Put files automatically in folders - sorting

I have thousands of JPGs named like this "aaa0001.jpg, aaa0002.jpg, aaa0003.jpg,
bbb0001.jpg, bbb0002.jpg, bbb0003.jpg, ccc0001.jpg, ccc0002.jpg, ccc0003.jpg etc." in one folder.
I have created 26 folders like this aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd etc.
Is it possible to create a script that sets all the images in the appropriate folder?
Result "aaa0001.jpg, aaa0002.jpg, aaa0003.jpg" into folder "aaa",
"bbb0001.jpg, bbb0002.jpg, bbb0003.jpg" into folder "bbb" etc.
Thank you!
My system is windows XP prof SP3...

It would go like this in a Windows/dos batch file.
The statement %fp:~0,3% determines which part of the filename is used as a foldername. 0,3 means: from the first character and the next 3 chars.
so a file named aaa001-01.jpg will give a folder of aaa.
To have files named abc001_03.jpg go into folder 001 you change the statement to %fp:~3,3%
for %%a in (*.jpg) do call :copyfile %%a
goto :eof
set fp=%1
set folder=%fp:~0,3%
rem remove echo on the next line...
echo copy "%1" "%folder%"
rem or for moving: move /Y "%1" "%folder%"
goto :eof

Just define the base path to create the news directorys in the VAR $path
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
:::The path where the new Directorys will bw created
set $path="c:\Image\"
for %%a in (*.jpg) do (set $file="%%a"
set $Dir="%$path%CSV!$file:~4,3!"
if not exist "!$dir!" md "!$dir!"
move "!$file!" "!$dir!")
echo Terminated


Create Folders and Relocate Files Based on Partial Filename

I have a series of photos in a folder with name format similar to this:
I want to create new folders like below that contain the files:
I tried using this script:
#echo off
for %%i in (*) do (
if not "%%~ni" == "organize" (
md "%%~ni" && move "%%~i" "%%~ni"
but it created these 4 folders instead:
Please help me create a batch script that would make this work.
rem The following setting for the directory is a name
rem that I use for testing and deliberately includes spaces to make sure
rem that the process works using such names. These will need to be changed to suit your situation.
SET "sourcedir=u:\your files"
FOR /f "tokens=1*delims=_" %%b IN ('dir /b /a-d "%sourcedir%\*_*.jpg"') DO (
ECHO MD "%sourcedir%\%%b"
ECHO MOVE "%sourcedir%\%%b_%%c" "%sourcedir%\%%b"
GOTO :eof
Always verify against a test directory before applying to real data.
The required MD commands are merely ECHOed for testing purposes. After you've verified that the commands are correct, change ECHO MD to MD to actually create the directories. Append 2>nul to suppress error messages (eg. when the directory already exists)
The required MOVE commands are merely ECHOed for testing purposes. After you've verified that the commands are correct, change ECHO MOVE to MOVE to actually move the files. Append >nul to suppress report messages (eg. 1 file moved)
Naturally, you could remove the %sourcedir%\ throughout if you want to process the current directory.
The dir command lists the filenames only in the directory, and then only those that match *_*.jpg, that is anything1_anything2.jpg
The for /f assigns anything1 to %%b and anything2.jpg to %%c, using the _ as a delimiter (see for /? from the prompt, or thousands of items on SO for examples/documentation)
Then make the directory and move the file.
You need to parse the file names to derive the target folder name.
Sample Batch File
The following batch file should do as you desire:
#echo off
for %%i in (*.jpg) do (
for /f "delims=_" %%j in (%%i) do (
md %%j
move "%%~i" "%%j"
This splits the file name at the "_" character to derive the target folder
Example Output
I started with this folder layout:
F:\projects\sx\batch>tree /f
Folder PATH listing
Volume serial number is 9C33-6BBD
No subfolders exist
Running the batch file gives this output:
1 file(s) moved.
A subdirectory or file BA-ML-6256 already exists.
1 file(s) moved.
1 file(s) moved.
A subdirectory or file BA-ML-17302 already exists.
1 file(s) moved.
and results in this folder layout:
F:\projects\sx\batch>tree /f
Folder PATH listing
Volume serial number is 9C33-6BBD
│ create-test-data.cmd
│ md-and-move.cmd
│ BA-ML-6256_Gocchup1.jpg
│ BA-ML-6256_Gocchup2.jpg

Move files into folders in batches of five?

