Using xmm parameter in AVX intrinsics - intrinsics

Is it possible to use xmm register parameter with AVX intrinsics function (_mm256_**_**)?
My code require the usage of vecter integer operation (for load and storing data) along with vector floating point operation. The integer code is written with SSE2 intrinsics to be compatible with older CPU, while floating point is written with AVX to improve speed (there is also SSE code branch, so do not suggest this).
Currently, except for using compiler flag to automatically convert all SSE instructions to VEX-encoded version, are there any way using intrinsics function (i.e. no inline/external assembly) to force the use of VEX-encoded instruction on XMM register?
Note: I tried _mm256_castsi128_si256(), and this generates instruction with ymm operand.

You have a processor with AVX. It does not have XMM registers in only has YMM registers. If you compile all your code with AVX support (e.g. with -mavx in GCC or /arch:AVX in MSVC) then all your SSE2 code operates on the lower 128-bits of the YMM registers. There is nothing to worry about.
However, let's say you have two different modules one you compiled with SSE2 support (e.g. with -msse2 in GCC or /arch:SSE2 in MSVC) and the other with AVX support and you use functions from both then you do have something to worry about when you switch between them. In that case you should call _mm256_zeroupper() or _mm256_zeroall() when you switch from AVX to SSE2 code unless you want to take a performance hit. Using AVX CPU instructions: Poor performance without "/arch:AVX"
The simple solutions is to just compile all your code with AVX support. The only reason I can think of to compile different modules with different instruction set support is if you want to make a CPU dispatcher so your code can run on different processors. That's a bit of a pain to implement. But then you don't do state changes so the only time I can think of you need to worry about a state change is when you call functions from a shared library which were compiled with another instruction set (e.g. a DLL compiled with SSE2). In that case you may need to call _mm256_zeroupper() or _mm256_zeroall() when calling the library function from AVX code.


Is there way to automatically replace avx512 with avx2?

Following the advice of Linus Torvalds (and cross platform performance), I wish to not use avx512. Is there a flag I can specify to the compiler (both gcc and msvc) such that all avx512 instructions are split into pairs of avx2 instructions if a library I am using tries to use axv512 either from intrinsics or compiler optimiszation?
No, compile your code not to use AVX-512 in the first place by telling the compiler it can't; you only have to do anything about code using intrinsics that require AVX-512.
However, if you're compiling for a CPU that supports AVX-512, it's often worth using it, especially with 256-bit vectors to avoid the turbo-frequency and other penalties that come with 512-bit vectors. GCC's default tuning is already -mprefer-vector-width=256 for CPUs like -march=skylake-avx512.
If you want to make a binary that can run on CPUs without AVX-512, then yes obviously you need to make sure it never executes and instructions that would fault without it. e.g. gcc -O3 -march=znver2 or -march=skylake or whatever. Neither of those target arch options include AVX-512. Or -march=native if compiling for whatever CPU you have.
