how to reproduce the command "rpm -qa | grep xxx" via script - bash

How can I reproduce the command rpm -qa | grep xxx with a script:
read -p "RPM is installed?" name
rpm -qa | grep $name

If you are calling the script like this: 'foo*'
you need to quote $name to make sure its value is passed to grep unexpanded:
read -p "RPM is installed?" name
rpm -qa | grep "$name"


grep failing in gitlab CI

I am trying to finalyze a script in Gitlab CI but struggling with some syntax error
script: |
echo "running jenkins job from user $EMAIL using following settings - $BRANCH / $TAGS in $ENV enviroment"
lastbuildNumber=$(curl -s --user ${EMAIL}:${TOKEN} "$JENKINS_URL/$ENV-SmokeTests-UIOnly/lastBuild/api/json" | jq ".number")
echo "last build was number ${lastbuildNumber}"
currentBuild=$((lastbuildNumber + 1 ))
echo "current build is ${currentBuild}"
echo "view cucumber report here"
echo $baseurl
curl -s --user $EMAIL:$TOKEN $JENKINS_URL/$ENV-SmokeTests-UIOnly/ --output cucumber.txt
cucumber_endpoint=$(cat cucumber.txt | grep -o -m 1 "[a-zA-Z.-]*/cucumber-html-reports_[a-zA-Z0-9.-]*/[a-zA-Z0-9.-]*")
echo $full_cucumber
The script works fine on my local terminal, but fails in the CI when running
cucumber_endpoint=$(cat cucumber.txt | grep -o -m 1 "[a-zA-Z.-]*/cucumber-html-reports_[a-zA-Z0-9.-]*/[a-zA-Z0-9.-]*")
is for sure something related to quotes but cannot work out what the issue is.
I changed to:
- |
echo "view cucumber report here"
curl -s --user "$EMAIL":"$TOKEN" $JENKINS_URL/"$ENV"-SmokeTests-UIOnly/ --output cucumber.txt
cat cucumber.txt
cucumber_endpoint=$(cat cucumber.txt | grep -o -m 1 '[a-zA-Z.-]*/cucumber-html-reports_[a-zA-Z0-9.-]*/[a-zA-Z0-9.-]*')
echo "${full_cucumber}"
and I have run the script through ''
it's the grep that is not working but is not returning anyerror now.
the result of the cat command are correct, as on my local machine.
proving is not an issue with set -e
set -e
echo "view cucumber report here"
cucumber_endpoint=$(curl -s --user "$EMAIL":"$TOKEN" ${JENKINS_URL}/"$ENV"-SmokeTests-UIOnly/ | grep -o -m 1 '[a-zA-Z.-]*/cucumber-html-reports_[a-zA-Z0-9.-]*/[a-zA-Z0-9.-]*')
# cat cucumber.txt
# cucumber_endpoint=$(cucumber.txt | grep -o -m 1 '[a-zA-Z.-]*/cucumber-html-reports_[a-zA-Z0-9.-]*/[a-zA-Z0-9.-]*')
echo "${baseurl}${full_cucumber}"
which gets what I want:
➜ ./ [16/02/23|11:39:59|]
view cucumber report here
apparently gitlab ci did not like the -m 1 option in the grep call
so changed to
cucumber_endpoint=$(curl -s --user "$EMAIL":"$TOKEN" ${JENKINS_URL}/"$ENV"-SmokeTests-UIOnly/ | grep -o '[a-zA-Z.-]*/cucumber-html-reports_[a-zA-Z0-9.-]*/[a-zA-Z0-9.-]*'| sort -u)

GitHub Action with MacOS-latest : Process completed with exit code 1 : with grep and curl command

