Binary search tree insertion method doesn't work - algorithm

I want to implement a insertion method for a Binary search tree, and come up with a solution below. I know there are plenty of code examples but I wonder what is the problem in my implementation? Or is there a problem? When I had traced it I thought I have missed something.
public void insertBST(Node<Double> head, int value){
if (head == null){
head = new Node<Double>(value);
else {
if (head.getValue() > value)
insertBST(head.getLeft(), value);
insertBST(head.getRight(), value);

When you reassign a passed parameter, you're only changing the local variable, not the value passed to the function. You can read this question for more information - Is Java "pass-by-reference"? This is Java, right? Either way, a similar argument likely applies.
This is the problem with this line of code:
head = new Node<Double>(value);
You aren't changing the value passed into the function, so you never add to the tree.
You have two alternatives here, either the option presented by amdorra, or returning the current node:
public void insertBST(Node<Double> current, int value)
if (current == null)
return new Node<Double>(value);
if (head.getValue() > value)
return current;
To call the function, you can simply say:
root = insertBST(root, value);
With alternatives, the root will have to be handled as a special case.

at the beginning of you function you are adding the new Node to a part you will never have access to outside this function
so i will assume that your Node class looks like the following
Class Node{
private Node left;
private Node right;
//constructor, setters and getters and stuff
you could modify your code to look like the following:
if (head.getValue() > value){
if(head.getLeft == null) {
head.setLeft(new Node<Double>(value));
if(head.getRight == null) {
head.setRight(new Node<Double>(value));
you should also remove this part if (head==null) and always make sure you are sending a valid Node to the first call


Binary Search Tree Insertion using a void function

I have written two different codes for inserting into a binary tree, one works whereas other doesn't.
This is how my node looks:
struct node
int data;
node *left;
node *right;
The following is the code for node* newnode(int a)
node* newnode(int a)
node *temp=new node;
return temp;
And following are the two different codes for insertion:
This one returns a pointer to the node:
node* insertion(node *root, int a)
return newnode(a);
else if(a<root->data)
root->left=insertion(root->left, a);
root->right=insertion(root->right, a);
This one returns void:
void insertion2(node *root,int a)
else if(a<root->data)
The one which returns void doesn't work. And as per the analysis I made, after the function call, root is still nullptr. Can anyone explain me why does it not work?
Notice that in the insertionversion you have root->left = insertion(root->left, a) and root->right = insertion(root->right, a), but you have nothing to the same effect in insertion2. In effect, insertion2 does nothing except leak memory.
To answer your question.
The problem with your insertion2 function is that the root variable will point to nullptr(NULL) at the called place and a new memory is allocated and pointed to a local reference inside insertion2() function. The reference change to a new memory location will not have any impact on the reference # calling place. As pointed by others, this call will always leak memory in #clearer answer.
To make this function to work. Move the object creation part # calling place and leave just the insert to this function.
something like the below should work.
void insertion2(node *root, node *new_node)
else if(a<root->data)
// Create the new node and call the insert function
new_node = newnode(a);
insertion2(root, new_node);
Hope it clarifies your doubt!
in 2nd function root is always a local variable so updating it doesn't change main root variable, since the pointer itself is not passed by reference. You can achieve this by using call by reference, just change your
function heading as follows: void insertion2(node *&root,int a).
This way is working fine while using void return type. Declare a global variable, first.. it is set to one if the node to be inserted is first.. later change it to 0.
void insertRoot(struct node* newnode){
void insert(struct node* root, int data)
if (data < root->data){
else if (data > root->data){
The Root pointer from the calling method needs to be updated as well. So, you'll have to call the Insert2 method using something similar: Insert2(&BSTNodePtr, a). When you pass the address of the variable BSTNodePtr, the Insert2 method can update it's content.
Try this instead:
void Insert2(BSTNode **root, int a){
if (*root==NULL){
*root = new BSTNode(a);
else if (a<= (*root)->data){
Insert2(&((*root)->left), a);
Insert2(&((*root)->right), a);

