Does Windows will signal an event after wakeup? - windows

Recently I met a problem that my program seems waiting for an event handle and never return.
I call IcmpSendEcho2 to send ping request and have set the event parameter correctly. In normal situation if the ping response arrived or timeout the event handle should be singled by system. This works fine in most time but one day I found my program (some of the working threads) is halt after my computer wakes up from sleep state. I guess the root cause is that when the ping request is sent and before system signal the corresponding event handle then the system change to sleep state (no operation for a long time then laptop change to sleep state). After system wakes up by me the previous event handle got no chance to be singled.
Add the pseudo code is:
// a working thread
while (isWorking()) {
IcmpSendEcho2(hIcmpFile, hEvent, NULL, NULL, ..., 5000/*timeout is 5 sec*/)
WaitForsingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE); // hEvent should be signaled after
// response arrived or timeout (5sec)
// elapsed
I don't know if I'm wrong. I'm still investigating on this problem and post this issue here hope somebody who has experience the same problem could help me. Thank you in advance!


When should I use a wait function like MsgWaitForMultipleObjects, and when shouldn't I?

So I am trying to understand the message processing code of Unreal Engine on Windows OS, and I didn't find any frequent usage of the function MsgWaitForMultipleObjects or MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx in the message pumping code.
The engine message pumping goes like this:
MSG Message;
// standard Windows message handling
while(PeekMessage(&Message, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
For context, this code will run every frame one to three times, meaning the code will be executed each 2 - 5 milliseconds on average throughout the running time of the application. A) Does that make wait functions unnecessary? or am I missing something here!
B) Is there any rough estimation of how long an application could be busy doing 'other stuff' before processing incoming messages? For instance if an application only processes messages every 50 millisecond, is that a bad practice? or is that a reasonable way of doing it? And what if the period became 500 milliseconds and so?
Use MsgWaitForMultipleObjects/etc if you need to both handle window message processing and kernel handle or alertable waits in a single thread. If you are only doing message processing then simply use a normal GetMessage based message loop, if only doing kernel handle or alertable waits then use WaitForMultipleObjects as appropriate.

Rocketmq:MQBrokerException: CODE: 2 DESC: [TIMEOUT_CLEAN_QUEUE]

when i send message to broker,this exception occasionally occurs.
MQBrokerException: CODE: 2 DESC: [TIMEOUT_CLEAN_QUEUE]broker busy, start flow control for a while
This means broker is too busy(when tps>1,5000) to handle so many sending message request.
What would be the most impossible reason to cause this? Disk ,cpu or other things? How can i fix it?
There are many possible ways.
The root cause is that, there are some messages has waited for long time and no worker thread processes them, rocketmq will trigger the fast failure.
So the below is the cause:
Too many thread are working and they are working very slow to process storing message which makes the cache request is timeout.
The jobs it self cost a long time to process for message storing.
This may be because of:
2.1 Storing message is busy, especially when SYNC_FLUSH is used.
2.2 Syncing message to slave takes long when SYNC_MASTER is used.
/broker/src/main/java/org/apache/rocketmq/broker/latency/ you can see:
final long behind = System.currentTimeMillis() - rt.getCreateTimestamp();
if (behind >= this.brokerController.getBrokerConfig().getWaitTimeMillsInSendQueue()) {
if (this.brokerController.getSendThreadPoolQueue().remove(runnable)) {
rt.returnResponse(RemotingSysResponseCode.SYSTEM_BUSY, String.format("[TIMEOUT_CLEAN_QUEUE]broker busy, start flow control for a while, period in queue: %sms, size of queue: %d", behind, this.brokerController.getSendThreadPoolQueue().size()));
In common/src/main/java/org/apache/rocketmq/common/, getWaitTimeMillsInSendQueue() method returns
public long getWaitTimeMillsInSendQueue() {
return waitTimeMillsInSendQueue;
The default value of waitTimeMillsInSendQueue is 200, thus you can just set it bigger to make the queue waiting for longer time. But if you wanna solve the problem completely, you should follow Jaskey's advice and check your code.