But if you do have a CPU that supports AVX-512, and you want to not use it, you can use something like -march=native -mno-avx512f (All other AVX-512 extensions depend on the "Foundation" AVX-512F, so disabling that also prevents even AVX-512VL for 128 and 256-bit vectors.)
(Part of the benefit of -march=native and then disabling stuff is to also set tuning options. If you want a binary that runs well on both Skylake and Zen2, I'm not sure what to recommend; probably -march=skylake or -march=znver2 are both ok; there's the default "tune=generic" but it cares too much about really old CPUs that don't even support AVX2, like Sandybridge: Why doesn't gcc resolve _mm256_loadu_pd as single vmovupd?)
Even with intrinsics, GCC will only ever emit instructions supported by the target options, so -mno-avx512f can let you be sure you didn't miss anything. You'll get compile time errors, instead of EVEX instructions slipping through the cracks.
(MSVC is different and is designed around a single-binary model where using new instruction-sets is done in functions that you only call if the CPU supports it, so it won't stop you from using AVX-512. AFAIK, MSVC still doesn't even have an option to auto-vectorize with AVX-512, only /arch:AVX2. But anyway, MSVC won't emit AVX-512 instructions on its own if you don't tell it to, if you don't use any option like /arch:AVX512 if such a thing exists; AFAIK it doesn't have a /arch:native unfortunately. With MSVC you do have to be sure you caught all uses of intrinsics, although compiling with GCC can help to make sure your codebase doesn't do that.)
If you still want to compile code that uses _mm512_add_epi32 or _mm256_ternlog_epi32 or whatever, you'll need a version of immintrin.h that defines __m512i as a struct/class with two __m256i members and emulates all the intrinsics. Some AVX512 intrinsics won't be cheap to emulate, especially masked operations, and the whole concept of compare-into-mask to get an integer instead of a vector. So it's probably a bad idea to try to make this happen fully transparently; instead just get GCC to stop you from using any AVX-512 instructions while you make AVX2-only versions of any intrinsics code that didn't already have AVX2 versions.
Last time this came up, Coding on insufficient hardware, I was able to find an avxintrin-emu.h that let you develop for AVX while only compiling for SSE4. But I didn't find an equivalent for AVX-512. (Normally you would compile an AVX-512 binary and test it on an emulator like SDE that emulates at runtime, not compile-time.)
Agner Fog's VectorClass wrapper library ( has support for basic operations like + - * /, and shuffles and blends, and has versions 512-bit vectors emulated with a pair of AVX2 vectors. (And VCL types are implicitly convertible to __m256i or __m512i and so on, so for operations it doesn't have its own functions for, you can use Intel intrinsics. But then you're back in the same boat of needing a library that emulates __m256_ternlog_epi32 with only AVX2 instructions.)
This won't stop libc from possibly using hand-written AVX-512 instructions in functions like strcmp or log/exp, since dynamic CPU dispatching happens at run-time, and you can't stop your CPU from reporting that it supports AVX-512. (Except with a VM, or by telling the kernel not to enable AVX-512 at boot, if Linux has an option for that.)

