GLSL performance - function return value/type - performance

I'm using bicubic filtering to smoothen my heightmap, I implemented it in GLSL:
Bicubic interpolation: (see interpolate() function bellow)
float interpolateBicubic(sampler2D tex, vec2 t)
vec2 offBot = vec2(0,-1);
vec2 offTop = vec2(0,1);
vec2 offRight = vec2(1,0);
vec2 offLeft = vec2(-1,0);
vec2 f = fract(t.xy * 1025);
vec2 bot0 = (floor(t.xy * 1025)+offBot+offLeft)/1025;
vec2 bot1 = (floor(t.xy * 1025)+offBot)/1025;
vec2 bot2 = (floor(t.xy * 1025)+offBot+offRight)/1025;
vec2 bot3 = (floor(t.xy * 1025)+offBot+2*offRight)/1025;
vec2 mbot0 = (floor(t.xy * 1025)+offLeft)/1025;
vec2 mbot1 = (floor(t.xy * 1025))/1025;
vec2 mbot2 = (floor(t.xy * 1025)+offRight)/1025;
vec2 mbot3 = (floor(t.xy * 1025)+2*offRight)/1025;
vec2 mtop0 = (floor(t.xy * 1025)+offTop+offLeft)/1025;
vec2 mtop1 = (floor(t.xy * 1025)+offTop)/1025;
vec2 mtop2 = (floor(t.xy * 1025)+offTop+offRight)/1025;
vec2 mtop3 = (floor(t.xy * 1025)+offTop+2*offRight)/1025;
vec2 top0 = (floor(t.xy * 1025)+2*offTop+offLeft)/1025;
vec2 top1 = (floor(t.xy * 1025)+2*offTop)/1025;
vec2 top2 = (floor(t.xy * 1025)+2*offTop+offRight)/1025;
vec2 top3 = (floor(t.xy * 1025)+2*offTop+2*offRight)/1025;
float h[16];
h[0] = texture(tex,bot0).r;
h[1] = texture(tex,bot1).r;
h[2] = texture(tex,bot2).r;
h[3] = texture(tex,bot3).r;
h[4] = texture(tex,mbot0).r;
h[5] = texture(tex,mbot1).r;
h[6] = texture(tex,mbot2).r;
h[7] = texture(tex,mbot3).r;
h[8] = texture(tex,mtop0).r;
h[9] = texture(tex,mtop1).r;
h[10] = texture(tex,mtop2).r;
h[11] = texture(tex,mtop3).r;
h[12] = texture(tex,top0).r;
h[13] = texture(tex,top1).r;
h[14] = texture(tex,top2).r;
h[15] = texture(tex,top3).r;
float H_ix[4];
H_ix[0] = interpolate(f.x,h[0],h[1],h[2],h[3]);
H_ix[1] = interpolate(f.x,h[4],h[5],h[6],h[7]);
H_ix[2] = interpolate(f.x,h[8],h[9],h[10],h[11]);
H_ix[3] = interpolate(f.x,h[12],h[13],h[14],h[15]);
float H_iy = interpolate(f.y,H_ix[0],H_ix[1],H_ix[2],H_ix[3]);
return H_iy;
This is my version of it, the texture size(1025) is still hardcoded. Using this in vertex shader and/or in tessellation evaluation shader, it affects performance very badly (20-30fps). But when I change the last line of this function to:
return 0;
the performance increases just like if I used bilinear or nearest/without filtering.
The same happens with: (I mean the performance remains good)
return h[...]; //...
return f.x; //...
return H_ix[...]; //...
The interpolation function:
float interpolate(float x, float v0, float v1, float v2,float v3)
double c1,c2,c3,c4; //changed to float, see EDITs
c1 = spline_matrix[0][1]*v1;
c2 = spline_matrix[1][0]*v0 + spline_matrix[1][2]*v2;
c3 = spline_matrix[2][0]*v0 + spline_matrix[2][1]*v1 + spline_matrix[2][2]*v2 + spline_matrix[2][3]*v3;
c4 = spline_matrix[3][0]*v0 + spline_matrix[3][1]*v1 + spline_matrix[3][2]*v2 + spline_matrix[3][3]*v3;
return(c4*x*x*x + c3*x*x +c2*x + c1);
The fps only decreases when I return the final, H_iy value.
How does the return value affects the performance?
EDIT I've just realized that I used double in the interpolate() function to declare c1, c2...ect.
I've changed it to float, and the performance now remains good with the proper return value.
So the question changes a bit:
How does a double precision variable affects the performance of the hardware, and why didn't the other interpolation function trigger this performance loss, only the last one, since the H_ix[] array was float too, just like the H_iy?

you can use bilinear interpolation by hardware to your advantage. bicubic interpolation can be basically written as bilinear interpolation from bilinearly interpolated input points. Like this:
uniform sampler2D texture;
uniform sampler2D mask;
uniform vec2 texOffset;
varying vec4 vertColor;
varying vec4 vertTexCoord;
void main() {
vec4 p0 = texture2D(texture,;
vec2 d = texOffset * 0.125;
vec4 p1 = texture2D(texture, d.x, d.y)).rgba;
vec4 p2 = texture2D(texture,, d.y)).rgba;
vec4 p3 = texture2D(texture, d.x,-d.y)).rgba;
vec4 p4 = texture2D(texture,,-d.y)).rgba;
gl_FragColor = ( 2.0*p0 + p1 + p2 + p3 + p4)/6.0;
and this is the result
first image is standard Hradware interpolation
second image is bicubic interpolation using the code above
the same bicubic interpolation but with discretized color to see contourlines

One thing you could do to speed this up is use texelFetch() instead of floor()/texture(), so the hardware doesn't waste time doing any filtering. Though hardware filtering is quite fast which is partly why I linked the gpu gems article. There's also now a textureSize() function which saves passing the values in yourself.
