Lazily Tying the Knot for 1 Dimensional Dynamic Programming - algorithm

Several years ago I took an algorithms course where we were giving the following problem (or one like it):
There is a building of n floors with an elevator that can only go up 2 floors at a time and down 3 floors at a time. Using dynamic programming write a function that will compute the number of steps it takes the elevator to get from floor i to floor j.
This is obviously easy using a stateful approach, you create an array n elements long and fill it up with the values. You could even use a technically non-stateful approach that involves accumulating a result as recursively passing it around. My question is how to do this in a non-stateful manner by using lazy evaluation and tying the knot.
I think I've devised the correct mathematical formula:
where i+2 and i-3 are within the allowed values.
Unfortunately I can't get it to terminate. If I put the i+2 case first and then choose an even floor I can get it to evaluate the even floors below the target level but that's it. I suspect that it shoots straight to the highest even floor for everything else, drops 3 levels, then repeats, forever oscillating between the top few floors.
So it's probably exploring the infinite space (or finite but with loops) in a depth first manner. I can't think of how to explore the space in a breadth first fashion without using a whole lot of data structures in between that effectively mimic a stateful approach.
Although this simple problem is disappointingly difficult I suspect that having seen a solution in 1 dimension I might be able to make it work for a 2 dimensional variation of the problem.
EDIT: A lot of the answers tried to solve the problem in a different way. The problem itself isn't interesting to me, the question is about the method used. Chaosmatter's approach of creating a minimal function which can compare potentially infinite numbers is possibly a step in the right direction. Unfortunately if I try to create a list representing a building with 100 floors the result takes too long to compute, since the solutions to sub problems are not reused.
I made an attempt to use a self-referencing data structure but it doesn't terminate, there is some kind of infinite loop going on. I'll post my code so you can understand what it is I'm going for. I'll change the accepted answer if someone can actually solve the problem using dynamic programming on a self-referential data structure using laziness to avoid computing things more than once.
levels = go [0..10]
go [] = []
go (x:xs) = minimum
[ if i == 7
then 0
else 1 + levels !! i
| i <- filter (\n -> n >= 0 && n <= 10) [x+2,x-3] ]
: go xs
You can see how 1 + levels !! i tries to reference the previously calculated result and how filter (\n -> n >= 0 && n <= 10) [x+2,x-3] tries to limit the values of i to valid ones. As I said, this doesn't actually work, it simply demonstrates the method by which I want to see this problem solved. Other ways of solving it are not interesting to me.

