Call ajax when MVC project starts - ajax

When I start my MVC application I want to call:
url: "#Url.Action("CreateInstance", "Home")",
type: "POST"
This works! But I want to call it only once. If I switch from page to page this function is still getting called. I only want to call the function if I start the project.
Is this possible?

You probably want to call the code directly in your global.asax . If you aren't outputting any data to the page, why use ajax?


In ie11 ajax call -window.location redirect not working, extjs

I am facing an issue with redirecting to another domain, from ajax call success in ie. It shows issue only in ie, in chrome and firebox it works well. I am using extjs for ajax call and in response i want to redirect to another domain based on the success value.
But if i place an javascript alert in the ajax success it works in ie.
If we place the same redirection code outside success of ajax call it works.
url: 'API/LogOut.ashx',
scope: this,
success: function (response) {
var result =;
if (result['LogOutUrl'])
I even tried to redirect like this window.location.assign('/tax.aspx'). But even this is not working. Anybody has any clue on that.
I also faced same issue for IE browser, in IE due to security it blocks window redirection like results in popup blocker.
Try using delayed task or setTimeout() after your ajax response comes.
url: 'API/LogOut.ashx',
scope: this,
success: function (response) {
var result =;
if (result['LogOutUrl'])
Post your result here.If possible give some fiddle link.

Ajax not working in the portlet configuration jsp page (liferay 6.2)

Working on a MVCPortlet (Liferay 6.2).
Is there any reason why this ajax call works on a regular jsp of my portlet, but does not work on the config page of the portlet (the jsp that opens when you click top right corner and then configuration and option).
In this case, the portletURL is correctly displayed (alert), the JS returns success but the controller never received the client request.
Here's the ajax call:
url: portletURL,
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'text',
cache: false,
data: {
test: test
success: function(data) {
alert('success ajax');
error: function(http, message, exc) {
alert('error ajax');
Again, this code works perfectly an another jsp.
Does this ring a bell to anybody?
Thanks in advance.
I had the very same problem. Tried both liferay-portlet:resourceURL portletConfiguration="true" and portlet:resourceURL, also with manual parsing and modifying the url before sending. The resource serving method (whether implementation of the serveResource, or completely new method using either Spring MVC or Liferay MVC (implementation class of MVCPortlet)), none worked in configuration mode.
The solution for me was to avoid resource serving at all and instead choose action phase (p_p_lifecycle=1). It is completely doable in AJAX, just had to override processAction method in my DefaultConfigurationAction implementation class.
Hope this saves someone the countless hours I spent with it.
I have the same problem in Liferay 7.0.x and I found a working solution which could be applied to 6.2 but I have not an instance for test.
You have to generate the resource url with java code. As an example:
LiferayPortletURL resourceURL = (LiferayPortletURL) renderResponse.createResourceURL();
resourceURL.setPortletId(ParamUtil.getString(request, "portletResource"));
Then use the resourceURL.toString() to generate the URL. The serverResource has to be implemented in the portlet class.

Running Tinymce multiple ajax calls issue

I have been sending multiple ajax calls from a single page and trying to load TinyMCE with each ajax call. But TinyMCE loads only the first time.
The code I have been using after AJAX success:
success: function(html) {
tinyMCE.execCommand("mceAddControl",true, 'elm1');
Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong
You need to shut down tinymce correctly before reinitializing an editor with the same id a second time.
To shut down an edtor instance use:
To reinitialize use

Ajax requests ignore virtual application sub-folder name in URL for ASP.NET MVC application

My application is located on the server under a separate virtual directory. To access my ASP.NET MVC application users have to go to:
I have a problem with Ajax/Json server requests ignoring the "superApp" directory part. Whenever an Ajax request is made Fiddler shows 404 because instead of http://server-dev/superApp/User/GetUsersJson for example, http://server-dev/User/GetUsersJson is called (note the missing superApp name).
Example of an Ajax request:
function GetUsers(id) {
url: "/User/GetUsersJson/",
data:{ id: id},
datatype: 'json',
success: function (result) {
////Do stuff with returned result
Registered route:
r.Match("User/GetUsersJson", "User", "GetUsersJson");
Where should I look and what can I change to make sure that my application virtual folder is ALWAYS included in all URL requests ?
p.s. Please note that all Javascript/Ajax logic is kept in separate .js files so no RAZOR syntax is available.
Did you try using the HTML helper method ?
url: "#Url.ACtion("GetUsersJson","User)"
EDIT : As per the comment
You may get the Path name using the HTML Helper method and Keep that in a Global variable and access that in the external javascript file
In the view
<script type="text/javascript>
var globalGetJSONPath='#Url.ACtion("GetUsersJson","User)';
And now you can use it in the external file like this
url: globalGetJSONPath,
data:{ id: id},
//remaining items....
I solved this stuff by passing variable to js that contains hostname+vdir. Because of heavy js url generation.
In other cases Shyju's answer is best way to solve this.
No way to do it without some server-side code generation. Easiest thing would be defining global variable (sorry) holding you application root and initializing it somewhere in master page.
Javascript generation of route urls always was one of the messiest parts of mvc.

Extjs to call a RESTful webservice

I am trying to make a RESTful webservice call using Extjs. Below is the code i am using:
Ext.Ajax.request({ url: incomingURL ,
method: 'POST',
params: {param1:p1, param2:p2},
success: function(responseObject){
var obj = Ext.decode(responseObject.responseText);
failure: function(responseObject){
var obj = Ext.decode(responseObject.responseText);
but it does not work, the request is sent using OPTIONS method instead of POST.
I also tried to do the same thing using below code but result is the same:
var conn = new;
url: incomingURL,
method: 'POST',
params: {param1:p1, param2:p2},
success: function(responseObject)
Ext.Msg.alert('Status', 'success');
failure: function(responseObject)
Ext.Msg.alert('Status', 'Failure');
But when i tried to do the same thing using basic ajax call ( using the browser objects directly i.e. XMLHttpRequest() or ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")) it works fine and i get the response as expected.
Can anyone please help me, as i am not able to understand what i am doing wrong with extjs ajax call?
You can't make a standard AJAX call between domains. The URL for Ext.Ajax.request should be a relative one (relative to the script's origin).
If you want to do cross-domain calls, use a ScriptTagProxy or such.
The problem is exactly because of the reason ob1 and Chuck Hinson described.
I have an RESTful service, wich is running on Tomcat.
And i made a static client(no deployed to Tomcat) using ExtJs with Json reader.
I just made an html page with ExtJs integrated consuming REST service like url: http://localhost:8080/service/invoices/
And all the time ExtJs was making OPTIONS request, not GET or POST even if i was setting them as being used methods. The problem is this security feature, because Client is not the part of same application and i am doing AJAX call between domains.
As soon as i put my client to my Web application and deployed to Tomcat and started using relative calls it started working.
if you don't want cross-domain request, please remove the website prefix 'http://website' from propery url of ajax proxy.
