Teechart 9 Quickreport 5.05 XE5 installation - teechart

I'm trying to install the TeeQR packages, and i'm afraid I might have no idea what I'm doing. I don't know which file I'm supposed to build and how, but it doesn't matter, because they all have errors that don't make sense to me.
The step-by-step instructions given by Steema led me to step number 15:
"15. Build the project. You may find an error finding the correct runtime library for QuickReport. So you
should look for the dcp file that causes the problem at the requires list, remove it from the list and add
the correct one from your QuickReport installation folder, inside its bpl folder. Then, try to build it again."
No idea what that means. I just want to install two components that are suppused to be compatible with each other and with their version of delphi.
Tried to build DclTee9QR5D19 package:
[dcc32 Fatal Error] Tee9QR5D19.dpk(1): E2225 Never-build package 'Tee9QR5D19' must be recompiled
[dcc32 Fatal Error] DclTee9QR5D19.dpk(35): E2202 Required package 'Tee9QR5D19' not found
Tried to build DclTQR919 package:
[dcc32 Fatal Error] TeeQR919.dpk(1): E2225 Never-build package 'TeeQR919' must be recompiled
[dcc32 Fatal Error] DclTQR919.dpk(35): E2202 Required package 'TeeQR919' not found
Tried to build Tee9QR5D19 Package:
[dcc32 Fatal Error] QR5RunDXE5.dpk(1): E2225 Never-build package 'QR5RunDXE5' must be recompiled
[dcc32 Fatal Error] Tee9QR5D19.dpk(35): E2202 Required package 'QR5RunDXE5' not found
Tried to build TeeQR919 package:
[dcc32 Fatal Error] TeeQR919.dpk(35): E2202 Required package 'QuickRpt' not found

To perform this operation you should be familiar with Delphi packages. Step 15 means that you may need to change the QuickReport package reference in the run-time TeeChart package for QuickReport (Tee9QR5D19.dpk) to the QuickReport version you have installed. In the example you post it is QR5RunDXE5.dcp. If that's not the QuickReport version you have installed you should change that reference. Also notice that you need a QuickReport version installed before installing TQRChart packages. Once you get Tee9QR5D19.dpk compiling you should continue with the design-time package (DclTee9QR5D19.dpk) as explained in the instructions.


Unable to load libraries

I recently updated R and Rstudio and since then have not been able to load any libraries, including ggplot2, tidyverse.
Just for clarity, let me share the messages I get when I install tidyverse and try to load the library:
WARNING: Rtools is required to build R packages but is not currently installed. Please download and install the appropriate version of Rtools before proceeding:
Installing package into ‘C:/Users/Computer User 1/AppData/Local/R/win-library/4.2’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
trying URL 'https://cran.rstudio.com/bin/windows/contrib/4.2/tidyverse_1.3.2.zip'
Content type 'application/zip' length 428970 bytes (418 KB)
downloaded 418 KB
package ‘tidyverse’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
The downloaded binary packages are in
C:\Users\Computer User 1\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpQZdI11\downloaded_packages**
**> library(tidyverse)
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘tidyverse’ in inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...):
unable to load shared object 'C:/Program Files/R/R-4.2.2/library/stats/libs/x64/stats.dll':
LoadLibrary failure: The specified module could not be found.
Also, to be clear, I did install the latest version of Rtools.
Now I tried reading through several messages on google regarding the same error but failed to understand the solution. The main thing I do not understand is why the packages are installed here: C:\Users\Computer User 1\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpQZdI11\downloaded_packages, and then are loaded from here: C:/Program Files/R/R-4.2.2/library/stats/libs/x64/stats.dll.
I have tried specifying the library path but have not been successful at solving the problem. I don't know why R is unable to load the libraries. Also, on running .libpaths(), I get two libraries:
[1] "C:/Users/Computer User 1/AppData/Local/R/win-library/4.2"
[2] "C:/Program Files/R/R-4.2.2/library"
And when I try to install tidyverse here: C:/Program Files/R/R-4.2.2/library, I get this error: the folder is unwritable.
I don't know how to solve this issue. Please help.

How to fix library dependence in a conan package

I am trying to install qt/5.14.2 with conan.
I receive
ERROR: libpq/11.5: Error in package_info() method, line 211
AttributeError: 'Component' object has no attribute 'requires'
OK, there is a bug in libpq/11.5
I am trying to downgrade to
ERROR: Conflict in qt/5.14.2#bincrafters/stable:
'qt/5.14.2#bincrafters/stable' requires 'zlib/1.2.11' while 'libpq/11.4#bincrafters/stable' requires 'zlib/1.2.11#conan/stable'.
To fix this conflict you need to override the package 'zlib' in your root package.
Why is it not enough to require the correct version of the library, and requiring the same repository? (and require two different repositories in two different packages for the same dependence)
OK, I attempted
WARN: libpq/11.4#bincrafters/stable: requirement zlib/1.2.11#conan/stable overridden by your conanfile to zlib/1.2.11#bincrafters/stable
zlib/1.2.11#bincrafters/stable: Not found in local cache, looking in remotes...
zlib/1.2.11#bincrafters/stable: Trying with 'conan-center'...
zlib/1.2.11#bincrafters/stable: Trying with 'minres'...
zlib/1.2.11#bincrafters/stable: Trying with 'bincrafters'...
ERROR: Failed requirement 'zlib/1.2.11#bincrafters/stable' from 'libpq/11.4#bincrafters/stable'
ERROR: Unable to find 'zlib/1.2.11#bincrafters/stable' in remotes
Finally, I arrived at
After this, it looks like it was oK:
Installing (downloading, building) binaries...
qt/5.14.2#bincrafters/stable: Retrieving package 93c70de10405da9f2d5a1f42b8c299ca7af869d2 from remote 'bincrafters'
Downloading conanmanifest.txt
Downloading conaninfo.txt
Downloading conan_package.tgz
....qt/5.14.2#bincrafters/stable: Package installed 93c70de10405da9f2d5a1f42b8c299ca7af869d2
qt/5.14.2#bincrafters/stable: Downloaded package revision 0
However, the install fails with
CMake was unable to find Qt5, put qmake in your path or set
The package is downloaded, I see all components in the corresponding subdirectory in my home directory. However, unlike the other components, it is not installed, before CMake attempts to find it.
What do I wrong?
In case of any strange behavior of conan, upgrade! For me, switch 1.24.0 -> 1.28.1 with configs clean up fixed the same problem with libpq/11.5

