Hipster stack (Yeoman + Maven + Spring) Error - spring

When I tried to generate with yo jhipster on Windows 7 32 bits machine, I got the below error:
bower json3#~3.2.5 progress received 3.7MB of 4.9MB
downloaded, 75% libjpeg-62.dll: downloading [===================]
100% 0.0s
? pre-build test failed, compiling from source...
throw new Error('building is not supported on ' + process.platform);
^ Error: building is not supported on win32
at d:\Self_jhipster\node_modules\grunt-contrib-imagemin\node_modules\jpegtran-bin\lib\check.js:19:10
How to solve this error?

I'm the author of http://jhipster.github.io/ which is the generator your are referring to.
I have found your problem, it is indeed a bug in jpegtran-bin. I have updated all the dependencies in Grunt.js, and it should now work fine on Windows.
This will be commited in the next release (0.2.1), which should be out in a few hours.
You can also submit a bug at https://github.com/jhipster/generator-jhipster/issues

After google with more correct keywords, the solution from https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-imagemin/issues/109 works for me.
In application's package.json, add "jpegtran-bin": "0.2.0" before
the reference for imagemin,
Remove node_module folder locally.
Run npm install again.


Application could not be uploaded on device

I have a crossplatform solution for an application. I have recently tried to add push notifications functionality for my IOS project.
But when i try to install my project on my ios i get this error.
Package Inspection Failed Error (error: 0xe8000051).
I have tried:
- Cleaning solution
- rebuild
- checking build action for my info.plist
- removing bin folder
the full trace of the install looks like this:
PreflightingApplication - PercentComplete: 30%
PackageInspectionFailed: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /private/var/installd/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installd.staging/temp.xhvJhV/extracted/ODEON.iOS.app/Frameworks/PersonalizedAdConsent.framework
error MT1006: Could not install the application '/Users/anderslarsen/Documents/Projects/ODEON/ODEON/ODEON.iOS/bin/iPhone/Release/ODEON.iOS.app' on the device 'Anders - iPhone': Package Inspection Failed Error (error: 0xe8000051).
Can anyone help me with this error?
Thanks in advance!
I could not find the reason this happens and I researched a lot, 2 years after this question was done I'm still getting this error. From my personal experience, manually deleting "bin" and "obj" and then building the iOS project again would solve the issue.

stack build exiting with 'cannot find package' error when external packages are involved

