STS hanging when I open a project - spring

When I open a Maven project A, the STS hangs.
I have to kill the thread every time and restart the STS.
If I open the project A before other performs in the STS, everything will be ok.
I am using STS 3.4.0.RELEASE.
Any ideas?

Two options
1. Open up a STS.ini which will be located in \home\sts-bundle\sts-3.7.2.RELEASE
and this parameter -STS -clean as shown in the below figure.
2. Also, from the command prompt, use this parameter to start
\home\sts-bundle\sts-3.7.2.RELEASE> STS.exe -clean

I came accross the same error, STS hanged always when I tried to open closed project, always on 'Populating detected configs'. What helped me was disabling project builders/validators in Spring options in preferences.



I'm not able to create a spring starter project in sts tool(spring tool suite).
While trying to create a new spring starter project then I have received the "Artifact transfer exception" error.
And also I have attached the screen shot for the same.
Can you help on this.
Try spring initializer (, just substitute your values, then click generate, unarchive project and open, and all must works.
Acoording to the link that Stephen C said in his comment:
m2eclipse issues ArtifactTransferException - But pom.xml compiles / installs from the command line
Open folder by running this text (without Quotes) in Search Explorer of Window “%USERPROFILE%.m2″.
After running above command, “m2″ folder of maven will open. Now search for file (without Quotes) “*.lastUpdated”.
In this step, delete all the files found by running Step 2.
Now go to Eclipse project and select “Maven | Update Dependency” or “Maven | Update Project”.

Lombok with Spring Tool Suite 4

I've recently installed the new Spring Tool Suite 4 in macOS High Sierra but when I tried to run Lombok's installation it wouldn't find my STS installation,
I followed this steps for manual installation (adding -javaagent to the ini file) but with no luck:
Any idea?
I did install Lombok in Spring Tool Suite 4 just some days ago for Mac and Windows.
And none problems.
Execute java -jar lombok.jar
Note: normally or by default, it does not find the installer, it is the common scenario in my experience.
Press the Specify Location button. Therefore proceed to find and select the STS.ini file. It could be SpringToolSuite4.ini too.
Note: for Mac, go to the Contents directory within the .app file
Conclusion: therefore for any OS, the goal is find the unique file with the .ini extension
Normally I do this with the IDE closed.
Although this might be late, but it can be of help for others just experiencing this. Bellow is how I solved this issue
Find lombok in your project maven directory -> Right click -> Run As -> Java Application
Click on Specify Location button to choose the path where STS is installed
Go to Application/Contents/Eclipse/SpringToolSuit4.ini Then click on Install -> Quick Installer
Restart STS you good to go
I renamed SpringToolSuite4.exe and SpringToolSuite4.ini to STS.exe and STS.ini. Then used lombok installer's Specify Location to find them. After lombok installed, I renamed those files back to their original names.
I faced same issue with for Spring tool suite 4
Close running STS.
Open terminal
Go to ~/.m2/repository/org/projectlombok/lombok/version
Run java -jar lombok-version.jar
Pop window will come.
If it does not pick up the STS itself. Then chose specify location
Choose SpringToolSuite4.ini at ⁨Applications⁩ ▸ ⁨SpringToolSuite4⁩ ▸ ⁨Contents⁩ ▸ ⁨Eclipse⁩ .
Click install
After this Starts Spring tool suite and clean project.
Just to add to M. Jordan's and prodigy's answer, please be sure to give execute permission to lombok.jar
(After you follow the above-mentioned step) Open terminal and change directory to the content of
cd /Applications/
Then check whether execute permission is available to lombok.jar
ls -al
If you see -rw-r--r-- it means you need to give execute permission
chmod +x lombok.jar
alternatively you could also do
chmod +x /Applications/
Then restart STS
I'll show you how to completely install lombok into Spring Tool Suite 4 or latest version. First go to your project pom.xml file and add this dependency on dependencies section.
