About the object sequence in the RestKit - restkit

I recently used RestKit to handle my net request affairs. There is a solution for the sort with the sort descriptor. But there is no sort key for the data sent by the server.
How can I keep the data in the same sequence as the server.
There is a solution that I can add a sortID in the object, but this is not very elegant. I want to know if there is any api in RestKit for this problem?

You should add sortID to the object - this is the appropriate solution. To populate it with a value you need to use the #metadata made available to your mappings:
#"#metadata.mapping.collectionIndex" : #"sortID"
This code assumes that you are specifying your mapping with a dictionary (addAttributeMappingsFromDictionary:).
Documented here, the collectionIndex provides you with an NSNumber representing the order of the item in the response data.


How to know what InputParameters values are possible in Dynamics CRM Plugin context?

I'm trying to understand the plug-in sample from here.
There's this condition:
// The InputParameters collection contains all the data passed in the message request.
if (context.InputParameters.Contains("Target") &&
context.InputParameters["Target"] is Entity)
Speaking generally, not just with regard to this sample, on what prior knowledge should I base my decision to access a specific property? How could I have known to test whether the InputParameters contains a "Target" key (I assume I'm not supposed to guess it)?
And on what basis could I have known to ask whether the "Target" mapped value is of Entity type, and not some other type?
I found this post from 2 years ago, and I've found this webpage, saying (emphasis is mine):
Within a plugin, the values in context.InputParameters and
context.OutputParameters depend on the message and the stage that you
register the plugin on. For example, "Target" is present in
InputParameters for the Create and Update messages, but not the
SetState message. Also, OutputParameters only exist in a Post stage,
and not in a Pre stage. There is no single source of documentation
that provides the complete set of InputParameters and OutputParameters
by message and stage.
From my searchings, a single source still doesn't exist, but maybe the possible values can be found using the Dynamics Online platform, somewhere deep down the Settings menu, maybe? Any source would be great.
I know this is an "old" question that already has been answered, but I think this can be helpful. I've built a small web page that contains all the messages with all the Input/Output parameters. You can access it from here:
The best practice for doing this is to use a strongly typed approach. If, for example, you want to know which propertes are available on a CreateRequest, you would do:
var createReq = new CreateRequest() { Parameters = context.InputParameters };
createReq.Target; // Has type Entity
Take a look at the full blog post explaining this approach: Tip: Proper handling of Plugin InputParameters
Original answer:
It depends on which request we are talking about. See Understand the data context passed to a plug-in on MSDN.
As an example, take a look at CreateRequest. One property of
CreateRequest is named Target, which is of type Entity. This is the
entity currently being operated upon by the platform. To access the
data of the entity you would use the name “Target” as the key in the
input parameter collection. You also need to cast the returned
Note that not all requests contain a Target property that is of type
Entity, so you have to look at each request or response. For example,
DeleteRequest has a Target property, but its type is EntityReference.
In summary: Look at the actual request, e.g the CreateRequest.
In 2011 someone actually generated typed properties based on the message type. Kind of neat: https://xrmpalmer.wordpress.com/2013/05/27/crm2011-plugin-inputparameter-and-outputparameter-helper/
It would show you want parameters are possible per message.

Fully update documents without creating if not existent

Is there any method on elasticsearch for fully (not partially) updating documents and not create new ones in case it doesn’t already exists?
Until now, I found that the _update method, while passing a doc attribute inside the json request body to partially updating documents, however, I would like to replace the entire document in this case, not only partially.
I have also found that, the index method, where sending a PUT request works fine, although creating a new document in case the id not yet indexed.
Setting the op_type parameter to create will enforce document creation instead update.
I was wondering if there is any way to always enforce update and never create a new one?
Or perhaps is there another method that would allow me to achieve such task?
If I understand correctly, you want to index a doc, but only if it already exists? Like an op_type option of update?
You can mostly do it with the update API, given that your mapping remains consistent. With an _update, if the document doesn't exist, you'll get back a 404. If it does exist, ES will merge the contents of doc with whatever document exists there. If you make sure you're sending over a new doc with all the fields in the mapping, then you're effectively replacing it outright.
Note, however, that you can do it without the document merge rather efficiently in two requests; the first one checking for doc existence with a HEAD request. If HEAD /idx/type/id is successful, then do a PUT. This is essentially what's happening internally anyway with the update API, with a little extra overhead. But HEAD is really cheap because it's not shuffling any payload around. It simply returns an HTTP 200/404.

Parse, Add option to User in Data Browser

I wanted to create a new option in the Data Browser (just like the "username", "password", "authData"...fields), to hold a monetary value for my game. So a new field called "money" that will hold a value.
However, I'm not exactly sure how to go about doing so.
I took a look at the documentation and found things like .add but I wasn't sure exactly what was going on in the code.
Does anyone know a way to do this?
In the data browser, there is a "+ Col" button which allows you to add another field to your class. You can then set the name of the field and it's type.
You can also do this from their SDK's by simply setting the field, even if you have not added it via the data browser.
Here is what the Parse docs say regarding this:
Storing data through the Parse REST API is built around a JSON encoding of the object's data. This data is schemaless, which means that you don't need to specify ahead of time what keys exist on each object. You simply set whatever key-value pairs you want, and the backend will store it.
Source: https://parse.com/docs/rest#objects

RestKit .20 with CoreData - How to set default values

I am using RestKit .20 with CoreData. I have RestKit calling the JSON API successfully and storing the response to the CoreData model without any issues.
My question is how do I set default values at mapping time that are not on the response?
In my situation, I am downloading a list of Alerts to an alert inbox. I need to show which alerts have been read on the local device. I have a CoreData attribute on the entity model called AlertRead (boolean)which I update when the user marks the Alert as 1=read.
My question is how do I set the default value of the attribute to 0=unread at the time the data is retrieved and mapped.
I tried to set the default value in the xcdatamodeld file and this did not work. It appears RestKit sets the value to Nil at mapping time.
One point of clarification..I do not think I want to set this attribute by mapping the attribute to a value on the api because the refresh of the data would override the current data on the local database.
Current code for mapping.
RKEntityMapping* alertMapping = [RKEntityMapping mappingForEntityForName:#"AlertMessage" inManagedObjectStore:_managedObjectStore];
[alertMapping addAttributeMappingsFromDictionary:#{
#"alertSubject": #"subject",
#"alertDetailMessage": #"detailMessage",
#"id": #"alertId",
Thanks for any suggestions.
Look at using KVC validation (which RestKit utilises heavily) to verify the incoming data from RestKit and rejecting the update if it isn't appropriate. This should be used in conjunction with default values set in the xcdatamodel.

Kendo UI Datasource and Arrays

I am sending over a series of array values from a posted form to an MVC3 Controller. I was hoping the default modelbinder would be able to parse this but I'm having some difficulty with it.
The array is in the following format:
order[0].[type]=some value.
I think this is the reason the model binder is not parsing my values because I'm not getting anything populated in my model.
What would be another way to handle this?
Probably need to post more of your code so I can see what you are doing exactly. However saying this you need to pass the model to the view/partial view on the response you are trying to retrieve on the post request.
If not you will have to iterate through the Form Collection that will be returned and the Actions Methods type e.g. ActionMethodName(FormCollection form), one issue is name versus id its the name of the Kendo UI control that is used to get the value not the id.
1As far as I remember the right format was:
orders[1].Name="again test";
The indexing should start from 0 and increase by 1.
Check this out: http://haacked.com/archive/2008/10/23/model-binding-to-a-list.aspx