Since you're trying to solve this in two dimensions, and for other problems than the one described, let's explore some more general solutions. We are trying to solve the shortest path problem on directed graphs.
Our representation of a graph is currently something like a -> [a], where the function returns the vertices reachable from the input. Any implementation will additionally require that we can compare to see if two vertices are the same, so we'll need Eq a.
The following graph is problematic, and introduces almost all of the difficulty in solving the problem in general:
problematic 1 = [2]
problematic 2 = [3]
problematic 3 = [2]
problematic 4 = []
When trying to reach 4 from 1, there are is a cycle involving 2 and 3 that must be detected to determine that there is no path from 1 to 4.
Breadth-first search
The algorithm Will presented has, if applied to the general problem for finite graphs, worst case performance that is unbounded in both time and space. We can modify his solution to attack the general problem for graphs containing only finite paths and finite cycles by adding cycle detection. Both his original solution and this modification will find finite paths even in infinite graphs, but neither is able to reliably determine that there is no path between two vertices in an infinite graph.
acyclicPaths :: (Eq a) => (a->[a]) -> a -> a -> [[a]]
acyclicPaths steps i j = map (tail . reverse) . filter ((== j).head) $ queue
queue = [[i]] ++ gen 1 queue
gen d _ | d <= 0 = []
gen d (visited:t) = let r = filter ((flip notElem) visited) . steps . head $ visited
in map (:visited) r ++ gen (d+length r-1) t
shortestPath :: (Eq a) => (a->[a]) -> a -> a -> Maybe [a]
shortestPath succs i j = listToMaybe (acyclicPaths succs i j)
Reusing the step function from Will's answer as the definition of your example problem, we could get the length of the shortest path from floor 4 to 5 of an 11 story building by fmap length $ shortestPath (step 11) 4 5. This returns Just 3.
Let's consider a finite graph with v vertices and e edges. A graph with v vertices and e edges can be described by an input of size n ~ O(v+e). The worst case graph for this algorithm is to have one unreachable vertex, j, and the remaining vertexes and edges devoted to creating the largest number of acyclic paths starting at i. This is probably something like a clique containing all the vertices that aren't i or j, with edges from i to every other vertex that isn't j. The number of vertices in a clique with e edges is O(e^(1/2)), so this graph has e ~ O(n), v ~ O(n^(1/2)). This graph would have O((n^(1/2))!) paths to explore before determining that j is unreachable.
The memory required by this function for this case is O((n^(1/2))!), since it only requires a constant increase in the queue for each path.
The time required by this function for this case is O((n^(1/2))! * n^(1/2)). Each time it expands a path, it must check that the new node isn't already in the path, which takes O(v) ~ O(n^(1/2)) time. This could be improved to O(log (n^(1/2))) if we had Ord a and used a Set a or similar structure to store the visited vertices.
For non-finite graphs, this function should only fail to terminate exactly when there doesn't exists a finite path from i to j but there does exist a non-finite path from i to j.
Dynamic Programming
A dynamic programming solution doesn't generalize in the same way; let's explore why.
To start with, we'll adapt chaosmasttter's solution to have the same interface as our breadth-first search solution:
instance Show Natural where
show = show . toNum
infinity = Next infinity
shortestPath' :: (Eq a) => (a->[a]) -> a -> a -> Natural
shortestPath' steps i j = go i
go i | i == j = Zero
| otherwise = Next . foldr minimal infinity . map go . steps $ i
This works nicely for the elevator problem, shortestPath' (step 11) 4 5 is 3. Unfortunately, for our problematic problem, shortestPath' problematic 1 4 overflows the stack. If we add a bit more code for Natural numbers:
fromInt :: Int -> Natural
fromInt x = (iterate Next Zero) !! x
instance Eq Natural where
Zero == Zero = True
(Next a) == (Next b) = a == b
_ == _ = False
instance Ord Natural where
compare Zero Zero = EQ
compare Zero _ = LT
compare _ Zero = GT
compare (Next a) (Next b) = compare a b
we can ask if the shortest path is shorter than some upper bound. In my opinion, this really shows off what's happening with lazy evaluation. problematic 1 4 < fromInt 100 is False and problematic 1 4 > fromInt 100 is True.
Next, to explore dynamic programming, we'll need to introduce some dynamic programming. Since we will build a table of the solutions to all of the sub-problems, we will need to know the possible values that the vertices can take. This gives us a slightly different interface:
shortestPath'' :: (Ix a) => (a->[a]) -> (a, a) -> a -> a -> Natural
shortestPath'' steps bounds i j = go i
go i = lookupTable ! i
lookupTable = buildTable bounds go2
go2 i | i == j = Zero
| otherwise = Next . foldr minimal infinity . map go . steps $ i
-- A utility function that makes memoizing things easier
buildTable :: (Ix i) => (i, i) -> (i -> e) -> Array i e
buildTable bounds f = array bounds . map (\x -> (x, f x)) $ range bounds
We can use this like shortestPath'' (step 11) (1,11) 4 5 or shortestPath'' problematic (1,4) 1 4 < fromInt 100. This still can't detect cycles...
Dynamic programming and cycle detection
The cycle detection is problematic for dynamic programming, because the sub-problems aren't the same when they are approached from different paths. Consider a variant of our problematic problem.
problematic' 1 = [2, 3]
problematic' 2 = [3]
problematic' 3 = [2]
problematic' 4 = []
If we are trying to get from 1 to 4, we have two options:
go to 2 and take the shortest path from 2 to 4
go to 3 and take the shortest path from 3 to 4
If we choose to explore 2, we will be faced with the following option:
go to 3 and take the shortest path from 3 to 4
We want to combine the two explorations of the shortest path from 3 to 4 into the same entry in the table. If we want to avoid cycles, this is really something slightly more subtle. The problems we faced were really:
go to 2 and take the shortest path from 2 to 4 that doesn't visit 1
go to 3 and take the shortest path from 3 to 4 that doesn't visit 1
After choosing 2
go to 3 and take the shortest path from 3 to 4 that doesn't visit 1 or 2
These two questions about how to get from 3 to 4 have two slightly different answers. They are two different sub-problems which can't fit in the same spot in a table. Answering the first question eventually requires determining that you can't get to 4 from 2. Answering the second question is straightforward.
We could make a bunch of tables for each possible set of previously visited vertices, but that doesn't sound very efficient. I've almost convinced myself that we can't do reach-ability as a dynamic programming problem using only laziness.
Breadth-first search redux
While working on a dynamic programming solution with reach-ability or cycle detection, I realized that once we have seen a node in the options, no later path visiting that node can ever be optimal, whether or not we follow that node. If we reconsider problematic':
If we are trying to get from 1 to 4, we have two options:
go to 2 and take the shortest path from 2 to 4 without visiting 1, 2, or 3
go to 3 and take the shortest path from 3 to 4 without visiting 1, 2, or 3
This gives us an algorithm to find the length of the shortest path quite easily:
-- Vertices first reachable in each generation
generations :: (Ord a) => (a->[a]) -> a -> [Set.Set a]
generations steps i = takeWhile (not . Set.null) $ Set.singleton i: go (Set.singleton i) (Set.singleton i)
where go seen previouslyNovel = let reachable = Set.fromList (Set.toList previouslyNovel >>= steps)
novel = reachable `Set.difference` seen
nowSeen = reachable `Set.union` seen
in novel:go nowSeen novel
lengthShortestPath :: (Ord a) => (a->[a]) -> a -> a -> Maybe Int
lengthShortestPath steps i j = findIndex (Set.member j) $ generations steps i
As expected, lengthShortestPath (step 11) 4 5 is Just 3 and lengthShortestPath problematic 1 4 is Nothing.
In the worst case, generations requires space that is O(v*log v), and time that is O(v*e*log v).