GLSL has a very aggressive optimizer, which throws away everything it possibly can. So lets say you spend ages computing a really expensive lighting value, but at the end just say colour = vec4(1), all your computation gets ignored and it runs really fast. This can take some getting used to when trying to benchmark things. I believe this is the issue you see when returning different values. Imagine every variable has a dependency tree and if any variable isn't used in an output, including uniforms and attributes and even across the shader stages, GLSL ignores it completely. One place I've seen GLSL compilers fall short here is in copying in/out function arguments when it doesn't have to.
As for the double precision, a similar question is here:
In general, graphics needs to be fast and nearly always just uses single precision. For the more general purpose computing applications, eg scientific simulations, doubles of course give higher accuracy. You'll probably find a lot more about this in relation to CUDA.


GLSL - different precision in different parts of fragment shader

I have a simple fragment shader that draws test grid pattern.
I don't really have a problem - but I've noticed a weird behavior that's inexplicable to me. Don't mind weird constants - they get filled during shader assembly before compilation. Also, vertexPosition is actual calculated position in world space, so I can move the shader texture when the mesh itself moves.
Here's the code of my shader:
#version 300 es
precision highp float;
in highp vec3 vertexPosition;
out mediump vec4 fragColor;
const float squareSize = __CONSTANT_SQUARE_SIZE;
const vec3 color_base = __CONSTANT_COLOR_BASE;
const vec3 color_l1 = __CONSTANT_COLOR_L1;
float minWidthX;
float minWidthY;
vec3 color_green = vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0);
void main()
// calculate l1 border positions
float dimention = squareSize;
int roundX = int(vertexPosition.x / dimention);
int roundY = int(vertexPosition.z / dimention);
float remainderX = vertexPosition.x - float(roundX)*dimention;
float remainderY = vertexPosition.z - float(roundY)*dimention;
vec3 dyX = dFdy(vec3(vertexPosition.x, vertexPosition.y, 0));
vec3 dxX = dFdx(vec3(vertexPosition.x, vertexPosition.y, 0));
minWidthX = max(length(dxX),length(dyX));
vec3 dyY = dFdy(vec3(0, vertexPosition.y, vertexPosition.z));
vec3 dxY = dFdx(vec3(0, vertexPosition.y, vertexPosition.z));
minWidthY = max(length(dxY),length(dyY));
//Fill l1 suqares
if (remainderX <= minWidthX)
fragColor = vec4(color_l1, 1.0);
if (remainderY <= minWidthY)
fragColor = vec4(color_l1, 1.0);
// fill base color
fragColor = vec4(color_base, 1.0);
So, with this code everything works well.
I then wanted to optimize it a little bit by moving calculations that only concern horizontal lines after the vertical lines are drawn. Because these calculations are useless if the vertical lines check is true. Like this:
#version 300 es
precision highp float;
in highp vec3 vertexPosition;
out mediump vec4 fragColor;
const float squareSize = __CONSTANT_SQUARE_SIZE;
const vec3 color_base = __CONSTANT_COLOR_BASE;
const vec3 color_l1 = __CONSTANT_COLOR_L1;
float minWidthX;
float minWidthY;
vec3 color_green = vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0);
void main()
// calculate l1 border positions
float dimention = squareSize;
int roundX = int(vertexPosition.x / dimention);
int roundY = int(vertexPosition.z / dimention);
float remainderX = vertexPosition.x - float(roundX)*dimention;
float remainderY = vertexPosition.z - float(roundY)*dimention;
vec3 dyX = dFdy(vec3(vertexPosition.x, vertexPosition.y, 0));
vec3 dxX = dFdx(vec3(vertexPosition.x, vertexPosition.y, 0));
minWidthX = max(length(dxX),length(dyX));
//Fill l1 suqares
if (remainderX <= minWidthX)
fragColor = vec4(color_l1, 1.0);
vec3 dyY = dFdy(vec3(0, vertexPosition.y, vertexPosition.z));
vec3 dxY = dFdx(vec3(0, vertexPosition.y, vertexPosition.z));
minWidthY = max(length(dxY),length(dyY));
if (remainderY <= minWidthY)
fragColor = vec4(color_l1, 1.0);
// fill base color
fragColor = vec4(color_base, 1.0);
But even while seemingly this should not affect the result - it does. By quite a bit.
Below are the two screenshots. The first one is the original code, the second - is the "optimized" one. Which works bad.
Original version:
Optimized version (looks much worse):
Notice how the lines became "fuzzy" even though seemingly no numbers should have changed at all.
Note: this isn't because minwidthX/Y are global. I initially optimized by making them local.
I also initially moved RoundY and remainderY calculation below the X check as well, and the result is the same.
Note 2: I tried adding highp keyword for each of those calculations specifically, but that doesn't change anything (not that I expected it to, but I tried nevertheless)
Could anyone please explain to me why this happens? I would like to know for my future shaders, and actually I would like to optimize this one as well. I would like to understand the principle behind precision loss here, because it doesn't make any sense to me.
For the answer I'll refer to OpenGL ES Shading Language 3.20 Specification, which is the same as OpenGL ES Shading Language 3.00 Specification in this point.
8.14.1. Derivative Functions
[...] Derivatives are undefined within non-uniform control flow.
and further
3.9.2. Uniform and Non-Uniform Control Flow
When executing statements in a fragment shader, control flow starts as uniform control flow; all fragments enter the same control path into main(). Control flow becomes non-uniform when different fragments take different paths through control-flow statements (selection, iteration, and jumps).[...]
That means, that the result of the derivative functions in the first case (of your question) is well defined.
