How to configure email settings for Xcode Continuous Integration - xcode

I've set up Mavericks and OSX Server and have gotten Xcode bots up and running. There's a notification setting on each bot that allows you to email all committers on success or on failure. I've enabled that option and added an additional email address to test.
I can't seem to figure where to configure the email settings (i.e. smtp server, login, password). I've tried enabling Mail on OSX Server and set it to relay outgoing email through ISP, but that didn't seem to help.
Any guidance would be appreciated.

In order for emails to be sent out, all you have to do is set up postfix on your OSX machine.
Here's 2 guides I used when setting it up:
Afterwards, the emails got sent out without any issues.

These instructions are specific to the use case of a Xcode server running on a host not previously set up as a server.
Xcode Server runs as a system user and does not have access to user email settings.
When it generates emails, it uses the hostname and domain of the system and queues the email for delivery. Typically, unless the system has been set up as a server, the email goes nowhere from an email address unacceptable to ISPs and other mail providers.
OS X Server on Mavericks comes with a Mail server.
The following step set up the Mail server to relay all system mail to a mail service provider modifying the "From" address to a fixed name.
Step 1:
Use the "Server" application and examine the server configuration by clicking on your computer in the server section. Record the "Host Name:".
Step 2:
In /Library/Server/Mail/Config/postfix
Add to the file
smtp_generic_map = hash:/Library/Server/Mail/Config/generic
Create a file generic:
#<host name> <user name>#<domain name>
Where <host name> is the host name recorded above and <user name>#<domain name> is the email address you want as the source of all emails from this host.
Step 3:
Using the "Server" application, set the email relay in Services>Mail.
Check Relay outgoing mail through ISP.
Click edit to set the parameters.
Step 4:
Turn on the mail server.
Step 5:
Test from terminal:
bash$ mail xxxx#xxxxx
Subject: Test


How to configure Apache Ambari Email Alerts

I am using Apache Ambari 2.7.3V. I am trying to configure Email Alerts. I have Followed the Below Link. But I am not getting any alerts To my Gmail. Below are my configurations
In Manage Alert Notifications I have configured All required configurations. like below.
Name: amabri Alerts
groups: All
Description : xxxxxxxx
I am not sure whether your issue has been resolved. But posting for other users' reference.
You need to set the app password to use Gmail SMTP. You have to enable two-step verification to enable the app password as below. In addition to that, the SMTP server for Gmail would
If still, you are not getting emails then you can test the python script(from head node) here
and test the below:
Ssh to head node
Then edit the file -Sudo vi /etc/ambari-server/conf/
Modify - log4j.logger.alerts=INFO,alerts to log4j.logger.alerts=DEBUG,alerts
Add below line to Alerts section -,alerts
Save the file and restart ambari server service using usr/lib/hdinsight-common/scripts/
Try to stop zookeeper on any one of the node and check for the ambari-server.log and amabri-alerts.log.
In /var/log/ambari-server, check ambari-alerts.log and ambari-server.log after an alert was fired.

SMTP authentication for Mercury Mail Server (Xampp) on Windows

I want to use Mercury Mail as a mail server in a local network. I managed to set up everything and I am able to send mails from one client to another in this local network via the Mercury Mail server (part of Xampp) on Windows 7. The whole environment is set up locally, i.e. communication is only between local users and not with the outside world (internet).
What I want now: When a local user sends a mail to another local user, I want them to SMTP authenticate first. From Mercury Mail Admin Panel SMTP Server, I don't see such option. Could you point me to the documentation or guide me on how to do it? Thanks a lot.

Xcode Bots not sending email on success/failure

I setup Xcode Bots, which is working successfully. However, despite setting email addresses to get notified when a build is successful or it fails, I do not receive any emails. Is there any additional SMTP setup I need to do hidden somewhere?
You probably need to configure the Mac OSX Server for sending e-mail.
The local server is located in the Server application under "Mail" in the left sidebar.
I recently changed to using Amazon SES and had to edit the Postfix SASL configuration manually. Edit SASL password file, run postmap, enable SASL/TLS in configuration file and finally restart Postfix.
This detailed description by Rojas helped me:
I recently was tasked with doing the same thing, setting up OSX Server for sending e-mail. What worked for me was setting up the postfix configuration manually as well but the link in the previous answer wasn't effective for me. what was effective was following this tutorial
and there's also a follow up that shows details to what needs to change to get it to work on Mavericks and newer

What is the default email server for Teamcity 7.1?

Without any changes, email notifications stopped being sent from our continuous integration server which is a Teamcity 7.1 server. Up to now I've just used the default teamcity email configuration, which was this:
SMTP host: mail
SMTP port: 25
Send email messages from: Teamcity
SMTP login: <blank>
SMTP password: <blank>
Secure connection: none
Worked fine for last year or so. Now I'm trying to diagnose what is wrong, but I don't really know what the above configuration is doing... Is it pointing to a built-in mail server that is bundled with Teamcity? Is it pointing to the company's exchange server? Something else?
Teamcity does not have any bundled mail servers. This configuration point to your company's SMTP server. By occasion, SMTP server's name is 'mail'. So TC tries to connect to mail:25 and send messages 'from' 'Teamcity'
Please check if SMTP server's authentication settings were modified (e.g., anonymous access is now forbidden). Also please check 'teamcity-server.log' for error messages related to sending notifications.

Where do you set up email settings in teamcity?

I am VERY new with teamcity so please bear with me
I set up an email notifier to let me know when a build has failed, but TeamCity is reporting the following error:
Failed to send email notification via
SMTP server mail, due to error:
Unknown SMTP host: mail; nested
exception is: mail
For the life of me, I cannot find where to configure the mail server settings. I don't even want it to use an SMTP server, but I don't see any options for this anywhere.
Option Description
------ ----------
SMTP host Specify the SMTP host name.
SMTP port Specify the SMTP port number.
Send messages from Specify the email address, from which notification messages will be sent to the user.
SMTP login Specify the SMTP login name, if any.
SMTP password Specify the SMTP password.
Use TLS (SSL) Select this option to secure your SMTP connection with TLS.
(This feature is only available in TeamCity 3.1+)
Test connection Click this button to establish a connection with the specified SMTP host.
Save Click this button to save changes and close the page.
You can configure your email settings under Administration - Server Configuration - Email Notifier..
Sumeru's answer ( describes the mail account you need to set in order for TeamCity to be able to send email notifications. The actual notifications are sent on a per-user base. Each user can define the notificatinos they wish to receive. In teamCity Professional 7x You can do this under:
Username/My Settings & tools/Watched Builds and Notifications/Email Notifier
