Prolog count list elements higher than n - prolog

I'm kinda new to Prolog so I have a few problems with a certain task. The task is to write a tail recursive predicate count_elems(List,N,Count) condition List_Element > N, Count1 is Count+1.
My approach:
count_elems( L, N, Count ) :-
count_elems( [H|T], N, Count ) :-
H > N ,
Count1 is Count+1 ,
count_elems( [H|T], N, Count ) :-
ERROR: toplevel: Undefined procedure: count_elems/3 (DWIM could not correct goal)
I'm not quite sure where the problem is. thx for any help :)

If you want to make a tail-recursive version of your code, you need (as CapelliC points out) an extra parameter to act as an accumulator. You can see the issue in your first clause:
count_elems(L, N, Count) :- count_elems(L,N,0).
Here, Count is a singleton variable, not instantiated anywhere. Your recursive call to count_elems starts count at 0, but there's no longer a variable to be instantiated with the total. So, you need:
count_elems(L, N, Count) :-
count_elems(L, N, 0, Count).
Then declare the count_elem/4 clauses:
count_elems([H|T], N, Acc, Count) :-
H > N, % count this element if it's > N
Acc1 is Acc + 1, % increment the accumulator
count_elems(T, N, Acc1, Count). % check the rest of the list
count_elems([H|T], N, Acc, Count) :-
H =< N, % don't count this element if it's <= N
count_elems(T, N, Acc, Count). % check rest of list (w/out incrementing acc)
count_elems([], _, Count, Count). % At the end, instantiate total with accumulator
You can also use an "if-else" structure for count_elems/4:
count_elems([H|T], N, Acc, Count) :-
(H > N
-> Acc1 is Acc + 1
; Acc1 = Acc
count_elems(T, N, Acc1, Count).
count_elems([], _, Count, Count).
Also as CapelliC pointed out, your stated error message is probably due to not reading in your prolog source file.

Preserve logical-purity with clpfd!
Here's how:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
count_elems([X|Xs],Z,Count) :-
X #=< Z,
count_elems([X|Xs],Z,Count) :-
X #> Z,
Count #= Count0 + 1,
Let's have a look at how versatile count_elems/3 is:
?- count_elems([1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2],2,Count).
Count = 5 ; % leaves useless choicepoint behind
?- count_elems([1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2],X,3).
X = 3 ;
?- count_elems([1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2],X,Count).
Count = 0, X in 5..sup ;
Count = 1, X = 4 ;
Count = 3, X = Count ;
Count = 5, X = 2 ;
Count = 7, X = 1 ;
Count = 8, X in inf..0 .
Edit 2015-05-05
We could also use meta-predicate
tcount/3, in combination with a reified version of (#<)/2:
#<(X,Y,Truth) :- integer(X), integer(Y), !, ( X<Y -> Truth=true ; Truth=false ).
#<(X,Y,true) :- X #< Y.
#<(X,Y,false) :- X #>= Y.
Let's run above queries again!
?- tcount(#<(2),[1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2],Count).
Count = 5. % succeeds deterministically
?- tcount(#<(X),[1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2],3).
X = 3 ;
?- tcount(#<(X),[1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2],Count).
Count = 8, X in inf..0 ;
Count = 7, X = 1 ;
Count = 5, X = 2 ;
Count = 3, X = Count ;
Count = 1, X = 4 ;
Count = 0, X in 5..sup .
A note regarding efficiency:
count_elems([1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2],2,Count) left a useless choicepoint behind.
tcount(#<(2),[1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2],Count) succeeded deterministically.