The problem is that min needs to fully evaluate both calls to f,
so if one of them loops infinitly min will never return.
So you have to create a new type, encoding that the number returned by f is Zero or a Successor of Zero.
data Natural = Next Natural
| Zero
toNum :: Num n => Natural -> n
toNum Zero = 0
toNum (Next n) = 1 + (toNum n)
minimal :: Natural -> Natural -> Natural
minimal Zero _ = Zero
minimal _ Zero = Zero
minimal (Next a) (Next b) = Next $ minimal a b
f i j | i == j = Zero
| otherwise = Next $ minimal (f l j) (f r j)
where l = i + 2
r = i - 3
This code actually works.

standing on the floor i of n-story building, find minimal number of steps it takes to get to the floor j, where
step n i = [i-3 | i-3 > 0] ++ [i+2 | i+2 <= n]
thus we have a tree. we need to search it in breadth-first fashion until we get a node holding the value j. its depth is the number of steps. we build a queue, carrying the depth levels,
solution n i j = case dropWhile ((/= j).snd) queue
of [] -> Nothing
((k,_):_) -> Just k
queue = [(0,i)] ++ gen 1 queue
The function gen d p takes its input p from d notches back from its production point along the output queue:
gen d _ | d <= 0 = []
gen d ((k,i1):t) = let r = step n i1
in map (k+1 ,) r ++ gen (d+length r-1) t
Uses TupleSections. There's no knot tying here, just corecursion, i.e. (optimistic) forward production and frugal exploration. Works fine without knot tying because we only look for the first solution. If we were searching for several of them, then we'd need to eliminate the cycles somehow.
see also:
With the cycle detection:
solutionCD1 n i j = case dropWhile ((/= j).snd) queue
of [] -> Nothing
((k,_):_) -> Just k
step n i visited = [i2 | let i2=i-3, not $ elem i2 visited, i2 > 0]
++ [i2 | let i2=i+2, not $ elem i2 visited, i2 <=n]
queue = [(0,i)] ++ gen 1 queue [i]
gen d _ _ | d <= 0 = []
gen d ((k,i1):t) visited = let r = step n i1 visited
in map (k+1 ,) r ++
gen (d+length r-1) t (r++visited)
e.g. solution CD1 100 100 7 runs instantly, producing Just 31. The visited list is pretty much a copy of the instantiated prefix of the queue itself. It could be maintained as a Map, to improve time complexity (as it is, sol 10000 10000 7 => Just 3331 takes 1.27 secs on Ideone).
Some explanations seem to be in order.
First, there's nothing 2D about your problem, because the target floor j is fixed.
What you seem to want is memoization, as your latest edit indicates. Memoization is useful for recursive solutions; your function is indeed recursive - analyzing its argument into sub-cases, synthetizing its result from results of calling itself on sub-cases (here, i+2 and i-3) which are closer to the base case (here, i==j).
Because arithmetics is strict, your formula is divergent in the presence of any infinite path in the tree of steps (going from floor to floor). The answer by chaosmasttter, by using lazy arithmetics instead, turns it automagically into a breadth-first search algorithm which is divergent only if there's no finite paths in the tree, exactly like my first solution above (save for the fact that it's not checking for out-of-bounds indices). But it is still recursive, so indeed memoization is called for.
The usual way to approach it first, is to introduce sharing by "going through a list" (inefficient, because of sequential access; for efficient memoization solutions see hackage):
f n i j = g i
gs = map g [0..n] -- floors 1,...,n (0 is unused)
g i | i == j = Zero
| r > n = Next (gs !! l) -- assuming there's enough floors in the building
| l < 1 = Next (gs !! r)
| otherwise = Next $ minimal (gs !! l) (gs !! r)
where r = i + 2
l = i - 3
not tested.
My solution is corecursive. It needs no memoization (just needs to be careful with the duplicates), because it is generative, like the dynamic programming is too. It proceeds away from its starting case, i.e. the starting floor. An external accessor chooses the appropriate generated result.
It does tie a knot - it defines queue by using it - queue is on both sides of the equation. I consider it the simpler case of knot tying, because it is just about accessing the previously generated values, in disguise.
The knot tying of the 2nd kind, the more complicated one, is usually about putting some yet-undefined value in some data structure and returning it to be defined by some later portion of the code (like e.g. a back-link pointer in doubly-linked circular list); this is indeed not what my1 code is doing. What it does do is generating a queue, adding at its end and "removing" from its front; in the end it's just a difference list technique of Prolog, the open-ended list with its end pointer maintained and updated, the top-down list building of tail recursion modulo cons - all the same things conceptually. First described (though not named) in 1974, AFAIK.
1 based entirely on the code from Wikipedia.