gcc assembly for stack vs heap access [duplicate]

I'm writing some AVX code and I need to load from potentially unaligned memory. I'm currently loading 4 doubles, hence I would use intrinsic instruction _mm256_loadu_pd; the code I've written is:
__m256d d1 = _mm256_loadu_pd(vInOut + i*4);
I've then compiled with options -O3 -mavx -g and subsequently used objdump to get the assembler code plus annotated code and line (objdump -S -M intel -l avx.obj).When I look into the underlying assembler code, I find the following:
vmovupd xmm0,XMMWORD PTR [rsi+rax*1]
vinsertf128 ymm0,ymm0,XMMWORD PTR [rsi+rax*1+0x10],0x1
I was expecting to see this:
vmovupd ymm0,XMMWORD PTR [rsi+rax*1]
and fully use the 256 bit register (ymm0), instead it looks like gcc has decided to fill in the 128 bit part (xmm0) and then load again the other half with vinsertf128.
Is someone able to explain this?
Equivalent code is getting compiled with a single vmovupd in MSVC VS 2012.
I'm running gcc (Ubuntu 7.3.0-27ubuntu1~18.04) 7.3.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 x86-64.
GCC's default tuning (-mtune=generic) includes -mavx256-split-unaligned-load and -mavx256-split-unaligned-store, because that gives a minor speedup on some CPUs (e.g. first-gen Sandybridge, and some AMD CPUs) in some cases when memory is actually misaligned at runtime.
Use -O3 -mno-avx256-split-unaligned-load -mno-avx256-split-unaligned-store if you don't want this, or better, use -mtune=haswell. Or use -march=native to optimize for your own computer. There's no "generic-avx2" tuning. (
Intel Sandybridge runs 256-bit loads as a single uop that takes 2 cycles in a load port. (Unlike AMD which decodes all 256-bit vector instructions as 2 separate uops.) Sandybridge has a problem with unaligned 256-bit loads (if the address is actually misaligned at runtime). I don't know the details, and haven't found much specific info on exactly what the slowdown is. Perhaps because it uses a banked cache, with 16-byte banks? But IvyBridge handles 256-bit loads better and still has banked cache.
According to the GCC mailing list message about the code that implements the option (, "It speeds up some SPEC CPU 2006 benchmarks by up to 6%." (I think that's for Sandybridge, the only Intel AVX CPU that existed at the time.)
But if memory is actually 32-byte aligned at runtime, this is pure downside even on Sandybridge and most AMD CPUs1. So with this tuning option, you potentially lose just from failing to tell your compiler about alignment guarantees. And if your loop runs on aligned memory most of the time, you'd better compile at least that compilation unit with -mno-avx256-split-unaligned-load or tuning options that imply that.
Splitting in software imposes the cost all the time. Letting hardware handle it makes the aligned case perfectly efficient (except stores on Piledriver1), with the misaligned case possibly slower than with software splitting on some CPUs. So it's the pessimistic approach, and makes sense if it's really likely that the data really is misaligned at runtime, rather than just not guaranteed to always be aligned at compile time. e.g. maybe you have a function that's called most of the time with aligned buffers, but you still want it to work for rare / small cases where it's called with misaligned buffers. In that case, a split-load/store strategy is inappropriate even on Sandybridge.
It's common for buffers to be 16-byte aligned but not 32-byte aligned because malloc on x86-64 glibc (and new in libstdc++) returns 16-byte aligned buffers (because alignof(maxalign_t) == 16). For large buffers, the pointer is normally 16 bytes after the start of a page, so it's always misaligned for alignments larger than 16. Use aligned_alloc instead.
Note that -mavx and -mavx2 don't change tuning options at all: gcc -O3 -mavx2 still tunes for all CPUs, including ones that can't actually run AVX2 instructions. This is pretty dumb, because you should use a single unaligned 256-bit load if tuning for "the average AVX2 CPU". Unfortunately gcc has no option to do that, and -mavx2 doesn't imply -mno-avx256-split-unaligned-load or anything. See and for feature requests to have instruction-set selection influence tuning.
This is why you should use -march=native to make binaries for local use, or maybe -march=sandybridge -mtune=haswell to make binaries that can run on a wide range of machines, but will probably mostly run on newer hardware that has AVX. (Note that even Skylake Pentium/Celeron CPUs don't have AVX or BMI2; probably on CPUs with any defects in the upper half of 256-bit execution units or register files, they disable decoding of VEX prefixes and sell them as low-end Pentium.)
gcc8.2's tuning options are as follows. (-march=x implies -mtune=x).
