3D Model with Diffuse AND Normalmap texture - opengl-es

I want to load a 3D model with a diffuse texture and a normal map using the asset loader of libgdx.
As far as I figured out the fbx (and the converted g3dj/g3db) format can contain a diffuse texture, as I could see in the fbx-conv example. (knight.g3db)
How do I add a normal map texture to it?
Do I have to write my own shader for that or is there a simplified method for that? (like for the diffuse texture)

Normal map is supported from FBX all the way up to the DefaultShader class. So if your model (FBX file) contains a normal map, it should be available in your shader. However the default shader (GLSL files) don't support normal map. So you'll have to write your own shader. The tests contain some examples on normal mapping (ShaderCollectionTest) although it might be a bit hard to read.
The uniform name is u_normalTexture, and set here: https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/blob/master/gdx/src/com/badlogic/gdx/graphics/g3d/shaders/DefaultShader.java#L228


dynamic three.js glsl shader texture best practice

I'd like to have a dynamic GLSL shader texture to be used as a reference map (for displacement and other stuff) on multiple, different materials on different Meshes.
My approach would be to do the computation one time, using a THREE.WebGLRenderTarget, setup a ortho cam, a 1X1 plane with a THREE.ShaderMaterial, and access the WebGLRenderTarget.texture, that I'd embed in a "master" object, whenever and wherever I need.
Is there any "official" object I can / may use for this? I seen the postprocessing objects are pretty similar (EG ShaderPass) but I'm unsure if and how to use them.
Thank you.

Unity 3D Does Not Apply Texture To Object Properly

I have got a problem with texturing an object in Unity 3D. I have made a simple object in 3Ds Max and inserted it into Unity and then tried to apply an image as texture but it does not apply the texture and it only changes the color of the object! This is the print screen:
As you can see I have got two models. One of them is made in 3Ds Max and does not apply the texture and the other one is made in Unity and it's a cube and it gets the texture correctly.
So what's going wrong here ? Not that I also changed the tiling and offset settings of model's shader but still nothing's changed at all! :(
You didn't UV Unwrapped the 3d object before exporting to Unity3D.
To apply the textures on 3d mesh, any engine needs to know coordinates for texture, and this is called UV Mapping.
WIKIPEDIA - UV_mapping

What is "uniform samplerXX iChannel0..3" in this shader?

I happened to see this shader on shader toy.
I wanted to know what:
uniform samplerXX iChannel0..3;
I tried to look at the vertex shader, but I don't find any thing there.
Also how can I convert audio waves to a texture? (which is being done here)
I wanted to know what uniform samplerXX iChannel0..3; is?
uniforms are externally set variables that have the same value for invocations of the shader during a primitive draw (a vertex shader gets called for each vertex a primitive consists of, fragment shaders for each fragment (which is roughly translates to pixels) drawn to by the primitive).
samplers are OpenGL's way of binding texture units to a shader. In the actual OpenGL program you're loading the texture using glGenTextures, glActiveTexture, glBindTexture, glTexImage (and a bunch of other functions, but those are the important ones) and bind the texture unit selected with glActiveTexture to a sampler uniform.
Also how can I convert audio waves to a texture?
Textures are just interpolated lookup tables. You can place any data you like in a LUT. Most of the time a texture is used for image data, but you can loac PCM samples into it just as well. So you simply fetch PCM data from the audio API and pass it into a texture as data.

three.js dds compressed textures uv map issue

I'm trying to get dds textures to work with three.js. I have a model in json (converted from .obj + .mtl using three.js converter) using baked textures in jpg/png format. I've created a dds texture (DXT1 with mipmaps). When I load model (using JSONLoader) which uses DDS texture the UV map doesn't seems to be applied. I'm getting no mapping at all.
For example plane with jpg texture:
And by switching to DDS I am getting this:
is it expected behavior? Or maybe DDS textures doesn't support uv maps? Or maybe it is some sort of bug in three.js?
I would really use any help guys.
As explained here https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/issues/4316 dds textures can't be flipped like normal jpg/png images so they appear upside down. The solution would be to flip the source image and then compress it or make a shader aware of that and flip uv coords.

Relation between shader and UV texture mapping

I'm using OpenGL ES + GLKit. I've never been this low-level before in my life so I still have to learn a lot of things. I've developed a Unity games before and you just give it a .obj file and corresponding texture and it's done. (UV mapping happens to be inside the .obj file?)
I want to develop a kind of special Toon Shader with some different characteristics for use with 3D model. So I need to write a vertex shader (.vsh) and fragment shader (.fsh) right?
However, I just know that in order to apply a texture to a model with correct UV coordinate, you have to do this in shader? (am I right?) With "Texture Shader".
So, If I want to both apply the texture with UV mapping then apply my special Toon Shader, I have to write both in the same shader? There is no way I can create a plug-and-play Toon shader so I can use it with anything?
As a side question, which file format is a UV coordinate and how can I take that in to a shader program? What kind of attribute variable?
So I need to write a vertex shader (.vsh) and fragment shader (.fsh)
However, I just know that in order to apply a texture to a model with
correct UV coordinate
There is no way I can create a plug-and-play Toon shader so I can use
it with anything?
Check Uber-Shaders
and how can I take that in to a shader program? What kind of attribute
You are defining your attributes in shader by yourself. Check this GLSL tutorial