Others have answered your direct question about dynamic programming. However, for this kind of problem I think the greedy approach works the best. It's implementation is very straightforward.
f i j :: Int -> Int -> Int
f i j = snd $ until (\(i,_) -> i == j)
(\(i,x) -> (i + if i < j then 2 else (-3),x+1))


Haskell: map length . group is way slower than explicit recursion?

Consider this trivial algorithm of prime-decomposition of an integer n: Let d' be the divisor of n last found. Initially, set d'=1. Find the smallest divisor d>d' of n, and find the maximal value e such that de divides n. Append de to the answer and repeat the procedure on n/de. Finally, stop when n becomes 1. For simplicity, let's ignore mathematical optimizations, like stop at sqrt n etc.
I have implemented it in two ways. The first one generates a list of division "attempts", and then groups the successful ones by divisors. For example, for n=20, we first generate [(2,20),(2,10),(2,5),(3,5),(4,5),(5,5),(5,1)], which we then transform to the desired [(2,2),(5,1)] using group and other library functions.
The second implementation is an explicit recursion which keeps track of the exponent e along the way, appends de to the answer once the maximal e is reached, proceeds to finding the "next" d, and so on.
Question 1: Why does the first implementation run way slower than the second, despite the following:
Both the implementations execute div, the core step of the algorithm, roughly the same number of times.
Lazy evaluation (and fusion?) has the effect that the long list illustrated above never has to be materialized in the first place. As you can see in the code below, divTrials n, the list I am talking about, is transformed by a chain of higher order functions. In that, I think that the part map (\xs-> (head xs,length xs)) ... group should tell the compiler that the list is just intermediate:
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-}
module GroupCheck where
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
implement1 :: Integral t=> t -> [(t,Int)] -- IMPLEMENTATION 1
implement1 = map (\xs-> (head xs,length xs)).factorGroups where
tryDiv (d,n)
| n `mod` d == 0 = (d,n `div` d)
| n == 1 = (1,1) -- hack
| otherwise = (d+1,n)
divTrials n = takeWhile (/=(1,1)) $ (2,n): map tryDiv (divTrials n)
factorGroups = filter (not.null).map fst.divTrials
implement2 :: Show t => Integral t => t -> [(t,Int)] -- IMPLEMENTATION 2
implement2 num = keep2 $ tail $ go (1,0,1,num) where
range d n = [d+1..n]
nextd d n = fromMaybe n $ find ((0==).(n`mod`)) (range d n)
update (d,e,de,n)
| n `mod` d == 0 = update (d,e+1,de*d,n`div`d)
| otherwise = (d,e,de,n)
go (d,e,de,1) = [(d,e,de,1)]
go (d,e,de,n) = (d,e,de,n) : go (update (nextd d n,0,1,n))
keep2 = map (\(d,e,_,_)->(d,e))
main :: IO ()
main = do
let n = 293872
let ans1 = implement1 n
let ans2 = implement2 n
print ans1
print ans2
Profiling tells us that tryDiv and divTrials together eat up >99% of the entire execution time:
> stack ghc -- -main-is GroupCheck.main -prof -fprof-auto -rtsopts GroupCheck
> ./GroupCheck +RTS -p >/dev/null && cat
GroupCheck +RTS -p -RTS
total time = 18.34 secs (18338 ticks # 1000 us, 1 processor)
total alloc = 17,561,404,568 bytes (excludes profiling overheads)
implement1.divTrials GroupCheck GroupCheck.hs:12:3-69 52.6 69.2
implement1.tryDiv GroupCheck GroupCheck.hs:(8,3)-(11,25) 47.2 30.8
Question 1.5: So.. what's so bad about these functions? Also,
Question 2: In a more general case of having to aggregate contiguous blocks of identical elements from a nondecreasing sequence, should we go the bulky implement2 way if we want speed? (Again, ignoring domain-specific optimizations.)
Or did I totally miss something obvious? Thanks!
Just to establish a baseline, I ran your program on a slightly larger starting number (so that time didn't print out 0.00s). I chose n = 2938722345623 for no particular reason. Here's the timings before starting to tweak things:
ans1: indistinguishable from infinity (I finished writing this entire answer and it was still running, about 26 minutes in total)
ans2: 2.78s
The first thing to try is to tweak this line:
divTrials n = takeWhile (/=(1,1)) $ (2,n): map tryDiv (divTrials n)
This looks like a pretty natural definition, but it turns out that GHC never memoizes function calls. So if you want to make a list that's defined recursively in terms of itself, you must not make a function call in the recursion. Here's how:
divTrials n = xs where xs = takeWhile (/=(1,1)) $ (2,n): map tryDiv xs
Just that change brings the time down to 7.85s. Still off by a factor of about 3, but much much better.
The less obvious problem lies here:
factorGroups = filter (not.null).map fst.divTrials
Putting the group so early breaks fusion, causing that intermediate list to actually be materialized. This means allocating and deallocating a lot of cons cells and tuples. Here's an implementation that has the same spirit, but puts more work before the group:
tryDiv d n
| n `mod` d == 0 = d : tryDiv d (n `div` d)
| n == 1 = []
| otherwise = tryDiv (d+1) n
factorGroups = group . tryDiv 2
With that, we are down to 2.65s -- slightly faster than ans2, though I only did one test of each so it's pretty likely to just be measurement noise.