But in the second case it is not:
if (remainderX <= minWidthX)
fragColor = vec4(color_l1, 1.0);
vec3 dyY = dFdy(vec3(0, vertexPosition.y, vertexPosition.z));
vec3 dxY = dFdx(vec3(0, vertexPosition.y, vertexPosition.z));
because the return statement acts like a selection. And all the code after the code block with the return statement is in non-uniform control flow.

Unnecessary grid lines in sobel filter Opengl ES

My aim is to create sobel filter in Opengl ES. I am using Netbeans IDE. Everything is working fine in debug mode but in release mode I am getting grid lines. The code is running on raspberry pi.
Can anyone help me get rid of these lines?
This is the fragment shader code.
varying vec2 tcoord;
uniform sampler2D tex;
uniform vec2 texelsize;
void main(void)
vec4 tm1m1 = texture2D(tex,tcoord+vec2(-1,-1)*texelsize);
vec4 tm10 = texture2D(tex,tcoord+vec2(-1,0)*texelsize);
vec4 tm1p1 = texture2D(tex,tcoord+vec2(-1,1)*texelsize);
vec4 tp1m1 = texture2D(tex,tcoord+vec2(1,-1)*texelsize);
vec4 tp10 = texture2D(tex,tcoord+vec2(1,0)*texelsize);
vec4 tp1p1 = texture2D(tex,tcoord+vec2(1,1)*texelsize);
vec4 t0m1 = texture2D(tex,tcoord+vec2(0,-1)*texelsize);
vec4 t0p1 = texture2D(tex,tcoord+vec2(0,-1)*texelsize);
vec4 xdiff = -1.0*tm1m1 + -2.0*tm10 + -1.0*tm1p1 + 1.0*tp1m1 + 2.0*tp10 + 1.0*tp1p1;
vec4 ydiff = -1.0*tm1m1 + -2.0*t0m1 + -1.0*tp1m1 + 1.0*tm1p1 + 2.0*t0p1 + 1.0*tp1p1;
vec4 tot = sqrt((xdiff*xdiff)+(ydiff*ydiff));
vec4 col = tot;
col.a = 1.0;
gl_FragColor = clamp(col,vec4(0),vec4(1));
This is Debug image.
Release image.
This is only a partial answer. I did notice a wrong sign in your shader:
vec4 t0m1 = texture2D(tex,tcoord+vec2(0,-1)*texelsize);
vec4 t0p1 = texture2D(tex,tcoord+vec2(0,-1)*texelsize);
Those two would be the same value. Following the pattern of the other values, this should be:
vec4 t0m1 = texture2D(tex,tcoord+vec2(0,-1)*texelsize);
vec4 t0p1 = texture2D(tex,tcoord+vec2(0,1)*texelsize);
I don't believe this would explain the grid lines, though. But it should certainly improve the quality of the result.
Is this the full code of fragment shader? This looks like it may be caused by low precision.
According to p. 4.5.3 of GLSL ES tech specs you must explicitly specify float precision for fragment shaders - certain OpenGL ES drivers can even fail to compile fragment shaders w/o float precision.
You can set precision with this instruction at the very beginning of shader:
precision highp float;

moving from one point to point on sphere

I'm working with a GPU based particle system.
There are 1 million particles computed by passing in the x,y,z positions as rgb values on a 1024*1024 texture. The same is being done for their velocities.
I'm trying to make them move from an arbitrary point to a point on sphere.
My current shader, which I'm using for the computation, is moving from one point to another directly.
I'm not using the mass or velocity texture at the moment
// float mass = texture2D( posArray,;
vec3 p = texture2D( posArray,;
// vec3 v = texture2D( velArray,;
// map into 'cinder space'
p = (p * - 1.0) + 0.5;
// vec3 acc = -0.0002*p; // Centripetal force
// vec3 ayAcc = 0.00001*normalize(cross(vec3(0, 1 ,0),p)); // Angular force
// vec3 new_v = v + mass*(acc+ayAcc);
vec3 new_p = p + ((moveToPos - p) / duration);
// map out of 'cinder space'
new_p = (new_p - 0.5) * -1.0;
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(new_p.x, new_p.y, new_p.z, mass);
//gl_FragData[1] = vec4(new_v.x, new_v.y, new_v.z, 1.0);
moveToPos is the mouse pointer as a float (0.0f > 1.0f)
the coordinate system is being translated from (0.5,0.5 > -0.5,-0.5) to (0.0,0.0 > 1.0,1.0)
I'm completely new to vector maths, and the calculations that are confusing me. I know I need to use the formula:
but calculating the angles from moveToPos(xyz) > p(xyz) is remaining a problem
I wrote the original version of this GPU-particles shader a few years back (now #: Here is one possible approach to your problem.
I would start with a fragment shader applying a spring force to the particles so that they more or less are constrained to the surface of a sphere. Something like this:
uniform sampler2D posArray;
uniform sampler2D velArray;
varying vec4 texCoord;
void main(void)
float mass = texture2D( posArray,;
vec3 p = texture2D( posArray,;
vec3 v = texture2D( velArray,;
float x0 = 0.5; //distance from center of sphere to be maintaned
float x = distance(p, vec3(0,0,0)); // current distance
vec3 acc = -0.0002*(x - x0)*p; //apply spring force (hooke's law)
vec3 new_v = v + mass*(acc);
new_v = 0.999*new_v; // friction to slow down velocities over time
vec3 new_p = p + new_v;
//Render to positions texture
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(new_p.x, new_p.y, new_p.z, mass);
//Render to velocities texture
gl_FragData[1] = vec4(new_v.x, new_v.y, new_v.z, 1.0);
Then, I would pass a new vec3 uniform for the mouse position intersecting a sphere of the same radius (done outside the shader in Cinder).