Seems you didn't consult your source file.
When you will fix this (you could save these rules in a file, then issue a ?- consult(count_elems).), you'll face the actual problem that Count it's a singleton in first rule, indicating that you must pass the counter down to actual tail recursive clauses, and unify it with the accumulator (the Count that gets updated to Count1) when the list' visit is done.
You'll end with 3 count_elems/4 clauses. Don't forget the base case:


Prolog, count how many different values there are in a list

I'm new in prolog, and I wanted to create a "function" to count how many different values I have in a list.
I've made this predicate to count the total number of values:
tamanho([H|T],X) :- tamanho(T,X1), X is X1+1.
I wanted to follow the same line of thought like in this last predicate.(Don't know if that's possible).
So in a case where my list is [1,2,2,3], the answer would be 3.
Can someone give me a little help?
Here is a pure version which generalizes the relation. You can not only count but just see how elements have to look like in order to obtain a desired count.
In SWI, you need to install reif first.
:- use_module(library(reif),[memberd_t/3]).
:- use_module(library(clpz)). % use clpfd in SWI instead
:- op(150, fx, #). % backwards compatibility for old SWI
nt_int(false, 1).
nt_int(true, 0).
list_uniqnr([E|Es],N0) :-
#N0 #>= 0,
memberd_t(E, Es, T),
nt_int(T, I),
#N0 #= #N1 + #I,
tamanho(Xs, N) :-
list_uniqnr(Xs, N).
?- tamanho([1,2,3,1], Nr).
Nr = 3.
?- tamanho([1,2,X,1], 3).
dif:dif(X,1), dif:dif(X,2).
?- tamanho([1,2,X,Y], 3).
X = 1, dif:dif(Y,1), dif:dif(Y,2)
; Y = 1, dif:dif(X,1), dif:dif(X,2)
; X = 2, dif:dif(Y,1), dif:dif(Y,2)
; Y = 2, dif:dif(X,1), dif:dif(X,2)
; X = Y, dif:dif(X,1), dif:dif(X,2)
; false.
You can fix your code by adding 1 to the result that came from the recursive call if H exists in T, otherwise, the result for [H|T] call is the same result for T call.
tamanho([H|T], X) :- tamanho(T, X1), (member(H, T) -> X is X1; X is X1 + 1).
?- tamanho([], Count).
Count = 0.
?- tamanho([1,a,21,1], Count).
Count = 3.
?- tamanho([1,2,3,1], Count).
Count = 3.
?- tamanho([1,b,2,b], Count).
Count = 3.
In case the input list is always numerical, you can follow #berbs's suggestion..
sort/2 succeeds if input list has non-numerical items[1] so you can use it without any restrictions on the input list, so tamanho/2 could be just like this
tamanho(T, X) :- sort(T, TSorted), length(TSorted, X).
[1] thanks to #Will Ness for pointing me to this.

Incrementing value on backtrack

how can I do increment on backtracking ... so that goal(S) receives incremented number .. every time it fails on the next run I want to get the next number
S1 is S + 1,goal(S1)
does not work, because :
?- S=0, S1 is S+1.
S = 0,
S1 = 1.
?- S=0,between(1,3,_), S1 is S+1.
S = 0,
S1 = 1 ;
S = 0,
S1 = 1 ;
S = 0,
S1 = 1.
this work
baz(..,C) :- .... arg(...), Y is X + 1, nb_setarg(...), goal(Y), ...
foo(..C) :- ....baz(....,C)..., foo(...C).
blah :-,counter(0))...
this is not working, i think cause the recursive foo() would force baz() to initialize counter(0)... but i'm good with #sligo solution above
baz(..) :- C = counter(0), .... arg(...), Y is X + 1, nb_setarg(...), goal(Y), ...
foo(..) :- ....baz(....)..., foo(...).
so that goal(S) receives incremented number .. every time it fails on the next run I want to get the next number
That's what between/3 does? Every time on backtracking it makes the next number:
goal(X) :-
write('inside goal, X is '),
test :-
between(0, 3, S),
?- test.
inside goal, X is 0
true ;
inside goal, X is 1
true ;
inside goal, X is 2
true ;
inside goal, X is 3
true ;
Edit: From the help for between/3:
between(+Low, +High, ?Value)
Low and High are integers, High >=Low. If Value is an integer,
Low =<Value =<High. When Value is a variable it is successively
bound to all integers between Low and High. If High is inf or
infinite between/3 is true iff Value >=Low, a feature that is
particularly interesting for generating integers from a certain value.
(And see the comments on the help page by LogicalCaptain)
Use non-backtrackable destructive assignment predicate nb_setarg/3:
?- C = counter(0), between(1, 3, _), arg(1, C, X), Y is X + 1, nb_setarg(1, C, Y).
C = counter(1),
X = 0,
Y = 1 ;
C = counter(2),
X = 1,
Y = 2 ;
C = counter(3),
X = 2,
Y = 3.
foo(C) :-
between(1, inf, C),
baz(C) :-
C = counter(0),
arg(1, C, X),
Y is X + 1,
nb_setarg(1, C, Y),
goal(X) :-
X > 9.
?- foo(C).
C = 10.
?- baz(C).
C = counter(10).