Longest common path between k graphs

I was looking at interview problems and come across this one, failed to find a liable solution.
Actual question was asked on Leetcode discussion.
Given multiple school children and the paths they took from their school to their homes, find the longest most common path (paths are given in order of steps a child takes).
child1 : a -> g -> c -> b -> e
child2 : f -> g -> c -> b -> u
child3 : h -> g -> c -> b -> x
result = g -> c -> b
Note: There could be multiple children.The input was in the form of steps and childID. For example input looked like this:
(child1, a)
(child2, f)
(child1, g)
(child3, h)
(child1, c)
Some suggested longest common substring can work but it will not example -
1 a-b-c-d-e-f-g
2 a-b-c-x-y-f-g
3 m-n-o-p-f-g
4 m-x-o-p-f-g
1 and 2 will give abc, 3 and 4 give pfg
now ans will be none but ans is fg
it's like graph problem, how can we find longest common path between k graphs ?
You can construct a directed graph g with an edge a->b present if and only if it is present in all individual paths, then drop all nodes with degree zero.
The graph g will have have no cycles. If it did, the same cycle would be present in all individual paths, and a path has no cycles by definition.
In addition, all in-degrees and out-degrees will be zero or one. For example, if a node a had in-degree greater than one, there would be two edges representing two students arriving at a from two different nodes. Such edges cannot appear in g by construction.
The graph will look like a disconnected collection of paths. There may be multiple paths with maximum length, or there may be none (an empty path if you like).
In the Python code below, I find all common paths and return one with maximum length. I believe the whole procedure is linear in the number of input edges.
import networkx as nx
path_data = """1 a-b-c-d-e-f-g
2 a-b-c-x-y-f-g
3 m-n-o-p-f-g
4 m-x-o-p-f-g"""
paths = [line.split(" ")[1].split("-") for line in path_data.split("\n")]
num_paths = len(paths)
# graph h will include all input edges
# edge weight corresponds to the number of students
# traversing that edge
h = nx.DiGraph()
for path in paths:
for (i, j) in zip(path, path[1:]):
if h.has_edge(i, j):
h[i][j]["weight"] += 1
h.add_edge(i, j, weight=1)
# graph g will only contain edges traversed by all students
g = nx.DiGraph()
g.add_edges_from((i, j) for i, j in h.edges if h[i][j]["weight"] == num_paths)
def longest_path(g):
# assumes g is a disjoint collection of paths
all_paths = list()
for node in g.nodes:
path = list()
if g.in_degree[node] == 0:
while True:
node = next(iter(g[node]))
if not all_paths:
# handle the "empty path" case
return []
return max(all_paths, key=len)
# ['f', 'g']
Approach 1: With Graph construction
Consider this example:
1 a-b-c-d-e-f-g
2 a-b-c-x-y-f-g
3 m-n-o-p-f-g
4 m-x-o-p-f-g
Draw a directed weighted graph.
I am a lazy person. So, I have not drawn the direction arrows but believe they are invisibly there. Edge weight is 1 if not marked on the arrow.
Give the length of longest chain with each edge in the chain having Maximum Edge Weight MEW.
MEW is 4, our answer is FG.
Say AB & BC had edge weight 4, then ABC should be the answer.
The below example, which is the case of MEW < #children, should output ABC.
1 a-b-c-d-e-f-g
2 a-b-c-x-y-f-g
3 m-n-o-p-f-h
4 m-x-o-p-f-i
If some kid is like me, the kid will keep roaming multiple places before reaching home. In such cases, you might see MEW > #children and the solution would become complicated. I hope all the children in our input are obedient and they go straight from school to home.
Approach 2: Without Graph construction
If luckily the problem mentions that the longest common piece of path should be present in the paths of all the children i.e. strictly MEW == #children then you can solve by easier way. Below picture should give you clue on what to do.
Take the below example
1 a-b-c-d-e-f-g
2 a-b-c-x-y-f-g
3 m-n-o-p-f-g
4 m-x-o-p-f-g
Method 1:
Get longest common graph for first two: a-b-c, f-g (Result 1)
Get longest common graph for last two: p-f-g (Result 2)
Using Result 1 & 2 we get: f-g (Final Result)
Method 2:
Get longest common graph for first two: a-b-c, f-g (Result 1)
Take Result 1 and next graph i.e. m-n-o-p-f-g: f-g (Result 2)
Take Result 2 and next graph i.e. m-x-o-p-f-g: f-g (Final Result)
The beauty of the approach without graph construction is that even if kids roam same pieces of paths multiple times, we get the right solution.
If you go a step ahead, you could combine the approaches and use approach 1 as a sub-routine in approach 2.