Go to your project root folder on your IDE and click the right button on it. Select like below:
And make sure, checked Force Update of Snapshots/Releases. Click Ok to download and update dependencies.
After finishing all task. Go to project Maven Dependencies and find lombok.jar file (>Maven Dependencies >lombok.jar). Right click on lombok jar. Go to Run As Java Application.
It will open lombok installer window and click ok. Then click Specify Location button.
Select the location where your STS bundle was installed. If it is selected properly then it will checked STS.exe, like below:
Then click install/update button. Finally lombok will be installed successfully.
Hopefully it helps you. Thanks.
None of the steps worked for me as the file dialog box won't even let me select the directory containing the SpringToolSuite4.ini
So I did the following:
Get lombok-<version>.jar from either your ~/.m2/repository/org/projectlombok/lombok/<latest-version>/
If not available you can get it from mvn repository:
copy the lombok-<version>.jar to /Applications/ as lombok.jar
cp /path/to/lombok.jar /Applications/
Edit the file: /Applications/ inside the directory to add this last line:
Open your project in eclipse. Right click on Maven -> update project. Follow similar step if you're using another build tool (like Gradle)
In my case, Lombok 1.16 could not locate STS 4 installation even after pointing to it manually. Worked only after I tried with updated Lombok version - Lombok 1.18.
Turn off STS
Install lombok following other common guidances with jar.
Turn on STS
I spent like 3 or 4 hours looking for a solution to the Lombok problem with springo book and eclipse, the solution I found on the internet was the following, I leave the link: (
versions) where is the entire Lombok version and I chose the latest lombok version then updated the IDE and MVN and everything worked.
For Latest Mac OS Big Sur
Just place lombok jar In Application folder then Follow the steps
folder path /Applications/
once you complete all the steps restart your IDE
the easiest way you can do is that by running the following command on command prompt
java -jar (jar location/lombok.1.8.1.jar) install (the path where you installed Spring tool suite(STS))
for example:
java -jar C:\Users\karthick\.m2\repository\org\projectlombok\lombok\1.18.8\lombok-1.18.8.jar install D:\STS_Tool\spring-tool-suite-4-4.1.2.RELEASE-e4.10.0-win32.win32.x86_64\sts-4.1.2.RELEASE
after that, you have to restart the tool.
on macOS Catalina all I had to do was to use lombok 1.18 and all worked fine.
I did it in a different way. just did the below.
Copy the lombok.jar to the root directory of STS
Added "-javaagent:lombok-1.16.18.jar" to the SpringToolSuite4.ini
It worked for me.
I had the same issue with STS-4.6 and lombok-1.18.18 on Windows10. I added lombok dependency to pom.xml, built the project, ran lombok jar in .m2 repository and restarted STS. Building the project did not work. Finally, Project -> Build All worked.
after install lombok project into your eclipse--
Go to the eclipse sts4 folder--
get the permission to the lombok.jar
$chmod +x lombok.jar
then open the eclipse.
Step to add lombok project in your eclipse--
download lombok jar and place one folder.
edit the SpringToolSuite4.ini file which is exist in the eclipse folder.
add three lines in last of file--
restart the eclipse.
best option is through install new software option built in ecliplse
help>install new software> and add this site
you are good to go
Although this might be late, but it can be of help for others just experiencing this. Bellow is how I solved this issue
Find lombok in your project maven directory -> Right click -> Run As -> Java Application enter image description here
STEP 2 Click on Specify Location button to choose the path where STS is installed
enter image description here
Install -> Install/Update Installer
STEP 3 Go to Application/Contents/Eclipse/SpringToolSuit4.ini Then click on Install/update
STEP 4 Restart STS you good to go
Restart your IDE and Run Project->Update Maven Project and then all your errors will be gone

