.net 4.0.3 On Windows 8? Is it possible - visual-studio-2010

I just formatted my computer not even a week ago after being on Win 7 for a long time. I thought it was safe as at work I been using Windows for like a year now and have not had to go to load Windows 7 up since switching.
Now I just got a project that is apparently set to .net 4.0.3 version and won't be upgraded at this time.
I tried downloading .net 4.0.3 on Windows 8 but it always fails for me. I get
"KB2600211 does not apply, or is blocked by another condition on your computer."
I thought maybe if I install VS 2010(as they want me to use VS 2010 becuase they are a bit worried VS 2012 will do something funky to the project and mess everyone else on the team who are on Windows 7 and Vs 2010).
Anyone know how I can get at least 4.0.3 on windows 8? I don't want to format, took so long to get up to speed and won't be able to do Win Phone 8 programming anymore.
I would also have to stick it on my other HDD as my SDD can't fit both OS on with VS on it. So I will have a very slow OS and very fast OS.

The problem is that .net 4.5 is an in-place install which replaces .net 4.0. You cannot have both installed at the same time and Windows 8 comes pre-installed with .net 4.5. For the most part you should be able to just use .net 4.5 as if it were .net 4.0 but there are some breaking changes. You might be able to uninstall 4.5 and then install 4.0, but that sounds rather risky.
At a previous job, we didn't upgrade to .net 4.5 for exactly this reason. Until everyone is upgrading at the same time, there can be substantial compatibility issues.
For a list of incompatibility issues see here. Note that this doesn't cover any places where your app may have been depending on a bug in .net 4.0 which is now fixed in 4.5 or any things like this where a type is moved to a different assembly (these are not considered breaking changes, so they aren't listed in the incompatibility list).


The C# project is targeting ".NeETFramework, Version=v4.0", which is not installed on this machine

Trying to run an old project in Visual Studio 2015. It was created in 2012 or 2013, I cannot remember which. I have uninstalled both programs as I was running out of space, and i think that is what caused this. I get the following options:
And I do not want to change the target, so clicking on the second option brings me to https://www.microsoft.com/net/targeting which I can't seem to find anything there that remedies the situation. Is there a way around this without reinstalling the old version of Visual Studio again? Will that even fix my problem? Thank you.
Just Reinstall Visual Studio. When you uninstalled previous version it caused this problem.
You could try doing a repair reinstall of Visual Studio 2015.
Another point to consider is that Windows 7 (the oldest version of Windows still supported by Microsoft) includes a Windows Update for the .NET Framework v4.6.1 categorized as an "Important" update. I have not confirmed with Windows 8, but I suspect it, too, includes a similar update. Windows 10 comes with .NET 4.6 to start with. That means that any up-to-date supported machine today will be able to run apps targeting any .NET version up to and including 4.6. I recognize that there may be other reasons to continue targeting an older .NET version, but I bring this up just in case the concern is support on client workstations.

What are the risks of running VS2010 side by side with VS2012?