Currently, I'm writing a customized GitHub workflow inside it I use a curl and grep command.
GitHub repo
- name: get new tag
id: get_new_tag
shell: bash
run: |
temp_result=$(curl -s${{inputs.github_repository}}/tags | grep -h "name" | grep -h "${{inputs.selector}}" | head -1 | grep -ho "${{inputs.regex}}")
echo "new-tag=${temp_result}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
Full code here
test for action.yml
uses: ./
files: tests/test1.txt tests/test2.txt
github_repository: MathieuSoysal/file-updater-for-release
prefix: MathieuSoysal/file-updater-for-release#
Full code are is here
I don't understand why but my GitHub Actions don't work with MacOS.
The given error:
temp_result=$(curl -s | grep -h "name" | grep -h "" | head -1 | grep -ho "v\?[0-9.]*")
echo "new-tag=${temp_result}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
shell: /bin/bash --noprofile --norc -e -o pipefail {0}
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
Full log error is here
Does someone know how we can fix this issue?
Alternatively, you can simply use the jq command line utility for this which is already installed and available on the GitHub runners. See the preinstalled software.
$ export URL=''
$ curl -s $URL | jq -r .[0].name
The issue is from this command grep -h "", this command is not supported on MacOS.
The empty string is not supported, the solution is to add something inside it.

remove multiple rpm packages using one bash command

I'd like to use a single bash command to uninstall several packages.
# rpm -qa | grep php
will give me an output of all the pakcages I'd like to remove, however, how can I pipe that into a remove package command? Something like this:
# rpm -qa | grep php | yum remove ${package}
I tried this and it worked.
rpm -qa | grep php | while read -r line; do yum remove -y $line; done

Shell script to make directories and subdirectories with variable names

I'm trying to create script to be run by cron to create multiple folders with subfolders.
DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
IP_ADDR=`ifconfig | grep -v '' | sed -n 's/.*inet addr:\([0-9.]\+\)\s.*/\1/p'`
/bin/mkdir -p /mnt/db-backup/12/$DATE/$IP_ADDR/
If i run this script manually everything is created as expected. When script is ran by cron subdirectory $IP_ADDR is not created and there is no errors.
I suspect that /sbin is not part of the PATH for the environment that the cron job runs under. You should specify the full path for the ifconfig command:
IP_ADDR=$(/sbin/ifconfig | grep -v '' | sed -n 's/.*inet addr:\([0-9.]\+\)\s.*/\1/p')
It's also better practice (in general) to use $() for command substitution.
Try to use debug mode :
set -x
DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
IP_ADDR=`ifconfig | grep -v '' | sed -n 's/.*inet addr:\([0-9.]\+\)\s.*/\1/p'`
/bin/mkdir -p /mnt/db-backup/12/$DATE/$IP_ADDR/
set +x
Then, redirect the output of your cron to a file and have a look, you should find useful information in it.
You are not far off, but there are several ordering caveats that could cause problems. Many systems have different formats for the ifconfig output line. Some with inet, others with inet (those are the two most common). You may also need to handle the case where there are multiple wired inet interfaces (2+ NICs in the box). However, if you have only 1 NIC, you could try the following to handle the common ifconfig formats:
DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
IP_ADDR=$(ifconfig |
grep -v '' |
grep -E 'inet[ ](addr:)*[0-9]{1,3}([.][0-9]{1,3}){3}' |
sed -e 's/^.*inet \(addr:\)*//' -e 's/ .*$//')
/bin/mkdir -p /mnt/db-backup/12/$DATE/$IP_ADDR/
or with IP_ADDR written as one line:
IP_ADDR=$(ifconfig | grep -v '' | grep -E 'inet[ ](addr:)*[0-9]{1,3}([.][0-9]{1,3}){3}' | sed -e 's/^.*inet \(addr:\)*//' -e 's/ .*$//')

Killing Process on Remote Host using Fabric

I am writing a script using Fabric which needs to terminate a process remotely.
(this means that the command ends up getting executed as /bin/bash command)
The current code I have is the following:
in a file i have
/bin/kill $(ps -ef | grep multiserver.jar | grep -v bin/sh | grep -v /bin/bash | grep -v sh | grep python | grep -v /usr/bin/java | grep -v /usr/bin/python | grep -v sh | awk '{print $2}')
which I run in Fabric on my remote host using the following commands
local("scp " + " " + user +"#" + server_address + ":" + directory)
run ("chmod u+x")
However I get the following error message
out: Usage:
[] out: kill [options] <pid> [...]
Fatal error: run() received nonzero return code 1 while executing!
Requested: ./
Executed: /bin/bash -l -c "cd ... && ./"
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
While solving this issue with reading logs with fabric, I wrote command to kill remote processes:
with settings(warn_only=True):
sudo("kill -9 `ps aux | <pipeline of greps> | awk '{print $2}'`")
Hope this helps.
