JMS Durable Subscription - jms

Please help me in understanding the Durable subscriptions in JMS, I am going through this link and came across the statement:
A durable subscriber registers a durable subscription with a unique
identity that is retained by the JMS provider. Subsequent subscriber
objects with the same identity resume the subscription in the state in
which it was left by the previous subscriber. If a durable
subscription has no active subscriber, the JMS provider retains the
subscription's messages until they are received by the subscription or
until they expire.
Is subscriber and durable subscriber are two different objects that exists at the same time? Also please help me what these statement mean?

A subscriber (also known as a consumer) is an application that creates a subscription to receive publications (or messages) from desired topic(s).
There are two types of subscribers:
Non-Durable subscriber: This type of subscriber application will get publications from a messaging provider as long as the application is running. Once the application ends, the messaging provider removes the subscription.
Durable Subscriber: This is the second type of application which receive publications as long as they are running. When the application ends, the messaging provider will cache publications for the subscriber and deliver them when the application comes back.
Retained publication
Messages published before a subscription is created will not be available unless they are retained publication. Even then only the latest retained publication will be available to consumers.


Sender receiver availability in JMS pub/sub domain

Here it states "the sender and the receiver do not have to be available at the same time in order to communicate.". And here it states that in pub/sub domain "A client that subscribes to a topic can consume only messages published after the client has created a subscription, and the subscriber must continue to be active in order for it to consume messages.". To me the italicized statement seems to contradict the first statement("the sender and the receiver do not have to be available at the same time").
If the subscriber must continue to be active to consume messages, it means the sender and the receiver must be available at the same time at least in the pub/sub domain. If they must be available, the pub/sub domain is only as good as RMI. Is this true?
...the sender and the receiver do not have to be available at the same time in order to communicate.
As far as I can tell this is a general statement about messaging and not a nuanced explanation of the semantics the JMS API provides. Notice it is under the "What Is Messaging?" heading before specific discussion of the JMS API begins.
For what it's worth, the JMS API does provide these semantics if you're using the point-to-point style of messaging (also discussed in the tutorial). It also provides a variation of these semantics using the pub-sub style of messaging, but I'll get to that later.
A client that subscribes to a topic can consume only messages published after the client has created a subscription, and the subscriber must continue to be active in order for it to consume messages.
If you read the next sentence after that you'll find some important additional details:
The JMS API relaxes this timing dependency to some extent by allowing subscribers to create durable subscriptions, which receive messages sent while the subscribers are not active.
So, as I mentioned previously, you can get a variation of the inactive sender/receiver semantics using the pub-sub style of messaging via durable subscriptions.
Keep in mind that the document you're referencing is just a tutorial. It's not the JMS specification. I doubt the wording of the tutorial was subjected to the same scrutiny as the specification so you are more likely to find ambiguous statements.

Retroactive Consumers in ActiveMQ JMS API

I'm investigating ActiveMQ to see if it will work for a project. The current use case I need to demonstrate is that late-joining subscribers will receive topics published prior to the creation of the subscription. It seemed that ActiveMQ Retroactive Consumers would satisfy this need, but I can't get the code to work.
ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("[url]");
Connection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
Destination destination = session.createTopic("testAddress?consumer.retroactive=true");
MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(destination);
TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage("Hello, World!");
session.createConsumer(destination).setMessageListener(message2 -> processMessage(message2));
All I'm trying to demonstrate here is that a topic can be published, and then some arbitrary amount of time later (eg. 5 seconds) a consumer can subscribe to the topic and receive the previous message.
As far as I can tell, the issue seems to be that creating the topic creates an address but doesn't create any associated queues. If I send a topic to the address before the queue is made (either in code or manually via the web interface to the broker), the message seems to be ignored and the "un routed message count" is immediately incremented.
The ActiveMQ documentation ( ) doesn't provide any greater detail on how to set up a retroactive consumer than appending "?consumer.retroactive=true" when making the topic, so I wonder if there are some other configuration aspects I'm missing.
To my knowledge ActiveMQ Artemis doesn't support the retroactive consumer feature that 5.x does. The client side option just tells the broker you want it, but since Artemis doesn't handle that you won't see any difference from sending it. The feature itself in 5.x shouldn't be relied upon as a 100% stand in for a durable consumer, broker restart for instance will cause all those messages (of which the amount stored is finite) to be lost.
If you want to guarantee that you get messages sent when the topic consumer is offline then a durable consumer is the safe way to do this
To accomplish the desired behavior (a subscriber receives topics that were published before the subscription was made) in ActiveMQ Artemis, I used a Last Value Queue with non-destructive reads. This has the limitation that I'm only receiving only the most recent copy of a topic published, but that will work for my situation.

