Maven and Svn Plugin is not working in Eclipse Indigo - maven

I am using Eclipse Helios and want to migrate to Indigo.
I have installed Indigo and m2e and subclipse plugin. I was able to import maven project as well as projects from svn.
But from the next day, Svn is missing from perspective and while trying to import maven projects, I am not able to find maven in the list.
I have uninstalled and installed again but same issue occured again.
Is it because both Helios and Indigo installed in my machine ?
Please help me solve this problem.

Is it because both Helios and Indigo installed in my machine ?
That shouldnt create any issue at all. I have multiple versions of eclipse installed in my system and they all seem to work fine.
As far as the m2e and subclipse plugin is concenred, I have used it personally on Indigo without any issue at all and there doesn't seem to be any incompatibility issue.
It maybe possible that eclipse plugins have gotten a bit messy and need a re-start. Goto the directory where you have installed eclipse and add this line on the top of the eclipse.ini file.
....the rest of the settings and params
Then start your eclipse, it will attempt to clean and re-load each plugin again.


eclipse m2eclipse not working

the m2eclipse plugin is latest
the eclipse is the latest
the JDK is jdk7
the eclipse uses embedded maven version
I am keep getting this error “Error: Could not find or load main class org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher”
It seems that there are some problems running the embedded Maven.
Try installing a fresh Maven version, then click Preferences , Maven, Installationsand set the directory where you have installed Maven.
my envirement
eclipse version : 4.3 kepler
maven version : 3.2.x
OS : windows 7
m2e plugin version : 1.5
the problem caused by combination of things, e.g mismatch between maven installation and setting.xml is one, but mainly the problem was:
solution for my problem was to run the eclipse in administrator mode.
you can run maven embedded (comes with eclipse) or external installation
just to make sure they are pointing to the right setting.xml file
somehow the embedded disappears sometimes, just restart eclipse it will appear again
finally I can confirm the latest m2e 1.5 or above supports maven 3.
Note: set JAVA_HOME is a must, because maven uses it to look up java which runs maven itself
set non-embeded maven installation location in the windows path is needed
set M2_HOME was NOT needed in my case, thus to get m2e working in eclipse or interact maven though command line, M2_HOME is not needed

Gradle eclipse plugin for Eclipse Helios 3.6

I can not install gradle plugin for Eclipse Helios.
I have tried to install gradle plugin as it was mentioned here (
I have installed STS for Eclipse Helios via Eclipse Marketplace without any errors. Then I have tried to install gradle plugin via Help -> install new software and typed Tried to install gradle plugin, but installation hangs with the following picture for hours and plugin is not installed.
What am I doing wrong? Appreciate any help.
Finally, found a solution: installed gradle integration via Spring dashboard Extensions sections after intallation of eclips STS plugin for Helios from eclipse market place. It took some time to install gradle plugin, but finally it was installed

Maven version used by Netbeans 6.7.1

I'm developing Maven projects using Netbeans 6.7.1.
How can I see where the Maven that my Netbeans is using is located? I'd like to edit the settings.xml file of this Maven installation.
Is there a way that I can run mvn -version using Netbeans? Before I downloaded Netbeans I already had a Maven 3 installation on my computer, to which MAVEN_HOME is pointing, but I think this Netbeans uses Maven 2.
I don't have a Netbeans 6.7 installation available at the moment. But as far as I remember you could find the Maven settings in Netbeans under "Tools / Options / Miscellaneous". There should be a tab for Maven.
If you want to use your external installation you can setup your external Maven within the project properties (see this screenshot)
Try typing mvn info in your console

Netbeans + maven on Ubuntu

I have a properly set up Maven project, and my Netbeans on Windows recognizes it and can build it properly, but my Netbeans on Ubuntu wouldn't even see the project as a Netbeans project.
Any idea how to fix this?
Maven support in Netbeans comes in the form of an official plugin. The version that ships with Ubuntu has almost no plugins installed. To resolve this, navigate to Tools ▶ Plugins and install the Maven plugin from there. After a restart of the IDE, all Maven projects should be recognized automatically.
If you don't see the list of plugins, make sure the repositories are enabled in the Tools ▶ Plugins ▶ Settings tab. Check at least 🗹 Certified Plugins and 🗹 NetBeans Distribution. Reload the catalog in the Available Plugins tab. Now you should see a list of all available plugins.
I had the same issue on my Xubuntu when I downloaded netbeans with synaptic.
I have uninstalled the netbeans on synaptic et install the netbeans with all avalaible on netbeans website and it works fine (last column). I can now import maven project. Hope it helps you.

Error after Importing java Maven projects into Eclipse juno on Mac?

I imported the maven projects from perforce in to eclipse juno on Mac and refreshed and updated dependencies as well, but still errors are shown on all the maven projects not on java classes.
am using mac 10.7.4 with JSE 1.6.
In Problems portal am getting warning description as..
Build path specifies execution environment J2SE-1.5. There are no JREs installed in the workspace that are strictly compatible with this environment.
But if i import the same projects on windows with jdk 1.6, its working fine, no errors shown.
Pls suggest.
