable to ensure this event is not fired again
// as a result of calling the other one
if (!ml_inEvent) {
ml_inEvent = true;
ml_inEvent = false;
You can use the extraParameters argument on .trigger() to break out, for example:
$ctlToVal.bind('keyup change', {feedbackCtl: ml_feedback, controlsToMonitor: ary, validationGroup: this.validationGroup, controlToFire: ctlToFire}, function(event, fire) {
// Other processing happens here...
if(fire !== false) $('#' + event.data.controlToFire).trigger('change', false);
You can give it a try here. What this does is the event handler callback not only receives the event object but also any other arguments you pass in, in this case we're just using a simple false and a !=== check this in important so undefined (the parameter not passed at all) still changes both controls. So for instance $("#control").change() would change both controls, but still not loop...you can test that here.