Finding start of cycle in linked list

I have a doubt related to a leetcode question (Linked List Cycle II), whose solution is listed here. Specifically I want to ask about the following code block in the solution:
node1, node2 = head, hare
while node1 != node2:
node1 =
node2 =
return node1
After the tortoise and the hare meet, we need to find where the cycle starts in the linked list, so two pointers are started, one from the head and the other from the hare. My question is that why does this code block always work ? Why isn't there a situation where the node2 may end up being always one step behind node1 ?
Two steps here. First we show what the solution implies algebraically, and then we show that the solution exists. This is "going" backwards and then forward again - I assume that the solution above is true, check what are the implications, and prove that they can occur.
I'm not sure there is an easy intuition arising from the proof below. I for one can't see something that would be trivial to deduce.
Step 1
Denote our nodes 0...L, the cycle start point as C, and the first meeting point of the hare and the tortoise (can we just say turtle?), if it exists, as M.
Lemma 1 M = (L-C)J where J is some Integer.
This comes from looking at what the hare passed:
The total distance is just 2M, since the tortoise waked M nodes (this is where setting the starting point is 0 starts to pay off, otherwise we would need -1s everywhere).
On the other hand, the hare arrived at M, and then kept going through L-C length cycles. If it bothers you it might "miss" M in a few runs, remember it doesn't matter - in the end it gets to M, and you can go backwards by single steps, unwinding an integer amount of cycles, then going back from M to 0.
2M = M+(L-C)J => M = (L-C)J
and we're done.
Lemma 2 If M exists, C = (L-M) + (L-C)I where I is some integer.
This is easier. Again we look at what the two nodes have to pass. The head has to pass precisely C (LHS), while the node at the meeting point has to get to L from M, and then one more to get to C. Since we are 0 counting, this ends up as L-M. Now it has to go through L-C an integer amount of cycles, proving the above.
Step 2
Now we show the solution exist.
Lemma 3 J from Lemma 1. exists such that L >= M >= C.
If there exists a J such that (L-C)J = C we are done. Otherwise, take the smallest K such that
(L-C)K > C
assume by negation that
(L-C)K > L => (L-C)K - (L-C) > L - (L-C) => (L-C)(K-1) > C
contradicting the assumption K was minimal. Thus, J=K solves our problem.
Lemma 4 I from Lemma 2 exists.
To see this we merely need to see if there is a solution to C = (L-M)I where I and J are Integer and positive. We substitute M and have:
C = (L-M) + (L-C)I = L-(L-C)J+(L-C)I = (1-J+I)L + (J-I)C => (1-J+I)L=(1-J+I)C
So if there is to be an integer solution, either L=C, which is uninteresting, or