Now, combining this with the previous soft spring constraint. You could add a tangential force towards this attraction point. Start with a simple (mousePos - p) acceleration, and then figure out a way to make this force exclusively tangential using cross-products.
I'm not sure how the spherical coordinates approach would work here.
Where do you get ϕ and θ? The textures stores the positions and velocities in cartesian coordinates. Plus, converting back and forth is not really an option.
My explanation could be too advanced if you are not comfortable with vectors. Unfortunately, shaders and particle animation are very mathematical by nature.
Here is a solution that I've worked out - it works, however if I move the center point of the spheres outside their own bounds, I lose particles.
#define NPEOPLE 5
uniform sampler2D posArray;
uniform sampler2D velArray;
uniform vec3 centerPoint[NPEOPLE];
uniform float radius[NPEOPLE];
uniform float duration;
varying vec4 texCoord;
void main(void) {
float personToGet = texture2D( posArray,;
vec3 p = texture2D( posArray,;
float mass = texture2D( velArray,;
vec3 v = texture2D( velArray,;
// map into 'cinder space'
p = (p * - 1.0) + 0.5;
vec3 vec_p = p - centerPoint[int(personToGet)];
float len_vec_p = sqrt( ( vec_p.x * vec_p.x ) + (vec_p.y * vec_p.y) + (vec_p.z * vec_p.z) );
vec_p = ( ( radius[int(personToGet)] /* mass */ ) / len_vec_p ) * vec_p;
vec3 new_p = ( vec_p + centerPoint[int(personToGet)] );
new_p = p + ( (new_p - p) / (duration) );
// map out of 'cinder space'
new_p = (new_p - 0.5) * -1.0;
vec3 new_v = v;
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(new_p.x, new_p.y, new_p.z, personToGet);
gl_FragData[1] = vec4(new_v.x, new_v.y, new_v.z, mass);
I'm passing in arrays of 5 vec3f's and a float mapped as 5 center points and radii.
The particles are setup with a random position at the beginning and move towards the number in the array mapped to the alpha value of the position array.
My aim is to pass in blob data from openCV and map the spheres to people on a camera feed.
It's really uninteresting visually at the moment, so will need to use the velocity texture to add to the behaviour of the particles.

Simple GLSL convolution shader is atrociously slow

I'm trying to implement a 2D outline shader in OpenGL ES2.0 for iOS. It is insanely slow. As in 5fps slow. I've tracked it down to the texture2D() calls. However, without those any convolution shader is undoable. I've tried using lowp instead of mediump, but with that everything is just black, although it does give another 5fps, but it's still unusable.
Here is my fragment shader.
varying mediump vec4 colorVarying;
varying mediump vec2 texCoord;
uniform bool enableTexture;
uniform sampler2D texture;
uniform mediump float k;
void main() {
const mediump float step_w = 3.0/128.0;
const mediump float step_h = 3.0/128.0;
const mediump vec4 b = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
const mediump vec4 one = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
mediump vec2 offset[9];
mediump float kernel[9];
offset[0] = vec2(-step_w, step_h);
offset[1] = vec2(-step_w, 0.0);
offset[2] = vec2(-step_w, -step_h);
offset[3] = vec2(0.0, step_h);
offset[4] = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
offset[5] = vec2(0.0, -step_h);
offset[6] = vec2(step_w, step_h);
offset[7] = vec2(step_w, 0.0);
offset[8] = vec2(step_w, -step_h);
kernel[0] = kernel[2] = kernel[6] = kernel[8] = 1.0/k;
kernel[1] = kernel[3] = kernel[5] = kernel[7] = 2.0/k;
kernel[4] = -16.0/k;
if (enableTexture) {
mediump vec4 sum = vec4(0.0);
for (int i=0;i<9;i++) {
mediump vec4 tmp = texture2D(texture, texCoord + offset[i]);
sum += tmp * kernel[i];
gl_FragColor = (sum * b) + ((one-sum) * texture2D(texture, texCoord));
} else {
gl_FragColor = colorVarying;
This is unoptimized, and not finalized, but I need to bring up performance before continuing on. I've tried replacing the texture2D() call in the loop with just a solid vec4 and it runs no problem, despite everything else going on.
How can I optimize this? I know it's possible because I've seen way more involved effects in 3D running no problem. I can't see why this is causing any trouble at all.
I've done this exact thing myself, and I see several things that could be optimized here.
First off, I'd remove the enableTexture conditional and instead split your shader into two programs, one for the true state of this and one for false. Conditionals are very expensive in iOS fragment shaders, particularly ones that have texture reads within them.
Second, you have nine dependent texture reads here. These are texture reads where the texture coordinates are calculated within the fragment shader. Dependent texture reads are very expensive on the PowerVR GPUs within iOS devices, because they prevent that hardware from optimizing texture reads using caching, etc. Because you are sampling from a fixed offset for the 8 surrounding pixels and one central one, these calculations should be moved up into the vertex shader. This also means that these calculations won't have to be performed for each pixel, just once for each vertex and then hardware interpolation will handle the rest.
Third, for() loops haven't been handled all that well by the iOS shader compiler to date, so I tend to avoid those where I can.