Android Studio Gradle Build Error: Read Time Out

I have the latest Android Studio IDE installed on my Windows 10 laptop, and it was working fine until my windows operating system made a huge automatic update.
Now, when start my Android Studio IDE, I get the following error and it doesn't build.
Gradle sync failed: Read timed out Consult IDE log for more details
(Help | Show Log) (3m 34s 195ms)
I need help on this.
I encounter this error "Read Time Out", and I simply choose menu item: File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart... to fixed it.
I just encounter this error for second time, this time Invalidate Caches / Restart... not able to fix it, but then I try close the android Studio, killall -9 java to ensure all java process has been terminated, then relaunch Android Studio, no more error.
I just encounter this error and I fixed it by replug the phone cable and rerun.
I got around this issue by turning on Offline Mode in the Gradle tool window.
I have just synced the Project with Gradle files and it worked
Editing global with the following line was the fix for me:
org.gradle.jvmargs=-Dorg.gradle.internal.http.connectionTimeout=120000 -Dorg.gradle.internal.http.socketTimeout=120000
For Chinese users who often use a proxy to download dependency jars, the cause is often proxy settings.
We should check multiple places if the proxy is correctly configured.
Android Studio Settings - Appearance & Behavior - System Settings - HTTP Proxy
In my case, I somehow once configured an HTTP proxy in ~/.gradle/, which was forgotten later. Then when I dealt with a SOCKS5 proxy in IDE Settings and project-level, things always run into trouble. Finally, deleting invalid proxy settings in ~/.gradle/ save my day.
I fixed the error by inserting following lines in
This sets the Gradle's connection timeout from the default 30s to 180s (3m).
In my case the read timeout occurred because my computer is behind a HTTP proxy, and it failed to timely connect to
For more info about the Gradle options, you can refer to
Simple Answer:
Check the Internet Connection - it should not fluctuate while building the project
File-->>Sync Project with Gradle File
Build>> Clean Project Or Rebuild Project.
I just removed
include ':app'
from setting.gradle and then sync project
it will fails again
then write it back an re-sync and then error gone and will start downloading.
Here's what worked for me (on Windows):
From C:\Users\{$user}\.gradle
Delete these 3 folders:
Then restart Android Studio and Gradle should start downloading automatically
None of the answer worked for me.
I solved it by
Delete project>.gradle directory
File>Sync Project with Gradle Files
In my case it was due to server down, causing my project unable to build. So I just enabled the Offline Mode for gradle to continue developing my project while is resolving their server issue.
You will see more info when you click "build" on top of the "read time out" message in build output. In my case, it was a facebook dependency issue so I just had to upgrade it to a newer version.
In my case, it was a firewall issue. After adding Android Studio to its whitelist everything is working fine.
A simple Clean Project + Rebuild Project worked for me
I resumed working on my project after a long time and I was using an Old version of navigation dependency.
after updating version to versions.navigation = "2.3.0" from versions.navigation = "2.3.0-aplha01" my issue was resolved.
so in short make sure you are using latest version of gradle and all libraries (compatible with your gradle version).
Above fixes didn't work for me on MacOS Big Sur 11.5.1 after updating to the new version of Arctic Fox 2020.3.1 Patch 3.
My issue with this was resolved by doing the following:
Close your Android project
Navigate to the root folder of you project
Remove the '.gradle' and '.idea' folders
Start your Android project, which will start the build process. Let this finish
Now the build should succeed. If not, also do an 'Invalidate caches/restart'
In my case, this error was showing up while I am trying to create a new project,
and the default Kotlin Gradle plugin API version was the culprit,
While building/Gradle sync I noticed that the sync process is always getting stuck at the downloading kotlin.gradle.plugin.api:1.5.21,
So I searched for 1.5.21 in the build.gradle and updated it to the latest version, and it worked.
Just Simple Step and you Got Solution.
Android Studio -> FILE -> Invalid Caches / Restart -> Invalidate and Restart
Done Keep Code ☻♥
In my case, Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Patch 4 (Windows)
I have try 3 step/solution;
Delete 2 root folder .gradle & .idea but still give 'Read timeout'
Invalid Caches/Restart also resulted 'Read timeout'
Close Android Studio, repeat solution 1, monitor 'Build Output' log, then choose 'Disable gradle offline..." , wait and let Android Studio do its thing, then on the log Build showed "BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 28s". Then, I try to run the app just to check and my apps still work as usual.
*Remark: This case happened might be because of my Android Studio IDE Version outdated. As for now, latest version is Android Studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1 Patch 1 .
This error got due to the internet connection during gradles files connection interrupts.
I tried the following techniques but unfortunately, didn't get any solution.
File->Invalidate Cache.
File->Sync Project with .gradle files
Delete Project .gradle and .idea files.
I got the solution to update 6.8 to 7.1 after successfully sync revert back from 7.1 to 6.8
Use the following code in :

no executable code found at line intellij 14

I am unable to debug remote applications due to: No executable code at line
I am running ultimate edition of Intellij, version 14.0.3. My application is running inside tomcat 8 and i'm building it from the command line using Maven. This problem appeared after i switched from the community edition to the ultimate edition.
Project sources are the same and I am able to connect to tomcat for remote debugging. The only issue is that all my breakpoints are invalidated.
Please advice on how to fix this issue.
Remove all IDEA related project files and open the project by the .pom file.
I've had the same problem. Simply compile the directory that the class resides, and the debugger will pick up the break point.
I had the same problem and I implemented a similar solution.
Remove all IDEA related project files and open the project by the .pom file.
I use Gradle for my projecto, so i removed the project from intellij and then reimported it.
I hope others could read it and helps them
if you are developing an Atlassian plug-in and connected to the server via remote debug, run atlas-package to sync deployed plug-in and your source code.
If you are running a maven project execute the following commands in cmd prompt.
mvn clean install
mvn compile
This will resolve the problem.
The solution that worked for me is much more embarrassing. I put the breakpoint on the wrong line.
You see two breakpoints, first one is working and the second one is complaining about "no executable code ...".
It turns out there really is no executable code, just a string.

Unable to open Spring source tool suite

I installed SpringSource Tool Suite after which I was alerted that I hadn't set the JAVA_HOME. The installation was successful by then, so I closed the suite and set the java_home.
But now I don't find any way to open the suite. No shortcut in desktop or start menu.
How to open it?
Or should I re-install it?
In windows 7 go to Start > search program and files and type spring then in the results you will find Spring Tool Suit.
Else if you remember the installation path, to there you can find the STS.exe file
I face the same issue, was unable to open STS because of the Lombok path .inc file of STS.
remove the path and start.
if you added some external project like Lombok and did not install properly and you removed that project due to some reason then you must remove the path from the inc STS file.