Officially, it's supported. I get that. I've personally done it in a VM. My question is, are there any hidden gotchas of running VS2012.x side by side with VS2010 SP'd and hotfix'd? I recall reading about an issue with the version of .NET or the CLR, I don't recall the details and it was last fall.
My coworkers and I would really like to move to 2012 but we have a lead developer that refuses to move. We need to convince him, especially since we have a large project that was started on 3.5, moved to 4.0 (will not go to 4.5), but we've heard rumblings about the aforementioned possible problem.
.NET Framework 4.5 is an in-place update. This means that once you install it all apps (including VS 2010) will be running against .NET Framework 4.5 and not .NET Framework 4. While there has been a great effort to make .NET Framework 4.5 backwards compatible there are some (mostly minor) bugs where the behavior changed in .NET Framework 4.
I think the biggest thing you should consider is whether you are going to target .NET Framework 4 in your apps. The problem is that when you target .NET Framework 4 your VS2012 will only allow you to use APIs that as they were in .NET Framework 4 but your app will actually run using .NET Framework 4.5 runtime. I have seen cases where a legitimate bug in .NET Framework 4.5 was fixed (i.e. an incorrect exception is no longer thrown) but when you run your app against real .NET Framework 4 the app did not work even though it targeted .NET Framework 4 because the bug is still there. Note that you can get to the same situation even with VS 2010 if you install .NET Framework 4.5 on your box. I have been running both SxS and I have not had any problems (but am primarily using VS2012 - is so much faster and more stable).
I think the main take aways here are
if you are working on .NET Framework 4 make sure you test your app on real .NET Framework 4
try running VS2012 sxs with VS2010 on a limited set of machines and if you don't see any problem move on
you may also try running VS2012 only if you don't use any functionality that is not supported in VS2012 (the biggest risk in this case is the .NET Framework anyway and running VS2010 only will not protect you anyways)

What's the stability of VS2010 like?

I'm talking about VS 2010 Professional/Ultimate RTM (not express versions).
Google doesn't show much other than stuff about the beta 2 and RC versions.
Will it run OK on a Core 2 Duo E6550 2.33GHz with 3GB RAM and NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS?
How does it go with R# 5.0?
I've been using the Premium RTM daily since release and experienced no problems whatsoever developing with C#/ASP.NET MVC2.
My machine is also similar specs to yours and has been running just fine.
Regarding your edit, I've also been doing all of this with Resharper 5.0 - again, no problems whatsoever.
I haved runed it for since release now, and i must say i have had no problem at all, but hey diden't have any with VS 2008 ether. But evythings works great fast and all this while looking nice :D Eclipse go home .D
I installed VS 2010 Ultimate RTM, in my laptop and its specs is exactly like yours except the Nvidia, and it is working perfectly with no problems.
I've been very impressed with 2010.
Even the Beta and RC releases were stable. I find VS2008 SP1 hanging on average twice a day for me.
So far the only thing to crash 2010 was a third party plugin.
Stability: Good
SVN Support (using ankh): Good
2008 to 2010 project upgrade: Good.
No reason not to upgrade.
The only thing is that it requires 3 restarts on XP and 1 on 7...
I was running the RC for a few months before the RTM version was released, and even the RC version was rock solid as far as I was using it.
I didn't use a stopwatch but I got the impression that it is a bit slower at startup than its predecessor.

Should I start using VS2010 Beta 2 for development work now?

Should I start using VS2010 Beta 2 for development work now?
What reasons are there for and against?
You can take two angles with this; using Visual Studio to build your solutions in a .NET 3.5 or earlier OR using it to build applications in .NET 4. Firstly, familiarise yourself with what’s new in both the IDE and the framework (I’ve got a quick, illustrated overview here and there's heaps of other info on the web) and see what you’re actually going to be able to take advantage of in your situation. Secondly, be aware of your target environment; If you’re publishing to shared hosting or client machines you need to consider whether the .NET 4 approach is wise while it's in beta.
I’ve previously built solutions on the last couple of generations of Visual Studio and .NET whilst in beta 2. You’ve got a go-live license so you can actually productionise solutions and both previous generations have been very stable without any significantbugs or changes from beta 2 to alpha versions.
If you can address the issues above, I say go for it!
Only if you're interested in trying it out. Don't use it for real work as it. It's a beta, which means that significant bugs may still be lying around in the code.
We started using VS*2008* Beta 2, when it came out, as our main dev environment - but targeted .NET Framework 2.0 only initially. This was mainly because VS2005 was such a dog. As to whether you want to start targeting .NET 4.0 now is your decision - but I can't see the harm in using it for targeting .NET 2.0 - 3.5.
I think we'll stick with VS 2008 for our main dev environment until at least a 2010-compatible version of CodeRush/Refactor Pro comes out.
I say whats wrong with 2008? You could use 2010 to build for 3.5 framework if you really wanted to, but I'd seriously leave it, it might be more trouble than its worth..who knows?
I have it installed and I've had a play with it and I've even installed resharper beta that works with 2010. But this is only to give the new tools a test run.
The company I work for are really good at keeping up with the latest tools, for example we have already rolled out windows 7 to some developer machines, but we wouldn't go as far as using a beta IDE in a production environment.