As I mentioned, I've done convolution shaders like this in my open source iOS GPUImage framework. For a generic convolution filter, I use the following vertex shader:
attribute vec4 position;
attribute vec4 inputTextureCoordinate;
uniform highp float texelWidth;
uniform highp float texelHeight;
varying vec2 textureCoordinate;
varying vec2 leftTextureCoordinate;
varying vec2 rightTextureCoordinate;
varying vec2 topTextureCoordinate;
varying vec2 topLeftTextureCoordinate;
varying vec2 topRightTextureCoordinate;
varying vec2 bottomTextureCoordinate;
varying vec2 bottomLeftTextureCoordinate;
varying vec2 bottomRightTextureCoordinate;
void main()
gl_Position = position;
vec2 widthStep = vec2(texelWidth, 0.0);
vec2 heightStep = vec2(0.0, texelHeight);
vec2 widthHeightStep = vec2(texelWidth, texelHeight);
vec2 widthNegativeHeightStep = vec2(texelWidth, -texelHeight);
textureCoordinate = inputTextureCoordinate.xy;
leftTextureCoordinate = inputTextureCoordinate.xy - widthStep;
rightTextureCoordinate = inputTextureCoordinate.xy + widthStep;
topTextureCoordinate = inputTextureCoordinate.xy - heightStep;
topLeftTextureCoordinate = inputTextureCoordinate.xy - widthHeightStep;
topRightTextureCoordinate = inputTextureCoordinate.xy + widthNegativeHeightStep;
bottomTextureCoordinate = inputTextureCoordinate.xy + heightStep;
bottomLeftTextureCoordinate = inputTextureCoordinate.xy - widthNegativeHeightStep;
bottomRightTextureCoordinate = inputTextureCoordinate.xy + widthHeightStep;
and the following fragment shader:
precision highp float;
uniform sampler2D inputImageTexture;
uniform mediump mat3 convolutionMatrix;
varying vec2 textureCoordinate;
varying vec2 leftTextureCoordinate;
varying vec2 rightTextureCoordinate;
varying vec2 topTextureCoordinate;
varying vec2 topLeftTextureCoordinate;
varying vec2 topRightTextureCoordinate;
varying vec2 bottomTextureCoordinate;
varying vec2 bottomLeftTextureCoordinate;
varying vec2 bottomRightTextureCoordinate;
void main()
mediump vec4 bottomColor = texture2D(inputImageTexture, bottomTextureCoordinate);
mediump vec4 bottomLeftColor = texture2D(inputImageTexture, bottomLeftTextureCoordinate);
mediump vec4 bottomRightColor = texture2D(inputImageTexture, bottomRightTextureCoordinate);
mediump vec4 centerColor = texture2D(inputImageTexture, textureCoordinate);
mediump vec4 leftColor = texture2D(inputImageTexture, leftTextureCoordinate);
mediump vec4 rightColor = texture2D(inputImageTexture, rightTextureCoordinate);
mediump vec4 topColor = texture2D(inputImageTexture, topTextureCoordinate);
mediump vec4 topRightColor = texture2D(inputImageTexture, topRightTextureCoordinate);
mediump vec4 topLeftColor = texture2D(inputImageTexture, topLeftTextureCoordinate);
mediump vec4 resultColor = topLeftColor * convolutionMatrix[0][0] + topColor * convolutionMatrix[0][1] + topRightColor * convolutionMatrix[0][2];
resultColor += leftColor * convolutionMatrix[1][0] + centerColor * convolutionMatrix[1][1] + rightColor * convolutionMatrix[1][2];
resultColor += bottomLeftColor * convolutionMatrix[2][0] + bottomColor * convolutionMatrix[2][1] + bottomRightColor * convolutionMatrix[2][2];
gl_FragColor = resultColor;
The texelWidth and texelHeight uniforms are the inverse of the width and height of the input image, and the convolutionMatrix uniform specifies the weights for the various samples in your convolution.
On an iPhone 4, this runs in 4-8 ms for a 640x480 frame of camera video, which is good enough for 60 FPS rendering at that image size. If you just need to do something like edge detection, you can simplify the above, convert the image to luminance in a pre-pass, then only sample from one color channel. That's even faster, at about 2 ms per frame on the same device.
The only way I know of reducing time taken in this shader is by reducing the number of texture fetches. Since your shader samples textures from equally spaced points about the center pixels and linearly combines them, you could reduce the number of fetches by making use of the GL_LINEAR mode availbale for texture sampling.
Basically instead of sampling at every texel, sample in between a pair of texels to directly get a linearly weighted sum.
Let us call the sampling at offset (-stepw,-steph) and (-stepw,0) as x0 and x1 respectively. Then your sum is
sum = x0*k0 + x1*k1
Now instead if you sample in between these two texels, at a distance of
k0/(k0+k1) from x0 and therefore k1/(k0+k1) from x1, then the GPU will perform the linear weighting during the fetch and give you,
y = x1*k1/(k0+k1) + x0*k0/(k1+k0)
Thus sum can be calculated as
sum = y*(k0 + k1) from just one fetch!
If you repeat this for the other adjacent pixels, you will end up doing 4 texture fetches for each of the adjacent offsets, and one extra texture fetch for the center pixel.
The link explains this much better

Random / noise functions for GLSL

As the GPU driver vendors don't usually bother to implement noiseX in GLSL, I'm looking for a "graphics randomization swiss army knife" utility function set, preferably optimised to use within GPU shaders. I prefer GLSL, but code any language will do for me, I'm ok with translating it on my own to GLSL.
Specifically, I'd expect:
a) Pseudo-random functions - N-dimensional, uniform distribution over [-1,1] or over [0,1], calculated from M-dimensional seed (ideally being any value, but I'm OK with having the seed restrained to, say, 0..1 for uniform result distribution). Something like:
float random (T seed);
vec2 random2 (T seed);
vec3 random3 (T seed);
vec4 random4 (T seed);
// T being either float, vec2, vec3, vec4 - ideally.
b) Continous noise like Perlin Noise - again, N-dimensional, +- uniform distribution, with constrained set of values and, well, looking good (some options to configure the appearance like Perlin levels could be useful too). I'd expect signatures like:
float noise (T coord, TT seed);
vec2 noise2 (T coord, TT seed);
// ...
