I have been told not to use printf in openmp programs as it degrades the performance of parallel simulation program.
I want to know what is the substitute for that. I mean how to display the output of a program without using printf.
I have the following AES-128 simulation problem using openmp which needs further comments
Parallel simulation of AES in C using Openmp
I want to know how to output the cipher text without degrading the simulation performance?
Thanks in advance.
You cannot both have your pie and eat it. Decide if you want to have great parallel performance or if it's important to see the output of the algorithm while running the parallel loop.
The obvious offline solution is to store the plaintexts, keys and ciphertexts in arrays. In your case that would require 119 MiB (= 650000*(3*4*16) bytes) in the original case and only 12 MiB in the case with 65000 trials. Nothing that a modern machine with GiBs of RAM cannot handle. The latter case even even fits in the last-level cache of some server-class CPUs.
#define TRIALS 65000
int (*key)[16];
int (*pt)[16];
int (*ct)[16];
double timer;
key = malloc(TRIALS * sizeof(*key));
pt = malloc(TRIALS * sizeof(*pt));
ct = malloc(TRIALS * sizeof(*ct));
timer = -omp_get_wtime();
#pragma omp parallel for private(rnd,j)
for(i = 0; i < TRIALS; i++)
for(j = 0; j < 4; j++)
key[i][4*j] = (rnd[j] & 0xff);
pt[i][4*j] = key[i][4*j];
key[i][4*j+1] = ((rnd[j] >> 8) & 0xff) ;
pt[4*j+1] = key[i][4*j+1];
key[i][4*j+2] = ((rnd[j] >> 16) & 0xff) ;
pt[i][4*j+2] = key[i][4*j+2];
key[i][4*j+3] = ((rnd[j] >> 24) & 0xff) ;
pt[i][4*j+3] = key[i][4*j+3];
timer += omp_get_wtime();
printf("Encryption took %.6f seconds\n", timer);
// Now display the results serially
for (i = 0; i < TRIALS; i++)
display pt[i], key[i] -> ct[i]
free(key); free(pt); free(ct);
To see the speed-up, you have to measure only the time spent in the parallel region. If you also measure the time it takes to display the results, you will be back to where you started.
I am new in using OpenMP.
I think that use max reduction clause to find the max element of an array is not such a bad idea, but in fact the parallel for loop ran much slower than serial one.
int main() {
double sta, end, elapse_t;
int bsize = 46000;
int q = bsize;
int max_val = 0;
double *buffer;
buffer = (double*)malloc(bsize*sizeof(double));
for(int i=0;i<q;i++)
buffer[i] = rand()%10000;
sta = omp_get_wtime();
//int i;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(max : max_val)
for(int i=0;i<q; i++)
max_val = max_val > buffer[i] ? max_val : buffer[i];
end = omp_get_wtime();
printf("parallel maximum time %f\n", end-sta);
sta = omp_get_wtime();
for(int i=0;i<q; i++)
max_val = max_val > buffer[i] ? max_val : buffer[i];
end = omp_get_wtime();
printf("serial maximum time %f\n", end-sta);
return 0;}
Compile command
gcc-7 kp_omp.cpp -o kp_omp -fopenmp
Execution results
parallel maximum time 0.000505
serial maximum time 0.000266
As for the CPU, it is an Intel Core i7-6700 with 8 cores.
Whenever you parallelise a loop openMP needs to perform some operations, for example creating the threads. Those operations result in some overhead and this in turns implies that, for each loop, there is a minimum number of iterations under which it is not convenient to parallelise.
If I execute your code I obtain the same results you have:
parallel maximum time 0.000570
serial maximum time 0.000253
However if I modify bsize in line 8 such that
int bsize = 100000;
I obtain
parallel maximum time 0.000323
serial maximum time 0.000552
So the parallelised version got faster than the sequential. Part of the challenges you encounter when you try to speedup the execution of a code is to understand when it is convenient to parallelise and when the overhead of the parallelisation would kill your expected gain in performance.
I have the following bit of code to sort double values on my GPU:
void bitonic_sort(double *data, int length) {
#pragma acc data copy(data[0:length], length)
int i,j,k;
for (k = 2; k <= length; k *= 2) {
for (j=k >> 1; j > 0; j = j >> 1) {
#pragma acc parallel loop gang worker vector independent
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int ixj = i ^ j;
if ((ixj) > i) {
if ((i & k) == 0 && data[i] > data[ixj]) {
_ValueType buffer = data[i];
data[i] = data[ixj];
data[ixj] = buffer;
if ((i & k) != 0 && data[i] < data[ixj]) {
_ValueType buffer = data[i];
data[i] = data[ixj];
data[ixj] = buffer;
This is a bit slower on my GPU than on my CPU. I'm using GCC 6.1. I can't figure out, how to run the whole code on my GPU. So far, only the parallel loop is executed on the cpu and it switches between CPU and GPU for each one of the outer loops.