How to call SetWaitableTimerEx correctly

We have a long standing bug report in Boost.Thread where apparently thread sleeps will wake the computer from sleep on timer elapse ( This is apparently due to the new use of SetWaitableTimerEx() to implement coalescing timer support which we call with a REASON_CONTEXT like this:
If timer firing is causing the PC to wake from sleep, it surely must have something to do with this REASON_CONTEXT value.
Can anyone here tell us what the appropriate value to use to not have the PC wake from sleep on timer expiry?
According to this document from Microsoft: Windows Timer Coalescing, page 8-9:
SetWaitableTimerEx has two new parameters: WakeContext and TolerableDelay. You use the WakeContext parameter only when you set a timer that can wake the system from a sleep state.
It looks like passing NULL for the WakeContext parameter is fine and it's the only way SetWaitableTimerEx will not wake the system. Timer coalescing should still work.
I tried it in Windows 10 and it seems to work correctly. It doesn't wake the system and also doesn't look like it's just calling SetWaitableTimer. It could be different in older versions of Windows though, I haven't tested.

IOCP loop termination may cause memory leaks? How to close IOCP loop gracefully

I have the classic IOCP callback that dequeues i/o pending requests, process them, and deallocate them, in this way:
struct MyIoRequest { OVERLAPPED o; /* ... other params ... */ };
bool is_iocp_active = true;
DWORD dwTrans;
GetQueuedCompletionStatus((HANDLE)lpParam, &dwTrans, &dwKey, (LPOVERLAPPED*)&io_req, WSA_INFINITE);
// NOTE, i could use GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx() here ^ and set it in the
// alertable state TRUE, so i can wake up the thread with an ACP request from another thread!
printf("dequeued an i/o request\n");
// [ process i/o request ]
// [ destroy request ]
// [ clean up some stuff ]
return 0;
Then, in the code I will have somewhere:
MyIoRequest * io_req = allocate_request(...params...);
ReadFile(..., (OVERLAPPED*)io_req);
and this just works perfectly.
Now my question is: What about I want to immediately close the IOCP queue without causing leaks? (e.g. application must exit)
I mean: if i set is_iocp_active to 'false', the next time GetQueuedCompletionStatus() will dequeue a new i/o request, that will be the last i/o request: it will return, causing thread to exit and when a thread exits all of its pending i/o requests are simply canceled by the system, according to MSDN.
But the structures of type 'MyIoRequest' that I have instanced when calling ReadFile() won't be destroyed at all: the system has canceled pending i/o request, but I have to manually destroy those structures I have
created, or I will leak all pending i/o requests when I stop the loop!
So, how I could do this? Am I wrong to stop the IOCP loop with just setting that variable to false? Note that is would happen even if i use APC requests to stop an alertable thread.
The solution that come to my mind is to add every 'MyIoRequest' structures to a queue/list, and then dequeue them when GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx returns, but shouldn't that make some bottleneck, since the enqueue/dequeue process of such MyIoRequest structures must be interlocked? Maybe I've misunderstood how to use the IOCP loop. Can someone bring some light on this topic?
The way I normally shut down an IOCP thread is to post my own 'shut down now please' completion. That way you can cleanly shut down and process all of the pending completions and then shut the threads down.
The way to do this is to call PostQueuedCompletionStatus() with 0 for num bytes, completion key and pOverlapped. This will mean that the completion key is a unique value (you wont have a valid file or socket with a zero handle/completion key).
Step one is to close the sources of completions, so close or abort your socket connections, close files, etc. Once all of those are closed you can't be generating any more completion packets so you then post your special '0' completion; post one for each thread you have servicing your IOCP. Once the thread gets a '0' completion key it exits.
If you are terminating the app, and there's no overriding reason to not do so, (eg. close DB connections, interprocess shared memory issues), call ExitProcess(0).
Failing that, call CancelIO() for all socket handles and process all the cancelled completions as they come in.
Try ExitProcess() first!

Is there a way to sleep unless a message is received?

