Ruby Tempfile download missing headers - ruby

I'm working on a file upload feature in a Sinatra app. It's small and simple and was done just using Ruby's File class and saving a temporary file to a directory by hand. I'm trying to implement the same functionality using Tempfile.
I've got the upload working, but now when I click a link to download the file, the filename is just a number. It downloads and reads the file correctly but it doesn't retain the filename or type of file. Before I made my changes the file would open up in the browser by redirecting to the newly uploaded file's endpoint on the server. I'd like to get that functionality back.
My code is as follows:
post "/positions/:id/attachment" do
new_data = post_data
if params[:file_attachment][:file].present?
file = params[:file_attachment][:file]
# file looks like this when uploaded:
#{:filename=>"Screen Shot 2013-11-26 at 4.36.13 PM.png", :type=>"image/png", :name=>"file_attachment[file]", :tempfile=>#<File:/var/folders/85/0kp_g81s1ws16zths3s8d9p80000gn/T/RackMultipart20131127-2757-1kdficq>, :head=>"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file_attachment[file]\"; filename=\"Screen Shot 2013-11-26 at 4.36.13 PM.png\"\r\nContent-Type: image/png\r\n"}
# Tempfile object
temp_file =[:filename], 'uploads') # Create tempfile, save to uploads folder
write_tempfile(file, temp_file)
new_data['file_attachment']['file'] = temp_file
new_data['multipart'] = true
# At this point, the new_data hash looks the same except for a small difference in the path name
# Before tempfile - {"file_attachment"=> {"display_name"=>"test","file"=>#<File:uploads/Screen Shot 2013-11-26 at 11.35.36 AM.png>}, "id"=>"1"}
# With tempfile - {"file_attachment"=> {"display_name"=>"test", "file"=>#<File:/path/to/uploads/Screen Shot 2013-11-26 at 4.36.13 PM.png20131127-2757-eb6w6r>}, "id"=>"1", "multipart"=>true}
response = api_post(attachment_upload_endpoint(params[:id]), new_data)
Helper methods:
def write_tempfile(file, temp)
file[:tempfile].rewind # Rewind before reading
temp.write(file[:tempfile].read) # Write to the temp file
temp.rewind # Rewind in order to be read
def delete_tempfile(temp_file)
#close! calls #close AND #unlink. #unlink deletes the file
After the file is uploaded there is a link to
Does anyone understand why now, when I click on that link, it downloads the file with the filename 46 and not in the browser anymore?
I also get this notification in the console:
Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type binary/octet-stream

I was able to get it working with some extra parsing for the extension:
ext = file[:filename].split('.').last
temp_file =[file[:filename], ".#{ext}"])


After loading a url by open-uri, how to handle the generated Tempfile object?

I wanna figure out how to download images from internet then store them locally.
Here's what I did:
require 'open-uri' # => true
file = open ""
# => #<Tempfile:/var/folders/k0/.../T/open-uri20180524-60756-1r44uix>
Then I was confused about this Tempfile object. I found I can get the original url by:
# => #<URI::HTTPS>
But I failed in finding a method that can directly get the original file name Snip20180323_40.png.
Is there a method that can directly get the original file name from a Tempfile object?
What purpose are Tempfile objects mainly used for? Are they different from normal file objects such as: file_object ='how_old.rb') # => #<File:how_old.rb>?
Can I convert a Tempfile object to a File object?
How can I write this Tempfile as the same name file in a local directory, for example /users/user_name/images/Snip20180323_40.png?
The original filename is only really available in the URL. Just take uri.path.split("/").last.
Tempfiles are effective Files, with the distinction that when it is garbage collected, the underlying file is deleted.
You can copy the underlying file with FileUtils.copy, or you can open the Tempfile, read it, and write it into a new File handle of your choosing.
Something like this should work:
def download_url_to(url, base_path)
uri = URI(url)
filename = uri.path.split("/").last
new_file = File.join(base_path, filename)
response =
open(new_file, "wb") {|fp| fp.puts }
return new_file
It's worth noting that if the file is less than 10kb, you'll get a StringIO object rather than a Tempfile object. The above solution handles both cases. This also just accepts whatever the last part of the path parameter is - it's going to be up to you to sanitize it, as well as the contents of the file itself; you don't want to permit clients to download arbitrary files to your system, in most cases. For example, you may want to be extra sure that the filename doesn't include paths like ..\\..\\.."which may be used to write files to non-intended locations.

Stop file write if file size exceeds 500KB ruby on rails

How can I stop file writing ( upload form remote url ) when file size exceeds 500KB ?
I am using following code to upload a remote file
require 'open-uri'
open('temp/demo.doc', 'wb') do |file|
file << open('').read
this code is working properly and I am able to get files in temp folder. Now I want if filesize exceeds 500KB then it should stop writing file. In other words I want only 500KB of file if it is more than 500KB
IO#read, takes a bytes argument, so you can specify the size of what you want to read from IO as below:
require 'open-uri'
open('temp/demo.doc', 'wb') do |file|
file << open('').read(500000)
you can also play with things like file.stat.size but given you are piping directly to file you would have to do more things to get this to work.