I'd like to run the whole content of the function on the GPU, but I can't figure out how. One major problem for me now is that the GCC implementation currently doesn't allow nested parallelism, so I can't use a parallel construct inside another parallel construct. Is there any way to get around that?
I've tried putting a kernels construct on top of the first loop but that slows it down by a factor of about 10. If I use a parallel construct above the first loop instead, the result isn't sorted any more, which makes sense. The two outer loops need to be executed sequentially for the algorithm to work.
If you have any other suggestions on how I could improve performance, I would be grateful as well.
struct xnode
float *mat;
void testScaling( )
int N = 1000000; ///total num matrices
int dim = 10;
//memory for matrices
std::vector<xnode> nodeArray(N);
for( int k = 0; k < N; ++k )
nodeArray[k].mat = new float [dim*dim];
//memory for Y
std::vector<float*> Y(N,0);
for( int k = 0; k < N; ++k )
Y[k] = new float [dim];
//shared X
float* X = new float [dim];
for(int i = 0; i < dim; ++i ) X[i] = 1.0;
//init mats
for( int k = 0; k < N; ++k )
for( int i=0; i<dim*dim; ++i )
nodeArray[k].mat[i] = 0.25+((float)i)/3;
int NTIMES = 500;
//gemv args
char trans = 'N';
int lda = dim;
int incx = 1;
float alpha =1 , beta = 0;
int thr[4];
thr[0] =1 ; thr[1] = 2; thr[2] = 4; thr[3] = 8;
for( int t = 0; t<4; ++t )//test for nthreads
int nthreads = thr[t];
double t_1 = omp_get_wtime();
for( int ii = 0; ii < NTIMES; ++ii )//do matvec NTIMES
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nthreads)
for( int k=0; k<N; ++k )
//compute Y[k] = mat[k] * X;
GEMV(&trans, &dim, &dim, &alpha, nodeArray[k].mat, &lda, X, &incx, &beta, Y[k], &incx);
//GEMV(&trans, &dim, &dim, &alpha, nodeArray[0].mat, &lda, X, &incx, &beta, Y[k], &incx);
double t_2 = omp_get_wtime();
std::cout << "Threads " << nthreads << " time " << (t_2-t_1)/NTIMES << std::endl;
//clear memory
for( int k = 0; k < N; ++k )
delete [] nodeArray[k].mat;
delete [] Y[k];
delete [] X;
The above code parallelizes the matrix-vector product of N matrices of size dim, and stores results in N output vectors. The average of 500 products is taken as the time per matrix-vector product. The matrix-vector products in the above example are all of equal size and thus the threads should be perfectly balanced - we should achieve a performance scaling close to ideal 8x. The following are the observations (Machine – Intel Xeon 3.1Ghz.2 processors,8cores each, HyperThreading enabled, Windows, VS2012, Intel MKL, Intel OMP library).
dim=10 N=1000000
Threads 1 - time 0.138068s
Threads 2 - time 0.0729147s
Threads 4 - time 0.0360527s
Threads 8 - time 0.0224268s (6.1x on 8threads)
dim=20 N=1000000
Threads 1 time 0.326617
Threads 2 time 0.185706
Threads 4 time 0.0886508
Threads 8 time 0.0733666 (4.5x on 8 threads).
Note – I ran VTune on this case. It showed CPUTime 267.8sec, Overhead time 43 sec, Spin time – 8 sec. The overhead time is all spent in a libiomp function (intel library). 8Threads/1Thread scaling is poor for such cases.
Next - in the gemv for loop, we change nodeArray[k].mat to nodeArray[0].mat (see commented statement), so that only the first matrix is used for all the matrix-vector products.
dim=20 N=1000000
Threads 1 time 0.152298 (The serial time is halved)
Threads 2 time 0.0769173
Threads 4 time 0.0384086
Threads 8 time 0.019336 (7.87x on 8 threads)
Thus I get almost ideal scaling - why is this behavior? VTune says that a significant portion of CPU time is spent in synchronization and thread overhead. Here it seems there is no relation between the load balancing and thread synchronization. As matrix size is increased the granularity should increase and thread overhead should be proportionately small. But as we increase from size 10 to 20 the scaling is weakening. When we use nodeArray[0].mat (only the first matrix) for doing all the matrix-vector products the cache is updated only once (since the compiler knows this during optimization) and we get near ideal scaling. Thus the synchronization overhead seems to be related to some cache related issue. I have tried a number of other things like setting KMP_AFFINITY and varying load distribution but that did not buy me anything.
My questions are:
1. I dont have a clear idea about how does the cache performance affect openMP thread synchronization. Can someone explain this?
