Ruby Strings, Loops, and Arrays [closed] - ruby

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Closed 8 years ago.
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If given an array l = with l being filled with text of an essay.
What would be the easiest method to create a new string, loop through each line of the array and then add each line of the array to the newly created string?

my_string = l.join '' should do the job fine.
A more imperative solution is the following:
my_string = ''
l.each do |line|
my_string += line


how to access hash inside a string [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm reading a CSV file. It contains a column as
{"doctype"=>"birthrecord", "records"=>[{"pagenum"=>"5", "recordId"=>"7", "tagGroups"=>[{"data"=>{"first"=>"given_name", "given_name"=>"Severiano ", "surname"=>"Bustamante"}}]}]}
The header of this columns is Output. When I do row["Output"] its returning sting of hash as
"{"doctype"=>"birthrecord", "records"=>[{"pagenum"=>"5", "recordId"=>"7", "tagGroups"=>[{"data"=>{"first"=>"given_name", "given_name"=>"Severiano ", "surname"=>"Bustamante"}}]}]}"
How can I access the hash like normal hash?
Can anyone help me please.
The dataset looks almost like JSON except => is used in place of :, so replacing them you can now adequately parse it like a JSON object
JSON.parse('{"doctype"=>"birthrecord", "records"=>[{"pagenum"=>"5", "recordId"=>"7", "tagGroups"=>[{"data"=>{"first"=>"given_name", "given_name"=>"Severiano ", "surname"=>"Bustamante"}}]}]}'.gsub("=>", ":"))["records"][0]["tagGroups"][0]["data"]
#=> {"first"=>"given_name", "given_name"=>"Severiano ", "surname"=>"Bustamante"}

Parse form using Nokogiri and pass it to URI.encode_www_form? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have simple HTML form, which I got from a web page:
<form id="my">
I need to get this form via it's ID, which I know how to do:
#get_doc = Nokogiri::HTML(page)
nb = #get_doc.at_css('#my')
maybe could i iterate via object ?
I need to get all the input values and input names into some variable, and then pass it to URI.encode_www_form.
How can I do this? How could I get all the inputs inside the form with names and values, and pass them to encode_www_form?
arr = []
# form = doc.at_css '#form'
form.css('input').each do |i|
arr << [i['name'], i['value']]
URI.encode_www_form arr

How do I write Ruby in terminal to extract twitter handles from a paragraph of text? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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If I have a paragraph of #text and I want to extract the #twitter handles from it and make them into a list, how would I do this?
Use String#scan
Use the String#scan method to extract your expression into an array. For example:
str = <<'EOF'
If I have a paragraph of #text and I want to extract the
#twitter handles from it and make them into a list, how
would I do this?
str.scan /#\S+/
#=> ["#text", "#twitter"]
Assuming your #text is a string, use regex to extract #twitter handles and add them into an array.

When will Ruby's if condition be executed? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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In my latest task, I found some code like this:
if false
print "a"
elsif true
print "b"
print "c"
Is if else statement correct? Will if ever be executed?
This code will always print "b".
One explanation is that this code was put in as a placeholder for some real logic which was supposed to be added at a later point in time.

Iterate through Map in ruby [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How do I rewrite this Java statement in Ruby?
for (Map.Entry<byte[], HServerLoad.RegionLoad> entry : serverLoad.getRegionsLoad().entrySet()){
Thanks for your help!
If you want to iterate a ruby map(hash) with key and values you could write
h.each { |k, v| puts "Key=#{k}, Value=#{v}" }