I'm not very much into random number generation theory, so I'd most eagerly go for a pre-made solution, but I'd also appreciate answers like "here's a very good, efficient 1D rand(), and let me explain you how to make a good N-dimensional rand() on top of it..." .
For very simple pseudorandom-looking stuff, I use this oneliner that I found on the internet somewhere:
float rand(vec2 co){
return fract(sin(dot(co, vec2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453);
You can also generate a noise texture using whatever PRNG you like, then upload this in the normal fashion and sample the values in your shader; I can dig up a code sample later if you'd like.
Also, check out this file for GLSL implementations of Perlin and Simplex noise, by Stefan Gustavson.
It occurs to me that you could use a simple integer hash function and insert the result into a float's mantissa. IIRC the GLSL spec guarantees 32-bit unsigned integers and IEEE binary32 float representation so it should be perfectly portable.
I gave this a try just now. The results are very good: it looks exactly like static with every input I tried, no visible patterns at all. In contrast the popular sin/fract snippet has fairly pronounced diagonal lines on my GPU given the same inputs.
One disadvantage is that it requires GLSL v3.30. And although it seems fast enough, I haven't empirically quantified its performance. AMD's Shader Analyzer claims 13.33 pixels per clock for the vec2 version on a HD5870. Contrast with 16 pixels per clock for the sin/fract snippet. So it is certainly a little slower.
Here's my implementation. I left it in various permutations of the idea to make it easier to derive your own functions from.
by Spatial
05 July 2013
#version 330 core
uniform float time;
out vec4 fragment;
// A single iteration of Bob Jenkins' One-At-A-Time hashing algorithm.
uint hash( uint x ) {
x += ( x << 10u );
x ^= ( x >> 6u );
x += ( x << 3u );
x ^= ( x >> 11u );
x += ( x << 15u );
return x;
// Compound versions of the hashing algorithm I whipped together.
uint hash( uvec2 v ) { return hash( v.x ^ hash(v.y) ); }
uint hash( uvec3 v ) { return hash( v.x ^ hash(v.y) ^ hash(v.z) ); }
uint hash( uvec4 v ) { return hash( v.x ^ hash(v.y) ^ hash(v.z) ^ hash(v.w) ); }
// Construct a float with half-open range [0:1] using low 23 bits.
// All zeroes yields 0.0, all ones yields the next smallest representable value below 1.0.
float floatConstruct( uint m ) {
const uint ieeeMantissa = 0x007FFFFFu; // binary32 mantissa bitmask
const uint ieeeOne = 0x3F800000u; // 1.0 in IEEE binary32
m &= ieeeMantissa; // Keep only mantissa bits (fractional part)
m |= ieeeOne; // Add fractional part to 1.0
float f = uintBitsToFloat( m ); // Range [1:2]
return f - 1.0; // Range [0:1]
// Pseudo-random value in half-open range [0:1].
float random( float x ) { return floatConstruct(hash(floatBitsToUint(x))); }
float random( vec2 v ) { return floatConstruct(hash(floatBitsToUint(v))); }
float random( vec3 v ) { return floatConstruct(hash(floatBitsToUint(v))); }
float random( vec4 v ) { return floatConstruct(hash(floatBitsToUint(v))); }
void main()
vec3 inputs = vec3( gl_FragCoord.xy, time ); // Spatial and temporal inputs
float rand = random( inputs ); // Random per-pixel value
vec3 luma = vec3( rand ); // Expand to RGB
fragment = vec4( luma, 1.0 );
I inspected the screenshot in an image editing program. There are 256 colours and the average value is 127, meaning the distribution is uniform and covers the expected range.
Gustavson's implementation uses a 1D texture
No it doesn't, not since 2005. It's just that people insist on downloading the old version. The version that is on the link you supplied uses only 8-bit 2D textures.
The new version by Ian McEwan of Ashima and myself does not use a texture, but runs at around half the speed on typical desktop platforms with lots of texture bandwidth. On mobile platforms, the textureless version might be faster because texturing is often a significant bottleneck.
Our actively maintained source repository is:
A collection of both the textureless and texture-using versions of noise is here (using only 2D textures):
If you have any specific questions, feel free to e-mail me directly (my email address can be found in the classicnoise*.glsl sources.)
Gold Noise
// Gold Noise ©2015
// - based on the Golden Ratio
// - uniform normalized distribution
// - fastest static noise generator function (also runs at low precision)
// - use with indicated fractional seeding method.
float PHI = 1.61803398874989484820459; // Φ = Golden Ratio
float gold_noise(in vec2 xy, in float seed){
return fract(tan(distance(xy*PHI, xy)*seed)*xy.x);
See Gold Noise in your browser right now!
This function has improved random distribution over the current function in #appas' answer as of Sept 9, 2017:
The #appas function is also incomplete, given there is no seed supplied (uv is not a seed - same for every frame), and does not work with low precision chipsets. Gold Noise runs at low precision by default (much faster).
There is also a nice implementation described here by McEwan and #StefanGustavson that looks like Perlin noise, but "does not require any setup, i.e. not textures nor uniform arrays. Just add it to your shader source code and call it wherever you want".
That's very handy, especially given that Gustavson's earlier implementation, which #dep linked to, uses a 1D texture, which is not supported in GLSL ES (the shader language of WebGL).
After the initial posting of this question in 2010, a lot has changed in the realm of good random functions and hardware support for them.
Looking at the accepted answer from today's perspective, this algorithm is very bad in uniformity of the random numbers drawn from it. And the uniformity suffers a lot depending on the magnitude of the input values and visible artifacts/patterns will become apparent when sampling from it for e.g. ray/path tracing applications.
