I'm trying to work with excel files(xlsx) in ruby using rubyXl. I have no problem writing but can't get to output the content of a cell.
require 'rubyXL'
workbook = RubyXL::Workbook.new
getcell = RubyXL::Parser.parse("file3.xlsx")
print getcell[0][5][5]
When I run it in cmd I just get this and it changes every time I run the code.
D:\KEA\1.semester\Exams\IT exam>ruby test.rb
After reading a few more times I found the answer in
It should have been
print getcell[0][5][5].value
After reading a few more times I found the answer in
It should have been
print getcell[0][5][5].value
I am using Ruby 2.1.0p0 on Mac OS.
I'm parsing a CSV file and grabbing all the URLs, then using Nokogiri and OpenURI to scrape them which is where I'm getting stuck.
When I try to use an each loop to run through the URLs array, I get this error:
initialize': No such file or directory # rb_sysopen - URL (Errno::ENOENT)
When I manually create an array, and then run through it I get no error. I've tried to_s, URI::encode, and everything I could think of and find on Stack Overflow.
I can copy and paste the URL from the CSV or from the terminal after using puts on the array and it opens in my browser no problem. I try to open it with Nokogiri it's not happening.
Here's my code:
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
require 'uri'
require 'csv'
events = Array.new
CSV.foreach('productfeed.csv') do |row|
events.push URI::encode(row[0]).to_s
events.each do |event|
page = Nokogiri::HTML(open("#{event}"))
#eventually, going to find info on the page, and scrape it, but not there yet.
#something to show I didn't get an error
puts "open = success"
Please help! I am completely out of ideas.
It looks like you're processing the header row, where on of those values is literally "URL". That's not a valid URI so open-uri won't touch it.
There's a headers option for the CSV module that will make use of the headers automatically. Try turning that on and referring to row["URL"]
I tried doing the same thing and found it to work better using a text file.
Here is what I did.
#import webbrowser module and time module
import webbrowser
import time
#open text file as "dataFile" and verify there is data in said file
dataFile = open('/home/user/Desktop/urls.txt','r')
if dataFile > 1:
print("Data file opened successfully")
print("!!!!NO DATA IN FILE!!!!")
#read file line by line, remove any spaces/newlines, and open link in chromium-browser
for lines in dataFile:
url = str(lines.strip())
print("Opening " + url)
#close file and exit
print("Closing Data File")
#wait two seconds before printing "Data file closed".
#this is purely for visual effect.
print("Data file closed")
#after opener has run, user is prompted to press enter key to exit.
raw_input("\n\nURL Opener has run. Press the enter key to exit.")
Hope this helps!
I have a need to split up an html file so that I can target Nokogiri on a specific section. So I need to open the file, and read it into a variable.
source = File.open("Company_example.html", "rb")
contents = source.read
puts contents.class ==> String
puts contents.length ==> 0
puts File.readable?("Company_example.html") ==> true
The file is there, and I've been working with it for the past 2 hours. I can't figure this one out. Any advice appreciated.
Solution: Grabbing a source file (doc) then shoving it into a Nokogiri object, then asking it to be brought into a File.read will not work. I have to find out how to copy the source into an independent variable.
Is there a nice way to assert the contents of a CSV file in Ruby?
I understand how to use the CSV libraries and how to read in the CSV file, but that results in a long list of assertions such as:
`assert_equal("0", #csv_array[0].field('impressions'))
assert_equal("7", #csv_array[0].field('clicks'))
assert_equal("330", #csv_array[0].field('currency.GBP.commissions'))
assert_equal("6", #csv_array[0].field('currency.GBP.conversions'))
assert_equal("3300", #csv_array[0].field('currency.GBP.ordervalue'))`
Is there some sort of file comparator so I could write:
assert_equal(expected.csv ,actual.csv )
or something along those lines?
How about this:
expected_csv = "impressions,clicks,currency.GBP.comiisions,currency.GBP.conversions,currency.GBP.ordervalue
actual_csv = File.open('actual.csv').read
assert_equal(expected_csv, actual_csv)
That should work if the entire contents of the CSV file is only 2 lines. Otherwise you will have to manipulate actual_csv to get the parts you want to test. You could do that like so:
That will get you the third line. You can then concatenate with a header line or compare to a string without the header.
If you have to test very output, you might find approval testing an interesting approach. Basically, the output is saved the first time your test runs. You can then check the output manually and approve it if correct. On subsequent runs, there will be an error when the output differs.
I created a quick and dirty method for doing this which I may clean up and turn into a gem at some point. https://gist.github.com/bpardee/513b4a15e5ebdc596e0b
For instance, the following code:
file = 'test.csv'
File.open(file, 'w') do |fout|
fout.puts "foo,bar,zulu\n1,2,3\n4,5,6"
assert_csv(file) do |csv|
csv << %w(foo bar warrior)
csv << [1,3,5]
csv << [4,5,6]
Would result in:
Missing columns: ["zulu"]
Unexpected columns: ["warrior"]
The following mismatches were found in line 2:
bar actual=3 expected=2
I don't recommend this for big csv files since everything is loaded into memory.
I want to write a ruby script that read from a config file that will have filenames, and then when I run the script it will take the tail of each file and output the console.
What's the best way to go about doing this?
Take a look at File::Tail gem.
You can invoke linux tail -number_of_lines file_name command from your ruby script and let it print on console or capture output and print it yourself (if you need to do something with these lines before you print it)
We have a configuration file that contain a list of the log files; for example, like this:
- C:\fe\logs\front_end.log
- C:\mt\logs\middle_tier.log
- C:\be\logs\back_end.log
The format of the configuration file is a yaml simple sequence , therefore suppose we named this file 'settings.yaml'
The ruby script that take the tail of each file and output the console could be like this:
require 'yaml'
require 'file-tail'
logs = YAML::load(File.open('settings.yaml'))
threads = []
logs.each do |the_log|
threads << Thread.new(the_log) { |log_filename|
File.open(log_filename) do |log|
log.interval = 10
log.tail { |line| p "#{File.basename(the_log,".log")} - #{line}" }
threads.each { |the_thread| the_thread.join }
Note: displaying each line I wanted to prefix it with the name of the file from which it originates, ...this for me is a good option but you can edit the script to change as you like ; is the same for the tails parameters.
if file-tail is missing in your environment, follow the link as #Mark Thomas posts in his answear; i.e you need to:
> gem install file-tail
I found the file-tail gem to be a bit buggy. I would write to a file and it would read the entire file again instead of just thelines appended. This happened even though I had log.backward set to 0. I ended up writing my own and figured that I would share it here in case any one else is looking for a Ruby alternative to the file-tail gem. You can find the repo here. It uses non_blocking io, so it will catch amendments to the file immediately. There is one caveat that can be easily fixed if you can program in the Ruby programming language; log.backward is hard coded to be -1.
I am trying to work with two worksheets at the same time.
So I have code
require 'parseexcel'
#Open the excel file passed in from the commandline
workbook = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel.parse(ARGV[0])
workbook2 = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel.parse(ARGV[1])
#Get the first worksheet
worksheet = workbook.worksheet(0)
worksheet2 = workbook2.worksheet(0)
However, when I run this code I get an error: array is not implemented
This error goes away when I comment out line:
workbook2 = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel.parse(ARGV[1])
Why is this happeneing?
Way I am running script is: ruby -rubygems traverse.rb excel.xls so.xls
i fixed it by copy pasting so.xls in excel.xls as a different workbook. then just accessed it by workbook.worksheet(1) that worked