2. Can anything be done about improving the scaling and reducing the overhead?
When I try the following code
double start = omp_get_wtime();
long i;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (i = 0; i <= 1000000000; i++) {
double x = rand();
double end = omp_get_wtime();
printf("%f\n", end - start);
Execution time is about 168 seconds, while the sequential version only spends 20 seconds.
I'm still a newbie in parallel programming. How could I get a parallel version that's faster that the sequential one?
The random number generator rand(3) uses global state variables (hidden in the (g)libc implementation). Access to them from multiple threads leads to cache issues and also is not thread safe. You should use the rand_r(3) call with seed parameter private to the thread:
long i;
unsigned seed;
#pragma omp parallel private(seed)
// Initialise the random number generator with different seed in each thread
// The following constants are chosen arbitrarily... use something more sensible
seed = 25234 + 17*omp_get_thread_num();
#pragma omp for
for (i = 0; i <= 1000000000; i++) {
double x = rand_r(&seed);
Note that this will produce different stream of random numbers when executed in parallel than when executed in serial. I would also recommend erand48(3) as a better (pseudo-)random number source.
I get the code from wikipedia:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>
#define N 100
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
float a[N], b[N], c[N];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
a[i] = i * 1.0;
b[i] = i * 2.0;
#pragma omp parallel shared(a, b, c) private(i)
#pragma omp for
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
c[i] = a[i] + b[i];
printf ("%f\n", c[10]);
return 0;
I tryed to compile and run it in my Ubuntu 11.04 with gcc4.5 (my configuration: Intel C2D T7500M 2.2GHz, 2048Mb RAM) and this program worked in two times slower than single-threaded. Why?
Very simple answer: Increase N. And set the number of threads equal to the number processors you have.
For your machine, 100 is a very low number. Try some orders of magnitudes higher.
Another question is: How are you measuring the computation time? Usually one takes the program time to get comparable results.
I suppose the compiler optimized the for loop in the non-smp case (using SSE instructions, e.g.) and it can't in the OMP variant.
Use gcc -S (or objdump -S) to view the assembly for the different variants.
You might want to watch out with the shared variables anyway, because they need to be synchronized, making things very slow. If you can 'smart' chunks (look at the schedule pragma) you might reduce the contention, but again:
verify the emitted code
don't underestimate the efficiency of singlethreaded code (because of cache locality and lack of context switches)
set the number of threads to the number of CPUs (let openMP decide it for you!); unless your thread-team has a master thread with dedicated tasks, in which case there might be value in allocating ONE extra thread
In all the cases where I tried to apply OMP for parallelization, roughly 70% of the cases are slower. The cases where it is a definite speedup is with
coarse-grained parallellism (your sample is on the fine-grained end of the spectrum)
no shared data
The issue you are facing is false memory sharing. Each thread should have its own private c[i].
Try this: #pragma omp parallel shared(a, b) private(i, c)
Run the code below and see the difference.
1.) OpenMP has an overhead so the runtime has to be more than the overhead to see a benefit.
2.) Don't set the number of threads yourself. In general I use the default threads. However, if your processor has hyper-threading you might get a bit better performance by setting the number of threads equal to the number of cores. With hyper threading the default number of threads will be twice the number of cores. For example on my machine I have four cores and the default number of threads is eight. By setting it to four in some situations I get better results and in other cases I get worse results.
3.) There is some false sharing in c but as long as N is large enough (which it needs to be to overcome the overhead) the false sharing will not cause much of a problem. You can play with the chunk size but I don't think it will be helpful.
4.) Cache issues. You have at least four levels of memory (the values are for my system): L1 (32Kb), L2(256Kb), L3(12Mb), and main memory (>>12Mb). The benefits of parallelism are going to diminish as you move into higher level. However, in the example below I set N to 100 million floats which is 400 million bytes or about 381Mb and it is still significantly faster using multiple threads. Try adjusting N and see what happens. For example try setting N to your cache levels/4 (one float is 4 bytes) (arrays a and b also need to be in the cache so you might need to set N to the cache level/12). However, if N is too small you fight with the OpenMP overhead (which is what the code in your question does).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>
#define N 100000000
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
float *a = new float[N];
float *b = new float[N];
float *c = new float[N];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
a[i] = i * 1.0;
b[i] = i * 2.0;
double dtime;
dtime = omp_get_wtime();
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
c[i] = a[i] + b[i];
dtime = omp_get_wtime() - dtime;
printf ("time %f, %f\n", dtime, c[10]);
dtime = omp_get_wtime();
#pragma omp parallel for private(i)
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
c[i] = a[i] + b[i];
dtime = omp_get_wtime() - dtime;
printf ("time %f, %f\n", dtime, c[10]);
return 0;