Wrong Width in IE in Report Server - firefox

To make the width of the report to be similiar for Internet Explorer and Firefox in the website in report server (http://myserver/reportserver).
Displaying the report in IE, the width is too short and wrong compare to the original size in Firefox.
What webdevelopment code in IE do I need to change to make it similar for Firefox and IE?
*The report is located in a server and the customer use their client computer to get access to the reports. The user use their own IE browser and type in the URL address that is the server's ipnumber with "reportserver" "(http://myserver01/reportserver)"
*The server's web reader is IE 10. No firefox in the server.

I have found the error.
The code "" is same for FF and IE. In order to make it width for IE you have to change the value into "width: 150%" instead of ""width: 100%;"
The answer is it answering but I still need to return.


Chrome policy "ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox" not working

I am using the library https://github.com/aik099/PhpStormProtocol/ to get links to my IDE (PHPStorm) from the browser (Chrome). Everytime xdebug prints a warning, it attaches a link with an href like this:
That works perfect. The problem is that every time I click in the link I get a pop-up like this:
I have tried following the steps I found here:
After enabling that policy in the register of windows, and validating it also in my browser I still have the same pop-up without the checkbox to allow this protocol forever.
The problem is, that you want to open your url handler over a "http" connection.
But you get only the square if you have a "https" connection.
You can solve your problem if you set a rule, that your "http" connection is trusted.
For chrome write "chrome://flags/" in your address bar and write your url into the option "Insecure origins treated as secure" and set this to enable.
enter image description here
The External​Protocol​Dialog​Show​Always​Open​Checkbox does work on https websites only.
You can instead add you protocol phpstorm://* to Chrome's URLAllowlist, for example via the Windows registry :
The user will not see the popup at all and the software will open automatically.

How to inspect WebSocket frames in Chrome properly?

I've entered echo.websocket.org as it was suggested, opened Network tab and WS filter in Chrome Developer Tools, but I do not see any frames. I see connection entries, but Frames tab always stays empty. Is there anything special I should do to see the frames?
Click Network, WS, select the original HTTP connection and then click the Frames tab. Be aware that the content of this tab may be hidden by another pane, so you need to drag the bar down to see the WebSocket frames.
As of December 10, 2019, the process is slightly different to debug WebSockets with Chrome.
Open Chrome Developer Tools.
Click on the Network tab.
Click on the filter WS (for WebSockets).
Reload the page to make sure you see your connection in the Name column.
Click on Messages.
Now you should see all your communications with your WebSockets, with 3 columns: Data, Length and Time.
Did you send any data on the page? You need to try sending a message after clicking Connect:
There is also a useful area in Chrome where you can view all your active sockets:
You can access it at here: chrome://net-internals/#events&q=type:SOCKET%20is:active
After seeing your newly added screenshot, it looks like your Data table is squashed up and you need to drag it down to see the entries.
Another gotcha is that in the new Edge the Developer Tools menu option and the Network/WS display looks very similar to Chrome. I forgot I was using Edge and spent 20 minutes trying to find the JSON messages, which I don't think are available in Edge.
There's another way you can have a problem here - if you are using livereload in your development flow.
This (apparently, for me at least) causes multiple instances of the socked to appear, all with empty messages.
It turns out that only the first one is the "real" one, and has messages:

unable do download file from ie11

unable do download file from ie11, when click on download button post request send to the server. I checked in network section the response will come with content of file but in internet explorer 11 download prompt will not appear instead of that if display error page can not display and url will not correct . This program working fine with Mozilla Firefox.
I created a demo program which runs on my local host with same configuration ie11 works fine. but same program I tried to run on my production server tomcat getting same error.
I had this same problem,but incase of PDF's my pdf file was not downloading from IE, in my case also the file was getting downloaded from the Firefox, I just checked the url, there is no such limit to the length of the url but in this I just reduced the length of the url and it worked, but I didn't get what IE does different in this maybe its the server which is handling the request from IE differently or while sending IE is doing something different, just check if this works, reduce the length of the url and try again.

Protocol Handlers in Chrome via Registry

For purposes of learning I have created an application which returns a computed output with HTTP protocol. To test that i'm calling in a web browser (IE, FF, Chrome) host with a port: This works on all of the web browsers that were listed earlier. Now i wanted to change the protocol handler to make my application more complex. So I have added a .reg with information about my 'unique' protocol called ProtocolDemoTest. Now when I want to run my application with following URL: ProtocolDemoTest:// I'm getting positive results only on IE and FF, but it seems to somehow fail on Chrome. I have searched a little and only found this http://www.google.fi/support/forum/p/Chrome/thread?tid=4e79db1b44daa2e6&hl=en which I find not exactly as i imagined. I want it to work on IE, FF, Chrome with only adding some data into the registry. Can you help me find an actual way to do this in ALL web browsers?
Support for registerProtocolHandler has now landed in Chrome 13 - http://crbug.com/73710 for more information.
The API you're looking for is this one: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/window.navigator.registerProtocolHandler
Though available in Chrome, the call doesn't do anything. This issue tracked here: http://crbug.com/44984
Implementation is underway. See this bug: http://crbug.com/73710

Watin - problems with page redirects

I'am trying out Watind. I am having problems with a Login page og the applciation, which automatically redirects to the main page (without any user intervention). It looks like WatiN has troubles with this. Wehn I Invoke:
IE ie = new IE("http://localhost/MyApp/Login.aspx");
The browser opens, it redirects to "Main.aspx", but Watin times out with "Timeout while Internet Explorer state not complete". While debugging, I have found out, that method IEReadyStateIsComplete. When trying to evaluate ie.ReadyState, its is getting the following exception from ie: "The Object has disconnected from its clients".
I am using IE8.
Any ideas how to handles fast redirects?
It looks like the problem was related to UAC feature of Window 2008 server. I'have restarted VS200 as an Administrator and now it works OK.