Towers of Hanoi - Bellman equation solution

I have to implement an algorithm that solves the Towers of Hanoi game for k pods and d rings in a limited number of moves (let's say 4 pods, 10 rings, 50 moves for example) using Bellman dynamic programming equation (if the problem is solvable of course).
Now, I understand the logic behind the equation:
where V^T is the objective function at time T, a^0 is the action at time 0, x^0 is the starting configuration, H_0 is cumulative gain f(x^0, a^0)=x^1.
The cardinality of the state space is $k^d$ and I get that a good representation for a state is a number in base k: d digits that can go from 0 to k-1. Each digit represents a ring and the digit can go from 0 to k-1, that are the labels of the k rings.
I want to minimize the number of moves for going from the initial configuration (10 rings on the first pod) to the end one (10 rings on the last pod).
What I don't get is: how do I write my objective function?
The first you need to do is choose a reward function H_t(s,a) which will define you goal. Once this function is chosen, the (optimal) value function is defined and all you have to do is compute it.
The idea of dynamic programming for the Bellman equation is that you should compute V_t(s) bottom-up: you start with t=T, then t=T-1 and so on until t=0.
The initial case is simply given by:
V_T(s) = 0, ∀s
You can compute V_{T-1}(x) ∀x from V_T:
V_{T-1}(x) = max_a [ H_{T-1}(x,a) ]
Then you can compute V_{T-2}(x) ∀s from V_{T-1}:
V_{T-2}(x) = max_a [ H_{T-2}(x,a) + V_{T-1}(f(x,a)) ]
And you keep on computing V_{t-1}(x) ∀s from V_{t}:
V_{t-1}(x) = max_a [ H_{t-1}(x,a) + V_{t}(f(x,a)) ]
until you reach V_0.
Which gives the algorithm:
forall x:
V[T](x) ← 0
for t from T-1 to 0:
forall x:
V[t](x) ← max_a { H[t](x,a) + V[t-1](f(x,a)) }
What actually was requested was this:
def k_hanoi(npods,nrings):
if nrings == 1 and npods > 1: #one remaining ring: just one move
return 1
if npods == 3:
return 2**nrings - 1 #optimal solution with 3 pods take 2^d -1 moves
if npods > 3 and nrings > 0:
sol = []
for pivot in xrange(1, nrings): #loop on all possible pivots
sol.append(2*k_hanoi(npods, pivot)+k_hanoi(npods-1, nrings-pivot))
return min(sol) #minimization on pivot
k = 4
d = 10
print k_hanoi(k, d)
I think it is the Frame algorithm, with optimization on the pivot chosen to divide the disks in two subgroups. I also think someone demonstrated this is optimal for 4 pegs (in 2014 or something like that? Not sure btw) and conjectured to be optimal for more than 4 pegs. The limitation on the number of moves can be implemented easily.
The value function in this case was the number of steps needed to go from the initial configuration to the ending one and it needed be minimized. Thank you all for the contribution.

More localized, efficient Lowest Common Ancestor algorithm given multiple binary trees?

