Shell - saving contents of file to variable then outputting the variable - shell

First off, I'm really bad at shell, as you'll notice :)
Now then, I have the following task: The script gets two arguments (fileName, N). If the number of lines in the file is greater then N, then I need to cut the last N lines, then overwrite the contents of the file with it.
I thought of saving the contents of the file into a variable, then just cat-ing that to the file. However for some reason it's not working.
I have problems with saving the last N lines to a variable.
This is how I tried doing it:
lastNLines=`tail -$2 $1`
cat $lastNLines > $1

Your lastNLines is not a filename. cat takes filenames. You also cannot open the input file for writing, because the shell truncates it before tail can get to it, which is why you need to use a temporary file.
However, if you insist on not using a temporary file, here's a non-portable solution:
tail -n$2 $1 | sponge $1
You may need to install moreutils for sponge.

The arguments cat takes are file names, not the content.
Instead, you can use a temp file, like this:
tail -$2 $1 > $1._tmp
mv $1._tmp $1
To save the content to a variable, you can do what you already included in your question, or:
lastNLines=`cat $1`
(after the mv command, of course)


How do I write a bash script to copy files into a new folder based on name?

I have a folder filled with ~300 files. They are named in this form I need about 40 of them, and I have a list of usernames (saved in a file called names.txt). Each username is one line in the file. I need about 40 of these files, and would like to copy over the files I need into a new folder that has only the ones I need.
Where the file names.txt has as its first line the username only:
(eg, eternalmothra), the PDF file I want to copy over is named
while read p; do
ls | grep $p > file_names.txt
done <names.txt
This seems like it should read from the list, and for each line turns username into Unfortunately, it seems like only the last one is saved to file_names.txt.
The second part of this is to copy all the files over:
while read p; do
mv $p foldername
done <file_names.txt
(I haven't tried that second part yet because the first part isn't working).
I'm doing all this with Cygwin, by the way.
1) What is wrong with the first script that it won't copy everything over?
2) If I get that to work, will the second script correctly copy them over? (Actually, I think it's preferable if they just get copied, not moved over).
I would like to add that I figured out how to read lines from a txt file from here: Looping through content of a file in bash
Solution from comment: Your problem is just, that echo a > b is overwriting file, while echo a >> b is appending to file, so replace
ls | grep $p > file_names.txt
ls | grep $p >> file_names.txt
There might be more efficient solutions if the task runs everyday, but for a one-shot of 300 files your script is good.
Assuming you don't have file names with newlines in them (in which case your original approach would not have a chance of working anyway), try this.
printf '%s\n' * | grep -f names.txt | xargs cp -t foldername
The printf is necessary to work around the various issues with ls; passing the list of all the file names to grep in one go produces a list of all the matches, one per line; and passing that to xargs cp performs the copying. (To move instead of copy, use mv instead of cp, obviously; both support the -t option so as to make it convenient to run them under xargs.) The function of xargs is to convert standard input into arguments to the program you run as the argument to xargs.

Bash- why can't a file be overwritten without the use of a temp file?