There have been many different functions (most of them integer hashing) being devised for this task, for different input and output dimensionality, most of which are being evaluated in the 2020 JCGT paper Hash Functions for GPU Rendering. Depending on your needs you could select a function from the list of proposed functions in that paper and simply from the accompanying Shadertoy.
One that isn't covered in this paper but that has served me very well without any noticeably patterns on any input magnitude values is also one that I want to highlight.
Other classes of algorithms use low-discrepancy sequences to draw pseudo-random numbers from, such as the Sobol squence with Owen-Nayar scrambling. Eric Heitz has done some amazing research in this area, as well with his A Low-Discrepancy Sampler that Distributes Monte Carlo Errors as a Blue Noise in Screen Space paper.
Another example of this is the (so far latest) JCGT paper Practical Hash-based Owen Scrambling, which applies Owen scrambling to a different hash function (namely Laine-Karras).
Yet other classes use algorithms that produce noise patterns with desirable frequency spectrums, such as blue noise, that is particularly "pleasing" to the eyes.
(I realize that good StackOverflow answers should provide the algorithms as source code and not as links because those can break, but there are way too many different algorithms nowadays and I intend for this answer to be a summary of known-good algorithms today)
Do use this:
highp float rand(vec2 co)
highp float a = 12.9898;
highp float b = 78.233;
highp float c = 43758.5453;
highp float dt= dot(co.xy ,vec2(a,b));
highp float sn= mod(dt,3.14);
return fract(sin(sn) * c);
Don't use this:
float rand(vec2 co){
return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);
You can find the explanation in Improvements to the canonical one-liner GLSL rand() for OpenGL ES 2.0
Nowadays webGL2.0 is there so integers are available in (w)GLSL.
-> for quality portable hash (at similar cost than ugly float hashes) we can now use "serious" hashing techniques.
IQ implemented some in (and more)
const uint k = 1103515245U; // GLIB C
//const uint k = 134775813U; // Delphi and Turbo Pascal
//const uint k = 20170906U; // Today's date (use three days ago's dateif you want a prime)
//const uint k = 1664525U; // Numerical Recipes
vec3 hash( uvec3 x )
x = ((x>>8U)^x.yzx)*k;
x = ((x>>8U)^x.yzx)*k;
x = ((x>>8U)^x.yzx)*k;
return vec3(x)*(1.0/float(0xffffffffU));
Just found this version of 3d noise for GPU, alledgedly it is the fastest one available:
#ifndef __noise_hlsl_
#define __noise_hlsl_
// hash based 3d value noise
// function taken from
// Created by inigo quilez - iq/2013
// License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
// ported from GLSL to HLSL
float hash( float n )
return frac(sin(n)*43758.5453);
float noise( float3 x )
// The noise function returns a value in the range -1.0f -> 1.0f
float3 p = floor(x);
float3 f = frac(x);
f = f*f*(3.0-2.0*f);
float n = p.x + p.y*57.0 + 113.0*p.z;
return lerp(lerp(lerp( hash(n+0.0), hash(n+1.0),f.x),
lerp( hash(n+57.0), hash(n+58.0),f.x),f.y),
lerp(lerp( hash(n+113.0), hash(n+114.0),f.x),
lerp( hash(n+170.0), hash(n+171.0),f.x),f.y),f.z);
A straight, jagged version of 1d Perlin, essentially a random lfo zigzag.
half rn(float xx){
half x0=floor(xx);
half x1=x0+1;
half v0 = frac(sin (x0*.014686)*31718.927+x0);
half v1 = frac(sin (x1*.014686)*31718.927+x1);
return (v0*(1-frac(xx))+v1*(frac(xx)))*2-1*sin(xx);
I also have found 1-2-3-4d perlin noise on shadertoy owner inigo quilez perlin tutorial website, and voronoi and so forth, he has full fast implementations and codes for them.
I have translated one of Ken Perlin's Java implementations into GLSL and used it in a couple projects on ShaderToy.
Below is the GLSL interpretation I did:
int b(int N, int B) { return N>>B & 1; }
int T[] = int[](0x15,0x38,0x32,0x2c,0x0d,0x13,0x07,0x2a);
int A[] = int[](0,0,0);
int b(int i, int j, int k, int B) { return T[b(i,B)<<2 | b(j,B)<<1 | b(k,B)]; }
int shuffle(int i, int j, int k) {
return b(i,j,k,0) + b(j,k,i,1) + b(k,i,j,2) + b(i,j,k,3) +
b(j,k,i,4) + b(k,i,j,5) + b(i,j,k,6) + b(j,k,i,7) ;
float K(int a, vec3 uvw, vec3 ijk)
float s = float(A[0]+A[1]+A[2])/6.0;
float x = uvw.x - float(A[0]) + s,
y = uvw.y - float(A[1]) + s,
z = uvw.z - float(A[2]) + s,
t = 0.6 - x * x - y * y - z * z;
int h = shuffle(int(ijk.x) + A[0], int(ijk.y) + A[1], int(ijk.z) + A[2]);
if (t < 0.0)
return 0.0;
int b5 = h>>5 & 1, b4 = h>>4 & 1, b3 = h>>3 & 1, b2= h>>2 & 1, b = h & 3;
float p = b==1?x:b==2?y:z, q = b==1?y:b==2?z:x, r = b==1?z:b==2?x:y;
p = (b5==b3 ? -p : p); q = (b5==b4 ? -q : q); r = (b5!=(b4^b3) ? -r : r);
t *= t;
return 8.0 * t * t * (p + (b==0 ? q+r : b2==0 ? q : r));
float noise(float x, float y, float z)
float s = (x + y + z) / 3.0;
vec3 ijk = vec3(int(floor(x+s)), int(floor(y+s)), int(floor(z+s)));
s = float(ijk.x + ijk.y + ijk.z) / 6.0;
vec3 uvw = vec3(x - float(ijk.x) + s, y - float(ijk.y) + s, z - float(ijk.z) + s);
A[0] = A[1] = A[2] = 0;
int hi = uvw.x >= uvw.z ? uvw.x >= uvw.y ? 0 : 1 : uvw.y >= uvw.z ? 1 : 2;
int lo = uvw.x < uvw.z ? uvw.x < uvw.y ? 0 : 1 : uvw.y < uvw.z ? 1 : 2;
return K(hi, uvw, ijk) + K(3 - hi - lo, uvw, ijk) + K(lo, uvw, ijk) + K(0, uvw, ijk);
I translated it from Appendix B from Chapter 2 of Ken Perlin's Noise Hardware at this source:
Here is a public shade I did on Shader Toy that uses the posted noise function:
Some other good sources I found on the subject of noise during my research include:
I highly recommend the book of shaders as it not only provides a great interactive explanation of noise, but other shader concepts as well.