Prolog, given N and find all numbers not divisible by 3 and 5 and these numbers must be smaller than N

I have problem with find a solution to the problem.
Divisible/2 predicate examines whether a number N is divisible by one of numbers in the list
divisible([H|_],N) :- N mod H =:= 0.
divisible([H|T],N) :- N mod H =\= 0, divisible(T,N).
I need to build a predicate find that will find Number < N that are not divisible by the list of numbers
example input/output:
?- find(5, [3,5],Num).
output is :
Num = 4; Num = 2; Num = 1. False
Here N is 5 and list of number is [3,5]
Current Code:
findNum(1, LN, Num) :- \+ divisible(LN,1),
Num is 1.
findNum(Rank, LN, Num) :- Rank > 1,
Num1 is Rank - 1,
( \+ divisible(LN,Num1) -> Num is Num1;
findNum(Num1,LN, Num) ).
It only prints Num = 4; It never prints 2 and 1 for some reasons
And I am not sure where goes wrong..
Any help is appreciated...
Done three different ways
Using recursion
find_rec(0,_,[]) :- !.
find_rec(N0,Possible_divisors,[N0|Successful_divisors]) :-
N is N0 - 1,
find_rec(N0,Possible_divisors,Successful_divisors) :-
\+ divisible(Possible_divisors,N0),
N is N0 - 1,
Example run
?- find_rec(5,[3,5],Num).
Num = [5, 3] ;
Using partition
find_par(N,Possible_divisors,Successful_divisors) :-
partition_predicate(L,N) :-
Example run
?- find_par(5,[3,5],Num).
Num = [3, 5].
Using conditional ( -> ; )
find_con(0,_,[]) :- !.
find_con(N0,Possible_divisors,Result) :-
Result = [N0|Successful_divisors]
Result = Successful_divisors
N is N0 - 1,
Example run
?- find_con(5,[3,5],Num).
Num = [5, 3].
It would be nice to see some test cases for divisible/2 to quickly understand how it works.
:- begin_tests(divisible).
test(1,[nondet,forall(divisible_test_case_generator(List,N))]) :-
:- end_tests(divisible).
Running of tests
?- make.
% c:/users/groot/documents/projects/prolog/so_question_177 compiled 0.00 sec, 0 clauses
% PL-Unit: divisible ..... done
% All 5 tests passed
Some feedback about your code.
Typically the formatting of a predicate starts a new line after :-
When using a ; operator, it is better to put it on a line by itself so that it is very obvious, many programmers have spent hours looking for bugs because a ; was seen as a , and not understood correctly.
findNum(1, LN, Num) :-
\+ divisible(LN,1),
Num is 1.
findNum(Rank, LN, Num) :-
Rank > 1,
Num1 is Rank - 1,
\+ divisible(LN,Num1)
Num is Num1
findNum(Num1,LN, Num)
Where the bug is in your code is here for the <true case>
Num is Num1
you did not recurse for the next value like you did for the <false case>
findNum(Num1,LN, Num)
Try to modify the findNum predicate into:
findNum(Rank, LN, Num) :- Rank > 1,
Num1 is Rank - 1,
\+ divisible(LN,Num1) -> Num is Num1.
findNum(Rank, LN, Num) :- Rank > 1,
Num1 is Rank - 1,
findNum(Num1,LN, Num).
For me, it gives the requested answer.