The standard procedure for overwriting a file is usually the following:
awk '{print $2*3}' file > tmp file
tmpFile > file
However, sometimes this poses to be a bit of a hassle because then one must remove the temp file after it is no longer being used.
So, why is it not possible to do this in the following way (without the need of a temp file) :
awk '{print $2*3}' file > file
The reason I ask is because I know that it is possible to append to a file as so:
awk '{print $2*3}' file >> file
So if appending a file, using >> as shown above, works fine, why can't one overwrite a file in the same way. Why are the two commands so different?
Moreover, does there exist a way of bypassing the need for a temp file (perhaps in a fashion similar to the 2nd excerpt), or is the first excerpt the only way?
NOTE: the awk command is irrelevant, it can be replaced by any other command
Using a temp file is a good idea because you can never be sure if the entire file will be read into memory. If you try to write it before it was read, then you might get a different result than you might have expected.
When using append, the command always goes through the entire file before adding new content, so there never remains a part of the file to be read.
Probably not a great idea (trying to read & write to same file), but if you insist on doing it, you could use the <> operator.
gawk '{print $2*3}' -- <> file
There's a tool for everything. You can use sponge.
awk '{print $2*3}' file | sponge file
You can get it from the moreutils package. The man page reads:
sponge - soak up standard input and write to a file
sed '...' file | grep '...' | sponge [-a] file
sponge reads standard input and writes it out to the specified file.
Unlike a shell redirect, sponge soaks up all its input before writing the
output file. This allows constructing pipelines that read from and write
to the same file.
sponge preserves the permissions of the output file if it already exists.
When possible, sponge creates or updates the output file atomically by
renaming a temp file into place. (This cannot be done if TMPDIR is not in
the same filesystem.)
If the output file is a special file or symlink, the data will be written
to it, non-atomically.
If no file is specified, sponge outputs to stdout.
Replace the file with a new file that contains the file's original
content, with the standard input appended to it. This is done
atomically when possible.
Colin Watson and Tollef Fog Heen
if u happen to be on a mac, you can emulate a copy & paste operation to do in-place edits indirectly without a temp file :
awk '{ . . . }' file | LC_ALL=C pbcopy ; LC_ALL=C pbpaste > file
dunno what the equivalent commands are for linux or other platforms. avoid this if your file is over 500 MB in size
you can also use this for perl or python etc since "pasteboard copy" is simply reading in contents via /dev/stdin.
this is only a convenience shortcut and doesn't guarantee atomic ops whatsoever.

sed delete lines from a logfile that respect numbers in another file

I have a logfile that is starting to grow in size, and I need to remove certain lines that match a given pattern from it. I used grep -nr for extracting the target lines and copied them in a temp file, but I can't figure how can I tell sed to delete those lines from the log file.
I have found something similar here: Delete line from text file with line numbers from another file but this doesn't actually delete the lines, it only prints the wanted output.
Can anyone give me a hint?
Thank you!
I think, what you really need is sed -i '/pattern/d' filename.
But to answer your question:
How to delete lines matching the line numbers from another file:
(Assuming that there are no special characters in the line_numbers file, just numbers one per line...)
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0]=1; next}; !(FNR in a)' line_numbers input.log
If you already have a way of printing what you want to standard output, there's no reason why you can't just overwrite the original file. For example, to only print lines that don't match a pattern, you could use:
grep -v 'pattern' original > tmp && mv tmp original
This redirects the output of the grep command to a temporary file, then overwrites the original file. Any other solution that does this "in-place" is only pretending to do so, after all.
There are numerous other ways to do this, using sed as suggested in the comments, or awk:
awk '!/pattern/' original > tmp && mv tmp original
If you want to use sed and your file is growing continuously, then you will have to execute sed -i '/REGEX/d' FILENAME more frequently.
Instead, you can make use of syslog-ng. You just have to edit the /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf, wherein you need to create/edit an appropriate filter (somewhat like: f_example { not match(REGEX); }; ), save file, restart the service and you're done.
The messages containing that particular pattern will not be dumped in the log file. In this way, your file would not only stop growing, but also you need not process it periodically using sed or grep.
To remove a line with sed, you can do:
sed "${line}d" <originalLogF >tmpF
If you want remove several lines, you can pass a sed script. Here I delete the first and the second lines:
sed '1d;2d' <originalLogF >tmpF
If your log file is big, you probably have two pass. The first one to generate the sed script in a file, and a second one to apply the sed script. But it will be more efficient to have only one pass if you be able to recognize the pattern directly (and do not use "${line}d" at all). See Tom Fenech or anishsane answers, I think it is what you really need.
By the way you have to preserve the inode (not only the file name) because most of logger keep the file opened. So the final command (if you don't use sed -i) should be:
cat tmpF >originalLogF
By the way, the "-i" option (sed) is NOT magic, sed will create a temporary buffer, so if we have concurrent append to the log file, you can loose some lines.

