Detecting presence of music in ambient sound [closed] - algorithm

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I hoping to create an application that would listen to ambient sound and detect if music is being played. It is not important to identify the music being played; just detecting that some music is being played is enough.
I looked around for existing solutions but couldn't find any. Does anyone know algorithms that I can use to solve this problem? If source code is available, all the better.
I found are a couple of academic papers and implemented solutions suggested in them. But the results I obtained were not satisfactory.
i) It would be a bonus if the algorithm is not computationally intensive; if algorithm is completely in time-domain that would be wonderful. ii) It is okay if the solution is not very accurate; occasional false-positives are okay.

Under the assumption that music is made of a bunch of chords instead of single pitch (like monophonic MIDI), multiple pitches at the same time (aka, the chords) may be a good candidate to be detected and differentiated from pure noise. Actually there is a very good Harmony Progression Analyser software package in which chords are detected based on a chromagram. Hope it helps.


books / ways to learn data structures and algorithms? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm a self taught Ruby on Rails engineer, and I'm looking to improve my CS understanding. However, most books about data structures and algorithms are written in Java/C/C++/etc, which I don't know. Is there text on these topics using Ruby? Or do you feel Java is similar enough to Ruby that I could survive through a book?
Is there any recommended text for someone coming from my background?
P.S. Recently I've been looking at Objective C, so I'm not completely blind to statically typed languages.
There's a bunch of books on algorithms that are not tied to specific language. Check
I also recommend fundamental, still non-finished classics
If you are jumping into Obj-C it might actually be very worth your time to learn C first. Objective C is very closely related to C minus the odd syntax of Obj-C. In that case you may want to consider K and R which is considered the bible of C to learn that first which will get you started with it to teach you the basics of C and data structures you can later expand on. Also, in case you are learning Objective C to program iOS you may want to be on the cutting edge and learn Swift since Apple is moving to Swift for the future. It is much easier actually and closer to Ruby!
Good luck.

Similar Sounding Music [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We have a user, with a music library of 100 songs. Out of those he loves 20, he hates 10 and there are 5 he neither hates nor loves. He never listened to the remaining 65.
Question: What kind of algorithm(s) is/are used to scan the remaining 65 songs and find out music the user will like?
Do some research on a product called MusicIP, it had some very clever algorithm fingerprinting technology. It converted the track to WAV and then created a fingerprint, then some clever magic to match songs that were similar.
To suggest new unfamiliar content to a user, the general approach is to use machine learning, specifically collaborative filtering, which is often used for recommender systems. The idea is to use the knowledge of the crowd, and finds people (or groups) that have similar taste to yours, and recommend new items that they tend to like.
An alternative is creating a classification algorithm for like/dislike, but that might require extracting features from each song that will describe the essense of the problem, and that's usually not trivial at all.
Some classification algorithms you might want to try are SVM, Naive Bayes, neural networks, Decision trees and more. The real challenge, as I mentioned would be to find the right features for the problem.

Reviewing Data Structures and Algorithms [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I was wondering if anyone had knew of a website that provides a great review of data structures and algorithms. I would like it to specifically geared towards interview questions with regards to data structures and algorithms. Would implementation of all of these data structures be something good to review?
This page is a good starting point:
This webpage covers the space and time Big-O complexities of common algorithms used in Computer Science. When preparing for technical interviews in the past, I found myself spending hours crawling the internet putting together the best, average, and worst case complexities for search and sorting algorithms so that I wouldn't be stumped when asked about them. Over the last few years, I've interviewed at several Silicon Valley startups, and also some bigger companies, like Yahoo, eBay, LinkedIn, and Google, and each time that I prepared for an interview, I thought to msyelf "Why oh why hasn't someone created a nice Big-O cheat sheet?". So, to save all of you fine folks a ton of time, I went ahead and created one.

Journal / Proceeding about comparing the similarity of 2 images? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am a newbie in Matlab field. And i want to learn more about methodology to comparing 2 images to know the similarity between them.
I need more information in international journal / international proceeding, book or another reprort that describe about it.
I Will use it as my literature study.
Is there any suggestion what is the similar journal,book or proceeding that has discussed about it? If has, please include the title and link of them..
Thank You for the attention.
For journals I would recommend the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing:
This is a good general intro from MIT:
You need to define "similarity" better.
In the image compression sense, similarity is a function of the pixel-wise difference between the images (PSNR, and other metrics).
In a computer vision sense, you would want to see if the two images contain similar content such as objects or scenes. I would recommend using Google Scholar for that.

Function Plotter [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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There is a nice function plotter built into OSX. Has anyone found something free that runs on windows (with out having to go through Cygwin)?
How about MathGV - Function Plotting Software?
Also, DME Calculator is a calculator that can plot functions.
The DME calculator is an advanced
calculator for Windows. It is a part
of the program package for controlling
our instruments. However, in its basic
version it can be of use for anyone
who wishes to make calculations with a
PC or wishes to solve somewhat more
complex problems without having to use
a large spreadsheet program package.
The DME calculator fits on a diskette
and starts without any notable waiting
If by functions, you mean mathematical functions, there is a nice list here which has plenty of suggestions.
excellent for many branches of academia. it also plots.