Prolog - print the sum of the EVEN numbers from 1 to 10

I am trying to print all the even numbers from 1 to 10 using Prolog, and here is what I have tried:
printn(10,0):- write(10),!.
( X mod 2 =:= 0 -> Sum is X+Sum, Next is X+1, nl, printn(Next);
Next is X+1, printn(Next) ).
but it returns false.
You don't need to create the list with the numbers from the beginning, it is better to examine numbers once:
print_even(X, X, Sum):-
( X mod 2 =:= 0 -> Sum1 is X+Sum;
Sum1 = Sum
), print(Sum1).
print_even(X, Y, Sum):-
X<Y, Next is X+1,
( X mod 2 =:= 0 -> Sum1 is X+Sum, print_even(Next, Y, Sum1);
print_even(Next, Y, Sum)
Keep in mind that in Prolog Sum is Sum+1 always fails you need to use a new variable e.g Sum1.
?- print(1,10).
true ;
The most useful way of obtaining Prolog output is to capture the solution in a variable, either individually through backtracking, or in a list. The idea of "printing", which carries over from using other languages allows for formatting, etc, but is not considered the best way to express a solution.
In Prolog, you want to express your problem as a relation. For example, we might say, even_with_max(X, Max) is true (or succeeds) if X is an even number less than or equal to Max. In Prolog, when reasoning with integers, the CLP(FD) library is what you want to use.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
even_up_to(X, Max) :-
X in 1..Max,
X mod 2 #= 0, % EDIT: as suggested by Taku
This will yield:
3 ?- even_up_to(X, 10).
X = 2 ;
X = 4 ;
X = 6 ;
X = 8 ;
X = 10.
If you then want to collect into a list, you can use: findall(X, even_up_to(X), Evens).
What error do you have? Here is my solution:
Create list [1...10]
Filter it, excluding odd numbers
Sum elements of the list
sumList([], 0).
sumList([Head|Tail], Sum) :-
sumList(Tail, Rest),
Sum is Head + Rest.
isOdd(X) :-
not((X mod 2) =:= 0).
sumOfEvenNums(A, B, Out) :-
numlist(A, B, Numbers),
exclude(isOdd, Numbers, Even_numbers),
sumList(Even_numbers, Out).
Now you can call sumOfEvenNums(1, 10, N)
In ECLiPSe, you can write with iterator:
( for(I,1,10),fromto(0,In,Out,Sum)
(I mod 2 =:= 0 -> Out is In + I;Out is In)
With library(aggregate):
evens_upto(Sum) :-
aggregate(sum(E), (between(1, 10, E), E mod 2 =:= 0), Sum).
Thanks to #CapelliC for the inspiration.

