Magento order status not changing to complete - magento

We have a strange issue in our Magento shop. When an order is placed he is getting the right status processing, but when we book the shipment he is not changing to complete and is keeping the order status processing.
Does anyone know how this can happen?

Do you create an invoice? Every order must have an invoice before you see the status "complete".


Custom status for orders that have been partially refunded

Is there any way I can create a status for an order saying "Partially refunded" if only part of that order has been returned?
Usually products that are shipped back are refunded only for the cost of goods and not the cost of shipping that falls in the responsibility of the customer.
I've been looking into this aspect also for orders that have been completely refunded and the status is "Cancelled" instead of "Totally refunded".
This link will help you to create custom order status and states in magento.Try this.
Create Custom Order Status
Usually there are several events fired when creating a credit memo. Find out wich one suits best in your situation by logging the fired events in Mage::dispatchEvent().
Create a custom orders status as mentioned above.
Finally create an observer that hooks up the right event right before or after the status is changed. Write some logic to determine a partial refund, and save the order with the new status.
No need to rewrite or extend core magento models.

Magento Orders without status

When I checkout using payment method "Back Transfer Payment" and even another one I installed called "Credit Card by Phone", the orders are created without a status.
I tried to find where it gets the status and sets it but I couldn't find it.
Can you help me?
order state is: payment_review
order status is: NULL
and I have a status assigned for the state payment_review
You should check the status and state in the database (in sales_flat_order table).
After you got the status and state, you can check in System -> Order statuses if you have correspondant statuses.
Please come back with the information and we may help more.
Okay the problem is with the extension
I don't know why but when this one is disabled it just works.
When it's enabled both modules of Bank Transfer and Credit Card by Phone don't save any status when creating the order.

How to rename order status in frontend in magento?

I need to rename order status in magento only for customers.
For exmaple:
Customer`s order has a status "fraud". In frontend(for cusntomer) it should be displayed as "Open", but in backand it should stay "Suspected fraud"
I use Magento 1.7. Thanks
Go to System->Order statuses, edit the Suspected fraud status and you should have a separate field for each store view where you can input the translation for the status. Write Open for all of them (except admin - Status Label).

Magento Change purchase order status to processing

I need to make Purchase order payments a Processing Status so that those sales numbers show up on the dashboard. I've messed around with System > Order Statuses but can't figure out how to do it. Any ideas?
Try openinig app/code/core/Mage/Payment/etc/system.xml change node *purchaseorder >order_status > source_model* from system_config_source_order_status_new to system_config_source_order_status refresh Magento's cache and check.

Magento: How do i change the status of order after creating Invoice

I have a problem when i was trying to create invoice. I want to change custom order status at the time of creation of invoice currently when invoice is generated it take automatically COMPLETE status that i want to change to dispatched status. But i am not able to do the same.
Please help me anyone to sort out this issue ASAP.
First you need to understand order states.
After order has been placed, it gets New state. At that point, you can Hold it, Ship it, Invoice it or Cancel it, thereby assigning your order Hold, Processing, Processing, or Cancelled state, respectively. Once you ship and invoice, your order receives Completed state.
Now, each of these states can have a separate status, that you can define yourself if System -> Order statuses. In your case, if you want the order to say Dispatched, after you are finished shipping and invoicing, you would add Dispatched order status and assign it to Complete order state. Same goes for any other order states.