I have multiple binary trees stored as an array. In each slot is either nil (or null; pick your language) or a fixed tuple storing two numbers: the indices of the two "children". No node will have only one child -- it's either none or two.
Think of each slot as a binary node that only stores pointers to its children, and no inherent value.
Take this system of binary trees:
0 1
/ \ / \
2 3 4 5
/ \ / \
6 7 8 9
/ \
10 11
The associated array would be:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
[ [2,3] , [4,5] , [6,7] , nil , nil , [8,9] , nil , [10,11] , nil , nil , nil , nil ]
I've already written simple functions to find direct parents of nodes (simply by searching from the front until there is a node that contains the child)
Furthermore, let us say that at relevant times, both all trees are anywhere between a few to a few thousand levels deep.
I'd like to find a function
to find the lowest common ancestor of m and n -- to put more formally, the LCA is defined as the "lowest", or deepest node in which have m and n as descendants (children, or children of children, etc.). If there is none, a nil would be a valid return.
Some examples, given our given tree:
P( 6,11) # => 2
P( 3,10) # => 0
P( 8, 6) # => nil
P( 2,11) # => 2
The main method I've been able to find is one that uses an Euler trace, which turns the given tree (Adding node A as the invisible parent of 0 and 1, with a "value" of -1), into:
And from that, simply find the node between your given m and n that has the lowest number; For example, to find P(6,11), look for a 6 and an 11 on the trace. The number between them that is the lowest is 2, and that's your answer. If A (-1) is in between them, return nil.
-- Calculating P(6,11) --
^ ^ ^
| | |
m lowest n
Unfortunately, I do believe that finding the Euler trace of a tree that can be several thousands of levels deep is a bit machine-taxing...and because my tree is constantly being changed throughout the course of the programming, every time I wanted to find the LCA, I'd have to re-calculate the Euler trace and hold it in memory every time.
Is there a more memory efficient way, given the framework I'm using? One that maybe iterates upwards? One way I could think of would be the "count" the generation/depth of both nodes, and climb the lowest node until it matched the depth of the highest, and increment both until they find someone similar.
But that'd involve climbing up from level, say, 3025, back to 0, twice, to count the generation, and using a terribly inefficient climbing-up algorithm in the first place, and then re-climbing back up.
Are there any other better ways?
In the way this system is built, every child will have a number greater than their parents.
This does not guarantee that if n is in generation X, there are no nodes in generation (X-1) that are greater than n. For example:
/ \
/ \
/ \
1 2 6
/ \ / \ / \
2 3 9 10 7 8
/ \ / \
4 5 11 12
is a valid tree system.
Also, an artifact of the way the trees are built are that the two immediate children of the same parent will always be consecutively numbered.
Are the nodes in order like in your example where the children have a larger id than the parent? If so, you might be able to do something similar to a merge sort to find them.. for your example, the parent tree of 6 and 11 are:
6 -> 2 -> 0
11 -> 7 -> 2 -> 0
So perhaps the algorithm would be:
left = left_start
right = right_start
while left > 0 and right > 0
if left = right
return left
else if left > right
left = parent(left)
right = parent(right)
Which would run as:
left right
---- -----
6 11 (right -> 7)
6 7 (right -> 2)
6 2 (left -> 2)
2 2 (return 2)
Is this correct?
Maybe this will help: Dynamic LCA Queries on Trees.
Richard Cole, Ramesh Hariharan
We show how to maintain a data
structure on trees which allows for
the following operations, all in
worst-case constant time. 1. Insertion
of leaves and internal nodes. 2.
Deletion of leaves. 3. Deletion of
internal nodes with only one child. 4.
Determining the Least Common Ancestor
of any two nodes.
Conference: Symposium on Discrete
Algorithms - SODA 1999
I've solved your problem in Haskell. Assuming you know the roots of the forest, the solution takes time linear in the size of the forest and constant additional memory. You can find the full code at
The solution is recursive, and the main idea is that you can call a function on a subtree which returns one of four results:
The subtree contains neither m nor n.
The subtree contains m but not n.
The subtree contains n but not m.
The subtree contains both m and n, and the index of their least common ancestor is k.
A node without children may contain m, n, or neither, and you simply return the appropriate result.
If a node with index k has two children, you combine the results as follows:
join :: Int -> Result -> Result -> Result
join _ (HasBoth k) _ = HasBoth k
join _ _ (HasBoth k) = HasBoth k
join _ HasNeither r = r
join _ r HasNeither = r
join k HasLeft HasRight = HasBoth k
join k HasRight HasLeft = HasBoth k
After computing this result you have to check the index k of the node itself; if k is equal to m or n, you will "extend" the result of the join operation.
My code uses algebraic data types, but I've been careful to assume you need only the following operations:
Get the index of a node
Find out if a node is empty, and if not, find its two children
Since your question is language-agnostic I hope you'll be able to adapt my solution.
There are various performance tweaks you could put in. For example, if you find a root that has exactly one of the two nodes m and n, you can quit right away, because you know there's no common ancestor. Also, if you look at one subtree and it has the common ancestor, you can ignore the other subtree (that one I get for free using lazy evaluation).
Your question was primarily about how to save memory. If a linear-time solution is too slow, you'll probably need an auxiliary data structure. Space-for-time tradeoffs are the bane of our existence.
I think that you can simply loop backwards through the array, always replacing the higher of the two indices by its parent, until they are either equal or no further parent is found:
(defun lowest-common-ancestor (array node-index-1 node-index-2)
(cond ((or (null node-index-1)
(null node-index-2))
((= node-index-1 node-index-2)
((< node-index-1 node-index-2)
(lowest-common-ancestor array
(find-parent array node-index-2)))
(lowest-common-ancestor array
(find-parent array node-index-1)