NullPointerException while returning a JLabel

i seem to have a nullPointerException without any reason, could you please review piece of my code and tell me your opinion?
This is the class and the constructor that i am calling on another class in order to get a label randomly (using the shuffle, which is randomizing as well) from a linked list.
here is the
public class RandomHeuristic {
GameInterface game;
JLabel randomLabel;
public JLabel RandomHeuristic() {
randomLabel = (JLabel) game.labels.getFirst();
int counter = 0;
do {
randomLabel = (JLabel) game.labels.getFirst();
if (counter == 100) {
* Debugging
* System.out.println(randomLabel.getText());
} while (randomLabel != null && game.isLegalMove(randomLabel) == false);
//Retrieves and removes the head (first element) of this list.
if(randomLabel == null){
return randomLabel;
And here is where i am calling the constructor, the playHeuristicMove() is expecting a JLabel i checked it on debugging that is working correctly, though i still get a nullPointer Exception when i call it. randomHeuristicOne is created on the same class like this: RandomHeuristic randomHeuristicOne;
Perhaps you want to take a look at your game GameInterface object it seems it's never been instantiated

JFace TreeView not launching when Input is a String

I'm trying launch a simple JFace Tree.
It's acting really strange however. When I setInput() to be a single String, the tree opens up completely blank. However, when I set input to be a String array, it works great.
This has nothing to do with the LabelProvider or ContentProvider since these behave the same no matter what (it's a really simple experimental program).
setInput() is officially allowed to take any Object. I am confused why it will not take a String, and knowing why may help me solve my other problems in life.
Setting a single String as input:
TreeViewer treeViewerLeft = new TreeViewer(shell, SWT.SINGLE);
treeViewerLeft.setLabelProvider(new TestLabelProvider());
treeViewerLeft.setContentProvider(new TestCompareContentProvider());
treeViewerLeft.setInput(new String("Stooge"));
Setting an array of Strings:
TreeViewer treeViewerLeft = new TreeViewer(shell, SWT.SINGLE);
treeViewerLeft.setLabelProvider(new TestLabelProvider());
treeViewerLeft.setContentProvider(new TestCompareContentProvider());
treeViewerLeft.setInput(new String[]{"Moe", "Larry", "Curly"});
The second works, and launches a tree using the following providers:
public class TestCompareContentProvider extends ArrayContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
public static int children = 0;
public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) {
if (children > 20){
return null;
return new String[] {"Moe", "Larry", "Curly"};
public Object getParent(Object element) {
return "Parent";
public boolean hasChildren(Object element) {
if (children >20){
return false;
return true;
public class TestLabelProvider extends LabelProvider {
public String getText(Object element){
return "I'm something";
public Image getImage(Object element){
return null;
You've inherited getElements from the ArrayContentProvider and that only works with arrays. You should override this method.
I don't think you need to extend ArrayContentProvider at all.