Suppose I have 50 files sorted by name.. I would like to create a batch script which gives me the following result:
Files 1 through 5 -> 01-05
Files 6 through 10 -> 06-10
and so on..How can I create a batch script to achieve this?
Note that 01-05 and 06-10 are directory names..
EDIT: Details
For eg. Consider this:
Source Directory:
and so on..
I want a resulting directory structure like this:
Destination Directory:
and so on..
This is what you want, change fileCount to change the file number in each subdirectory:
#echo off
set fileCount=5
set filesNow=0
set nameStart=000
set nameEnd=000
FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%i IN (`dir /b /O:N *.mp4`) do (
set /a filesNow+=1
set /a tmpValue=filesNow %% fileCount
::echo !filesNow!
::echo !fileCount!
::echo %%i
::echo !tmpValue!
if "!tmpValue!"=="1" (
set "nameStart=%%~ni"
mkdir _tmpDir_
move %%~nxi _tmpDir_\
if "!tmpValue!"=="0" (
rename _tmpDir_ !nameStart!-%%~ni
set "nameEnd=%%~ni"
if exist _tmpDir_ rename _tmpDir_ %nameStart%-%nameEnd%
You need to put them inside a bat/cmd file to work.
filesNow is for file number count.
Basically it's create a tmp folder and move files inside,
When files inside it reach the number, change the folder's name.
Several testing echo command I didn't remove, just used :: to comment them out, you can remove the :: to test them again.

Moving files with spaces in name batch scripting

So I'm trying to mimic some features of Apple
One feature I am currently working on is being able to select a single or multiple files then through the "context menu" creating a "new folder" (directed to a batch file passing along file through FOR loop) then moving the files into that "new folder"
The issue I am having is with file names with spaces I researched using "robocopy" but finding it tricky alittle tricky
My code so far
#echo off
set cDir=%~dp1
set newFolder="%cDir%NewFolder"
md %newFolder%
:: get each selected file and echo
for %%I in (%*) do (
echo %%I
echo %newFolder%
move "%%I" "%newFolder%"
Your modified code should move files and folders as well. To be on the safe side, here is my variant of your code. Note quotation changes in set, md and move statements but I repeat: your (modified) variant of quotation should work as well:
#echo off
set cDir=%~dp1
set "newFolder=%cDir%NewFolder"
md "%newFolder%"
:: get each selected file and echo
for %%I in (%*) do (
echo %%I
echo %newFolder%
move "%%~I" "%newFolder%\"
Although move /? says Moves files and renames files and directories, both Source and Target may be either a folder or a single file (resource, verified on my Win-8).
==>move "D:\Path\COCL\bu bu bu" "D:\Path\content\"
1 dir(s) moved.
==>move "D:\Path\content\bu bu bu" "D:\Path\COCL\"
1 dir(s) moved.
Next resource: Command Line arguments (Parameters).

copy file based on content - command prompt

I got a folder with bunch of files in it. each file name has unique date ex: 20140101. each file has data of one product.. ex: 20140101 has data for product "oranges" file 20140102 has data of product "apple" .. I need to create a script which will check the content of file and if match found, copy the file to different directory.
Find "Oranges" in
found 2 files .. 20131229 and 20140101
copy files to c:\oranges\
Thanks in advance.
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
set "source=c:\data\*.*"
set "target=c:\"
set "classes=orange apple"
for %%c in (%classes%) do (
if not exist "%target%%%c\" md "%target%%%c\"
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('findstr /m /l /c:"%%c" "%source%"') do (
copy "%%~ff" "%target%%%c\"
For each of the indicated classes, create target directory if it does not exist, and for each file with the indicated content, move it to the adecuated directory (not tested, adapt as needed)

Removing a "sample.ext.ext2" file that has no "sample.ext" file associated with it

The application creates .mta files (with exactly same name) of all multimedia files in my HDD. What I want to do is to check all sub-folders of root folder if there is no multimedia file associated with some .mta then delete it.
Detailed example. Lets say we have files
04.MP4.mta <<==
As you see the last .mta has no original file. I want to delete last file.
I don't know if it's possible with cmd. But following function doesn't work. Please take a look
For /r %%i in (*.mta) do call :nomta %%i
goto end
set stem=%1:.mta=%
set original=%stem%.mta
if not exist %original% do exit /B
if not exist %stem% do del /a /Q %1
goto :EOF
echo done
You can use a for command to do this with dir /a feeding it both hidden and non-hidden filenames. Here's an example:
C:\temp\z\z>attrib *
A C:\temp\z\z\foo.bar.mta
A H C:\temp\z\z\h2.mp4.mta
A C:\temp\z\z\hid.mp4
A H C:\temp\z\z\hid.mp4.mta
A C:\temp\z\z\zoo.bar
A C:\temp\z\z\zoo.bar.mta
C:\temp\z\z>for /f %F in ('dir /b/a *.mta') do if not exist "%~nF" echo %F >> z
C:\temp\z\z>type z
so replacing the echo with a del should achieve your target.