JMS topic time dependency

I don't quite understand what this means:
Each message may have multiple subscribers. There are time
dependencies that exist between publishers and subscribers;
subscribers to a topic may only consume messages
published after a subscription was created.
What does it mean that there exists "time dependencies"? The above says that "subscribers may only consume messages after a subscription was created", I think I'm missing something vital here because I understood that as a subscriber cannot consume a message that is not yet created (but isn't this common sense).
I couldn't find any explanation on Google, so thank you for any help!
Edit: I found an excellent channel on youtube explaining spring boot and other technologies. In particular, this video helped me understand the difference between Queue and Topic (also what durable subscriber is).
What does it mean that there exists "time dependencies"?
To understand this better, compare it with a JMS Queue in which the message broker preserves all the messages (till TimeToLive expiration) published by the producer even if there are NO consumers CREATED.
Now, coming to a JMS topic, the message broker DOES NOT preserve the messages published by the producer if there are NO subscribers CREATED.
During the creation of topic subscription, you can tell the Message Broker that I don't want to loose the messages for this topic published FROM NOW ON by creating the Topic subscription as non-durable (using topicSession.createDurableSubscriber() method). Again, even in the case of non-durable subscription, the broker preserves the messages published after (subscription creation time) till TimeToLive expiration.
Simply that if you publish messages in to the topic before the consumer has subscribed, they will not see the messages.
Similarly, this is related to persistent subscribers. Normal subscribers only see messages while they are connected to the broker. Any messages before or after the subscriber has disconnected, will not be see by the subscriber.
However, with a persistent subscription, a subscriber can disconnect, yet the broker will continue to keep messages destined for that subscriber. When the subscriber reconnects, it will fetch all of those stored messages as well as any new ones.

Does WMQ topic save message itself?

If a publisher publish some messages to a WMQ topic, but the subsciber didn't take it, then where the messages are saved? is there any way to know the message count?
As MQ is JMS compliant, the answer is mostly a JMS answer.
If the subscription is not durable and no subscription is registered, the messages for that subscriber are discarded.
If the subscription is durable, MQ creates a queue (or uses a predefined one if specified by the subscriber) to deliver the messages. The messages will collect there if the subscriber is not consuming them.
The 3rd case as Dave points out int he comments is that the non-durable subscriber is holding the subscription open but not consuming the messages. Since a queue is created to receive these that queue depth can be queried to determine if there's a back-up.
Based on there being a queue for every subscription (durable or otherwise) just look in the durable subscriber's queue to determine the number of messages outstanding.
Please also see Publish/subscribe lifecycles in the MQ Knowledge Center for more description of the behavior and specification of durable subscriber queues.
Of course, if that queue fills up the behavior changes. Depending on the settings either the publishers block or the publications continue but the messages are routed to an exception queue (if specified), the DLQ, or discarded.
Thanks Dave Ware for the comments about non-durable subscriptions.
I'm wondering from the question if you're asking if MQ keeps a store of all the messages published to a topic, independent of any registered subscriptions?
If that's the question, then no, it doesn't. When messages are published they are matched to each existing subscription and a copy is sent to each of their associated queues as T.Rob describes.
So the only queue depths to worry about are those of the subscriptions.
(There is a caveat in that MQ supports "retained publications", - it means MQ keeps just the most recent publication on that topic string for late subscriptions if you choose to do that).
I try to explain all this here (slides/video), which may help...

JMS: When a durable mssage is removed from topic

I'm using ActiveMQ JMS implementation with Spring, and just switched from queue model to topic model, because my JMS clients increased from one to many. Topic subscribers should be durable, because clients may become unavailable in some circumstances.
I don't understand when does a persistent message get removed from a topic. Underlying engine is not aware how many subscribers may receive from that topic, so when does it remove the message from its internal database? Is it done in a time-based manner?
If you register a new durable subscriber to a topic, the broker server will keep track of that subscription and keep the messages around until every single subscriber (with a unique subscriber id) has successfully consumed the message.
It's pretty similar to have the message copied to a unique queue per receiver.
Underlying engine is not aware how many subscribers may receive from that topic
-- Yes it is aware, since the subscriptions are durable