Comparison method violates its general contract! Java 7 only

I know this has been an issue for a while now, and checked all previously answers I could get, but still this one doesn't work.
The object 'crew' represents crewmembers with ranks and other items. The comparison should be made by comparing 'assigned_rank', an int value, and if this value is equal in both instances, then 'is_trainer', a boolean, should make the difference.
This method worked great as long as it was running with java < 7. But since Java 7 I keep getting this one:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract!
at java.util.ComparableTimSort.mergeLo(
at java.util.ComparableTimSort.mergeAt(
at java.util.ComparableTimSort.mergeCollapse(
at java.util.ComparableTimSort.sort(
at java.util.ComparableTimSort.sort(
at java.util.Arrays.sort(
at java.util.Collections.sort(
at dormas_flightlog.Query.getCrew(
Here is the source, where some potentially dangerous parts have allready been out-commented, but it still does not work:
public class crew implements Serializable, Comparable<crew> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 36L;
private int flightID = 0;
private int assigned_rank = 25;
private boolean is_trainer = false;
public int compareTo(crew him) {
int myRank = this.getAssigned_rank();
int hisRank = him.assigned_rank;
if (this == him) {
return 0;
if (myRank > hisRank) {
return 1;
if (myRank < hisRank) {
return -1;
if (myRank == hisRank) {
// if (is_trainer && !o.is_trainer) {
// i = 1;
// }
// if (!is_trainer && o.is_trainer) {
// i = -1;
// }
// if (is_trainer && o.is_trainer) {
// i = 0;
// }
// if (!is_trainer && !o.is_trainer) {
// i = 0;
// }
return 0;
return 0;
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 7;
hash = 31 * hash + this.assigned_rank;
hash = 31 * hash + (this.is_trainer ? 1 : 0);
return hash;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
int myRank = this.getAssigned_rank();
int hisRank = 0;
if (o instanceof crew) {
crew him = (crew) o;
hisRank = him.assigned_rank;
} else {
return false;
if (myRank > hisRank) {
return false;
if (myRank < hisRank) {
return false;
if (myRank == hisRank) {
// if (is_trainer && !o.is_trainer) {
// i = 1;
// }
// if (!is_trainer && o.is_trainer) {
// i = -1;
// }
// if (is_trainer && o.is_trainer) {
// i = 0;
// }
// if (!is_trainer && !o.is_trainer) {
// i = 0;
// }
return true;
return false;
Implementing equals() was just a try to solve this problem. The given exception comes with or without equals(). I cannot see how the compareTo-method violates its contract. Any help is greatly day this code has to work with java 7 and I don't know how...
see this:
Area: API: Utilities Synopsis: Updated sort behavior for Arrays and
Collections may throw an IllegalArgumentException
Description: The sorting algorithm used by java.util.Arrays.sort and
(indirectly) by java.util.Collections.sort has been replaced. The new
sort implementation may throw an IllegalArgumentException if it detects
a Comparable that violates the Comparable contract. The previous
implementation silently ignored such a situation. If the previous
behavior is desired, you can use the new system
property java.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort, to restore previous
mergesort behavior.
Nature of Incompatibility: behavioral
RFE: 6804124
For more detailed info, see the bug database reference here.
maybe you just have NaN values which you compare through Collections.sort(...), this has been a problem to me and I got that exception even having right implementation of compare(obj1, obj2) method! Check that!
I was able to solve this error cause it was a bug in jdk7.
here I found the solution:
"Comparison method violates its general contract!" - TimSort and GridLayout
Basically i just had to add the
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true"
to my jboss
Unfortunately, none of the solutions work for Android. TimSort is used deep in Android's ViewGroup relating to addChildrenForAccessibility that shows up under Java 7 & 8. No user code is involved in any comparison.
From other reports, it is related to having RelativeLayout with overlapping items as is commonly done. For example, a TextView that appears over an Image, or two items at the same location, where you only set one visible at a time.
I've not found any way around the bug. You can't set a -Djava option in Android Studio or Eclipse (at least that I could find). Forcing use of Java 1.6 should work, but doesn't. Seems like Amazon's newer Fire tablets and phones are far more sensitive to this bug than other devices.
There are rumors Java 9 will have a fix such as a run-time option that works, but with a bug that's been around for years, I have doubts it will ever be fixed - especially considering the animosity between Oracle and Google. Any yes, perhaps the bug is really deep in the Android code and should be fixed there. With more than a billion devices out there, that's not a viable solution for all the existing devices.

refactor dilemma

I want to extract the guard statement from the following method
private void CreateProxy()
//extract the following guard statement.
Host selected = this.comboBox1.SelectedItem as Host;
if (selected == null)
this.SearchProxy = ServiceProxy.ProxyFactory.CreateSearchProxy(GetSelectedIP().ToString());
this.StreamProxy = ServiceProxy.ProxyFactory.CreatePlayerProxy(GetSelectedIP().ToString());
//extracted guard method
public bool IsHostSelected()
Host selected = this.comboBox1.SelectedItem as Host;
if (selected == null)
return false;
return true;
see? now i have to add return value for the extracted method, is this kinda ugly?
any better solution to avoid adding the return value for the extracted method?
I don't see the big deal. First, I would rewrite it as:
static bool SelectedItemIsHost(ComboBox box) {
return box.SelectedItem is Host;
Note the rename, the ComboBox as a parameter, and the body change.
Now, this makes your code read more clearly:
void CreateProxy() {
if(SelectedItemIsHost(this.comboBox1)) {
this.SearchProxy = ServiceProxy.ProxyFactory.CreateSearchProxy(GetSelectedIP().ToString());
this.StreamProxy = ServiceProxy.ProxyFactory.CreatePlayerProxy(GetSelectedIP().ToString());
So now it reads "if the selected item is a Host then do stuff."
Now, this goes way beyond your question, but this looks like a big coupling of UI logic and domain logic. You might want to reconsider a decoupling there.
any better solution to avoid adding the return value for the extracted method?
//extracted guard method
public bool IsHostSelected()
Host selected = this.comboBox1.SelectedItem as Host;
return selected != null;