Has anyone ran into any issues developing on Windows 7?

I want to trial Windows 7 but wondered if anyone who has done so already ran into any issues specifically related to development?
i.e. problems with VS2008, SQL Management Studio and SQL Server, MySQL, PHP etc. etc.
Examples from XP -> Vista: in Vista there was a sudden loss of an SMTP server. And there were initially (if I remember correctly) issues with VS2005 with I seem to remember a patch coming out later to remedy.
EDIT: or on the contrary any big advantages or benefits to developing on Windows 7!
I been using windows 7 for a while now.
I been using VS2008, netbeans, tomcat, sql manager studio, mysql etc...
And i actually find it more stable and faster then windows vista.
There aren't many advantages to developing on Windows 7 before it's released. Most development features are a function of the IDE, not the OS. So, you might want to consider instead if you should be developing on Visual Studio 2010 instead of VS2008. Instead, you're more likely to have compatibility issues, although for the most part, Windows 7 is much more compatible with existing software than Vista was when it was in beta.
There could be one advantage to developing for Windows 7 before it's released -- you have a head start in taking advantage of features that competitors haven't yet, giving you an advantage in the market. That's the theory at least. That assumes you're going to develop something that uses a feature only available in Windows 7. That assumes you wouldn't be better off with the larger number of sales you'd get by developing something that works on existing platforms.
The only issue I've encountered so far involves compiling older vanilla C programs with Visual C++. You're usually presented with an error like so:
mt.exe : general error c101008d:
Failed to write the updated manifest
to the resource of file
".\Release\SomeProgram.exe". The
binary is not a valid Windows image.
You have to add an empty resource file to the solution.
More on the issue here.
I've never gotten any of the new audio stack examples working; thus this question. API works, documentation is... a bit lacking at the moment; sure to be fixed by RTM.
Other than that, Windows 7 has been faster than and just as stable as Vista (2 crashes from RTM, 0 crashes after SP1) was for me. Truly, you should be developing on Vista and testing on Windows 7 RC as a general practice with respect to pre-release operating systems; but I think we'll get away with it just fine in this particular case.
My advice would be to not develop on Windows 7. Note that I don't mean you shouldn't target it as a platform, just that you should be doing your development on a stable platform.
I personally won't trust a new release of Windows (or Linux for that matter) until it's been in the wild as a proper product (not release candidate) for many months. For Windows, I tend to wait until the first real service pack plus a month for all the nigglies to be fixed.
For Linux, I'm still using Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, not 8.1, and certainly not the 9 alphas.
Test machines are another matter, you should always have one at the "latest and greatest" level for testing, but I consider the development machine of prime importance, needing a stable platform.
No problems from my end yet, been working on a c# app with visual studio 2008 x64, and php web apps with dreamweaver cs3 and netbeans.
Windows7 seems to be just vista with more bells and wistles and a bit more responsive, not to sure if to much really change "under the hood" so to speak. But I have nothing to back that statement up with...
I've been using Win7 for a couple of months now and never had a problem. I went straight from XP to 7 and the only problems I faced were related to configuring SourceGear Vault to work with IIS7...other than that,it's been all good.
I use VS 2005, VS 2008, SQL Server 2005, Infragistics NetAdvantage, and a couple of third party components.
Although I haven't seen any advantages for the development side of the applications, I'd recommend you to upgrade to Win7 only for the better feel of a complete OS. I mean XP was good, but I really dig Win7.