I'm working in a service whose main loop looks like this:
while (fServer.ServerState = ssStarted) and (Self.Terminated = false) do
ProcessRequests is a lot like Application.ProcessMessages. I can't pass true to it because if I do then it blocks until a message is received from Windows, and ProcessFiles won't run, and it has to run continually. The Sleep is there to keep the CPU usage down.
This works just fine until I try to shut down the service from Windows's service management list. When I hit Stop, it sends a message and expects to get a response almost immediately, and if it's in the middle of that Sleep command, Windows will give me an error that the service didn't respond to the Stop command.
So what I need is to say "Sleep for 3000 or until you receive a message, whichever comes first." I'm sure there's an API for that, but I'm not sure what it is. Does anyone know?
This kind of stuff is hard to get right, so I usually start at the API documentation at MSDN.
The WaitForSingleObject documention specifically directs to MsgWaitForMultipleObjects for these kinds of situations:
Use caution when calling the wait
functions and code that directly or
indirectly creates windows. If a
thread creates any windows, it must
process messages. Message broadcasts
are sent to all windows in the system.
A thread that uses a wait function
with no time-out interval may cause
the system to become deadlocked. Two
examples of code that indirectly
creates windows are DDE and the
CoInitialize function. Therefore, if
you have a thread that creates
windows, use MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
or MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx, rather
than WaitForSingleObject.
In MsgWaitForMultipleObjects, you have a dwWakeMask parameter specifying on which queued messages to return, and a table describing the masks you can use.
Edit because of comment by Warren P:
If your main loop can be continued because of a ReadFileEx, WriteFileEx or QueueUserAPC, then you can use SleepEx.
MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() is the way to go, ie:
while (fServer.ServerState = ssStarted) and (not Self.Terminated) do
if MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(0, nil, FALSE, 3000, QS_ALLINPUT) = WAIT_OBJECT_0 then
If you want to call ProcessFiles() at 3 second intervals regardless of any messages arriving, then you can use a waitable timer for that, ie:
iDue: TLargeInteger;
hTimer: array[0..0] of THandle;
iDue := -30000000; // 3 second relative interval, specified in nanoseconds
hTimer[0] := CreateWaitableTimer(nil, False, nil);
SetWaitableTimer(hTimer[0], iDue, 0, nil, nil, False);
while (fServer.ServerState = ssStarted) and (not Self.Terminated) do
// using a timeout interval so the loop conditions can still be checked periodically
case MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, hTimer, False, 1000, QS_ALLINPUT) of
SetWaitableTimer(hTimer[0], iDue, 0, nil, nil, False);
WAIT_OBJECT_0+1: Self.ServiceThread.ProcessRequests(false);
Use a timer to run ProcessFiles instead of hacking it into main application loop. Then ProcessFiles will run in the interval you want and the messages will be processed correctly, not taking 100 % CPU.
I used a TTimer in a multithreaded application with strange results, so now i use Events.
while (fServer.ServerState = ssStarted) and (Self.Terminated = false) do
if ExitEvent.WaitFor(3000) <> wrTimeout then
You create the event with
ExitEvent := TEvent.Create(nil, False, False, '');
Now the last thing is to fire the event in case of service stop. I think the Stop event of the service is the right place to put this.
I use this code for an cleanup thread in my DB connections pooling system, but it should work well in your case too.
You don't need to sleep for 3 full seconds to keep the CPU usage low. Even something like Sleep(500) should keep your usage pretty low (if there are no messages waiting to process it should blow through the loop pretty quick and hit the sleep again. If your loop takes a few ms to run it still means your thread is spending the vast majority of time in sleep.
That being said, your code may benefit from some refactoring. You say you don't want ProcessRequests to block waiting for a message? The only other thing in that loop is ProcessFiles. If that is dependent on the message being processed then why can't it block? And if it's not dependent on the message being processed then can it be split onto another thread? (the previous suggestion of firing ProcessFiles via a timer is an excellent suggestion on how to do this).
Use an TEvent that you signal when the thread should wake up. Then block on the tevent (using waitformultiple as Jeroen says if you have multiple events to wait on)
Is it not possible to move ProcessFiles to a seperate thread? In your MainThread you just wait for messages and when the service is being terminated you terminate the ProcessFiles thread.