I just got started learning Haskell. And I chose to work with it on my PC through stack. First day, I worked with Chris Allen's tutorial and got stuck at the stack build part of it. The command exited with an error as shown below:
C:\Users\USER\haskellProjects\bassbull>stack build
primitive- download
integer-logarithms-1.0.2: download
primitive- configure
primitive- build
integer-logarithms-1.0.2: configure
integer-logarithms-1.0.2: build
primitive- copy/register
integer-logarithms-1.0.2: copy/register
Progress: 2/11Running C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\stack\x86_64-windows\
ghc-8.0.2\bin\ghc-pkg.EXE --user --no-user-package-db --package-db C:\sr\snapsho
ts\1602ab97\pkgdb describe --simple-output integer-logarithms --expand-pkgroot e
xited with ExitFailure 1
WARNING: cache is out of date: C:/Users/USER/AppData/Local/Programs/stack/x86_64
ghc will see an old view of this package db. Use 'ghc-pkg recache' to fix.
ghc-pkg.EXE: cannot find package integer-logarithms
Running C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\stack\x86_64-windows\ghc-8.0.2\bin\
ghc-pkg.EXE --user --no-user-package-db --package-db C:\sr\snapshots\1602ab97\pk
gdb describe --simple-output primitive --expand-pkgroot exited with ExitFailure
WARNING: cache is out of date: C:/Users/USER/AppData/Local/Programs/stack/x86_64
ghc will see an old view of this package db. Use 'ghc-pkg recache' to fix.
ghc-pkg.EXE: cannot find package primitive
C:\Users\USER\haskellProjects\bassbull>stack exec ghc-pkg recache
C:\Users\USER\haskellProjects\bassbull>stack build
integer-logarithms-1.0.2: configure
integer-logarithms-1.0.2: build
primitive- configure
primitive- build
integer-logarithms-1.0.2: copy/register
primitive- copy/register
Progress: 2/11Running C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\stack\x86_64-windows\
ghc-8.0.2\bin\ghc-pkg.EXE --user --no-user-package-db --package-db C:\sr\snapsho
ts\1602ab97\pkgdb describe --simple-output primitive --expand-pkgroot exited wit
h ExitFailure 1
ghc-pkg.EXE: cannot find package primitive
Running C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\stack\x86_64-windows\ghc-8.0.2\bin\
ghc-pkg.EXE --user --no-user-package-db --package-db C:\sr\snapshots\1602ab97\pk
gdb describe --simple-output integer-logarithms --expand-pkgroot exited with Exi
tFailure 1
ghc-pkg.EXE: cannot find package integer-logarithms
After trying out other tutorials I concluded that this happened only when trying to install external packages and dependencies.
Please I need help getting past this challenge I am facing, as I am very much enthusiastic about learning to code in (and coding in) Haskell.
The problem has been resolved. Much thanks to Michael Sloan on the Haskell-stack google group and Yuji Yamamoto on on Google+.
I'll just document what I did here:
I had felt my antivirus software was messing things up (in retrospect, the signs started showing up weeks back) so I updated it.
I did a clean uninstall of stack, hunted down its associated files/folders and wiped them off.
Then I reinstalled stack.
And started again with the tutorial mentioned in the question (No, Stack Overflow, I don't have 10 points to spare, thank you!).
I made sure to be connected to a steady network while doing stack setup for the first time, so that everything got downloaded with ease (the other time, connection timed out endlessly while fetching ghc and msys).
When that was done, I restarted the shell.
... and stack build completed successfully.
Now, I don't know exactly what did it for me, but I would love to. If it helps, I was (and I'm still) using stack-1.5.1 on a 64-bit windows7 PC.
Now I don't have to dump haskell for F#.

Unable to Run Meteor Application Locally Windows 10 (Tasklist.exe)

I need some help please.
I just did a fresh install of Meteor from the website using the windows installer. That worked just fine.
I then created one of the sample applications. That worked just fine.
The problem is when I try to run the app and the first package starts to download, I get an exception error. I have Googled this issue for a couple hours now and cannot find a solution.
Here is the CMD output Error:
Error: Couldn't run tasklist.exe: tasklist wasn't found on your system, it usually can be found at C:\Windows\System32\.
at Object.Future.wait (C:\Users\jwuli\AppData\Local\.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.1.4\mt-os.windows.x86_32\dev_bund
at findMongoPids (C:\Users\jwuli\AppData\Local\.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.1.4\mt-os.windows.x86_32\tools\run-mon
at findMongoAndKillItDead (C:\Users\jwuli\AppData\Local\.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.1.4\mt-os.windows.x86_32\tool
at launchOneMongoAndWaitForReadyForInitiate (C:\Users\jwuli\AppData\Local\.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.1.4\mt-os.w
at launchMongo (C:\Users\jwuli\AppData\Local\.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.1.4\mt-os.windows.x86_32\tools\run-mongo
at [object Object]._.extend._startOrRestart (C:\Users\jwuli\AppData\Local\.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.1.4\mt-os.w
at [object Object]._.extend.start (C:\Users\jwuli\AppData\Local\.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.1.4\mt-os.windows.x86
at C:\Users\jwuli\AppData\Local\.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.1.4\mt-os.windows.x86_32\tools\run-all.js:199:26
- - - - -
at C:\Users\jwuli\AppData\Local\.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.1.4\mt-os.windows.x86_32\tools\run-mongo.js:73:24
at exithandler (child_process.js:654:7)
at ChildProcess.errorhandler (child_process.js:670:5)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:95:17)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:818:12)
I am able to run tasklist.exe in any command window and see all my running process.
There is another user here that had the EXACT same issue but on Windows 7. What worked for him was opening the command prompt directly from the root directory of the project. This solution did not work for me.
That post is here: Other Post
I have also tried Powershell along with CMD both running as the Administrator.
Does anyone have any insight?
So after allot of research, and working with other similar platforms/frameworks. I found out that there are many dependencies that you need to install that are not listed in the normal documentation. Examples being, Python, Ruby for the Saas Gem. A ton of old windows C++ Distributabls.
As a Full Stack .NET developer all these concepts were new to me! Everything is working just fine now.

