Code Metrics per TFS User - visual-studio-2010

Is there a way in Visual Studio 2010 or TFS 2010 to calculate the Code Metrics of a Solution but have it split per TFS user?
For example:
User A: 250,000 Lines
User B: 23,000 Lines
User C: 12,000 Lines


Visual Studio 2019 or - How can I get a list of the code that I or another user has committed, by date?

Visual Studio 2019 or - How can I get a list of the code that I or another user has committed, by date
When I use the VS2019 Git Branch History I cannot see how to:
Filter by user (search sort of works, matching users and titles to user name)
Sort by date (it is in an "interesting"* order)
*interesting meaning that I have no clue

Stop Visual Studio generating log files

Using Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition on Windows 10. Simply open and close Visual Studio, and every time one or two new .tsv log files are generated at C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SettingsLogs.
The name of the log files are:
DATE-TIME-devenv-XXXX.tsv (XXXX is a 4-digit number like "3688")
DATE-TIME-ServiceHub.SettingsHost-XXXX.tsv (XXXX as above)
In Visual Studio, Help > Send Feedback > Settings has been set to "No, I would not like to participate". Every time Visual Studio runs, multiple processes can be seen starting in Task Manager with names like:
These shut down when Visual Studio is closed.
Is it possible to stop these log files from being generated? Can these anciliary processes be prevented from starting?

All my tfs tasks invisible when used Visual Studio 2015

Suddenly all my previous and current TFS tasks are not seen when I use Visual Studio 2015.
If I use visual studio 2012 or web portal TFS, I see all my tasks.
update - 06 OCT 2016 - 5:20 PM IST.
We did further investigation. The situation is that our company had users in TFS using Sharepoint user IDs. Later the Domain controller was introduced and everyone migrated to the domain. So now we have two users (with different domains) for the old users who were present at the time of Sharepoint user base.
We did SQL Profiler on the TFS DB while running Query from Web Portal and VS 2015 for affected user.
[![two users returned from TFS][1]][1]
then VS2015 takes the old user (Which we dont want) to find all Assigned work items as shown below
Now IF i manually go change the query text and add FABRICAM in the domain or IF i run the query from WEB Portal, the correct user is picked up and results start showing as shown below
This works well with my VS2015. Please double check if it can work with web portal.
Try to clear TFS and VS cache and try it again.

How to get a list of lines deleted as part of a TFS Changeset?

Problem: I had a programmer make deletes in Visual Studio 2013 on 8000+ asp pages over 100+ changesets and some of the lines that got deleted were not supposed to be deleted. I cannot rollback the changesets as too much work would be lost. I am trying to determine if I can get into a single file the contents of the lines that were deleted in a changeset and which file they were from so I can search the content to determine which files need to be corrected. I understand a comparison of each file in the changeset to the prior version would give me that information but I do not have the time to do a prior comparison for 8000+ individual pages. I need a way to get the deleted content into a format I can search at one time. Is this possible in SQL or TFS?
Environment info:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2013 (30324.00)
SQL Server 2012 SP1
Additional notes:
I have researched Team Foundation Power Tools and found that TFPT.exe does not give me what I need.
Several of the output formats of tf diff (such as /format:unified) will display all of the differences in the changeset at once. You can redirect the output of that command to a file and then filter it down or search for the deletions.

Visual Studio 2010 - TFS - Work offline also TFS server is available

I'm working in a big project in Visual Studio 2010. Often I must wait the check-in before doing simple test. How can I work with Visual Studio 2010 offline when TFS Server is available?
I'm not sure I understand your question 100%, but there are a couple of options depending on what you mean.
First of all, working offline is not possible with TFS 2010, but is available with local workspaces in TFS 2012 (overview in this article)
You say that you're waiting for check-in to complete. If you have a plain check-in situtation, then you have a couple of choices:
You can open a second instance of Visual Studio, and work while the first instance completes the check-in.
You can open a command prompt and use tf.exe checkin in your workspace directory.
If you have a gated check-in, then you can check the 'Preserve my pending changes locally', and you will be able to keep working on the changes until they have been validated and checked in. (further details in this article)
All that being said. A simple check-in should not take more than seconds. So if you're waiting a long time for a normal check-in situation, then you might have some performance/server issues.