Error (object._d_arraysetlengthTImpl not found) while building D project on MacOS

I was trying to build existing Dlang project on my home Mac. But I am getting this error. I haven't find anything about it.
$ dub build
Running pre-generate commands for vibe-d:tls...
Performing "debug" build using dmd for x86_64.
tinyendian 0.2.0: target for configuration "library" is up to date.
dyaml 0.8.0: building configuration "library"...
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/uni.d(935,32): Error: object._d_arraysetlengthTImpl not found. The current runtime does not support resizing arrays, or the runtime is corrupt.
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/uni.d(968,32): Error: object._d_arraysetlengthTImpl not found. The current runtime does not support resizing arrays, or the runtime is corrupt.
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/uni.d(4064,18): Error: template instance std.uni.MultiArray!(BitPacked!(uint, 13LU), BitPacked!(bool, 1LU)).MultiArray.length!0LU error instantiating
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/uni.d(4312,37): instantiated from here: TrieBuilder!(bool, dchar, 1114112, sliceBits!(8LU, 21LU), sliceBits!(0LU, 8LU))
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/regex/internal/ir.d(26,14): instantiated from here: CodepointSetTrie!(13, 8)
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/uni.d(935,32): Error: object._d_arraysetlengthTImpl not found. The current runtime does not support resizing arrays, or the runtime is corrupt.
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/uni.d(968,32): Error: object._d_arraysetlengthTImpl not found. The current runtime does not support resizing arrays, or the runtime is corrupt.
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/uni.d(4064,18): Error: template instance std.uni.MultiArray!(BitPacked!(uint, 13LU), BitPacked!(bool, 1LU)).MultiArray.length!1LU error instantiating
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/uni.d(4312,37): instantiated from here: TrieBuilder!(bool, dchar, 1114112, sliceBits!(8LU, 21LU), sliceBits!(0LU, 8LU))
/Library/D/dmd/src/phobos/std/regex/internal/ir.d(26,14): instantiated from here: CodepointSetTrie!(13, 8)
dmd failed with exit code 1.
Can somebody pls help?
I am using these:
MacOS 10.15.4
DMD64 v2.091.1
DUB 1.20.1
Thx to Adam D. Ruppe.
It looks like there was a problem with previously installed version of dmd.
Solved by:
brew uninstall dub
brew uninstall dmd
delete /Library/D directory
brew install dmd
brew install dub

How to install golang compiler in solaris 11.3

I am trying to install golang compiler in Solaris 11.3 but I am getting following error;
pkg install: The requested change to the system attempts to install multiple actions
for link 'usr/perl5/pod' with conflicting attributes:
1 package delivers 'link mediator=perl mediator-priority=vendor mediator-version=5.22 path=usr/perl5/pod target=5.22/lib/pod':
1 package delivers 'link path=usr/perl5/pod target=5.12/lib/pod':
These packages may not be installed together. Any non-conflicting set may
be, or the packages must be corrected before they can be installed.
The requested change to the system attempts to install multiple actions
for link 'usr/perl5/man' with conflicting attributes:
1 package delivers 'link mediator=perl mediator-priority=vendor mediator-version=5.22 path=usr/perl5/man target=5.22/man':
1 package delivers 'link path=usr/perl5/man target=5.12/man':
These packages may not be installed together. Any non-conflicting set may
be, or the packages must be corrected before they can be installed.
The requested change to the system attempts to install multiple actions
for link 'usr/perl5/bin' with conflicting attributes:
1 package delivers 'link mediator=perl mediator-priority=vendor mediator-version=5.22 path=usr/perl5/bin target=5.22/bin':
1 package delivers 'link path=usr/perl5/bin target=5.12/bin':
These packages may not be installed together. Any non-conflicting set may
be, or the packages must be corrected before they can be installed.
I installed Perl-5.22 then also it is giving the same error. After googling I found the following command to ignore runtime Perl-512.
pkg change-facet facet.version-lock.runtime/perl-512=false
but I still getting this error which I mentioned above.
Please help me to sort out this error.
thanks in advance...
if you are also getting the same error with installation of any package follow the given command:
pkg install --accept --licenses perl-512
pkg install --accept --licenses perl-522
pkg install golang-17

Agave dependency error

I am trying to install Agave under Fedora, but I got this error:
configure: error: gnome-doc-utils >= 0.3.2 not found
I tried to compile and install the gnome-doc-utils from this page, but i still got this error,and when i try the
yum list installed gnome-doc-utils*
command, I can't find the package. Do I have to register the package after installing? I don't think I have a error for the make install, because I don't see any the text error in the process, or I could be wrong.
In general, package managers (tools like yum) don't know that something has been installed on your machine unless it was installed as a package. If an agave package for Fedora exists, I would suggest using that instead of compiling from source.