Beginner - add multiples of 3 and 5

I'm trying to find the sum of all positive multiples of 3 and 5 below 1000. After adding the portion that's supposed to remove the multiples of 3 from the sum of the multiples of 5, gprolog will keep spitting out "No" for the query ?- sigma(1000,N).
The problem apparently lies in sigma5, but I can't quite spot it:
sigma(Num, Result) :- sigma3(Num, 3, Result3),
sigma5(Num, 5, Result5),
Result is Result3 + Result5.
sigma3(Num, A, Result) :- A < Num,
Ax is A+3,
sigma3(Num, Ax, ResultX),
Result is ResultX + A.
sigma3(Num, A, Result) :- A >= Num,
Result is 0.
sigma5(Num, A, Result) :- A < Num,
mod3 is A mod 3,
0 \= mod3,
Ax is A+5,
sigma5(Num, Ax, ResultX),
Result is ResultX + A.
sigma5(Num, A, Result) :- A < Num,
mod3 is A mod 3,
0 == mod3,
Ax is A+5,
sigma5(Num, Ax, ResultX),
Result is ResultX.
sigma5(Num, A, Result) :- A >= Num,
Result is 0.
What's the problem with my code?
As integers are involved, consider using finite domain constraints. For example, with SWI-Prolog:
?- use_module(library(clpfd)).
?- findall(N, (N mod 3 #= 0 #\/ N mod 5 #= 0, N in 0..999, indomain(N)), Ns),
sum(Ns, #=, Sum).
Ns = [0, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18|...],
Sum = 233168.
Prolog has never been popular for it's arithmetic capabilities.
This is due to the need to represent 'term constructors' for symbolic processing, without undue evaluation, so when actual arithmetic is required we must explicitly allocate the 'space' (a variable) for the result, instead that 'passing down' an expression. This lead to rather verbose and unpleasant code.
But using some popular extension, like CLP(FD), available in GProlog as well as SWI-Prolog, we get much better results, not readily available in other languages: namely, a closure of the integer domain over the usual arithmetic operations. For instance, from the SWI-Prolog CLP(FD) library, a 'bidirectional' factorial
n_factorial(0, 1).
n_factorial(N, F) :- N #> 0, N1 #= N - 1, F #= N * F1, n_factorial(N1, F1).
?- n_factorial(X, 3628800).
X = 10 .
Anyway, here is a simple minded solution to the original problem, similar to what you attempted, but using an accumulator to compute result. This simple trick allows writing a tail recursive procedure, that turns out in better efficiency.
sigma(Num, Result) :-
sigma(1, Num, 0, Result).
sigma(N, M, Acc, Tot) :-
( N < M, !,
( (0 is N mod 3 ; 0 is N mod 5)
-> Sum is Acc + N
; Sum is Acc
N1 is N + 1,
sigma(N1, M, Sum, Tot)
; Tot is Acc
?- sigma(1000, X).
X = 233168 .
mod3 is A mod 3,
(as well all the other occurrences of mod3) should be Mod3 since it is a variable.
with that fix, the program runs correctly (at least for N=1000)
btw here is my solution (using higher-order predicates):
findall(X,between(1,999,X),L), % create a list with all numbers between 1 and 999
include(div(3),L,L3), % get the numbers of list L which are divisible by 3
include(div(5),L,L5), % get the numbers of list L which are divisible by 5
append(L3,L5,LF), % merge the two lists
list_to_set(LF,SF), % eliminate double elements
sumlist(SF,S). % find the sum of the members of the list
0 is M mod N.
it's less efficient of course but the input is too small to make a noticeable difference
This all seems very complicated to me.
sum_of( L , S ) :-
L > 0 ,
sum_of( 0 , L , 0 , S )
sum_of( X , X , S , S ) . % if we hit the upper bound, we're done.
sum_of( X , L , T , S ) :- % if not, look at it.
X < L , % - backtracking once we succeeded.
add_mult35( X , T , T1 ) , % - add any multiple of 3 or 5 to the accumulator
X1 is X + 1 , % - next X
sum_of( X1 , L , T1 , S ) % - recurse
add_mult35( X , T , T ) :- % no-op if X is
X mod 3 =\= 0 , % - not a multiple of 3, and
X mod 5 =\= 0 , % - not a multiple of 5
!. %
add_mult35( X , T , T1 ) :- % otherwise,
T1 is T + X % increment the accumulator by X
This could be even more concise than it is.
Aside from my code probably being extraordinarily horrible (it's actually longer than my C solution, which is quite a feat on it's own),
int sum_multiples_of_three_and_five( int lower_bound , int upper_bound )
int sum = 0 ;
for ( int i = lower_bound ; i <= upper_bound ; ++i )
if ( 0 == i % 3 || 0 == i % 5 )
sum += i ;
return sum ;