Crashlytics updated to Fabric: Unable to copy dSYM

I've updated my project from Crashlytics to Fabric. I've followed all steps in the Fabric Mac app but now my app simple won't build more than once without cleaning.
When I use Product > Clean, I can build my app once. The next time I try, building fails again.
What can I do to fix this issue?
2015-07-17 12:10:58.602 run[10802:603564]
Fabric.framework/run 1.3.16
2015-07-17 12:10:58.958 run[10802:603564]
Unable to copy dSYM at path /Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/appname-byhgrsorkjornnaplkksbbzmvfel/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator
to path /Users/username/Library/Caches/com.crashlytics.mac/5b91b14e832a7b1c29441ec5ba109810/builds/86A88558-0818-40BB-9EF5-B4816707A076/appname dev.app.dSYM
Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The file “DWARF” doesn’t exist." UserInfo=0x10010c960
NSSourceFilePathErrorKey=/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/appname-byhgrsorkjornnaplkksbbzmvfel/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/appname dev.app.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF, NSUserStringVariant=(Copy),
NSDestinationFilePath=/Users/username/Library/Caches/com.crashlytics.mac/5b91b14e832a7b1c29441ec5ba109810/builds/86A88558-0818-40BB-9EF5-B4816707A076/appname dev.app.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF, NSFilePath=/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/appname-byhgrsorkjornnaplkksbbzmvfel/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ticketveiling dev.app.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF,
NSUnderlyingError=0x10010c6a0 "The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory"
Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1
It looks like updating Fabric/Crashlytics solved my problem!
pod update 'Crashlytics'
Installing Crashlytics 3.1.0 (was 3.0.11)
Update: I guess I spoke a bit too soon. The issue isn't completely fixed, but at least I have to clean a lot less than before.
add cleaning to your build scripts

deploying debug app to playbook gives "failure 881 required signatures missing (RDK, AUTHOR)"

I am using Marmalade to build a PlayBook app, but I think my question applies to PlayBook apps in general. I have successfully created a debugtoken.bar file and have installed it on my device. When I go to try to install a built application.bar file on the device, I get:
[execute] "blackberry-deploy.bat -device -password ******* -installApp -package deployments\default\playbook\release\Quote Unquote.bar"
Info: Sending request: Install
Info: Action: Install
Info: File size: 6400334
Info: Installing ...
Info: Processing 6400334 bytes
result::failure 881 required signatures missing (RDK, AUTHOR)
ERROR: error running blackberry-deploy
Note that this is the Marmalade deploy tool running the standard PlayBook installer.
What I don't understand is: I thought the point of using a debugtoken.bar file was that you could install unsigned apps. I have in fact successfully deployed these unsigned apps using the Marmalade deploy tool just like this. But I was having problems signing the app for distribution, so I went back and did everything from scratch, requested new code signing keys from RIM, made a new debugtoken.bar file and installed it, etc. And now I'm worse off than I was before because I can't even install to the device now.
So again: My understanding is that the point of debugtoken.bar was to be able to deploy to the device before actually signing the application.bar for distribution. So what does this error message even mean?
To answer my own question:
For deploying a "debug" build to a device, it's critical to have
Application-Development-Mode: true
in the MANIFEST.MF within the .bar file.
A stupid mistake, but I'll leave this up in case it helps anyone...
Taking a look to the QNX deployment plugin "C:\Marmalade\6.1\s3e\deploy\plugins\qnx\qnx.py" I found that 'FOR DEVELOPMENT' option is false if the 'playbook_keystore' is given so I just cleared the signing section on the Marmalade System Deployment Tool and it is not longer trying to sign it