I checked on the Godbolt compiler explorer by compiling with -O3 -fverbose-asm and looking at the comments which include a full dump of all implied options. I included _mm256_loadu/storeu_ps functions, and a simple float loop that can auto-vectorize, so we can also look at what the compiler does.
Use -mprefer-vector-width=256 (gcc8) or -mno-prefer-avx128 (gcc7 and earlier) to override tuning options like -mtune=bdver3 and get 256-bit auto-vectorization if you want, instead of only with manual vectorization.
default / -mtune=generic: both -mavx256-split-unaligned-load and -store. Arguably less and less appropriate as Intel Haswell and later become more common, and the downside on recent AMD CPUs is I think still small. Especially splitting unaligned loads, which AMD tuning options don't enable.
-march=sandybridge and -march=ivybridge: split both. (I think I've read that IvyBridge improved handling of unaligned 256-bit loads or stores, so it's less appropriate for cases where the data might be aligned at runtime.)
-march=haswell and later: neither splitting option enabled.
-march=knl: neither splitting option enabled. (Silvermont/Atom don't have AVX)
-mtune=intel: neither splitting option enabled. Even with gcc8, auto-vectorization with -mtune=intel -mavx chooses to reach an alignment boundary for the read/write destination array, unlike gcc8's normal strategy of just using unaligned. (Again, another case of software handling that always has a cost vs. letting the hardware deal with the exceptional case.)
-march=bdver1 (Bulldozer): -mavx256-split-unaligned-store, but not loads.
It also sets the gcc8 equivalent gcc7 and earlier -mprefer-avx128 (auto-vectorization will only use 128-bit AVX, but of course intrinsics can still use 256-bit vectors).
-march=bdver2 (Piledriver), bdver3 (Steamroller), bdver4 (Excavator). same as Bulldozer. They auto-vectorize an FP a[i] += b[i] loop with software prefetch and enough unrolling to only prefetch once per cache line!
-march=znver1 (Zen): -mavx256-split-unaligned-store but not loads, still auto-vectorizing with only 128-bit, but this time without SW prefetch.
-march=btver2 (AMD Fam16h, aka Jaguar): neither splitting option enabled, auto-vectorizing like Bulldozer-family with only 128-bit vectors + SW prefetch.
-march=eden-x4 (Via Eden with AVX2): neither splitting option enabled, but the -march option doesn't even enable -mavx, and auto-vectorization uses movlps / movhps 8-byte loads, which is really dumb. At least use movsd instead of movlps to break the false dependency. But if you enable -mavx, it uses 128-bit unaligned loads. Really weird / inconsistent behaviour here, unless there's some strange front-end for this.
options (enabled as part of -march=sandybridge for example, presumably also for Bulldozer-family (-march=bdver2 is piledriver). That doesn't solve the problem when the compiler knows the memory is aligned, though.
Footnote 1: AMD Piledriver has a performance bug that makes 256-bit store throughput terrible: even vmovaps [mem], ymm aligned stores running one per 17 to 20 clocks according to Agner Fog's microarch pdf ( This effect isn't present in Bulldozer or Steamroller/Excavator.
Agner Fog says 256-bit AVX throughput in general (not loads/stores specifically) on Bulldozer/Piledriver is typically worse than 128-bit AVX, partly because it can't decode instructions in a 2-2 uop pattern. Steamroller makes 256-bit close to break-even (if it doesn't cost extra shuffles). But register-register vmovaps ymm instructions still only benefit from mov-elimination for the low 128 bits on Bulldozer-family.
But closed-source software or binary distributions typically don't have the luxury of building with -march=native on every target architecture, so there's a tradeoff when making a binary that can run on any AVX-supporting CPU. Gaining big speedup with 256-bit code on some CPUs is typically worth it as long as there aren't catastrophic downsides on other CPUs.
Splitting unaligned loads/stores is an attempt to avoid big problems on some CPUs. It costs extra uop throughput, and extra ALU uops, on recent CPUs. But at least vinsertf128 ymm, [mem], 1 doesn't need the shuffle unit on port 5 on Haswell/Skylake: it can run on any vector ALU port. (And it doesn't micro-fuse, so it costs 2 uops of front-end bandwidth.)
Most code isn't compiled by bleeding edge compilers, so changing the "generic" tuning now will take a while before code compiled with an updated tuning will get into use. (Of course, most code is compiled with just -O2 or -O3, and this option only affects AVX code-gen anyway. But many people unfortunately use -O3 -mavx2 instead of -O3 -march=native. So they can miss out on FMA, BMI1/2, popcnt, and other things their CPU supports.
GCC's generic tuning splits unaligned 256-bit loads to help older processors. (Subsequent changes avoid splitting loads in generic tuning, I believe.)
You can tune for more recent Intel CPUs using something like -mtune=intel or -mtune=skylake, and you will get a single instruction, as intended.

