Gradle: Conditional include of subprojects - gradle

I have a maven multi-module project (please see the attached image for the structure). I am in the process of migrating to Gradle.
We have multiple profiles inside AppBuild/pom.xml like shown below; and we run our maven build from AppBuild with -P option for the profiles.
Since I am new to Gradle, I am not able to decide what is the best way to go about it. Now, I am thinking to put some conditional include in settings.gradle based on some -P argument, but I am not too sure. Could someone help me how to go about this? What is the best way with some examples.
Thanks in advance.
~ Niranjan

I recently came across the same question, since I have a multiproject build where I want to include a special subproject only on some occasions.
This special subproject only depends on one other subproject and takes approx 1-2min to configure. So I don't want to have it included if I don't want to build it. That saves some build time.
So, what I did was to modify the settings.gradle
include ':MySpecialProject'
When I do not want to build MySpecialProject I can simply rename/delete its folder. In my case, the folder is a symlink, since this 'subproject' resides in it's own git repo.
Even if #spy writes that if/then/else is not possible in settings, it did work for me.

Conditional include isn't straightforward in Gradle (it's not a first-class feature), and it's unclear why you would need it for so few subprojects. I recommend to start without and add all four subprojects to settings.gradle.


Should a gradle root project include a build.gradle file?

When looking at the gradle documentation, the example it gives for multi-project builds states:
Note that the root project does not have a Gradle build file, only a settings file that defines the subprojects to include.
The thing I am wondering is whether or not a root project not having a build file would be considered best practices or if the documentation is vague in that regard.
If you have a need for it, you could yes! For example, I have a few check-environment tasks run at root before running any multi-modules.
If you don't think you need it though, I'm fairly sure you can do without it!
It is commonly used to load project-wide plugins, so one probably should include it.
And it is rather the other way around - one does not need any of the subprojects.

When working on a project and one of it's dependency in parallel how to load it from the file system

I'm working on a java dependency that I publish on GitLab via gradle. In parallel I also work on some projects dependent of it.
When I need to do a change in the parent I have to wait for my CI/CD to be over before I can keep developing the childs. There is most certainly a way to tell gradle 'check there before online' but all I've found until now is to do that with local jar but not raw source files.
I tried most of the things in How to make Gradle repository point to local directory but without success as gradle is excepting a maven repo structure with some pom.xml files.
So how could I achieve something like this ?
After rethinking the problem and studying a bit more gradle/maven I found the solution.
Just execute the task gradle publishToMavenLocal in the parent project. Then in the dependent project add mavenLocal() to your list of repo. That's all you have to do.
I'm still looking for a way to make gradle build and publish the parent automatically on the child's build. But it's already much more practical like this?

Gradle monobuild and map of jar files for all gradle composite builds

We have a directory structure like so
build/build.gradle (This does NOT exist yet, but we want this)
We have 11 servers and 14 libraries with varying uses of dependencies. EACH server is a composite build ONLY depending on libraries (we don’t allow servers to depend on each other). In this way, as our mono-repo grows, opening up server1 does NOT get slower and slower as more and more gradle code is added(ie. gradle only loads server1 and all it’s libraries and none of the other libraries OR servers are loaded keeping things FAST).
Ok, so one problem we are running into is duplication now which is why we need build/build.gradle file AND we want EVERY module in our mono repo to include that somehow for a few goals(each goal may need a different solution)
GOAL 1: To have an ext { … } section containing a Map of Strings to gradle dependencies much like so
deps = [
'web-webserver': "org.webpieces:http-webserver:${webpiecesVersion}",
'web-webserver-test': "org.webpieces:http-webserver-test:${webpiecesVersion}",
'web-devrouter': "org.webpieces:http-router-dev:${webpiecesVersion}"
In this way, we want ALL our projects to them import dependencies like so
compile deps['web-webserver']
GOAL 2: We want to 'include' a standard list of plugins so we are versioning all gradle plugins the same across the repo. While the above configures all jars to avoid jar hell in a mono-repo, we would like to do the same with just this section
plugins {
id '' version '0.9'
Of course, it each project may also want to add a few more plugins OR even not depend on this section(in case of an emergency and trying to just get the job done).
GOAL 3: We want checkstyle configuration (or any plugin config) to be defined the SAME for all projects (eventually!!!). We would like the checkstyle gradle to live in a common area but have all libraries somehow pull it in. Again, it would be nice for it to be optional in that, I can pull the gradle section into my build.gradle OR can create a new one in case of emergencies so I don't have to fix all projects in the monorepo right away.
IDEALLY, perhaps I kind of want configuration injection where when I run server1/build.gradle, it actually runs java/build/build.grade as it’s parent somehow but with overrides (IF I declare 'extends xxx.gradle' maybe) then all libraries it uses also use java/build/build.gradle as their parent. I am not sure this is possible or feasible. I am pretty sure 'extends xxx' doesn't exist in gradle.
Are any of these GOALS possible?
I have been working on a monorepo with the exact same requirement as you, using gradle composite builds as well. The way we have solved this problem is by using pre compiled plugins
You need to do a new gradle project with only the code you want to share. This will create a plugin, that you can just add as a composite build and apply to the other projects.
I'm a bit confused by why you don't just use a "standard" gradle top level build file and compose the others as subprojects.
This solves all 3 of your goals
If you are concerned by build speed, you can target each server individually simply by running
./gradlew :server1:build
But if you are not able to do this for some reason you can use the apply from: syntax as described here