Append new lines to a csv from json.parse

more sysadmin (chef) than ruby guy, so this may be a five minute fix.
I am working on a task where i write a ruby script that pulls json data from multiple files, parses it, and writes the desired fields to a single .csv file. Basically pulling metadata about aws accounts and putting it in an accountant friendly format.
Got a lot of help from another stackoverflow on how to solve the problem for a single file, json.parse help.
My issue is that I am trying to pull the same data from multiple JSON files in an array. I can get it to loop through each file with the code below.
require 'csv'
require "json"
delim_file ="delimited_test.csv", "w")
aws_account_list = %w(example example2)
aws_account_list.each do |account|
json_file = + "_aws.json")
parsed_json = JSON.parse(json_file)
delim_file ="delimited_test.csv", "w")
# This next line could be a problem if you ran this code multiple times
delim_file << ["EbsOptimized", "PrivateDnsName", "KeyName", "AvailabilityZone", "OwnerId"]
parsed_json['Reservations'].each do |inner_json|
inner_json['Instances'].each do |instance_json|
delim_file << [[instance_json['EbsOptimized'].to_s, instance_json['PrivateDnsName'], instance_json['KeyName'], instance_json['Placement']['AvailabilityZone'], inner_json['OwnerId']],[]]
However, whenever I do it, it overwrites every time to the same single row in the .csv file. I have tried adding a \n string to the end of the array, converting the array to a string with hashes and doing a \n, but all that does is add a line to the same row that it overwrites.
How would I go about writing that it reads each json file, then appending each files metadata to a new row? This looks like a simple case of writing the right loop, but I can't figure it out.
You declared your file like this:
delim_file ="delimited_test.csv", "w")
To fix your issue, all you have to do is change "w" to "a":
delim_file ="delimited_test.csv", "a")
See the docs for IO#new for a description of the available file modes. In short, w creates an empty file at the filename, overwriting anyothers, and writes to that. a only creates the file if it doesn't exist, and appends otherwise. Because you have it currently at w, it'll overwrite it each time you run the script. With a, it'll append to what's already there.
You need to open file in append mode, use
delim_file ="delimited_test.csv", "a")
'a' Write-only, starts at end of file if file exists, otherwise creates a new file for writing.
'a+' Read-write, starts at end of file if file exists, otherwise creates a new file for reading and writing'

Uploading Images through Sinatra

I'm using the example code from this page:
When I try to upload an image file (png or jpg), it uploads successfully and I can see the file in the proper directory, but it gets corrupted in the process. I cannot open the image. Doing a diff with the original files, I see several newlines that are missing in the uploaded version.
I'm running Ruby 1.9.3p392 on Windows.
I tried a test outside the context of Sinatra'57-new.jpg', "wb") do |f|
f.write('57.jpg', 'rb').read)
That works. The only difference is the addition of the binary flags. When using Sinatra I can set the binary flag on the write operation, but I'm not sure how I can set it on the read since I seem to be passed a file object by the request.'uploads/' + params['myfile'][:filename], "wb") do |f|
Okay, so it looks like all I needed was the binary flag when opening the new file.'uploads/' + params['myfile'][:filename], "wb") do |f|

Ruby System Call Executing Before Script Finishes

I have a Ruby script that produces a Latex document using an erb template. After the .tex file has been generated, I'd like to make a system call to compile the document with pdflatex. Here are the bones of the script:
class Book
# initialize the class, query a database to get attributes, create the book, etc.
my_book =
tex_file ="/path/to/raw/tex/template")
template =
f ="/path/to/tex/output.tex")
f.puts template.result
system "pdflatex /path/to/tex/output.tex"
The system line puts me in interactive tex input mode, as if the document were empty. If I remove the call, the document is generated as normal. How can I ensure that the system call isn't made until after the document is generated? In the meantime I'm just using a bash script that calls the ruby script and then pdflatex to get around the issue.
The will open a new stream that won't be closed (saved to disk) until the script ends of until you manually close it.
This should work:
f ="/path/to/tex/output.tex")
f.puts template.result
system "pdflatex /path/to/tex/output.tex"
Or a more friendly way:
..."/path/to/tex/output.tex", 'w') do |f|
f.puts template.result
system "pdflatex /path/to/tex/output.tex"
The with a block will open the stream, make the stream accessible via the block variable (f in this example) and auto-close the stream after the block execution. The 'w' will open or create the file (if the file already exists the content will be erased => The file will be truncated)