Generate code for multiple SIMD architectures

I have written a library, where I use CMake for verifying the presence of headers for MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE4, AVX, AVX2, and AVX-512. In addition to this, I check for the presence of the instructions and if present, I add the necessary compiler flags, -msse2 -mavx -mfma etc.
This is all very good, but I would like to deploy a single binary, which works across a range of generations of processors.
Question: Is it possible to tell the compiler (GCC) that whenever it optimizes a function using SIMD, it must generate code for a list of architectures? And of of course introduce high-level branches
I am thinking similar to how the compiler generates code for functions, where input pointers are either 4 or 8 byte aligned. To prevent this, I use the __builtin_assume_aligned macro.
What is best practice? Multiple binaries? Naming?
As long as you don't care about portability, yes.
Recent versions of GCC make this easier than any other compiler I'm aware of by using the target_clones function attribute. Just add the attribute, with a list of targets you want to create versions for, and GCC will automatically create the different variants, as well as a dispatch function to choose a version automatically at runtime.
If you want a bit more portability you can use the target attribute, which clang and icc also support, but you'll have to write the dispatch function yourself (which isn't difficult), and emit the function multiple times (generally using a macro, or repeatedly including a header).
AFAIK, if you want your code to work with MSVC you'll need multiple compiler invocations with different options.
If you're talking about just getting the compiler to generate SSE/AVX etc instructions, and you've got "general purpose" code (ie you're not explicitly vectorising using intrinsics, or got lots of code that the compiler will spot and auto-vectorise) then I should warn you that AVX, AVX2 or AVX512 compiling your entire codebase will probably run significantly slower than compiling for SSE versions.
When AVX opcodes using the upper halves of the registers are detected, the CPU powers up the upper half of the circuitry (which is otherwise powered down). This consumes more power, generates more heat and reduces the base clock speed of the chip, typically by 10-20% depending on the mix of high power and low-power opcodes, so you lose maybe 15% of performance immediately, and then have to be doing quite a lot of vectorised processing in order to make up for this performance deficit before you start seeing any gains.
See my longer explanation and references in this thread.
If on the other hand you're explicitly vectorising using intrinsics and you're sure you have large enough burst of AVX etc to make it worthwhile, I've successfully written code where I tell MSVC to compile for SSE2 (default for x64) but then I dynamically check the CPU capabilities and some functions switch to a codepath implemented using AVX intrinsics.
MSVC allows this (it will produce warnings, but you can silence these), but the same technique is hard to make work under GCC 4.9 as the intrinsics are only considered declared by the compiler when the appropriate code generation flag is used. [UPDATE: #nemequ explains below how you can make this work under gcc using attributes to decorate the functions] Depending on the version of GCC you may have to compile files with different flags to get a workable system.
Oh, and you have to watch for AVX-SSE transitions too (call VZEROUPPER when you leave an AVX section of code to return to SSE code) - it can be done but I found that understanding the CPU implications was a bigger battle than I originally envisaged.

Why does GCC prefer the AVX version of FP instructions?

When compiling for CPUs that have AVX (such as with -march=sandy-bridge), GCC seems to always prefer the AVX versions of simple, scalar floating-point instructions over the SSE versions. Such as, it uses vmulsd instead of mulsd.
I'm wondering, are there any particular performance-related reasons for this, or is it just some implementation detail of GCC that makes it easier/more natural for it to schedule such instructions? From what I can tell from the sources I have (mostly Agner's instruction tables), the AVX and SSE instructions seem to be equal in performance. I realize that AVX instructions are three-operand, but GCC seems to almost always only use the same destination register as one of the source operands anyway.

gcc options to use i87, AVX simultaneously but nor SSE

When compiled for processor that support AVX extension (say -m64 -march=corei7-avx -mtune=corei7-avx is applicable), does it make sense to use -mfpmath=both -mavx keys at the same time? Does not it so much that it causes the compiler to use three sets of instructions (i87, SSE, AVX) at the same time? Or just i87 for scalars (in some sense) and AVX for vectors only?
The AVX registers are only extensions of the SSE registers. You cannot mix SSE and AVX instructions to increase the number of available registers (you can still mix x87 and AVX instructions, I assume this is what -mfpmath=both does in this case).
See for instance the discussion “Mixing AVX and SSE” on this page.
You normally don't want this; I don't think gcc is smart enough at deciding to use x87 when there's high register pressure to make it worth it.
x87 and SSE/AVX instructions compete for the same FP execution units on normal x86 CPUs (Intel and AMD), so you don't get more throughput from interleaving them.
Normally you should just use -mfpmath=sse (which means AVX when used with -mavx, or better -mfpmath=sse -march=native. The default for x86-64 is sse, so -mfpmath=sse only changes anything for -m32, AFAIK.
The main benefit of -mfpmath=both is more total registers, but managing the x87 register stack often costs extra instructions. Moving data between x87 and AVX also costs a store/reload (store-forwarding round trip, ~6 cycle latency on Haswell,, so it's only really useful if you have two independent sets of calculations for the compiler to interleave. Otherwise it's not better than normal spill/reload.
Last time I looked at gcc -O3 -mfpmath=both, the results were not impressive: shows gcc5.4 using some store/reloads to bounce data between x87 and xmm (AVX) registers. It would be better off just keeping some of the constants in memory.
