elasticsearch update document frequently - elasticsearch

I am playing with ES. When one updates document in ES, ES automatically increments the version of the document.
While this is great, i wander if ES keeps the old documents too?
If it keeps the whole old documents, the storage on disk could grow a lot if I often update documents.
So in general , i am planning to do daily updates on all documents in some index. For 1 year i will have 365 updates on every document in one index. Is this OK to do ? Will i have 365 documents stored in ES ?
Is there a way to clean some old versions of the documents ?

No it does not keep old documents, it's just for optimistic locking (concurrent updates).


Elasticsearch rolling upgrade - do deleted documents get removed?

I'm going to upgrade Elasticsearch from 5.6 to 6.8 following the rolling upgrade procedure.
I have an index which is 54,172,622 documents across 5 primary shards, with 1 replica of each. There are 21,696,332 deleted documents in the index.
When I follow the rolling upgrade procedure, will the procedure automatically purge the deleted documents, or is it better to reindex to a new index before upgrading? I assume the upgrade is slower if the deleted documents are included.
When I follow the rolling upgrade procedure, will the procedure automatically purge the deleted documents
No, upgrading will NOT modify your docs.count or docs.deleted. The counts will remain the same.
is it better to reindex to a new index before upgrading?
Just because you want to upgrade doesn't mean you need to re-index. It depends. If your index was created in versions prior to 5.x, then you might need to upgrade. The best way to determine this is to run the Upgrade Assistant tool in Kibana. You'll need to reindex some internal indices like .kibana, .security, .tasks, .watches and the Upgrade Assistant will help to reindex those indices. It will also tell you if your main index containing 54,172,622 docs needs to be re-indexed or not. Refer https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elastic-stack/6.8/upgrading-elastic-stack.html
I assume the upgrade is slower if the deleted documents are included.
I don't think the value of docs.deleted impacts the upgrade process. It's just a count.

How to check the index is used for searching or indexing

I've a lot of elasticsearch clusters which hold the historical indices(more than 10 years old), some of these indices are created newly with latest settings and fields, but old ones are not deleted.
Now I need to delete the old indices which are not receiving any search and index requests.
I've already gone to elasticsearch curator but it would not work with older version of ES.
Is there is any API which can just gives the last time of index and search request in ES, that would serve my purpose very well.
EDIT:- I've also check https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-stats.html but this also doesn't give the last time when indexing or search request came. all it gave is the number of these requests from last restart.

Elasticsearch Reindexing race condition

Hello elasticsearch users/experts,
I have a bit of trouble understanding the race condition problem with the reindex api of Elasticsearch and would like to hear if anyone has found a solution about it.
I have searched a lot of places and could not find any clear solution (most of the solutions date back to before the reindex api).
As you might know, the (now) standard way of reindexing a document (after changing the mapping, for example) is to use an alias.
Suppose the alias points to "old_index". We then create a new index called "new_index" with the new mapping, we call the reindex api to reindex the documents from 'old_index' to 'new_index' and then switch the alias to point to the new_index (and remove the alias pointer to old_index). It seems this is the standard way of reindexing and that is what I have seen on almost all recent websites I visited.
My questions are the following, for using this method, while I would not want downtime (so the user should still be able to search documents), and I would still want to be able to inject documents to ElasticSearch while the reindexing process is happening :
If documents would still be incoming while the reindexing process is working (which would probably take a lot of time), how would the reindexing process ensure that the document would be ingested in the old index (to be able to search for it while the reindexing process is working) but still would be correctly reindexed to the new index?
If a document is modified in the old index, after it has been reindexed (mapped to the new index), while the reindexing process is working, how would ElasticSearch ensure that this modification is also taken account in the new index?
(Similar to 2.) If a record is deleted in the old index, after it has been reindexed (mapped to the new index), while the reindexing process is working, how would ElasticSearch ensure that this removal is also taken account in the new index?
Basically in a scenario where it is not affordable to make any indexing mistake for a document, how would one be able to proceed to make sure the reindexing goes without any of the above problems?
Has anyone any idea? And if there is no solution without any downtime, how would we proceed with the least amount of downtime in that case?
Thanks in advance!
Apologies if its too verbose, but my two cents:
If documents would still be incoming while the reindexing process is
working (which would probably take a lot of time), how would the
reindexing process ensure that the document would be ingested in the
old index (to be able to search for it while the reindexing process is
working) but still would be correctly reindexed to the new index?
When a reindexing is happening from source to destination, the alias would(and must be) still be pointed to the source_index. All the modifications/changes to this index happens in independent fashion and these updates/deletes should be affecting immediately.
Let's say the state of source_index changes from t to t+1
If you have ran a reindexing job at t to dest_index, it would still consume the data of snapshot of source_index at t. You need to run reindexing job again to have latest data of source_index i.e. data at t+1 in your dest_index.
Ingestions at source_index and ingestions from source_index to destination_index are both independent transactions/processes.
Reindexing jobs will never always guarantee consistency between source_index and dest_index.
If a document is modified in the old index, after it has been
reindexed (mapped to the new index), while the reindexing process is
working, how would ElasticSearch ensure that this modification is also
taken account in the new index?
It won't be taken account in the new index as reindexing would be making use of snapshot of source_index at time t.
You would need to perform reindexing again. For this general approach would be to have a scheduler which keeps running reindexing process every few hours.
You can have updates/deletes happening at source_index every few minutes(if you are using scheduler) or in real time(if you are using any event based approach).
However for full indexing (from source_index to dest_index), have it scheduled like once in a day or twice as it is an expensive process.
(Similar to 2.) If a record is deleted in the old index, after it has
been reindexed (mapped to the new index), while the reindexing process
is working, how would ElasticSearch ensure that this removal is also
taken account in the new index?
Again, you need to run a new job/reindexing process.
Version_type: External
Just as a side note, one interesting what you can do during reindexing, is to make use of the version_type:external which would ensure only the updated/missing documents from source_index would be reindexed in dest_index
You can refer to this LINK for more info on this
POST _reindex
"source": {
"index": "source_index"
"dest": {
"index": "dest_index",
"version_type": "external"

