Removing login page from localhost - joomla

I'm using WAMPserver and Joomla as my CMS.
What I would like to know is, how to remove the login page on the localhost
because I already can access the login page from localhost/administrator
I've tried searching on google for the answer but didn't find any.

First of all Joomla backend and front end using different session,
like you can login two different users at the same time, one front end and other back end.
So when you remove front end login option you will lost the front end users entire facility.
Hope it make sense..


Laravel SPA (laravel + vuejs + sanctum) deployed in subdomain returns wrong api

I have this problem since several days.
I'm developing a Vuejs/laravel app, using Sanctum as an authenticator. where laravel mainly have the api gestion role, and I've started to deploying it. On Local, everything looks fine, api and auth are working.
On deploy, since my app is binded to be in a subdomain (laravelapp.maindomain with folder path of domain/laravelapp), when i try to access any page (vue-router) instead of domain/laravelapp/login i get domain/login, even if the page itself is looking fine.
If i try to reload the redirected page (domain/page) i have a 404. Also, since every API is pointing to domain/api/link instead of domain/laravelapp/api/link, everything is broken starting with auth.
I've tried modifying .env file, RouteServiceProvider, .htaccess(but i have no knowledge about that).
I also tried to set the subdomain Document Root to domain/laravelapp (it's the first thing i've done), but not only it dosn't work, if I try to print on screen subdomain's root, it returns domain. It's becoming a real issue right now, thank you for any help.
EDIT: I've discovered something. in the main domain there is a Joomla application. The api route contains the Joomla redirect (like, there is a plugin oh the site that changes language automatically, appending /en /it /de given the chosen language). So, in my case, the api is domain/index.php/en/subdomain. I tried again being more specific with document root, with no results, and playing around with .htaccess, but with no success.

Redirecting all pages in laravel

So I have a simple page with not many functions as I have been working on the front end but I am now ready to start implementing features and the first feature I want to put in is where a certified admin could press a button on the page and it makes every page redirect to a page that says the site is in maintenance mode
Now I already have the Authentication sorted out for the admin and auth is used.
What could I do?
Create this route:
Route::get('/down', function(){
And then create a button in a view that leads to '/down'. Your website will turn to maintenance mode.
You might want to protect that route with a middleware. To go back to normal mode, you'll have to execute php artisan up in the terminal, since all the website will be frozen.

Registered user cant login in joomla2.5 front end

While user logs-in in joomla2.5 site , it sets sessions for the user and in user.php it prints current user id,name and all. But after redirection everything lost and it shows as guest visiting page.
while user logs-in 4 sessions are created one for user and remaining 3 as guest.
We had this case before, and the login page had no www in the URL, but it was redirect to a page that had www. Could that be the reason?
If that isn't the reason, then worst case scenario you can just download Joomla (the version of the downloaded version of Joomla should match yours), and then extract it onto your website, and then remove the installation folder.

Joomla 3.4.8 Require Password Reset Not Working

I am having trouble finding a solution. I am running a site that has about 50 users that are manually entered. I am requiring the users on the first login to create their own password. This fails to work and just refreshes the user-profile/profile?layout=edit page upon hitting the Submit button. Any ideas?
for solving problem you can add a record to a table users,that have a parameter like fresh="true",when users go to website and change password.the fresh parameter is got fresh="false" for ever. and you can edit component users for do your idea...............
my offer you can use the source that users can sign up only with logging to their email like gmail,email

Magento session lost when switching to https from http

I've searched high and low for a solution to this, with no luck. My host told me they are too busy to help.
Magento 1.4.2 // SSL cert
1- When I add an item to cart, the page reloads and my item is added to cart. [good]
2- Next, I click home, and my items are no longer visible in cart sidebar. [bad]
3- Next, I click "Tops", and my items are still not visible in cart sidebar. [bad]
4- Next , I click "Bottoms" and the items show just fine.
In all cases where the cart isn't visible, I can add https to the URL and the cart loads up just fine. Can anyone help me figure out why my session is being lost between http and https?
I have all my backend web cookie settings set to "no" except for sID.
Also- When a user is logged in, the cart items ALWAYS show on the right. It's only screwy if they're a guest.
Thanks guys, if you need me to post any code let me know.
EDIT: Here is a screenshot of my cookies session in firebug (not exactly sure what I am looking at). Hope this helps.
And here is my Session settings in magento: I have tried just about every variation of turning these on and off.
This issue has actually been narrowed down to a cache issue. We found out that when the cache is dumped/deleted, the website works properly. But after a few minutes of surfing the problem happens again. Does anyone have any idea? (And should i change the question title?)
I'm using a module called Lightspeed from TinyBrick, and it seems the new cache options are messing with our site. =( I'm contacting them shortly.
**EDIT Tinybricks excellent support helped us out. Thanks for all of your suggestions.
Is the session cookie being set to be HTTPS-only? That'll prevent it from being carried over to regular HTTP requests, effectively giving the user two different sessions.
You have in your screenshot two frontend cookie with two domains, one with www and an other one without. Check if you have a correct domain name in the configuration > Web tab > Cookie Management > Cookie Domain (or something close to that). If it's empty set it to "" and try again.
Check if you don't have different cookie domain in your configuration in the other store views, set them to "use website".
If still doesn't work, What are the values of the fields of cookie management and the cookie validation settings
We were experiencing similar issues where our custom nav (depending on whether a user was logged in or not, was not very consistent across different pages.
We followed the suggestion # to check if a user was logged base on the frontend session variable before a rendering a particular block, and it seems to have done the trick.
Perhaps you can try something similar.
Tinybricks excellent support helped us out. Thanks for all of your suggestions. This was a localized problem based off cache and a module called Lightspeed.