Might be able to optimize the translated code by using some of the hardware-accelerated functions available in GLSL. Will update this post if I end up doing this.
lygia, a multi-language shader library
If you don't want to copy / paste the functions into your shader, you can also use lygia, a multi-language shader library. It contains a few generative functions like cnoise, fbm, noised, pnoise, random, snoise in both GLSL and HLSL. And many other awesome functions as well. For this to work it:
Relays on #include "file" which is defined by Khronos GLSL standard and suported by most engines and enviroments (like glslViewer, glsl-canvas VS Code pluging, Unity, etc. ).
Example: cnoise
Using cnoise.glsl with #include:
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 u_resolution;
uniform float u_time;
#include "lygia/generative/cnoise.glsl"
void main (void) {
vec2 st = gl_FragCoord.xy / u_resolution.xy;
vec3 color = vec3(cnoise(vec3(st * 5.0, u_time)));
gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);
To run this example I used glslViewer.
Please see below an example how to add white noise to the rendered texture.
The solution is to use two textures: original and pure white noise, like this one: wiki white noise
private static final String VERTEX_SHADER =
"uniform mat4 uMVPMatrix;\n" +
"uniform mat4 uMVMatrix;\n" +
"uniform mat4 uSTMatrix;\n" +
"attribute vec4 aPosition;\n" +
"attribute vec4 aTextureCoord;\n" +
"varying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n" +
"varying vec4 vInCamPosition;\n" +
"void main() {\n" +
" vTextureCoord = (uSTMatrix * aTextureCoord).xy;\n" +
" gl_Position = uMVPMatrix * aPosition;\n" +
private static final String FRAGMENT_SHADER =
"precision mediump float;\n" +
"uniform sampler2D sTextureUnit;\n" +
"uniform sampler2D sNoiseTextureUnit;\n" +
"uniform float uNoseFactor;\n" +
"varying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n" +
"varying vec4 vInCamPosition;\n" +
"void main() {\n" +
" gl_FragColor = texture2D(sTextureUnit, vTextureCoord);\n" +
" vec4 vRandChosenColor = texture2D(sNoiseTextureUnit, fract(vTextureCoord + uNoseFactor));\n" +
" gl_FragColor.r += (0.05 * vRandChosenColor.r);\n" +
" gl_FragColor.g += (0.05 * vRandChosenColor.g);\n" +
" gl_FragColor.b += (0.05 * vRandChosenColor.b);\n" +
The fragment shared contains parameter uNoiseFactor which is updated on every rendering by main application:
float noiseValue = (float)(mRand.nextInt() % 1000)/1000;
int noiseFactorUniformHandle = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation( mProgram, "sNoiseTextureUnit");
GLES20.glUniform1f(noiseFactorUniformHandle, noiseFactor);
FWIW I had the same questions and I needed it to be implemented in WebGL 1.0, so I couldn't use a few of the examples given in previous answers. I tried the Gold Noise mentioned before, but the use of PHI doesn't really click for me. (distance(xy * PHI, xy) * seed just equals length(xy) * (1.0 - PHI) * seed so I don't see how the magic of PHI should be put to work when it gets directly multiplied by seed?
Anyway, I did something similar just without PHI and instead added some variation at another place, basically I take the tan of the distance between xy and some random point lying outside of the frame to the top right and then multiply with the distance between xy and another such random point lying in the bottom left (so there is no accidental match between these points). Looks pretty decent as far as I can see. Click to generate new frames.
(function main() {
const dim = [512, 512];
twgl.setDefaults({ attribPrefix: "a_" });
const gl = twgl.getContext(document.querySelector("canvas"));
gl.canvas.width = dim[0];
gl.canvas.height = dim[1];
const bfi = twgl.primitives.createXYQuadBufferInfo(gl);
const pgi = twgl.createProgramInfo(gl, ["vs", "fs"]);
gl.canvas.onclick = (() => {
twgl.bindFramebufferInfo(gl, null);
twgl.setUniforms(pgi, {
u_resolution: dim,
u_seed: Array(4).fill().map(Math.random)
twgl.setBuffersAndAttributes(gl, pgi, bfi);
twgl.drawBufferInfo(gl, bfi);
<script src=""></script>
<script id="vs" type="x-shader/x-vertex">
attribute vec4 a_position;
attribute vec2 a_texcoord;
void main() {
gl_Position = a_position;
<script id="fs" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
precision highp float;
uniform vec2 u_resolution;
uniform vec2 u_seed[2];
void main() {
float uni = fract(
u_resolution * (u_seed[0] + 1.0)
)) * distance(
u_resolution * (u_seed[1] - 2.0)
gl_FragColor = vec4(uni, uni, uni, 1.0);