Create files using grep and wildcards with input file

This should be a no-brainer, but apparently I have no brain today.
I have 50 20-gig logs that contain entries from multiple apps, one of which addes a transaction ID to its log lines. I have 42 transaction IDs I need to review, and I'd like to parse out the appropriate lines into separate files.
To do a single file, the command would be simply,
grep CDBBDEADBEEF2020X02393 server.log* > CDBBDEADBEEF2020X02393.log
that creates a log isolated to that transaction, from all 50 server.logs.
Now, I have a file with 42 txnIDs (shortening to 4 here):
And I wrote:
grep $1 server.\* > $1.log
But that is not working. Changing the shebang to #/bin/bash -xv, gives me this weird output (obviously I'm playing with what the correct escape magic must be):
$ ./ B7F6E465E006B1F1A
#!/bin/bash -xv
grep - ./server\.\*
' grep - './server.*
: No such file or directory
I have also tried the command line
grep - server.* < txids.txt > $1
But OBVIOUSLY that $1 is pointless and I have no idea how to get a file named per txid using the input redirect form of the command.
Thanks in advance for any ideas. I haven't gone the route of doing a foreach in the shell script, because I want grep to put the original filename in the output lines so I can examine context later if I need to.
Also - it would be great to have the server.* files ordered numerically (server.log.1, server.log.2 NOT server.log.1, server.log.10...)
try this:
while read -r txid
grep "$txid" server.* > "$txid.log"
done < txids.txt
and for the file ordering - rename files with one digit to two digit, with leading zeroes, e.g. mv server.log.1 server.log.01.

Best way to modify a file when using pipes?

I often have shell programming tasks where I run into this pattern:
cat file | some_script > file
This is unsafe - cat may not have read in the entire file before some_script starts writing to it. I don't really want to write the result to a temporary file (its slow, and I don't want the added complication of thinking up a unique new name).
Perhaps, there is there is a standard shell command that will buffer a whole stream until EOF is reached? Something like:
cat file | bufferUntilEOF | script > file
Like many others, I like to use temporary files. I use the shell process-id as part of the temporary name so that if multiple copies of the script are running at the same time, they won't conflict. Finally, I then only overwrite the original file if the script succeeds (using boolean operator short-circuiting - it's a little dense but very nice for simple command lines). Putting that all together, it would look like:
some_script < file > smscrpt.$$ && mv smscrpt.$$ file
This will leave the temporary file if the command fails. If you want to clean up on error, you can change that to:
some_script < file > smscrpt.$$ && mv smscrpt.$$ file || rm smscrpt.$$
BTW, I got rid of the poor use of cat and replaced it with input redirection.
You're looking for sponge.
Using a temporary file is the correct solution here. When you use a redirection like '>', it is handled by the shell, and no matter how many commands are in your pipeline, the shell is free to delete and overwrite the output file before any command is executed (during pipeline setup).
Another option is just to read the file into a variable:
file_contents=$(cat file)
echo "$file_contents" | script1 | script2 > file
Using mktemp(1) or tempfile(1) saves you the expense of having to think up unique filename.
In response to the OP's question above about using sponge without external dependencies, and building on #D.Shawley's answer, you can have the effect of sponge with only a dependency on gawk, which is not uncommon on Unix or Unix-like systems:
cat foo | gawk -voutfn=foo '{lines[NR]=$0;} END {if(NR>0){print lines[1]>outfn;} for(i=2;i<=NR;++i) print lines[i] >> outfn;}'
The check for NR>0 is to truncate the input file.
To use this in a shell script, change -voutfn=foo to -voutfn="$1" or whatever syntax your shell uses for filename arguments. For example:
cat "$1" | gawk -voutfn="$1" '{lines[NR]=$0;} END {if(NR>0){print lines[1]>outfn;} for(i=2;i<=NR;++i) print lines[i] >> outfn;}'
Note that, unlike real sponge, this may be limited to the size of RAM. sponge actually buffers in a temporary file if necessary.
Using a temporary file is IMO better than attempting to buffer the data in the pipeline.
It almost defeats the purpose of pipelines to buffer them.
I think you need to use mktemp. Something like this will work:
some_script <"$FILE" >"$TMP"
mv "$TMP" "$FILE"
I think that the best way is to use a temp file. However, if you want another approach, you can use something like awk to buffer up the input into memory before your application starts receiving input. The following script will buffer the all of the input into the lines array before it starts to output it to the next consumer in the pipeline.
{ lines[NR] = $0; }
for (line_no=1; line_no<=NR; ++line_no) {
print lines[line_no];
You can collapse it into a one-liner if you want:
cat file | awk '{lines[NR]=$0;} END {for(i=1;i<=NR;++i) print lines[i];}' > file
With all of that, I would still recommend using a temporary file for the output and then overwriting the original file with it.