How can I add gradle project dependencies without modifying settings.gradle

(Please keep in mind I've simplified the problem for purposes of discussion here)
I've got a set of applications and dependent libraries, something like this (each with a src/ directory and build.gradle):
In build.gradle, the dependencies are currently declared like this:
compile "com.asdf:libx:1.0"
compile "com.asdf:liby:1.0"
compile "com.asdf:liby:1.0"
compile "com.asdf:libz:1.0"
What problem am I trying to solve
Say I'm working on appa, and I need to make changes to libx. I need to do multiple steps:
Pull libx from source control and make changes locally
Rebuild and push changes to some repo (not prod!)
Rebuild appa (pulling the recently updated libx from repo)
If my testing reveals a bug in libx, I've got to repeat that over again.
This is super-annoying when working in IDEs like Eclipse, where even though my projects are logically using other projects, I've got to still use the artifacts as dependencies.
Wouldn't it be great if I can just pull the project locally, and projects that logically depend on it will automatically use the source project instead of artifact for building?
What I've done so far
I've written a small gradle plugin (referenced in each project's build.gradle) that identifies com.asdf dependencies, and uses dependency substitution to replace the artifact dependency with a project dependency if that project exists locally.
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy.dependencySubstitution {
all { DependencySubstitution dependency ->
if (dependency.requested instanceof ModuleComponentSelector && == 'com.asdf') {
def targetProject = findProject(":${dependency.requested.module}")
if (targetProject != null) {
dependency.useTarget targetProject
Yay! With a few modifications to settings.gradle (see below), I've accomplished my goal... Except...
Where I'm stuck
I need to modify settings.gradle to include lines like this for every dependency (otherwise findProject doesn't resolve the dependent project during build):
include ':libx'
project(':libx').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../libx')
While it's possible to go through all the settings.gradle files and do this (I've done it for a handful as my proof-of-concept), it's ugly, repetitive, and is logically the same information that is being passed to compile arguments for the build.gradle dependencies.
It's also error-prone when someone adds a new dependency but doesn't update settings.gradle, or introduces a typo between them.
I've also tried making settings.gradle just define projects for all directories it finds at that level, but then building any project turns into a mega-build of all projects.
(I've tried several other things, but my question is getting long in the tooth already)
My question
What's a better way to do this, without duplicating information between settings.gradle and build.gradle? I want to make it so adding new dependencies is still just as easy as adding the compile reference in build.gradle, without touching settings.gradle...
I'm still rather new to groovy/gradle, so maybe I'm missing something that's obvious to the more experienced gradle master?
I believe your use-case is the motivation for Composite Builds.
I have a demo here, which writes to a jars folder as a mock publishing of artifacts. Be sure to check-out the as the demo is a mini-laboratory for trying out the use-case before and after composite builds.
In the demo mainBuild is appa; utils is libx. The key syntax in mainBuild/settings.gradle (here) is:
includeBuild '../utils'
This tells Gradle to use the local codebase instead of the published artifact. Of course, one would not commit this line to source-control.

Gradle search local maven or gradle repository

I am using gradle and its local repository is at \.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1 which has all the downloaded jar but not my modules.Is there any specific place I should be searching it for ?
I need it as is in settings.gradle I am having a dependency path specified like :
include ':model'
project (':model').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, './model')
in a new project. Also I don't want to give path in that way because if I have a dependency from multiple projects on this project then mentioning path will be difficult and weird.
How can I make gradle search it from local maven or gradle repositories.
I'm still not sure what is being asked here, and I suspect there is some confusion over how multi-project builds work. So I'm going to attempt to provide a general-purpose answer.
The first question you need to answer is whether you're interested in dependencies between projects that are part of the same build — as in part of a multi-project build — or in separate builds.
Project dependencies (multi-project builds)
Project dependencies are covered in the user manual and only apply to multi-project builds. They use a logical path, using colons as 'path' separators, to specify the location of the target module, like so:
dependencies {
implementation project(":model")
At this point, Gradle needs to know where ":model" exists on the file system. There's no getting around that. You have a few options:
Follow the convention of directory structure matching the logical path structure, i.e. have a MyBigProject/model directory containing the ":model" child project
Specify the file path of ":model" in settings.gradle, e.g. with project(":model").projectDir = new File(rootDir, "unusual/path/to/model")
Automate the discovery of projects
The most common approach is the first one. The second is not unusual, particularly if you want to put child projects into a separate directory, like subprojects — something the build of Gradle itself does. I haven't seen the last option done, and I don't know whether it runs into problems.
For the sake of completeness, and at your own risk if you use something like it, here's an example of automatic discovery of projects in the settings.gradle file:
rootDir.eachDir { File dir ->
if ("build.gradle" in dir.listFiles()*.name) {
This fragment basically looks for directories within the root project folder that have a build.gradle file in them and adds them as child projects. The child projects' directory names become the projects' names.
It's not particularly clever, and you should really use different names for the build files, but it may give you some ideas to work with.
Non-project dependencies
As with project dependencies, Gradle needs to know where to get the corresponding JAR or other form of artifact for a specified module. You normally specify Maven Central or something similar for this, but there are other useful, but less common, options:
Copy a project's artifacts into the local Maven repository — both the Maven Plugin and Maven Publish Plugin support this
Publish to a Maven-compatible repository using a file:// URL rather than an HTTP/HTTPS one, which protects your projects from corruption of Maven Local
Worth noting is that Gradle supports composite builds that allow you to substitute a normal dependency with (effectively) a project dependency from another build. So if model were part of a separate build but you had the source code and build locally, you could make changes and immediately test them in another build's project without going through the whole "install" intermediate step that's common in the Maven world (and Gradle pre-composite-builds).
Hope all this makes sense.