Elasticsearch indexes but does not store documents

I'm having troubles storing documents within a 3-node Elasticsearch cluster that previously was able to store documents. I use the Java API to send bulks of documents to Elasticsearch, which are accepted (no failure in BulkResponse object) AND Elasticsearch has heavy index activities. However, the number of documents are not increased and I assume that none of them are store.
I've looked into Elasticsearch logs (of all three nodes) but I see no errors or warnings.
Note: I've had to restart two nodes previously but search/query is working perfectly. (the count in the image starts at ~17:00 as I've installed the Marvel plugin at this time)
What can I do to solve or debug the problem?
Sorry for this point blank code blindness by me! I forgot to skip the cursor when reading from MongoDB and therefore re-inserted the same 1000 documents into Elasticsearch for thousands of times!
Learning: If this problem occurs check if you select the correct documents in your database and that these documents are not already stored in ES.
Sidenote to Marvel: It would be great is this could be indicated in any way - e.g. by having a chart with "updated documents" (I rechecked and could not find one)

Couchbase XDCR Elasticsearch speed and deletions

We are thinking about implementing some sort of message cache which would hold onto the messages we send to our search index so we could persist while the index was down for an extended period of time (for example a complete re-index) then 're-apply' the messages. These messages are creations or updates of the documents we index. If space were cheap enough, with something as scalable as Couchbase we may even be able to hold all messages but I haven't done any sort of estimations of message size and quantity yet. Anyway, I suggested Couchbase + XDCR + Elasticsearch for this task as most of the work would be done automatically however there are 4 questions I have remaining:
If we were implementing this as a cache, I would not want Elasticsearch to remove any documents that were not in Couchbase, is this possible to do (perhaps it is even the default behaviour)?
Is it possible to apply some sort of versioning so that a document in the index is not over-written by an older version coming from Couchbase?
If I were to add a new field to the index, I might need to re-index from the actual document datasource then re-apply all the messages stored in Couchbase. I may have 100 million documents in Elasticsearch and say 500,000 documents in Couchbase that I want to re-apply to Elasticsearch? What would the speed be like.
Would I be able to apply any sort of logic in-between Couchbase and Elasticsearch?
So we store documents in an RDBMS as we need instant access to inserted docs plus some other stuff. We send limited versions of the document to a search engine via messages. If we want to add a field to the index we need to re-index the system from the RDBMS somehow. If we have this Couchbase message cache we could add the field to messages first, then switch off the indexing of old messages and re-index from the RDBMS. We could then switch back on the indexing of the messages and the entire 'queue' of messages would be indexed without having lost anything.
This system (if it worked) would remove the need for an MQ server, a message listener and make sure no documents were missing from the index.
The versioning would be necessary as we don't want to apply an 'update' to the index which actually contains a more recent document (not sure if this would ever happen now I think about it).
I appreciate it's probably not too great a job to implement points 1 and 4 by changing the Elasticsearch plugin code but I would like to confirm that the idea is reasonable first!
The Couchbase-Elasticsearch integration today should be seen as an indexing engine for Couchbase. This means the index is "managed/controlled" by the data that are in Couchbase.
The XDCR is used to sent "all the events" to Elasticsearch. This means the index is update/delete every time a document (stored in Couchbase) is created, modified or deleted.
So "all the documents" stored into a Couchbase bucket are indexed into Elasticsearch.
Let's answer your questions one by one, based on the current implementation of the Couchbase-Elasticsearch.
When a document is removed from Couchbase, the Elasticsearch index is update (entry removed).
Not sure to understand the question. How an "older" version could come from Couchbase? Anyway once again everytime the document that is stored into Couchbase is modified, the index in Elasticsearch is updated.
Not sure to understand where you want to add a new field? If this is into a document that is stored into Couchbase, when the document will be sent to Elasticsearch the index will be updated. But based on what I have said before : all document "stored" into Couchbase will be present in Elasticsearch index.
Not with the plugin as it is today, but as you know it is an open source project so you can either add some logic to it or even contribute your ideas to the project ( https://github.com/couchbaselabs/elasticsearch-transport-couchbase )
So let me ask you more questions:
- how do you inser the document into you application? (and where Couchbase? Elasticsearch?)
- what are the types of documents?
- what do you want to cache into Couchbase?
